Hearts of a Kind (Ticci Toby...

By Blood_Moon_1312

65.3K 1.5K 448

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4.7K 117 33
By Blood_Moon_1312

   Jack felt his heart leap into his throat as he watched Toby slip. He stopped dead in his tracks as he watched Toby fall off the roof. No, he thought. Nonononononono! He felt his heart rate pick up speed. Toby couldn't have fallen... He couldn't be dead...
   He slowly walked to where Toby had fallen. Every step seemed to force his heart to crack more. As he got closer he saw an odd shape. Soon his heart began to mend itself as a blue hood came into view. He ran over and looked down to see Toby hanging on for dear life.
   He quickly got to his knees, grabbing Toby's wrists. Toby looked up in fear, afraid Jack would drop him. Jack saw the fear in his eyes, his heart ached at the sight. He sighed as he began pulling Toby up. As Toby's feet hit the roof he let go of his wrists. Toby stood there, quietly. They starred back at each other, silently.
   Jack was taken off guard as Toby wrapped his arms around Jack's waist. Jack wrapped his arms around Toby, rubbing his back. Toby was still terrified to be this close to the edge of the roof but he was too scared to move anywhere. Not to mention his legs felt like jello. After a few minutes Jack spoke.
   "Toby, can you let me go?" He asked as he put his hands to his sides.
   Toby shook his head as he tightened his grip around Jack's waist. Jack sighed as he looked down at the scared boy. Was Toby really just gonna stay there? The young proxy gripped him tighter as his legs shook. Jack blinked a few times before crouching slightly and grabbing under Toby's knees, lifting him up.
   Toby blushed a bright red as he moved his arms to Jack's neck. Jack didn't seem fazed by anything as he walked back to the window. Toby's eyes were wild as Jack carried him. He wasn't sure if Jack could tell just how inappropriate there position looked. Toby didn't like it one bit.
   Jack forced his blush back as he swallowed. He was so embarrassed. This was by far the most awkward position he had been in. He had made such a horrible decision. Jack could feel Toby's legs shaking, as well as the rest of his body. Jack took a deep breath. This was nothing. Nothing looked wrong. Everything was perfectly fine. Yep... Perfectly fine, he told himself.
As he came to the window he set Toby down. He wasn't surprised when Toby grabbed his leg and held onto him. It was still embarrassing as all h*ll though. He opened the window. It squealed slightly as the wood scraped on wood. As the window fully opened Jack knelt down and picked up a shaking Toby. He sighed quietly as he slipped through the window. BEN seemed to have left the room thankfully. The door was closed and there was no hair nor hide of him anywhere.
Jack set Toby on his own bed softly. He was taken aback when Toby quickly reached out, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist. He seemed very reluctant to let Jack go anywhere without him. Geez man, Jack thought to himself, I would really like to get something to eat, please let go. As if reading his thoughts Toby squeezed him tighter.
"Toby, can I please grab some food?" Jack asked as he slowly moved forward.
Toby shook his head with an "mm mm," quickly pulling Jack back. It was a little on the irritable side but the boy had nearly fallen to his death. Jack groaned as he removed Toby's hands and sat down unwillingly. He blushed slightly as Toby sat up, hugging the sh*t out of Jack. He gasped for air slightly as the smaller boy began crushing him. It wasn't surprising considering he worked with those hatchets all the time. Jack soon felt his ribs buckling.
"T-Toby!" He gasped, unable to breathe.
Toby released the pressure around him. Jack took a long, needed, breath. Toby was scrawny as all h*ll but had the strength of a gorilla. How could he be scared of Jack with that enormous strength? Jack shook his head softly, still dragging air into his crushed lungs.
"F*ck man." Jack said quietly. "You can hug me but don't kill me." He wheezed.
   Toby whimpered slightly. Jack sighed while wrapping his arm around Toby and rubbing the boy's head. He was kinda cute when he was scared. Jack felt his heart double take on him. Toby seemed cute to him?! N-No... No way, he thought to himself. He wouldn't allow his worry to confuse his emotions.
   He leaned back slightly, looking at the ceiling. He decided not to focus his vision. Soon his vision began to sway. The ceiling became fuzzy and looked as though ripples were going through it. He felt himself numbing to his surroundings. Soon his vision completely blacked out. He used this time to actually think over what had just went through his mind. He couldn't hear a thing. He couldn't feel Toby. Only his thoughts existed.
   Why would I find Tobes cute? Of course I didn't feel anything towards him that was romantic. But I couldn't help but find him cute.  His brown locks. His hazel eyes. The way blush was always singing his pail cheeks. It made Jack's heart thunder as he thought about it. He was straight. He knew for a fact he was straight. The only person he wanted was Clocky. Her gorgeous soft red hair. Her bright green eye. Her soft lipped smile... But Toby's lips looked softer. There he went again! For crying out loud Jack! Stop with the gay mind! You and Toby will never be a couple! He growled to himself mentally.
   He slowly brought himself out of his thoughts. He needed to distract himself before he ended up saying something out loud. As he came to he noticed that there was a weight on his lap. He looked down to see Toby's head laying in his lap, his arms still wrapped around him. He seemed to be asleep. Jack smiled softly. He didn't blame him. He too was very tired.
