Burn With You | THE VAMPIRE D...

By RaeMurphy

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The Gilbert siblings are still dealing with the loss of their parents; each in their own way. The youngest... More

1| Welcome to Mystic Falls
4| Can't Look Away
5| More to the Story
6| Party Chit-Chat
7| The Prodigal Brother Returns
8| I Want To Remember You
9| I Know What You Are
10| Back to the Beginning
11| I'd Kill Her Myself!
12| Reality

2|Hello Sister

535 9 8
By RaeMurphy




Dear Diary,

Today will be different. It has to be.

I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents and I will no longer take anyone's pity about how my big sister left without a word.

I will start fresh, be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through. I have a plan. I will smile and It will be believable. Genuine. My smile will say, 'I'm fine, thank you.' 'Yes, I feel much better.' 'Time heals everything.' They will see that Elena is alive and well. And if I can convince them, then maybe, just maybe, I can believe it myself.

Looking at the photos around my mirror as I fixed my hair, I smiled. It didn't reach my eyes, but these day my smile never did.

'Well, this is as good as it's gonna get,' I sighed.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, I found Jenna fussing over every little thing, her caramel blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun as she rushed around the kitchen, trying to do a dozen things at once.

'Toast. I can make toast.' She said to me as I walked in.

'It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.' I said pouring a cup for myself from the pot.

'Is there coffee?' Jeremy asked making a rare appearance this early in the morning.

He looked slightly spaced out and there were traces of black enamel on his nails. He looked a mess but instead of commenting on it, I just let him go. He walked towards the coffee pot but instead of pouring himself one, Jeremy decided just to steal mine.

'It's your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared.' Jenna sighed grabbing some money from her wallet, 'Lunch money?'

I declined so Jeremy took both his and mine.

'Anything else? A no. 2 pencil?' She joked.

You had to hand it to Jenna. Not everyone would have accepted becoming the guardian of their sisters children but she was doing her best.

'Don't you have a big presentation today?' I asked, pouring myself a new coffee.

'I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at..,' Jenna looked down at her watch, her eyes going wide, 'Now. Crap!'

I gave Jenna a reassuring smile, 'Go, we got this.'

Jenna smiled in thanks and untied her hair, her curls bouncing around her face. Once she was out of sight I turned to Jeremy.

'You good?' I asked,

'Don't start,' he groaned and turned to leave but stopped as we heard Jenna squeal from the front door.

'Ahh, come in. Come in!' I faintly heard her say excitedly. Wondering what was going on I enter the corridor to find Jenna with her arms around a familiar person.

'Ena?' I whispered.

Enya smiled and pulled away from Jenna.

'Hello, sister.'

I wanted to be angry. I wanted to yell at her for leaving me. For leaving Jeremy. I wanted to hate her guts at she stood there looking as if she had just walked off of a page from a fashion magazine while I still had visible bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep.

But I could't.

Instead, I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as I rushed to my sister and threw my arms around her. She hugged me back tightly, my head resting in her brown curls.

''I missed you so much, Ena.' I whispered into her ear.

'I missed you too, Lena,' she replied hugging me tighter.

I had a million questions to ask her starting with why she had left but kept my mouth shut and just savoured the moment.

Pulling away, she went to Jeremy, who had a stunned look on his face. They hugged before she leaned back and cup his face with her hands and spoke to him softly.

After giving him one last hug, I was about to start asking her questions but was stopped by a text from Bonnie saying that she has out the front.

'Bonnie's here. Are you going to school?' I asked her.

'Yeah,' she smiled looking back at me, 'But you go; we have plenty of time to catch up later.'

'I have to go too,' said Jenna, 'But I'll be having a long chat with you tonight.' She told Ena, trying to sound parental.

'I look forward to it,' she smirked and waved as we left.

Leaving the house, I found an expensive looking car parked out the front. It must have been the one that Enya drove up in but I had never seen it before and it look worth more then anything either of us could ever afford.

Parked behind it was another car where Bonnie Bennett waited patiently in the drivers seat.

'What took you so long? And why is there a Porsche in your drive way?' She said grinning as I sat in the passenger seat.

