Shanghai's Elite

By imjustcoollikethat

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Welcome to the city of Shanghai. A world of designer clothes, chauffeurs, lavish parties, and juicy scandals... More

Preliminaries: Intro
Preliminaries: Character Aesthetics
Preliminaries: The Elite World
1. Welcome to Shanghai
2. Paris Would Be Envious
3. #RichGirlProblems
4. Crème de la Crème
5. Mount Everest
6. Hurricane Lennox
8. Wylde Thoughts
9. English Tea and Pinot Noir
10. Gin + Tonic
11. Champagne Showers
12. Roses and Cigarettes
13. Cherry-Red Ferrari
14. The Domino Effect
15. Breakfast at Tiffany's
16. Trust Fund Baby
SE: New Year's Eve Special
17. M1NT Club
18. Ecstasy and Skyscrapers
19. Prep School Blues

7. Whiskey in a Teacup

2.8K 94 90
By imjustcoollikethat

LENNOX KNEW WHO SHE WAS FUCKING WITH. She knew Zac Wylde was devious and cunning, she knew that his business was dirty, but she never thought he would go as far as drugging her to get what he wanted. Which is ironic, considering he was her supplier for just that: drugs.

When Lennox looked at Zac, she still saw the same boy that she mindlessly drooled over in middle school; the hotshot lacrosse captain with a mind-numbing amount of v-cards under his belt; the senior who blew the cool clouds of marijuana that made everyone's eyes sting at parties.

But now Zac was the kind of guy who used unsavoury business tactics to manipulate kids. I guess that's what happens when you get kicked out of an ivy league, are arrested for a DUI, and your parents cut you off; you return to Shanghai and become the drug supplier for private school kids.

Lennox took one silky leg out of the luxe bathtub, looking around in disarray as the other one followed. By the ginormous windows overlooking the city, she identified that the bathroom belonged to the Najjar pad. Her memory was fuzzy, and she wasn't exactly sure how she got there. But whatever Zac had spiked her drink with was out of her system, and the drowsiness and nausea had dwindled away.

The reality of what had just happened hit her hard, sending a bitter cold chill through her. The brunette reached for her swag bag, taking out the coke. Was it worth it? All that trouble for a couple grams? She was inspecting it, leaning on the counter in just her bra and underwear when the door swung open. A gasp left her lips as she tried to stuff the vial back into her bag, but it was too late.

"Whoa, sorry." Leo blushed, glancing away in attempt to hide a smirk. He closed the door slightly, so unsettled that he almost knocked a bundle of rare flowers in the process. The sixteen year old model in black lingerie struck him, and it was hard not to take a second look. "Here." Leo stuck his hand between the crack of the door and handed her Isla's dress.

"Thanks." Lennox muttered, throwing on a body-con dress she recognized from a Barney's catalogue. She cursed herself for not locking the door but Leo was so flustered from walking in on her without clothes on, she was struggling to fight off the smile that was plastered on her face.

"How are you feeling?" Leo strolled in with an aloof look, as if he was already used to Lennox's shenanigans. His signature cheeky smile was on full force, complete with the dimples that made girls go crazy. With Middle Eastern good looks, he knew he was the shit.

"Much better now." Lennox slid onto the granite countertop, claiming it as a seat. She really was feeling more alert, the simple sight of Leo had strangely heightened her senses. "But please don't tell anyone that you saw... that."

"I won't, don't worry." Leo ran a hand on his razor-sharp jawline, still slightly fazed by the sight of Lennox's body. Every curve was mesmorizing, they never failed to instil lust in whatever boy was lucky enough to get a glimpse at them. "But I don't get why you are doing that. I mean, it can fuck you up pretty quick."

"To fit in, I guess." She offered him a half-hearted shrug, coming off coldly like she usually did when she lied. Her mind was also somewhere else; all she could think about was how sultry the bathroom's warm lights made Leo's tan, sculpted body look.

"With who? The girls at school? Don't give me that. You are the prettiest girl in that fucking place. They bow down to you, you know that." Leo edged closer, resting his hands on either side of Lennox to tempt her with his touch. It was a game they played, they teased one another with their bodies to see who would give in to lust, and who had more self-control to resist.

