Trials of Faith

By AvalonSolace

11.9K 543 66

Adjusting back to being typical British school children after reigning as Kings and Queens of Narnia isn't ea... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV

Chapter XIII

421 26 0
By AvalonSolace

"Peter, Edmund!" Lucy runs over. "Earl Schultz has invited us over for lunch! And, I think Jacob wants to speak to you." She says, gesturing to the aforementioned who is making his way over to them.

Peter and Edmund groan simultaneously.

"What does he want?" Edmund asks.

"Maybe he's come to apologise." Peter replies hopefully.

Edmund snorts. "As if."

"Let's give him a chance, Ed." Susan says. "After all, his father commands Dad's unit."

Jacob comes and stands before them. "I came to apologise for my actions. I've been a real prat to you both." He says to Edmund and Peter.

"That's an understatement." Edmund mutters.

"Ed!" Peter says warningly to his brother. "I accept your apology and forgive you." He says to Jacob, who brightens.

Peter jabs his younger brother in the stomach, hard. "Come on, Ed."

Edmund sighs. "Fine."


"I accept your apology."

"Perhaps one day we could be friends?" Jacob inquires.

"Yes, indeed." Peter agrees.

"That is asking too much." Edmund disagrees.

Peter rolls his eyes. "Sorry about him. And, I owe you an apology as well. It was wrong of me to assume you attacked my brother and in turn, attack you."

"I gave you plenty of reason to suspect that." Jacob says. "You are forgiven." The words sound awkward on Jacob's tongue.

"Peter, Edmund!" Lord Schultz appears. "I've asked your mother if you may ride with us to the manor. She has agreed."

"Thank you, sir." Peter responds, knowing better than to let Edmund.

They follow Lord Schultz to his car, along with Jacob. Edmund and Peter sit in the back, while Jacob sits up front with his grandfather.

Jacob begins to tell of the car's engine and other things. Peter, always having a fascination with such things, eagerly joins in, running his fingers over the expensive leather gently.

The ride to manor isn't long, and soon they pull up to a house twice the size of the Professor's. "What do you do with the extra bloody space?" Edmund wonders aloud.

"We have loads of guest rooms." Jacob explains.

Edmund rolls his eyes, but is beginning to smile. The doors are opened by a butler and they make their way into the formal dining room. "Just like Narnia." Peter whispers to Edmund, making sure Jacob can't hear, when they see the many utensils, plates and glasses in front of each place. The boys both pull out the chairs for the girls, a second nature by now, and then sit down themselves, Peter on the right of Jacob.

"So," Jacob begins. "what do you like to do in your free time?"

Peter shifts in his seat awkwardly and looks to Edmund for help.

"We, er-, we read stories." Edmund stutters.

'Here I thought he'd be helpful.' Peter thinks.

"Oh, what kind of stories?" Jacob asks as the first course comes out. The brothers sit up a bit straighter and begin to eat, once Lord Schultz picks up his fork.

"The boys read fantasy stories for me." Lucy helps.

Jacob nods. "Have you ever done fencing or horseback?" He asks.

Peter's eyes light up. "Yes! I saw you had stables, and my brother and I have used broadswords."

"Do the girls know anything about fencing?" Jacob inquires. "If not, we ought to teach them. It's great fun."

"They do. Lucy's better at a dagger, though. And Susan is the best archer I've ever met. Do you have broadswords?"

"All around the house." Jacob replies. "If you know how to use them, Father won't mind. The servants can dull them for us."

"Maybe another time." Edmund says flatly. "We're supposed to return to Professor Kirke's house shortly after supper. We want to celebrate with our father while he's home, and you probably want to celebrate with yours as well."

Jacob sighs. "He'll probably just talk to Grandfather all night." He mumbles.

Peter nods, agreeing with Edmund. "I'd love to come back one day, though, once Father has to leave again." He adds diplomatically.

Soon enough, the meal comes to an end, and the adults begin to stand.

"Before you go, I have something of a delayed Christmas gift for you all." Jacob says. "They belonged to my mother, and they were left for me when she died. You'll have more use for them."

Jacob hands Peter a first edition of both Grimm's Fairy Tales and Andersen's Fairy Tales. "For you to read to the girls."

"They're beautiful." Peter breathes. "Thank you!" He traces the elaborate designs on the front slowly. "Here." He offers to Edmund Andersen's Fairy Tales.

"Boys!" Mrs. Pevensie calls. "It's time to go!"

Peter gives an apologetic smile to Jacob. "I'll see you soon." He promises. Edmund says nothing, so Pete jabs him in the ribs.

"Ow!" Edmund yelps. "Thank you for the books, Jacob." He finally says in monotone.

Peter groans at Edmund's stubbornness and begins to herd his siblings towards their parents. The Schultzs escort them to their car, and soon they are off driving toward the Professor's house.

"How was dinner?" Mrs. Pevensie asks the children.

"It went fine." Edmund replies dully.

Peter rolls his eyes and punches his brother in the arm to show his displeasure. "It was great! I think Jacob, Edmund, and I could end up becoming good friends. We have a lot in common."

"Once again, ow!" Edmund winces, rubbing his shoulder.

Peter ignores him.

"Maybe we could ask Professor Kirke to have Jacob over soon." Mrs. Pevensie suggests.

"Yes, and perhaps Chloe." Peter jokes.

"Shut up, Peter!" Edmund complains.

"Hey, it was a nice thought, Ed." Mr. Pevensie offers. "She seems like a fine young lady."

Peter smirks at Edmund, making sure his parents can't see. The girls are listening, and giggling quietly at the boys' conversation.

"That's what I told him." Peter says. "He didn't listen."

"Shut up, you great lump!" Edmund shouts at his brother, hitting Peter in the head with one of the books.

"Hey!" Peter says, laughing. "If you don't like her, then why are you getting so bloody defensive?"

"I'm going to-"

"Boys." Lt. Pevensie warns, but he is smiling. "Language, Peter."

"All right. All right. Sorry, Father. Sorry, Ed." Peter says, his face still red from laughter.

"I do wonder, though," Lt. Pevensie says. "If you fancy the girl."

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