'I'm late because Ena came home and I assume that it's her new ride.' I replied.

'What did she do? Steal it?' Bonnie joked.

'Wouldn't surprise me if she did.'


'So, Grams is telling me I'm Psychic. Our ancestors were from salem, witches and all that. I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already! I wasn't buying it either but then I remembered my uncanny accuracy. I predicted Obama, I predicted David Cook, Heath Ledger, Britney's comeback and I still think Florida will break off and become little resort islands.' Bonnie said as I looked out the window at our town going by in a blur.

'Did it tell you about the orgy? I had the football team over. Threw a blindfold on. I still don't know who took my virginity...Elena! Back in the car!'

Startled, I looked back at her, 'I did it again, didn't I?'

Bonnie nodded and I sighed sadly, 'I-I'm sorry Bonnie. You were telling me that...'

'Oh, come on, you had to be at least half listening to me,' She said as she challenged me to remember.

'Something about witches and virginity...wait, are you the virgin sacrifice for some witchy cult thing?' I joked

'One, no; and two, that sounds like something your sister would say.' Bonnie laughed, 'What I was saying is that I'm physic now.'

'Right,' I said unconvinced, 'Okay, then predict something. About me.'

Bonnie looked at me sideways; she smirked, clearly not taking this seriously.

'I see-' she said before slamming her foot on the break as something hit the windscreen of the car.

'What was that? Oh, my God! Elena, are you okay?' Bonnie said grabbing my hand.

'It's okay, I'm fine,' I replied, not sure if I was trying to reassure her or me.

'It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.'

'Really Bonnie, I'm fine. I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.'

Bonnie nodded and gave my hand a slight squeeze, 'I predict this year is going to kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy.'

I smiled at my best friend and breathed in deeply. I hoped she was right.


Walking through the corridor of Mystic Falls High, I realised that I was kind of glad to be back. School gave me a distraction from everything else going on.

'Major lack of male real estate. Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach,' Bonnie said as girl from our grade walked past, 'She looks a hot-- Can I still say "tranny mess"?'

'No, that's over,' I said shaking my head.

Bonnie shrugged her shoulders, 'Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It's a busy year.'

Reaching Bonnie's locker I turned around to see Matt Donovan looking our way. I raised my hand and went to wave but he quickly closed his locker and walked away.

'He hates me.'

'That's not hate,' Bonnie shook her head, 'That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."'

There was no faulting her logic. Matt was a great guy and I believed him to be incapable of hating anyone but I was most certainly not in his good graces for the time being.

'Elena!' I heard a high pitched voice shout before being pulled in to a tight embrace, 'Oh, my god. How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you.'

Letting go of me, Caroline Forbes turned to Bonnie, 'How is she? Is she good?'

'Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you.' I said giving her my most convincing smile.

'Really?' Caroline replied sarcastically, giving her perfectly styled blonde hair a flick.

'Yes. Much better.' I nodded.

'Oh, you poor thing.' She said, her voice thick with pity at she once again pulled me in to an oxygen restricting hug.

'Okay, Caroline.' I tapped her on the back and gave a look to Bonnie which screamed save me.

'See you guys later?' Caroline grinned before leaving.

'Okay! Bye.' Bonnie said overly happily.

'No comment.' I warned her, shaking my head.

Bonnie laughed and looped her arm with mine, 'I'm not going to say anything.'


'So, did Ena give any reason to why she left?' Bonnie asked as we walked towards our first class.

'Nope,' I replied, 'But she's having a parental talk with Jenna tonight.'

'Oh, to be a fly on the wall during that conversation,' Bonnie laughed.

'What conversation?' A familiar voice said behind us.

Bonnie and I turned around to find Enya standing in the middle of the school corridor. Everyone's eyes were on her but she didn't pay them any attention.

'The serious parental talk with Jenna tonight.' I said.

'Oh right,' she laughed, 'Looking forward to that.' She said sarcastically.

'Well, you did leave and not tell anyone,' Bonnie frowned.

'I missed you too, Bon Bon.' Enya grinned which caused Bonnie's anger to defeat and she hugged my sister tightly.

'Never do that to us again,' Bonne said, hitting Ena playfully on her cardigan clad shoulder, 'please.'