   Gently, he lifted the young man's head, getting up. His arms slid off of him easily. He laid the boy down, covering him up. Jack cocked his head, that smile still on his face. He quietly made his way to the mini fridge he kept. Opening it, he pulled out a cold kidney. He immediately bit into it, blood trickling down his chin and out the corners of his mouth. He gave a pleasured "mm." Oh, how he loved kidneys.
   I bet Toby tastes better than that kidney, one of the demons piped up.
   Jack blushed heavily. "Shut up." He mumbled through food. The demon obediently became silent. Were one of the demons gay? He thought to himself as he chewed. Maybe that's why he was finding Toby attractive. The demons went crazy. Speaking all at once. Screaming actually. Jack quickly gripped his head as they kept getting louder, giving him a headache.
   "STOP!" He screamed as their yelling became too much for him to handle. They all went dead silent. His head spun and pounded. What had happened? They had never before done that. Did he anger them. He thought he heard some insults. He had dropped the kidney when he had grabbed his head. As he pulled his hands away he noticed that his hand was coated in blood from the kidney. F*ck, my hair probably has blood in it now, he thought coldly.
   He jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head, it almost immediately began pounding again. He groaned, leaning forward. His vision swayed slightly. He heard light footsteps, the sheer creaking of the floor even hurt. Soon a figure slumped down in front of him. They reached their hands out, cupping Jack's face. As he slowly looked up he saw Toby's concerned and sympathetic eyes.
   "Jack... Is everything alright?" He asked softly.
   Jack's head pounded at the sound of his voice. He winced in pain. Toby gently pulled him into his arms. The only good thing about not having eyes is that no one could tell if you were crying. Though his shoulders shook and his lips quivered, there was no actual proof he was crying. No one had ever seen Jack in a vulnerable time like this, ever. He would never let someone see him like this but... He was in too much pain to hold anything back.
   Toby rubbed Jack's back gently, aware of the fact that he was in pain. He didn't know what was wrong but it pained him to see Jack in such a state. He had never seen Jack like this. He didn't seem right. His body shaking, his breath uneven. It was all wrong. Jack was usually a strong young man. He never expected him to act like this... Ever. Sure he'd been in pain but he had never seen him look like he was crying. Toby noticed the blood in Jack's hair and his heart jumped into his throat.
   "Jack, there's blood in your hair." He whispered.
   Jack merely whimpered as pain shred through his skull. Everything on his head hurt. The headache was bad enough to make his teeth ache. The quietest noise destroyed his mind. He gripped Toby's hoodie tightly in his fingers, the soft fabric offering little comfort.    
   Toby felt himself tearing up as he watched Jack suffer. He didn't know what was wrong and it seemed it hurt Jack even more when he spoke. He rubbed the larger man's back, trying to offer help. The most he got was Jack to slump against him. Toby blushed as he felt Jack's lips brush against his neck, quivering. Ignore it, he told himself. Jack was in a great deal of pain. He probably just needed a place to rest his head.
In all reality it had hurt more to lean against Toby than to stay up but he needed the comfort. He hated his demons at the moment. Had they not started freaking out he would be fine. Toby wouldn't be seeing him like this if it weren't for them. Jack bit his lip to hold back sobbing noises. Show no other sign of weakness, he told himself. Show no- the demons started going crazy again. He let go of a harsh scream as he held Toby tighter.
Toby jumped after he heard Jack scream. He really wished he knew what was wrong but he didn't want to ask, as not to hurt him. He was taken aback as he heard Jack sob quietly. This was defiantly not like him. He rubbed the cannabinol's back softly. Toby sat on his knees and felt blush singe his cheeks as he began to pull the larger male into his lap.
   Jack set his legs on either side of Toby. He felt his own face burning but he... He liked being in this position. Having Toby hold him close in his lap. Though he was in a load of pain, he didn't want Toby to let him go. He moved his head again, the throbbing pain coming back. He stopped when his lips were pressing against Toby's neck. His skin was so soft. He wondered how soft Toby's lips were.
   No! Get that thought out of your head! He told himself angrily. You and Toby have no chance together! And you don't need to get with him! If Jeff and Clocky broke up you can sweep in and- his thought got no further before those blasted demons went crazy again.
   He let go a shrill scream as he gripped Toby tighter. Why were they doing this?! His sobs grew louder with the extra pain. Toby held him closer to his chest, not speaking. Jack could feel his and Toby's hearts beat in sink. He took a few deep breaths. Maybe... Maybe he did like Toby. He felt a calm whisper amongst the demons, even that quiet noise racked his skull but they seemed pleased with him. Maybe he was the gay one. Bisexual, he corrected himself. He still thought Clocky was pretty hot and wouldn't mind dating her.
   The demons probably got mad because he blamed them instead of himself. He'd probably get over Toby soon. Well... Hopefully.

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