Defining You

By SimplyCelia

93.5K 1.7K 155

Meet Emmy Sherman, a quiet and overachiever bent on always keeping the rules. Now, meet Shawn Davis, a troubl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Part 1
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Part 1
Chapter 8 part 2
Chapter 9 Part 1
Chapter 9 part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

5.6K 132 13
By SimplyCelia


This story is under heavy revision and plot changes.


Chapter 2

Emmy had been late for first period but her teacher had not even batted an eye. All her classes blurred by with the usual schedule: notes, book quizzes, and project assignments, even when it was the first day.

She was grabbing lunch now with Beatrice after their first Spanish quiz that Emmy was sure she'd spelled punta like a common profanity word Hispanics used.

"So, Senor Davis did what?" Beatrice, Emmy's best and only friend, asked through a mouthful of food, so it sounded more like 'shaw debi di wha."

Emmy rolled her eyes, unscrewing the lid on her water bottle. "He told me sun lotion is called sunscreen." Emmy gulped a mouthful of water, sneaking a glance at Shawn who sat in the middle table of the cafeteria. It was lunch hour and Emmy had been sneaking glances at Shawn for over the last ten minutes now. He looked like a different person than the person from earlier today; he tossed his head back laughing with his friends, and it reminded Emmy of lions on the nature channel, both equally fascinating.

"You are not being so subtle." Beatrice laughed, crushing her coca cola can. "Oh here comes Kenneth." Kenneth passed by their table followed by Math Club members, they all beamed, except for Kenneth who was glaring at Emmy. The team was about to sit down, before Kenneth shook his head.

"Over there," he said stiffly, going three tables down.

"What is up with him? Looks like he has a stick up his-"

Emmy cut her off, "We got into an argument."

Beatrice gaped, "What?!"

Emmy shrugged, "We've been rocky for ages now, so I think I might break things off."

"Good," Beatrice smiled. "You deserve way better, but won't it be awkward though since you are both in that lame club?"

Emmy looked down, hoping to hide the moisture in her eyes. "He'll probably try to take me off the team."

"Oh hell no," Beatrice hissed, glaring in Kenneth's direction. "I'd kick his arse."

"Calm down B," Emmy shushed.

Beatrice narrowed her eyes, "Emmy, the Pentathalon team is your life. It means a lot to you and I will not have a moron with the social skills of a rock take that away from you."

She averted Beatrice's gaze. "I'll figure something out."

"The hell we will. Come on we are going to be late for class." Beatrice dragged Emmy, pushing Kenneth roughly aside as we passed him.

"Oops, sorry" B said, flicking a ketchup packet onto his shirt. Ken's fists rolled into fists.

His chest rose and fell with exaggerated slowness.

Emmy burst into a fit of giggles. B could sometimes be aggressive and over protective especially when it came to topics dealing with Emmy. In truth, Beatrice was the older sister Emmy had never had.

"So you think Shawn is hot?" B smirked, stopping by her locker.

"Who doesn't?" Emmy retorted, crossing her arms.

"Well he's not really my type," B teased, nudging my ribs.

Emmy snorted, "Of course he is not."

"So are you going to talk to him again?"

"B, I would need a very good excuse to speak to him again." Emmy smiled sadly. "B what are you doing?"

"You'll thank me later," B pushed Emmy roughly aside, making Emmy struggle to catch her balance, before sprawling onto the floor.

I am going to kill you B, Emmy thought, trying to stand up. Somewhere in the process her head smacked into something hard, making her vision blurry.

She connected her hand with something soft and warm. The soft and warm object tightened its grip on her, pulling her upright.

"You can't help but fall every time we run into each other, can you?" said a patronizing voice. The owner of the voice steadied her. Everything became clear, and she found herself staring into eyes she was becoming a little too comfortable staring into.

They're moss green, she thought to herself, staring into Shawn's face. Not the emerald green most girls said over gossip.

"Hello there," Shawn smiled. "Well aren't you a damsel in distress."

Emmy's eyes widened, her mouth pressed together at loss of words. She was not in distress and she definitely wasn't in need of a any help.

"Cat got your tongue?" Shawn smirked, pulling back his hand. He leaned picking up Emmy's fallen books once again, talk about déjà vu.

"I never understood that figure of speech, actually," Emmy said conversationally, the bell to fifth period rang which made them officially late.

"It's a saying," Shawn said slowly.

Emmy blushed, "Oh I know that. I just meant, like you know...." she trailed off.

"No I don't know," his voice sounded amused. "What I do know is that we are late, again."