A strange look crossed Ena's eyes and her smile dimmed before giving us a small nod.

She didn't mean. Either that, or she actually felt guilty for leaving us.

'So,' I said looping my hand with Ena's as Bonnie did the same on the opposite side, 'Where were you exactly.'

'Atlanta.' Enya replied simply, looking straight ahead, 'I took up a part-time job and lived with someone I met at work.'

'And here I thought it would have been so much more exciting.' Bonnie winked before coming to halt, 'Hold up, Who's this?'

We had stopped out front of the secretary's office where a strange guy was standing with his back to us.

'All I see is back.' I said.

'It's a hot back,' Bonnie joked.

'Oh yes, because you can tell so much about a person just by their back,' Enya laughed.

'I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.' Bonnie continued.

Enya looked at Bonnie like she had gone made which made me genuinely smile.

'You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?' I asked my best friend.

'Psychic thing? How much have I missed.'

'Lots' Bonnie replied to Ena.

As we waited to see what the mysterious new guy looked like, Jeremy walked down the corridor and in to the mens room.

'I'll be right back,' I said, 'Ena, will you come with me, I might need your help for this.'

'Yeah, of course,' She replied before leaving Bonnie standing in the middle of the hall way by herself.


The mens toilets smelt terribly and the school day hadn't even started yet. As we walked in, Enya accidentally bumped into a guy I didn't know.

'Whoa! Pants down, chick!' He said, but Ena simply grab him by his shirt and pushed him towards the bathroom door.

'Great,' I groaned as I watched Jeremy with a bottle of eye drops, 'It's the first day of school and you're stoned.'

'Stoned?' Ena asked, 'When the hell did this happen?'

'Don't you start, Ena. You use to get high too, remember?' Jeremy accused her.

'Yeah, a long time ago.'

Ena was getting mad and I was actually thankful for it. Enya could be terrifying when she got mad and Jeremy had always listened to her more then to me.

'Where is it? Is it on you?' I started checking his pockets to try and find anything hidden in his clothes.

'Stop! You need to chill yourself, all right?' Jeremy spoke, pushing me away which made me think that he did have something on him , so, I kept searching.

'Chill myself? What is that, Stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool.'

'No, I think that's just idiot talk.' Enya's sarcastic tone wasn't really helping.

Jeremy once again shoved me away, 'Look, stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?'

'You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!' I wasn't sure if Ena's comment was an insult at me or not so I just ignored it.

'I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself.,' He tried to cut me off by walking away but Ena grabbed him and kept him in place; 'No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz every time, you got it? Jeremy, I know who you are. And it's not this person. So don't be this person.'

'I don't need this.,' Jeremy said, 'besides, you should be blaming her,' he nodded towards Ena, 'After all, I found it in her room after she left.'

Dumbfounded, Ena let Jeremy leave and I looked at my sister as she ran her hand through her curly hair.

'Don't look at me like that,' She said pointing her finger at me, 'You know what I was like! I wasn't myself back then. I got into the wrong crowds but I'm sober now.'

I shook my head sadly, 'Yeah, yet I still don't recognise who you are.'

'I'm your sister,' she said turning to leave, 'I'll always be your bloody sister.'

Following her out of the mens restroom, I walked straight into her back.

'Uh, pardon me. Um... Is this the men's room?' I heard a deep voice say from in front of her.

I looked around my sister to see the new guy standing there looking at her as if he recognised her.

'Yes. Um, We was just, Um--We were-- It's a long story.' Ena mumbled.

He was gorgeous; like greek god gorgeous. His green eyes looked over Enya and I with kindness and a hint of mischief. His jawline was impressive for a guy of his age and his light brown hair was immaculately styled out of his face.

What was it with everyone looking perfect today and yet I felt horrible?

Without looking at me, Ena grabbed my hand and went to side step around him only to come face to face with him again. Ena tried again but the same thing happened. They moved together like magnets.

The new guy smiled at us before stepping to one side to let us past.

'Thank you,' we said at the same time which made him smile even more.

Walking to our first class, I couldn't help but notice the slight blush across my sisters cheeks.

Maybe things would be different this year.

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