Falling for my Brothers Best...

By -sincerelyyourstruly

193K 3.5K 282

{ UNDER MAJOR EDITING } You never know when you might fall for someone, so hard,so fast. More

Falling for my Brothers Best Friend An Austin Mahone Love Story
Chapter 1; Miami
Chapter 2 Carnival Rides and Concerts
Chapter 3 Sorry
Chapter 4 Exes
Chapter 5 The Wedding Dance
Chapter 6 Artwork
Chapter 7 Hurt and Flashbacks
Chapter 9 Hospital Beds
Chapter 10 Tear Drops and Moving On
Chapter 11 Texas
Chapter 12 Stay
Chapter 13 Air + Last Chapter
something big

Chapter 8 Walks

6.8K 183 3
By -sincerelyyourstruly


July 27th, 2013

Song Of Chapter "Classic," By MKTO


I woke up, Austin on my opposite side. "Babe," I said, poking his cheek, him still being asleep. I did it again, but with more of a force. "Hmm," he mumbled. "Wanna go to the beach today?" I had asked. He opened one eye and smiled. "Sure." He replied before putting a pillow in his face. I chuckled and got out of bed. I wore on of his sweaters with grey spandex, the sweater covering them.

I opened my closet door, searching for some clothes for the beach. I decided on so many of fits till I finally found one.

The Beatles white vintage tee, high waisted blue shorts, black converse, and black socks. I grabbed my green bikini bottoms and my black bikini top, with a pair of sandals. I placed them in my rustic backpack, alogg with putting in my sunscreen and sunglasses, and my towel.

I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower, got out and got dressed. I pulled out my makeup bag when someone snatched it. I look to see Austin,

"What?" I question. "Your not wearing makeup today, you always wear this crap." He said. He grabbed my glass foundation bottle and placed it back in, looking at it in disgust. "I have to cover up my imperfections somehow, or do you just want me to look disgusting all day?" I ask, trying to take my makeup bag,

No luck.

"Please, just today?" He says. I pout. "Fine." I say, plugging my curling iron in the plug in. "Thank you," he says, kissing my lips before going into his room. I chuckled and fixed my hair.

I need makeup, I look horrible.

I had some lipgloss in my purse and grabbed that out, at least my lips didn't look disgusting. Austin came back and kissed my lips, so my lip gloss was on him. "Better." He said, holding my hands. "I want you to know that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And that I'm the luckiest guy in the world, only because I have you." He said, smiling and passionately kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands on my small back. We both pulled back, our foreheads resting on each other. "I love you Cassandra." "I love you too Austin." We both smiled through one last kiss before we left for the beach. We went to the boardwalk and ate, me getting French fries while Austin got a burger. One thing you probably don't know about me, I'm self conscious, so as soon as I saw those fries, I knew I shouldn't eat them.

Don't Cassandra, don't.

We sat down, me pushing my food away. Austin looked at me, staring at me. i finally spoke up "What?" he just looked away/ "I wish you could just see how beautiful you are, and how i wish you didn't hate yourself." He spoke up, pushing the fries to me. "If i eat these fries, you have to shout to the world you love me." i said, picking one of the yellow slices. He nodded and chuckled, the yellow stick going into my mouth. To be honest, i really haven't eaten anything since i came, i mean, i eat the dinner but i hardly eat anything Michele serves me. She questioned and i told her, and said to keep it a secret. She promised. Once i was done eating, i threw the plate into the trash and walked back to the table. Austin sat next to me and whispered in my ear

"I love you."

i was confused, but i questioned " Why did you whisper i love you?" He chuckled and said "You said to scream to the world that i love you, but i thought, you are my world." I smiled, and kissed his lips passionately, soaking in the kiss. "Your my world too, and your biggest fan, besides mama." I say, our foreheads against each other.

I loved him, so much. And i hope he knew that


omg omg omg omg omg you guys got me to 1.3k reads!!!!!!!!! you dont even know how happy i was and i still am! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH LIKE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, took me a while to know what i was gonna do :) i hope you guys liked it





sincerely yours truly

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