Lennox tssked and silence reigned over them for a second. "Well, I got in some trouble with my dealer tonight." Lennox slipped his hands onto her thighs, her body lighting up with their warmth, "I couldn't pay him so... he taught me a lesson. I'm sure he'll leave me alone once I get the cash, but since my parents cut me off, I've got a pretty steep debt."

"Don't worry about the money, you know I've got your back." Leo frowned, taking a sip from his whiskey before continuing, "But please don't tell me you are getting drugs from Zac Wylde."

"No, why?" Lennox blinked so rapidly, she almost removed what was left of her Lancôme mascara. She grabbed the glassware from his hand, gulping down the brown liquid. Liar, liar, liar.

"Because that guy is dangerous." Leo's tone grew in intensity as he snatched the cup back, "He was in the same grade as Isla, and I've seen the type of people he hangs around. Look, I'll give you however much you need. But you have to promise me that after you pay him off, you'll never contact him again."

Lennox disassembled her messy bun, her keratin-treated locks tumbling sexily onto her shoulders. "I promise, I just need the cash so he'll leave me alone. But I like how protective you are getting." Lennox purred as she spread her legs, sliding Leo's hands onto her waist and pulling him closer.

"Well, you know, it's a bad world out there." Leo took a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear as he studied her facial features. The sexual tension in the room escalated uncontrollably when his fingers grazed her lips. "With bad people, who do bad things..."

Lennox shut her eyes for a moment, relishing in their proximity. He was close enough for her to identify the scent of Axe, his aftershave, and his cologne of choice: Boss 6. The scent was musky and masculine, it made her want to bury her face into his neck and give him hickeys.

She finally opened her eyes, biting her bottom lip to keep it from dropping. "Hm, I think I can be pretty bad." Lennox tilted her pretty little head with a cat-like smile, knotting her fists in his robe to pull him closer.

"Oh, yeah?" Leo raised his thick brows seductively, his fingers gripping Lennox's tousled waves as she undid his bathrobe's tie, "I think I can be pretty bad too."

And that's when he kissed her, softly at first, but then harder and deeper. Lennox clung to him, dissolving into his arms as the bite of liquor danced around their tongues. Leo's kiss was fervent and demanding, and his lips tasted like the sweet honey in his eyes. Lennox flung her arms around his neck, she could feel his body pressed against hers, but she still had the burning urge to get closer, and closer, and closer.

They had kissed before, but this time it was more raw; not a spur of the moment, sloppy, drunk kiss; not at the middle of one of Leo's parties incited by the crowd; not masked with layers of MDMA and Mind Erasers. It was just them two, alone in his bathroom, with just the light buzz of a Johnnie Walker Black.

What am I doing? Lennox thought to herself, desperately wanting to pull away yet never let go at the same time. She couldn't give in because then it would mean she lost the game. Leo was the only person who understood her, who was there for her no matter what. Yes, he was a notorious player and occasionally an ass.

But he was also the only one who knew how damaged she was yet didn't run for the hills. If Lennox slept with him, then Leo would just move on to the next girl. She had to have some kind of power over the guy to make him stick around, and that power was sex. Fear clouded her, providing her with enough strength to break his kiss.

"I can't do this now." Lennox pulled away breathlessly, regaining consciousness of the situation and leaning back on the mirror, "Not after the night I just had."

"Whatever you say." Leo held his hands up, surrendering as he slid his robe back on, "But Lennox, you know me, I'm no saint and have done more than my fair sure of drugs. But I have to ask you this, are you good with the whole cocaine thing? You can stop whenever you want, right?"

"Yeah." Lennox nodded her head robotically, momentarily gazing out the window into the sea of lights, "Yeah, it's just that it's fashion week and I'm so stressed out, and-"

"-I get it. I'm just asking, Lennox." Leo raised a shoulder sloppily, straightening out his bathrobe, "So, you'll be okay?"

Lennox hesitated for a second, but then quickly concealed the blank expression on her face with a sugar-sweet smile, "I'll be fine if you don't tell anyone, especially not Dakota. It's her birthday week and you know how stressed out she gets about these things. And after last year-"

"-I won't, trust me. I'm not even going to bother her with this." Leo sighed heavily, relaxing all of his muscles, "How much will you need?"

"Ten thousand yuan."

Leo scoffed, "Isn't that, like, one of your Jimmy Choo's?" Lennox threw him a bored look and he reached for his pocket, "Okay, okay. You know I'd lend you a hundred times that amount."

