The Coffee Date

By JustAJournalist

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After the murderous death of her parents, Hazel Daniels has been set on autopilot; living her life as silentl... More

Chapter 1 - Meet Hazel
Chapter 2 - Meet Nathan
Chapter 3 - Meet Attitude
Chapter 4 - Meet Company
Chapter 5 - Meet Coffee Dates
Chapter 6 - Meet Partners
Chapter 7 - Meet The Boss
Chapter 8 - Meet Paperwork
Chapter 9 - Meet Evidence
Chapter 10 - Meet Wake Up Call
Chapter 11 - Meet The Parents
Chapter 12 - Meet Clues
Chapter 13 - Meet Roommates
Chapter 14 - Meet The Golden Clue
Chapter 15 - Meet The Boss
Chapter 16 - Meet Relaxation
Chapter 17 - Meet The Proof
Chapter 18 - Meet The Perp
Chapter 19 - Meet The Easy Out
Chapter 20 - Meet The Real Story
Chapter 21 - Meet Stitches
Chapter 22 - Meet Co-Workers
Chapter 23 - Meet Chefs
Chapter 24 - Meet Us
Chapter 25 - Meet Home
Chapter 26 - Meet The Case
Chapter 27 - Meet Arrangements
Chapter 28 - Meet Family
Chapter 30 - Meet Love

Chapter 29 - Meet Hope

250 19 1
By JustAJournalist

There they both madly worked.

The brunette sat at the table, hands pressing pens to paper, scribbling down sweet acknowledgements as quickly as she could. Her bun had quickly unraveled as she sat at her station, drooping to the back of her neck while her eyes kissed each word she wrote. Each more warm-hearted than the last.

Nathan stood in the kitchen, the gentle beeps and hums of the oven stirring him whenever he grew idle, whether that be messing around on his phone or watching the brunette to his left. The coffee pot whirred with exhaustion from its overuse, though Nathan knew now that the case was over it would be able to get a break from its heavy schedule. There would no longer be a need for 3am coffee runs or caffeine boosts throughout the day. For the first time in their shared life they could be normal together.

Hazel sighed. "At this rate I'll be up all night trying to finish these cards."

Or not.

Nathan smirked, wandering forwards and setting a palm on the back of her seat. "It's not like we haven't pulled all-nighters before." He gave a gentle chuckle. "This coffee pot might not make it."

"Another funeral? Perfect."

Nathan smiled at her playfulness as he heard the oven call for his attention once more, the lovely scent of cookies filling the air. He dismissed himself from his love and instead made his way towards his project at hand. Gracefully, he removed two trays of cookies out of the oven, shifting them onto cooling racks but leaving one single pastry on a plate.

Almost as quickly as he had removed the batch, he whisked the treat over to the brunette's side, placing it beside her mess of papers, pens and cards. "For you, my love."

Hazel smiled, gleeful heat settling into her cheeks. Her favourite kind; oatmeal hazelnut. It was just like him to make her favourite treat after a rough day. Gingerly she split the warm pastry in half, placing half in her partner's hand. "If we're going to be up late we'll need more cookies." She commented, biting a chunk out of her sweet treat. Before she had been able to fully chew she could feel a pair of tender lips press themselves to her temple, leaving a sensation of tingles jolting through her body.

She glanced up, only to see him beaming down at her. The male gave a cheery salute. "No problem, chief."

With nothing more than an adoring gaze he turned back to the kitchen, tossing his half of the treat into his mouth, double checking the state of their coffee and tossing ingredients together in the same bowl as before.

Hazel watched, a sweet smile tugging at her lips at the sweet distraction.

There he stood, chewing on the lower corner of his lip, squinting down the recipe displayed on his cell screen, all for her.

She was wrapped around his finger just like he was wrapped around hers.

To Hazel, that was the perfect way to have a relationship. Two people so in love and so infatuated with the other that they would do anything for them. It was mutual. The love they felt was equally matched by the other. That in itself was beautiful.

The way that he would turn to smile at her when she was nearby. How he would wake up in the middle of the night and see her lying beside him only to pull her closer in. How he always felt the need to touch her or hold her or breathe her. How the highlights of his days were the times she smiled or laughed because of something he said. How the only thing that made his heart tumble and leave him speechless was the way she looked at him before bed the way she said "I love you", the way she would lean in for permission to kiss him goodnight.

The way that she would turn and fold into him whenever they sat side by side. How she always laced her pinky in his fingers when she wanted to hold hands. How her face would light up whenever he entered a room. How flushed her cheeks would get whenever he told her he loved her or asked to kiss her. The way she would wake up in the middle of the night and see him beside her and burrow herself into the crook of his neck. How she stared at him in awe whenever they went out, mystified that he was so proud at showing her off. Showing off the beautiful girl he could call his own.

