The Graveyard Girl

By BatKitty0427

816 45 20

A girl who was exploring the world with her dearest friend suddenly run into some trouble and things take a t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chaper Four
Chapter Five
Chapted Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Eight.

39 4 0
By BatKitty0427

Everyone in the hospital room freezes. I look at Skye with tears in my eyes.
"Oh my god. Shes awake. She talked. Skye?! Can you hear me." I try talking to her but doctors push me away to run tests on her.
I hear one of them ask if she knows who she is. I'm so happy..she's alive. She woke up. She's alive...
The doctors and nurses are in the room for another half hour or so asking questions and taking her temperature and all that. I just watch, crying. But this time they arent tears of sadness. They're tears of happiness.


The doctors finally finished and said I can talk to her now. Ive been waiting two days. Two days to hear her voice again.
"Robyn...?" She looks up at me. I feel tears running down my cheeks.
"Yes. I'm's okay I'm here...I'm so sorry Skye.."
"No I'm sorry...I shouldn't have left you..."
"No no shh it's okay.." I hold her head to my chest and rub her hair, "It's okay."
She starts crying.
"It was so scary Robyn...without you...I could see you cry and cry but I couldn't do anything...and then there was comatose..and death.."
What in the world was she on about. "Sh get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up." I move a chair next to her bed and hold her hand as she dazes off, and I watch her sleep. Actually sleep. Not is some daze. She's alive and asleep. I missed her voice...I missed playing with her hair...I missed her deep blue eyes...I missed seeing her without all the tubes and machines....I just missed her.
I guess she wasn't as asleep as I thought.
"Yes? I'm here."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too..."
She dazes off again. I sit and hold her hand in silence for fifteen minutes before a doctor comes in. He looks at me and starts to speak.
"We want to keep her here for another day or so just to make sure she's alright. We also thinks its best to put her on the transplant list if a heart opens up, just for precautions."
I nod. "I'll talk to her about it when she wakes up."
"If you two decide to do it or not, you'll still have to be careful until she's get the transplant. She'll still have a weak heart. She won't be able to go through dramatic situations."
I nod again "Thank you."
He walks out of the room leaving me and Skye alone.
I'm going to tell her. When she wakes up I'm going to tell her.


"Tick tock tick tock."
Where is that coming from? I walk around the hospital. Robyn is still crying.
"Tick tock goes the clock...."
What the hell? What is that... I keep walking and I hear a rattle coming from one of the rooms. I stand with my hand on the knob debating wether to open it or not.
"She cradles her and she holds her..."
The words become song. Its coming from the room. I hesitate for a momeny but decided to answer it. I immediately regret my decision.
Infront of me is a creature maybe 8 feet tall. It's entire body is jet black. It has tentacles...many of them, and rows of sharp teeth, and it's eyes are dark red. I stare. Frozen in fear. It turns from whatever it was looking at on the floor and looks at me.
"There you are...."
It lunges at me and I scream.

What the hell is going on..I wake up to the sound of Robyn yelling my name.
"Skye you were having a nightmare. You were screaming."
My mind flashes back to the creature.
"Death.." I whisper more to myself than to Robyn.
"What?!" She looks at me with worried eyes.
"N-nothing.." I look up at her. " I'm okay."
She grabs me and hugs me.
"I love you Skye." I feel her tears. I sit in silence for a couple minutes. That wasn't something I would expect from her.. I lift my arms and hug her back.
"I love you too.."
We stay in a tight hug for a couple minutes and Robyn pulls away. "The doctor said something about a heart transplant. What do you think? You'd be able to do everything go on rollercoasters and watch scary movies and get into silly arguments with me" she laughs quietly.
"I think it's a good idea if you do."
I look at her and she nods.
She hugs me again.
"I missed you so much.. all I could do was Doctors poked you with needles or attached you to machines."
"It's okay. Everything is okay now."
"I'm going to go buy dinner. What do you want? Anything at all, I'll go get it"
I hadn't realized it was so late in the day.
"Mac and cheese." I say, knowing it's Robyns favourite.
"Okay, I'll be back. Alright?"
"I'll be here." I laugh. It's not like I can go anywhere. She walks out of the room. Hm, what should I do. There's a TV and a chess board with checkers on the other side. I pick up the TV remote. I put on a random channel. There's nothing good. "Doctor?!"
A man in a white coat comes running in.
"Is there something wrong?!" He has an urgent look on his face.
"Oh, no, I didn't mean to worry you, I was just curious if I could watch YouTube."
His face softens and his urgency is gone.
"Of course. Anything else I can get you?"
I shake my head and he leaves the room. It feels weird to have everyone worried about me all the time. I'm used to Robyn but she's my best friend. I don't even know these people. The doctor returns with my phone.
"Thank you."
"Of course. If you need anything else press this button." He points to a button on the TV remote.
"Okay." He leaves the room and I pick up my phone. 23 unread messages and 3 missed calls. Jeez. I unlock my phone and they're all from Will.

Two days ago: Did I do something?

Two days ago: You seemed in a rush to leave

One day ago: Hello?

One day ago: What did I do??

Three hours ago: Can you talk to me please?

Forty minutes ago: Helloooo?

Read 5:26 pm

All the messages were pretty similar. My fingers type out a message.

I was in the hospital.

My fingers linger over the send button. Should I really even talk to him. I go out of his conversation without sending the message and go into Robyns. I send her a text.

Will texted me.

Are you going to
answer him?

Idk I thought I'd ask you.

Idc. Just don't get up and
leave me again  xD.

Never again.

Okay good. Then go for it. ;)

I go back to the conversation with Will and send the message. I go into youtube and start watching some guy cover his face in glue. People are so weird. It is kind of amusing though. A couple minutes later my phone vibrates.

Omg I'm so sorry what
happened are you

I'm fine.

I'm so sorry I didn't
know. Should I come visit?


But I want to see you.

I said no.

I close the conversation. I didn't want to see him. I didn't even want to talk to him. My phone vibrates again but I ignore it and watch the guy put on the 100th coat of glue. At this time Robyn is back.
"I got the best kind I could find." She holds up a container. It's obviously from a restaurant.
"Why did you go to a restaurant? You could have just went to the grocery store."
"Only the best, for the best." She bows like a servant and laughs.
"Don't do that" I laugh with her.
She pulls my side table up to the bed. Its just tall enough for me to reach. She opens the to-go container and puts half of the contents in the lid. She hands me and fork.
"Your majesty." She laughs again.
We eat the Mac and cheese and watch a movie. After that I move over and she climbs in bed next to me. We both fall asleep to the sound of the static from the TV.

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