Crazy for Love

By TaylorCole94

691 8 7


Crazy for Love
Jerk off
New Look
New year
Hide and seek


87 1 4
By TaylorCole94

Its Christmas vacation and I’m back in town to visit my grandma.

I rarely came home to visit this was my first time coming home to

visit since I left town and transferred colleges. I didn’t even want

to come back but I had promised Grammy I’d come visit her this

Christmas. Gosh I hated this town so much now, too many

painful memories. The reason why I left and decided to leave

and not come back unless necessary, as much as I try to leave

my pass behind somehow it seems like my pass keeps coming

back. I choose to go to a college all the way a cross the country

for a reason but nope that asshole just had to transfer to the

same school as me and just happen to be majoring in the same

thing as me so he was in most of my classes. I’m just glad that

stupid bitch didn’t transfer too. Just thinking about them makes

me so angry.


 Brian’s hasn’t been picking up my calls since this afternoon. wtf.

We had plans for today its our anniversary for gosh sakes what

could be so important. We were suppose to be going to dinner

then go see a movie, and spend the rest of the day together. I

was tired of waiting so I grabbed my mom’s car keys and

decided to go find out why he’s ignoring me. When pulled up at

his house his car’s there. He and Lauren are getting out his

house looking a little bit to cozy for my liking. I guess they didn’t

notice me cause right then and there he kisses her. I can’t

believe what I’m seeing. This can’t be happening.  My best

friend, my boyfriend, that asshole, that stupid bitch, standing

there making out right in front of me. I have know idea what came

over me because next thing I knew Lauren was yelling I me to

stop  but I couldn’t I didn’t want to. I beat her ass. All I saw was

red I pulled out her cheap ass weave track by track when I was

done with her she had a bloody nose black eye and her hair a

complete mess. “You stupid bitch, I fucking trusted you you’re

my best friend, I would never do what you did to me” I couldn’t

control my anger I yelled a few more things at her none of them

nice. Then I finally turn my attention to Brian. “You just gonna

stand there,…you fucking asshole I loved you probably more

then I loved myself you where my everything and you go and

betray me and cheat with my best friend, I would never do you

wrong like that, I guess it’s my fault for trusting you and being so

naïve” Next thing I knew I was in his face yelling at him but he

just stood there he wouldn’t even look at me which made me

angrier. I couldn’t help it I punched him right in the face. “You

stupid Bitch”he cried out as he grabbed hold of his face in pain.

“oh now you wanna talk” seeing him in pain made me feel a little

better so I figured I’d feel a lot better if he was in a lot of pain so

I kneed him in the stomach. He fell over in pain. I hit him a few

more times. Lauren was still balling her eyes out when I turned

and left them there. “I’m so so sorry tiff” she cried “I bet you are

now that you got caught but I bet you weren’t when you where

sneaking around behind my back, you guys are perfect for each

other keep him I’m done with both of you lose my number” I

thought I was done but something came over me I grabbed the

biggest rock I could find and smashed in his car window and

keyed in cheater on the side of his car and smashed in the rest

of his windows. Before I left I turned and faced Brian for the last

time before I walked off “Happy Anniversary BABY!!” I smiled

and blew him a kiss. He just sat there I guess he was still

shocked. After that I drove home and cried my eyes out. I’ve

never been in this much pain before. Lauren really wasn’t sorry

cause the next day her and brian where officially going out. Brian

never tried to spoke to me after that. 


Somehow the whole school had heard how I beat Lauren and Brian’s ass and destroyed his car. I stopped speaking to most of my friends after that, I was certain most of them knew what was going on and didn’t tell, had me walking around looking like a fool. Kasha was the only person I talked too from my old group of friends, I still trusted her she would’ve told me if she knew. Kasha’s a true friend when she found out about Lauren and Brian she beat her ass too and Brian’s too. The last few months of school were hard for me I had to transfer schools cause everything was just to much every time I saw them together I died a little bit on the inside. I still was head over heels for Brian. He was my first everything. I’m not too proud of my pass because after Brian I turned into a complete hoe. I guess it was my why of trying to get over him. I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I got bored of it after a while my self respect was little to none. So I decided to leave guys alone for awhile and focus on myself. Which worked I guess until I read that stupid article 2 years ago about some love story about two high school sweethearts who where planning on getting married. Lauren sure loved rubbing her and Brian’s relationship in my face, now they’re getting married. I had enough after that I couldn’t believe I still wasn’t over it I packed up my stuff got all my paperwork done and transfer to another college far away from town all the way across the country.  

I might rewrite the flashback part idk yet.  

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