The way they loved each other was magical.

The illusion was shattered, however, as a knock hit the door and rang throughout the apartment.

"Uh, Haz? Do you mind getting that?"

Finally her eyes were able to register what she was seeing, instead of fixating on the adoration that had blinded her. He was in the midst of scooping batter onto trays to slide into the oven and his hands were covered in the sugary mess.

"Yes, I got it." Hazel suppressed a giggle, but Nathan snuck a glance and smirked at her joyful face.

Within seconds she was at the door, swinging it open with confidence. She was proud that this was the location she spent most of her time. Proud that this was like a second home. Proud to say that her and Nathan remained associated.

That is she was proud, until she felt a harsh gaze lock with hers through the doorframe.

She could feel her figure tense, her eyes faded to cold and fragile opposed to the bright and prideful they had just been. Only one stare - one set of eyes - could both terrify her and fill her fears with self-doubt at the same time.

Mr. Summers grinned, noticing the way she seemed to flinch in terror under his gaze. Fear was his fuel. She knew it.

"N-Nathan?" She astonished herself. She felt as though he hadn't stuttered in forever, not since she had been filled with a kind of raven-haired confidence he gave her.

She could hear a clatter in the kitchen. "Can you come here? Please?"

At first she could sense the frustration that dwelled through the air as the slapping of oven mitts sounded against the counter. Although, she knew the only reason he was rushing was due to the panic rising in her throat. Her clammy words and her fragile speech.

"Haz, what's the. . ." He didn't allow himself to finish, allowing his words to trail off as did his thoughts upon seeing his father standing before them. His mind wandered away from the curiosity of what his love had seen and instead latched onto the anger building in his stomach.

Today of all days he had to stop by. He was well aware that it was the day of the funeral; Nathan had submitted notice to the office as required for paperwork on the completion of the case and dismissal of the bodies. Yet, somehow, that devastation on the two of them wasn't enough. He decided to treat them a little more agony.

"What are you doing here?" His words were cold and harsh, much like the stare down he gave him as he drew closer. It was completely unlike the way Nathan's fingers brushed against Hazel's arm as he stepped in front of her ever-so-slightly, pushing himself into view instead of his partner. Today she didn't deserve to be the target of his malicious stare-downs. It didn't last for long as the eldest of the group stepped forwards, making his way into their living room.

While Nathan remained calm and still, Hazel could feel her muscles contract as she locked her gaze onto the thank you cards waiting to be completed on the table. He had called her a weakling a mere few weeks prior. Him being within feet of her sappy thank yous to family members for attending her parents' service wasn't exactly something that screamed "I'm-tough-and-can-handle-anything". They were sappy, and depressing, and thoughtful. Not exactly values Mr. Summers seemed to cherish.

She could feel her nails rubbing together, clicking under the pressure of watching the male wander throughout their home. Would he see any of the knick-knacks the duo shared? Or the pictures Hazel had placed around the quaint apartment?

Did he know about them?

She bit down on her lip as hard as she could have, hoping to distract her mind from the constant analytical study of his movements. She needed to calm down. She was of no use to either of them if she was so panicked she could hardly think about anything except of how weak she was. Although, that's probably what Nathan's father loved most; striking fear into the hearts of those below him.

The brunette felt a single hand reach to hers, Nathan's fingers coiling sweetly around her clasped hands behind his back. His chest faced forwards and his eyes didn't flinch from watching the way his father surveyed the room. While he wanted to watch him, assure that he didn't step out of line in examining their home, Nathan still wished to calm the brunette behind him, who he knew was wracking herself with anxiety. His arm had gingerly reached out, accepting her nervous palms into his strong one, calming and shielding her all at once.

Finally, he circled the table. The glass dining surface scattered with cards and pens, heartfelt "thank you"s and personal messages of gratitude and remembrance. Just as she had expected, Hazel could feel her stomach quiver as his eyes laced the table. If he read even a single note, a single card, she would be able to feel her heart caving in on itself.

Then, it happened. His hand reached out, brushing the corner of a completed card awaiting to be slipped into an envelope and stamped.

Hazel sucked in her breath, her hands squeezing the fingers intertwined with hers.

"Don't touch those." Nathan's words were bitter. Harsh. Even remorseful. He had began speaking even before he felt the pleading tug at his palm for help.

Mr. Summers's eyes lifted while his hand fell back to his sides, pushing himself to stand straight once more.

"I'm aware these are for friends and family that attended the service today." He replied matter-of-factually. "I hope you know I was in attendance."

Every word he had planned to say, every breath she had scheduled to take, vanished.

He continued, "I saw the way you two walked around together. Sat together. I saw the entire service."

