Eric & Katherine (Completed...

By MissYvy

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Eric & Katherine
Chapter 1: Will You Stop Crying and Get It Over With?
Chapter 2: 'Ooohhh, hunk-a-doodle-doo's cominggg'
Chapter 4: Looks Can Be Deceiving
Chapter 5: I Got Myself A Bad Boy
Chapter 6: Version 2.0
Chapter 7: The Strip
Chapter 8: I Love You
Chapter 9: Planning
Chapter 10: Riding Shotgun
Chapter 11: Hare-brained, Loud, Irritating... Ring A Bell?
Chapter 12: The Dutch Boy
Chapter 13: Hello Goodbye
Chapter 14: The Media and The Confessions
Chapter 15: Nightcaps
Chapter 16: Ding Dong dresses and Wedding Bells
Chapter 17: Struggling In the World of Fame and Gossip
Chapter 18: Schemes and Vendettas Against The Russian Bitch
Chapter 19: Bad Sitcom
Chapter 20: Humble Abode
Chapter 21: Therapy
Chapter 22: Lost
Chapter 23: Admission
Chapter 24: The Returnee
Fun Facts

Chapter 3: Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

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By MissYvy

Chapter 3: Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

In my vocabulary, a miracle is getting up before noon without anyone or anything waking me up. I personally believed it would never happen to me, I have, like any other young adult, a relationship with my memory foam bed. Actually, I cannot even remember the last time I have woken up all on my own. So when I opened my eyes exactly ten a.m., I pretty much ended up screaming 'Its a miracle!'.I also did not know how or why but I was feeling so keyed up. Walking out of the shower with a smile is a miracle too. Two down, I don't know how many more.

So imagine the faces of your parents and siblings (it was a miracle too that they got up early) as you enter the kitchen who have known you all your life that this isn't normal, looks like. I can say that it was pretty priceless. Dang it. Should've brought my DSLR.

"Something must be wrong with the universe. My children got up early on their own." my father mumbled, resuming to read the paper. My mom smiled brightly at me, kissing the top of my head.

She set a plate of toast, bacon and eggs in front of me and my stomach snarled as the smell wafted through my nostrils.

"How was the wedding, Katherine?" Dad set aside his newspaper, mom settled down on the seat next to Cole.

I shrug with a smile. "Completely extravagant. A lot of the guests asked for my number if they ever needed a photographer."

Mom beamed at me and jumped up and down on her seat, clapping. "Oh, honey that's great!"

Cole, however, was banging his head on the table. Connor and Collin was almost dying in laughter. "Noooo. No. No. No! It's not great. I'll lose twenty dollars!" Cole whined.

I slip a snicker. Dad turned to Cole and gave him an impassive look. "If you had a job, you won't be whining about your twenty bucks."

He snorted and stabbed a bacon. "Dad, I told you. A job will come to me naturally. Do not break the laws of nature."

The rest of the morning passed quickly and before I knew it, it was past midday. I have been printing batch after batch of pictures as my brothers played on my Xbox. See, my parents doesn't gift or buy us any gaming consoles. They rather we go out and play volleyball in the beach or something. So, when I bought my own Xbox with some money I won from a contest, they had been hanging out in my room almost always. I pressed the print button for the last time and stretched. I was officially done. My phone rang and I looked at the caller I.D. I smirked.

"Missed me already?" My brothers paused the game they were playing and listened in.

"Nope. Not really." I could hear Eric's smile as he answered.

"Why did you call me then?"

"To ask you out." My eyebrows shot up in surprise, a grin spreading across my face.

"Mmm hmm." I murmur, putting the phone in between my ear and shoulder as I look through the photos. I settle on my copy of Eric's photo, smiling his blinding smile. I idly wondered how the camera didn't break.

"So, will you?"

I grinned wider. I think I'm gonna play with him for awhile... "Oh I don't know, Eric. You have to book me a month before you take me out...." I sit on my bed, Cole and the others had their eyebrows up, wondering who was I talking to.

"Maybe I can bribe you." Eric challenges.

"Sorry, I don't go out with monetary value as bribe."

"Who said anything about money?" I narrow my eyes a little.

"Okaaaay. I'll bite. What is it?" I ask, curiosity taking over me.

I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear on the other line. "Something you might want. Do you like books?"

I frown a bit. If there's something that I share with every member of my family, it's the love for reading. How did he know I like to read? "Yeah, why?" I say slowly.

"How would you like the first copy ever of Lonely Pictures complete with the author's signature?"

My jaw automatically dropped. Was he kidding me? Lonely Pictures is the best thriller I have ever read in my life. It was pure genius and brilliance that I hardly ever put the paperback copy of Cole down. But how did Eric have the first copy? I shoved the thought in the back of my mind.

"Well played. I assume it's hard bound and in perfect condition?"I say.


I huffed out and smiled. "Fine."

"Great. 12:30 p.m. at The Old American Diner. Saturday."

"See you there."


We hang up and I toss my phone on the bed. I felt my cheeks heat up, I covered my face with my pillow. Why the hell am I blushing? Aaaarggghh. He just asked me out! Plus the first copy! My insides were flipping.