Leo pulled out his Versace wallet, taking out crisp bills and counting them. He always carried an obscene amount of cash with him. "Here you go. But you know, Lennox, this game is getting a little old. Just think about all the things we could be doing right now. I'm hot, you're hot, what's stopping us?"

Lennox bit the inside of her jaw with a chuckle. My insecurity, your promiscuity... everything. "Great pick up like, but you are trying way too..." She glanced down at his Calvin's longingly, pursing her lips to keep herself from giggling, "hard."

Leo fringed his eyebrows in confusion, face flushing when he looked down at his briefs and saw what Lennox was referring to. "I'll keep that in mind." A sheepish grin formed on Leo's face as he covered his crotch with the designer robe.

"NO WORDS." FELIPE BRAUNER blinked a couple more times as he leaned on the Italian sofa, his eyes adjusting to the image of the beautiful girl in front of him. She looked like a dream draped in the royal-blue satin of the gown, Felipe had to blink to check if he wasn't hallucinating. "Honestly, Natasha, not even stunning could cut it. Really, blue looks good on you."

You know what else would look good on me? You. A sweet smile gently graced her Nars-glossed lips, the dim lights of the Najjar pad warming up the light-brown hue in her eyes. "Oh, um. Thanks, I- yeah, it's a pretty dress."

Felipe smiled at her dumbly before snapping out of the trance and clearing his throat, "So, uh, how do you know Dakota and Lennox? I wouldn't think a girl like you would hand around those two."

Natasha studied the young Leonardo Dicaprio-looking teenager while resisting the urge to frown, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you seem like a good girl." His gleaming expression turned into a smirk, "While Lennox, she's wild, and Dakota, she's... intense"

"By intense, you mean kinda bitchy?" Natasha blurted out, whatever lemony drink she had downed earlier coming into effect, "If you're not allowed to say it, I will."

Felipe was taken aback, smiling as though he was amused. "Tssk, Natasha Kauffman... you're whiskey in a teacup." His eyes crinkled as he said this, the corners of his lips rising as he covered her hand with his. Felipe admired Natasha for a moment, appreciating her beauty like she was a rare gem. Where had she been all his life?

"Felipe." Dakota stormed into the living area, her strawberry-blonde curls flying with every tap of her six-inch heels. Felipe's hand shot up as he repositioned, both of them edging further away from each other. They hadn't even noticed how close they'd gotten when they were talking.

"Do you think you can give the reception a call and find me a cab?" Dakota leaned all her weight on her right leg as if she was posing. Isla's dress was so magnificent, she might as well have been.

"Yeah, of course." Felipe stood up, straightening out his letterman jacket and giving Natasha one parting glance before he exited.

Dakota faced the girl as she tossed credit-cards and gum into a Marc Jacobs clutch, "Hey, um, I had a really good time tonight. I'm sorry about the whole Lennox thing, I don't know what's up with her. But I actually have somewhere to be, so do you mind if I leave?"

"And leave me here?" Natasha's bottom lip trembled as Dakota cut through the condo, leaving behind a trail of expensive perfume.

"Don't worry, Felipe will take care of you. He's a great guy, honestly, has the cleanest rep out of all of us. Also, do you mind checking on Lennox? Just to see if she's feeling better." The Queen Bee babbled as she rushed out of there," I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow? You have my number, give me a call. "

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later!" Natasha called out, the sound of the entry-door slamming in response. She exhaled, how the heck was she supposed to find Lennox in a place that large?

Unsettled, Natasha began to navigate the opulent apartment. She strolled down the hallway where there was a giant portrait of the Najjar family. Mr and Mrs Najjar appeared to be very affluent, both very polished individuals. Isla had big brown eyes that were lined to perfection, a little nose, and small pout. While Leo wore a smirk, the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up and he had a look that read "I'm only here so I can get my Bugatti wrapped".

The sound of laugher caught Natasha's attention, and she traced it back to one of the bathrooms. She looked into the crack of the door, spotting Lennox and Leo giggling to each other. The model was sitting on the bathroom counter, her legs wrapped around him tightly. She adjusted her bra strap while Leo counted money and then handed it to her. They looked... cozy.