"This is your first time getting a detention isn't it?" Shawn asked, beginning to walk towards the stairs.

"This isn't your first time?" Emmy questioned him, raising her eyebrows at him. Shawn's forehead creased, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it, thinking otherwise.

"Here," he grabbed her hand, dragging her. "I have exactly what you need, we just need to stop by my locker, without getting caught," he added as an afterthought.

Emmy's heart began beating erratically; the stickiness of her palms made her mouth run dry with embarrassment.

Shawn slowed his steps as they reached the top floor, he beckoned Emmy to crouch. "Okay, we have to stay out of sight from the hall monitor."

"We have a hall monitor?" Emmy almost burst out laughing; this was high school not elementary.

"I don't really care about the stupid citations he gives out, it's more of a nuisance to have him lecture you and go on and on..." Shawn tried keeping a straight face. "Trust me it is better if we just stay clear from him."

Emmy nodded, "Alright, I'm game." Her body was twitching with anticipation at being late again. She could hear her heart's thumping, and she had never felt so alive like she did right now.

"You are game?" Shawn repeated, biting his lip.

He was trying hard to not laugh at her, the perfect gentleman or tool.

Emmy rolled her eyes, trying to control her breathing. "It means I'm in."

"I know," Shawn hesitated, "It's just, don't take this offensively, but I thought nerds would say something along the lines like 'yes I would highly enjoy being a part of your scheme.'"

Emmy laughed, earning a scowl from Shawn.

"Only the weird ones do."

"And you are our average, normal high school nerd?"

"Yep," Emmy said, feeling a shiver run through her when Shawn didn't break eye contact.

"But you don't have those freaky pimples," Shawn teased, at the same time holding Emmy's hand tighter.

"Stay close to me," he lifted one finger to his lips.

Emmy let out a low chuckle, the Shawn crouching in front of her with her hand in his seemed different to the person she had heard about through endless years of gossip.

"What?" Shawn wrinkled his forehead when he realized Emmy was staring at him.

"You seem different," the words slipped her mouth. "A good kind of different," Emmy rambled, color seeping across her cheeks.

"Different like-"

There was whistling behind her, another student running late Emmy was sure.

"Emmy," Ken's confused voice came from behind her, interrupting her thoughts. Emmy squeaked, turning around to watch Ken with folded arms, waiting for an explanation. "What are you doing with him?"

"Shit," Shawn muttered, "Mission failed."

"It's just Ken," Emmy said nonchalantly. She folded her arms, meeting Ken's expectant face coolly.

Shawn's eyes lit up. "That's our one and only hall monitor." He waved his hand, giving Ken a little curtsy.

Ken's eyes zeroed on her hand in Shawn's hand; Emmy felt like she'd been shocked, and released his hand quickly. This looked really bad, she was in deep poop.

Sure enough Ken had the whole hall monitor persona. He had a fluorescent orange vest, and his hand was holding a pink notebook, to top it off, a pen in the small pocket of his shirt. Everything about him was familiar, from his thick rectangular framed glasses to the pimples on his chin. He was the coveted nerd, the one all the girls wanted.

Ken gave Shawn a calculating look, before returning his gaze to her. "I'm going to let this one slide."

"Oh goody," Shawn whispered sarcastically into Emmy's ear. His breath tickled her skin, raising goose bumps on her arms.

"I see lack respect for your boyfriend," Ken spat. "I would've thought with someone of our intellectual level you wouldn't be a harlot."

His words stung her, Emmy took a step back until her back pressed into the wall.

Shawn looked at Emmy confused; she could see the questions forming in his eyes.

"It's really not respectful for you to assume that." Emmy twisted her mouth. "You didn't seem interested in talking to me earlier."

"Well let's talk," Ken ignored Shawn who was looking at them like they'd grown an extra head.

"Wait," the puzzle pieces were clicking for Shawn. "This guy's your boyfriend?"

"I am." Ken tugged on his vest. "Stay away from Emmy, Davis." He squared his shoulders, locking eye contact with Shawn.

Shawn gave a mock salute, "Of course Captain." Shawn face didn't hold the warmth it did earlier. All playful tones had left his voice and Emmy saw the boy girls had been describing for years.

"Wouldn't want to deflower your cupcake before you even get a chance," Shawn drawled, winking at Emmy.

What the hell, Emmy thought as Shawn continued up the stairs leaving her and Ken alone. The tension was thick in the air.

"So you know him." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"No, I don't."



This story is under heavy editing so if you proceed to the next chapter it may not make sense. 


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