Hazel knew her mouth was hanging slightly agape, amazed at the audacity the man had. First he claimed she was too weak and fragile to be associated with his son or his business, and here he comes into their home to not only riffle through her personal collection of gratitude, but also to claim he had crashed the service he had mocked her being emotional over?

Now it was Nathan's turn to squeeze her hand in rage. "Why the hell were you there? You weren't invited to--"

"I went to pay my respects." His hands lifted in front of his face, cutting his son off in the process. Clearly defensive, although cocky.

Nathan opened his mouth to protest more, to scold him for the act of crashing and sitting in on a funeral he had no right to attend when he continued, swiftly switching the subject back his original intent.

"I gained a lot by attending. But mainly I gained a lot by watching you two."

Hazel tensed, shifting herself closer to Nathan and stepping to the right, peeking her head out more to gain a better look at the male. To read his body language. To see his gaze. What it read. Meanwhile, Nathan clenched his jaw and squeezed the brunette's hand reassuringly.

Mr. Summers's eyes drifted around the room as he spoke. "I saw a lot in the way you two communicated. The way you had each other's backs. The support you gave to one another." His eye locked onto his son's. "I must say I was impressed."

Nathan could feel himself suppress a scoff. "Impressed? In what way?" The audacity his father had was unreal.

His father's gaze lingered on a photo album sitting on the coffee table before lifting to the duo once more. "Impressed in your teamwork." The corners of his lips worked their way up into a small smirk. Nathan would dismiss it as one of gluttony and pride, but Hazel could swear she sensed a hint of endearment laced within it too. "That translates well on the field; the teamwork you two displayed."

Hazel allowed his eyes to gaze up at her partner whose eyes had since squinted in study at what his father was trying to say.

Mr. Summers's face grew serious. "I came to let you both know that as of now you are allowed to work together in our firm. Paperwork has already been filed." His eyes drifted from his child's to Hazel's. "As of now you are registered partners." Awkwardly, as if hoping to run away, he gave a small nod and briskly worked his way past the two and out the exit.

Hazel remained frozen, mouth agape as the male briskly strode by and slipped out the door.

She could feel Nathan beside her turn to watch him go, and just as the door clicked shut he worked his way to stand before her. "I was planning on us working together regardless of his opinion on the matter." He cooed, brushing hair away from her pale cheek. "This doesn't change anything." She could sense the frantic tone in his voice as he fiddled with the hair on either side of her cheeks. She could tell he was trying to assure her as best as he could that nothing was wrong and nothing had been wrong. She could tell he cared about her remaining calm, but she only had one thing on her mind.

Her eyes gazed up, locking with his briefly before turning to the door and bolting towards it; hand outstretched to the doorknob before she reached it. She could feel the anxiety in Nathan's voice as he called her name in confusion, the way his fingers reached out and brushed her skin in concern, but she knew what she needed to do.

"Mr. Summers!" She called down the hall, snagging his attention just before he continued down the stairs. He was only two steps down, but turned hearing the urgency in the brunette's voice. She took a ginger step out of the doorway, her fingers fiddling with each other to fight back the nerves rapidly building in her chest. The sooner she spat it out the better. The sooner it would be done. The sooner she would no longer need to dwell on it.

She took a deep breath. "Would you like to come in for some coffee?"

Even a hallway apart she could see the surprise in his eyes at the request. Knowing him he was probably expecting she scold him about attending the service for her family or scream for him to never come back. Hell, maybe he was expecting her to reject the job offer he had just assured her she had in the bag. But through the widening eyes, past the initial shock, she could see a flicker of genuine joy.

The brunette gave him a kind smile, gesturing for him to come back to the doorway. It wasn't until he started back up the stairs did she slip her way back into her second home.

Nathan stood, hands in pockets, mouth open in shock at the move she had made. As she drew closer his arms extended to her, gently grasping her arms in astonishment at what she had just done, searching her eyes for an answer.

"Haz, you didn't have to do that." He cooed, his brows furrowed together in earnest concern. The last thing he wanted was for her to push and exhaust herself to make a positive lasting impression on his father. It was rare for him to do that with anyone.

"I know," She said softly, giving a small sweet, albeit nervous, smile back at her love. "But we might as well end this on a good note, huh?"

Nathan blinked back at her in surprise, amazed at the generosity she had shown a man that in no way deserved it. He had invaded the privacy of her family and claimed that his company didn't need her. He denounced her was weak and frail when she was anything but and insisted that she would be worthless to their case both before and after it had been solved. Yet here she stood, arms and heart open to him, once again giving away more kindness she had to offer.

Oh how he loved that about her.

He could feel the corner of his lips curl into a smile, prompting a rosy pink to paint her cheeks. He chuckled.

He could hear the front door click closed behind a figure.

"You're absolutely right."

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