Natasha gasped, taking a step back and walking back to the living room in disbelief. Was he paying her to... no, she wouldn't do that. I mean, the girl is ridiculously rich. Why would she need to sell herself for cash? But Lennox does appear to be the type that chases trouble. The German girl sunk into the leather couch, her lips pursing together in fret. What the hell did I get myself into?

THE WALDORF ASTORIA's timelessness and sophistication stood out like a shiny pearl amongst Shanghai's urban jungle. The hotel was mainly frequented by the older generation due to its historic ambience, since the younger one opted for the glitzy Hilton Hotel that towered over the city instead. On that account, the Waldorf made the perfect setting for a millennial affair...

At least this is what Dakota Winslow thought as she sat by the Waldorf's empty bar, her intoxicating beauty radiating through the lobby as she sipped a Cosmopolitan. She re-crossed her glowing legs for the tenth time since she got there, the lustrous blush-toned fabric of the dress draping sexily over her right thigh.

Dakota just couldn't keep still, she kept trembling her Gucci pumps and tapping her 50-dollar manicure on the exotic hardwood of the bar. What if Gabriel really was cheating on her? Could she handle the truth? Did she even want to know the truth?

Yes you do, you have to find out if he's cheating on you. The strawberry-blonde sighed wearily, fixing her posture and pulling her shoulders back. She focused her gaze on the hotel entrance when she heard footsteps and chatter. Could it be it him? Her grip on the cocktail glass tightened as a shadow crept up on the entry mat and suspense swept across her.

"Francesca, I already told you. No more Cartier until your 15th birthday or we're cutting you off!"

"But mooom! I'm the only girl in my class that doesn't have a love bracelet in pink-gold!"

Thank God. Dakota set free a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. She rested her hand on her chin, releasing a dramatic sign as she bat her eyelashes sleepily. It had almost been an hour, what if he wasn't coming? What if he was being honest when he said it was a moment of weakness and he would never do it again? So many questions, so little answers.

Dakota decided to do one more once-over of the lobby when she spotted a blonde leaning on the reception desk. The girl's head fell back in laughter, her shimmery golden-curls tucked underneath a jewelled headband. By the tan legs and mini-skirt in the dead of winter, Dakota knew who it was before their eyes even met.

Beatrice Kozak: Number five on the Elite list. The Ukrainian beauty belonged to one of Europe's most wealthy families. She made it to Dakota's circle and the Elite list because she had the perfect amount of sass and class. But what what she doing at the Waldorf Astoria at that hour?

"Beatrice, what are you doing here?" Dakota questioned, swallowing the lump in her throat as the glamorous teen strutted towards her. Beatrice just couldn't be the girl Gabriel was planning to meet. She was so obsessed with her social status and was also super smart, top of the class actually, so she wouldn't be stupid enough to sleep with Dakota's boyfriend. Right?

"Um, I live here." She cocked up an eyebrow, examining Dakota from head to toe as if she was an endangered animal, "What are you doing here?"

"Right, um, I'm just having a drink." Dakota nodded at her Cosmo, her gaze trailing downwards. The fact that Beatrice lived at the Waldorf had totally slipped her mind. They were friends, but only as close as they needed to be to keep their popularity.

"By yourself?" Beatrice piped up like a high-pitched bird, a glint of suspension in her green eyes, "Can I join you?"

Dakota's mouth hung open as she checked the clock. Time's up, she thought to herself. Gabriel didn't show up, he didn't come to meet the mysterious slut he flirted with over the phone. That was a good thing, but somehow it made her feel even shittier.

"No, but you can add my drink to your tab." Dakota stood up with a snicker, blowing past the blonde before pausing for a second when she reached the hotel exit, "Oh, B, one more thing. Did you happen to see Gabriel around here tonight?"

"No, no one from our school ever comes here." Beatrice pouted, twirling the ends of he hair as she spoke to the back of Dakota's head, "Will I see you at the Ritz-Carlton for the penthouse party tomorrow?"

A crafty smile appeared on Dakota's lips, the moonlight hitting her face enchantedly as she looked out into the night sky, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. It's Shanghai, you never know what kind of surprises await you."

Soo that's it, the seventh chapter of SE. This was a bit long but I wanted to include scenes with all three girls. I'm hoping y'all are liking it so far, I can't wait to get to the next chapter. 😈 And as always, tysm for reading. <3 Tevy

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