My bed dipped on the side, I uncovered my face. Cole, Connor and Collin had those 'scary brother' faces on.

"You're going on a date?" Connor asked.

I nod my head yes. "On Saturday."

Cole raised his eyebrows, "Where?"

"Why would you wanna know?" I narrowed my eyes into slits.

He sighed in exasperation and glared at me. "Just answer our damn questions, Katherine."

I pout "The Old American's."

"With who?" Collin asked last.

My temper began to rise a bit. What's with all the twenty questions? "Eric Daniels."

Their eyes widened a bit, surprised. "You're not talking about the author right?" Cole choked.

I admit. I almost laughed at their faces. Eric? The Eric Daniels? An author? Get the hell outta here. And my brothers know me better than that. And Eric doesn't look like a writer. He looked very much.... unwriter-ish. I shake my head. He is not the Eric Daniels.

"No, he's Kate's brother."

Their shoulders slumped in disappointment. I scoffed at them. Cole looked at me incredulously. "You're dating dad's colleague's brother?"

I flashed him a look of irritation, I fired up my laptop. "It isn't even exactly a date." Lie. "We're just going to lunch!" Partly true. No way in hell will it be only to lunch. I uploaded the photos from the wedding (already with permission from Kate, of course) to my website. They went back to their game and left me to myself.

And I can't help but feel excited for Saturday.


I punched the combination to my safe. Good thing I had the first five copies, I thought to myself with a smile. My bargain with Katherine had been pure luck on my side. I didn't peg her as a book lover by just merely looking at her. It was something about her, and I couldn't even believe she read my book. I thought her type were the harlequin novels or those vampire stories. Or Nicholas Sparks types, maybe even Rick Riordan and John Green. Stories that has love in them. Mine was a full on adventure. Nothing purely girly.

She just proved to me she isn't one of those girls.

But something bothers me. If she knew who I really am, a millionaire author, would she accept that? I didn't want to change the way she treated me. It's been so long since someone didn't treat me as if I walked on air. She was herself with me. Then I suddenly panicked. What if she saw a picture or an interview of me? I quickly shoved the thought aside.

I signed the first page with care and a smile. Today was the day I was going out with a girl for the first time in my life that my sisters didn't have anything to do with so you can just imagine the looks on their faces as they saw me bouncing down the steps.

"Whoa, hold your horses, lover boy. Where are you going?"Nathalia asked, giving me a critical once over. She made her way towards me and slowly crossed her arms.

I grinned at her "Out."

" We can see that, bro. Where?" Celine chimed in, tearing her gaze from her lesson plan and giving me a questioning look.

I rolled an eye at them. "The Old American Diner."

The twins looked up from their Seventeen magazines "With who?"

I smirked at them, anticipating their reactions. "With Katherine."

The rest of them gaped at me, eyes wide and mouths hanging. Priceless.

"The photographer? Is this like, a date?" Nathalia asked.

"Of course it's a date." Jamie answered.

"He wouldn't be wearing his favorite perfume, if it wasn't." Janie seconded.

I started to get tired of their conversation so I waved goodbye and head out the door. I interrupted Kate's honeymoon just to know their address. I could practically feel the eyes of my sisters on my back. I gripped the book in my hand tighter and hoped for the best.


Take a deep breath, Katherine. Do not go berserk.

I took another glance at the rows and rows of items of clothing in front of me. I was becoming indecisive with  every second passing. Thinking the better of it, I picked a floral dress that would match my blue ballet flats. I took glance at my clock. I had thirty minutes to go. I applied little mascara and gloss to my lips, trying to look as casual as possible. I put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my phone, wallet, spare battery and stuffed it into my purse. I slung my camera on my neck and went down the stairs.

Today is the day I have been thinking about like a madman. I looked at my appearance in the mirror and took a deep breath. No one was in the house today, the triplets were somewhere over the rainbow and doing leprechaun knows what. Dad was at work and mom was over someone's house. I stepped out and locked the door.

"Someone is looking beautiful today."

I spun around slowly, only to look at Eric, smirking. He was wearing some black jeans and a navy blue v-neck. His hair was in some state of 'he-didn't-brush-it'. But he looked so hot it didn't matter. He was behind the picket fence. I snapped out of my reverie and hurried on out to him.

"Hey." I breathed a smile. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Hey, shortie." We started on the sidewalk, I pout at him.

"I'm not short." I protest. I only reached his shoulders and he towered over me. This is one of the reasons I wore killer heels.

He raised an eyebrow at me with an amused smirk plastered on his face. I scowl. "Fine. I am short."

He chuckles and slings an arm over my shoulders. You can imagine how my heart reacted to that. I fought through my blush, while he seemed so comfortable with it.

"Do you always bring your camera?" he pointed to the one slung on my neck.

I grin "Of course. It's the photographer code."

He laughed as we turned on the corner. The Old American's can now be seen in the distance. I kicked a pebble on my way and swing my arms, though it was a bit heavy with Eric's still over it. We cross the street and he opens the doors for me. I step after him and proceed to the counter.

The Old American's had those stereotypical red and white checkered facade. It was old, maybe from the late 50's, but they didn't do any major renovations to the place. It looked new, yes, but they never changed the way it looked. My grandfather, Granpa Flynn, was best friends with the owner and now, my dad and the son of Mr Rango (yes, you've read right, carry on.), George are best buds.

Eric comes up beside me as I smile at Dannie, the waitress. She was a good friend of George and my dad.

"Katherine, my darling girl! It's good to see you!" She came up to me and hugged me as hard as she could. I flush a bit and smile warmly at her as she releases me.

"It's good to see you too, Dannie! Not much people yet, huh?" I gestured to the almost empty diner.

"It's not even lunch yet. Oh, and who might this fine young man be?" she smiles at Eric, clearly stunned by him. Charms.

"I'm Eric." He introduces himself, extending a hand out to Dannie. I swear I saw her blush.

She shook it gladly and looked at me, "A very fine catch, Katherine. You sure know how to pick 'em."

I gasp and turn beet red instantly. I elbowed Eric, who was chuckling silently. "Oh no, Dannie! We're just new friends. Very new, in fact."

She nods and wink at me. Letting me know she got my message. "Whatever you say, sweetie. Now go find a booth to sit on. Or better yet," She motions us to follow her at the booth on the far wall. "Here, that booth has a long line of couple's memories. You may just make yours. Now, what will you love birds have?" She says as we slide in the booth, Eric opposite me.

I stared at her in embarrassment "Dannie!" The both of them chuckles. I slump in my seat.

Eric flashes a smile at Dannie "I'll have the mushroom melt, and a plate of fries and a chocolate milkshake, please." he turns to me with that same smile, "What will you have?"

I stare at him for a moment and sigh. "I'll have the Old American Sub and a strawberry milkshake, Dannie."

Dannie writes on her pad and smiles "I'll have the new waiter bring them out in a jiffy."

We watch as she walks back to the front, she nods at two men who entered. It was quite weird, who would wear a coat in June? They took a seat on the booth behind Eric. I kept a suspicious eye at them.

Eric slides a velvet pouch to me, I look at it questioningly. "First Copy, Hard bound, Signed, and in exemplary condition. Just as you asked."He grins.

My brows furrowed, I let out a laugh. "You didn't have to, Eric."

He shrugs and leans back, the suspicious men were watching us closely. Dannie comes for them with plates of pizzas. Weird, Dannie hasn't even asked for their order yet.

I turn my attention back to the pouch and tug at it's cord. Surely enough, the copy was inside. The first fifteen copies were known for the leather cover and the lock and key. The copy I have in my hands now met all my high standards. I stare open mouthed as I unlock it with the key, I touch the paper, making sure it was real. The illustrations were pristine. I look up at Eric, clearly enjoying my reaction.

"Like it?" He asks, grinning widely.

I blink at him "Are you kidding me? I love it!" the men at the back were peering openly at the copy I held in my hands. I ignored them, my hunch was getting stronger and stronger.

Eric chuckles, "Good. Damn, you're hard to please, woman."

I ignore his comment and flip through the pages, completely gob smacked. When I reach the back, I see the signature. I stroke the dents on the paper. "This must've cost you a fortune." I peered at him.

He gives a laid back shrug. "Your expression is golden, though."

I blush at his comment. "Thank you, though you did not have to. I was joking."

He leans on the table, resting his arms on it with a menacing grin. His blue eyes sparkling. "Do you want me to take it back?"

I gasp at him and instinctively hug the book to my chest, earning a laugh from him. The waiter comes forth with our tray of food. Again, weird, he had his head bowed, his fedora covering his head and ray bans that I swear was familiar, covering his eyes. Eric mumbles a thanks and the waiter hurries off. The two men at the back were whispering silently.

I carefully put the book back in the pouch and we began to eat. Eric's hair plops down his forehead. I resist the urge to push it back.

"Where do you want to go after this?" Eric asks.

As soon as he asked me the question, the gears in my mind started to turn. Glancing at the mystery men and weird waiter who was wiping the already spotless tables, I smile sweetly at Eric, sending a message with a look. He was fast as he nodded ever so slightly. Maybe he noticed too. I grabbed his hand, ignoring the shock running through me.

"Let's go to the beach and wait for the sunset. It's very romantic."I say with complete exaggeration.

The waiter and the two men shot up and screamed no. I smugly smirked at them. They clearly realized what went wrong as I stride towards them, ripping off their 'disguises'. I was raging furious as my hunch was confirmed. The three of them cowered under my glare, looking at the floor.

I jabbed a finger at them "Ha! I knew it! You're spying on me!"

Eric comes up beside me and stares, shell shocked. Cole picked at his washcloth. "Not exactly. We're spying on him."

I cry in frustration, my hands clenched into fists. "You guys are so..... Arghhh! Mom will hear about this!" Their faces blanched with horror at the mention of Mom.

Eric touched my shoulder, I spun to face him. He was still looking at my brothers. " You know them, Katherine?"

I crossed my arms and gestured to them. "Eric, meet my brothers. Dumb, dumber, and dumbest."

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