Not An Option

By Lovin_yu

235 1 5

16 year old Marica was your average teenage girl looking for "the one". Never did she think he would come so... More

4 months ago
got em
feeling ha
tried it.
not the one
admit one
back at it
sister sister
i promise
friends ☺


7 0 0
By Lovin_yu


  "okay let's go over that second eight count one more time and be real y'all foreal" I said to my dance team as we prepared the try out dance for newcomers. 

    I was watching them dance and they looked like a damn circus I was so mad I don't know what the hell makes everybody think dancing is easy. I hate hosting try outs I'd rather try out than host it.

      " no man no y'all not even popping right its up down up Down in in down" I showed them and I heard all the attitudes and I got mad.

    " if y'all wanna have attitudes y'all can just go home real shit, I'm not here to waste my time on anybody other than my 8 girls that's already on the team. If y'all want my help show and tell me until then keep fucking up" I said going into coach room. I looked at my phone still no message from dycarai and its 4:52 I was pissed. If this nigga off a bar imma be mad I swear to god. I hate how we always end up back talking to each other I really didn't like him.

       Ray😊: is this even rica?

       Me: yeah sorry I was focused on school and I'm at dance I'll call you later?

       Ray😊 sure shorty that's straight I get home around 9.

9? What the hell he gotta do that late drugs don't keep you out that late and I definitely am not tryna pull a nighter with another trap nigga. I put my phone up and got the clipboard to start marking mistakes on these hoes.


Maaaan I thought it was gon be easy not having a phone but it ain I only think about one person all day...Rica ugly ass. Even though we not together we still make sure each other straight. Khalaya she not even really fucking with me the only time she wanna be in my life is if she hear something about me and Rica and that is lame like if you want this "relationship" than there is no disappearing on a nigga. I know Shania snitched on me so I'm ready to get blanked on well it ain gon be that bad because she probably only think I was smoking not the xanax part and I ain telling her that shit either.

    " bruh lemme use your phone tonight" I said to butta and he laughed at me. I started to smack this nigga he know if it was him I'd let him use my phone.

    " nah you gotta use that computer" he was dead ass and I was weak as fuck what the fuck I look like ....oh hell yeah I'm bout to use it.

         Rica Rica: if you don't ibm back in five minutes we squaring THE FUCK UP NEXT TIME I SEE YOU 💯and then you trying me you wanna be so shell you bouta knock mfs down, you getting escorted by west and shit smfh ion know why I even bother to help ya crackheaded ass out no more real shit 😴

     Me: 😦🙊😐
     Me: wyd?

    Me: who I bout knock over?

    Me: oh lml nah I know and I took q bar thats why but I missed you.

I forgot she was at dance practice or whatever so I just started watching videos on YouTube until she got home or decided to text back.

I was so damn tired and aggravated after practice I just got my shit and left I didn't talk to any of my girls or coach besides info the girls needed. I forgot I had my mama car and traffic was bouta be a fool so I went to subway before getting into it.

   "Wassup sis" butta said as I walked in. I was surprised dycarai wasn't with him and grandma.

    " hey guys... Sorry I'm all sweaty" I said hugging him and they grandma. She always seemed happy to see me and she made my day a Lil better.

    " so baby how are you and my trouble man?" She asked me and I shook my head because even she knew dycarai was just hard to get to.

   " honestly we are barely holding on he doesn't listen at all and I'm tired of trying to help him out..." I said and she rubbed my back as her and butta left.

     " that nigga crazy" butta whispered in my ear and I looked at him like nigga what.

I brought my sub and got in the car and butta and grandma was still out here. Butta came to the car asking all these questions so I let him in and dropped him off since his grandma was on the way to church. Of course he called carai out and I drove off because I didn't wanna hear no bullshit he pissed me off and I was already aggravated.

      " where you at?" My mama called and asked.

     " I'm on the way home I stopped and got a sub" I said and she hung up. Shortly I was pulling up our long drive way and I saw my grandparents car I wonder what's going on.

    " heeeeyyyy" everyone said when I walked in looking tired.

    " hey family what are we doing" I said once I seen everyone looked dressed presentable.

     " we're going out to eat the whole family even uncle bill, your dad everyone " they said I rolled my eyes all I wanted to do was sleep I guess I would never get that.

I went in my room and took a shower and put on a creme colored fitted dress, my brown knee high sandals, and some basic jewelery. I really didn't feel like getting too cute so I just flipped my hair and put on mascara and lip gloss and off we went.

        Dycarai Green: oh lml nah I know and I took q bar thats why but I missed you.

       Me: smh you never will learn will you?

   I muted our convo because I didn't need distractions. I drunk some of my pink lemonade and enjoyed my night.
   " so we as adults were all planning a vacation to Miami for two weeks." My aunt Sharon said and everyone just looked at each other.

  "Fine with me" I said knowing I always wanted to go but id be losing out on a lot from school, work, and dance but I think as a family we all needed this.

  " well we will leave Thursday so Start packing" the table got silent as everyone just continued to eat until we all left.


  "sooooo she said she was giving up on me?" I asked my grandma again since she was telling me how she seen "her baby" at subway.

   " that is not what I said dycarai but eventually that girl will and you'll need her and there will be nothing she can do" I just looked at my grandma read some magazine and thought about what she was saying and it was true. I know its true because I lost her once and it hurt me but I'm not looking for all that love marriage stuff right now I just wanna chill and fuck. Nobody understands that though plus Rica cheated on me too she whole live had a nigga spoiling her and now he wanna be mad at me. Fuck it. I logged back on Facebook

     Rica Rica: yoooooo 😀 I am so happy guess whaaaat pooh

      Me: you dead ass bipolar but what bookie

I be happy when she call me pooh, carai, or anything other than dycarai, dumbass, crack head, or that shit.

   " why you smiling so hard?" Butta faggot ass asked me and I ignored him because I gotta use this damn old ass computer.

      Rica Rica: I'm going to Miami 😘 finna get me a good nigga too 😜😌💅

      Me: oh that's wassup

I always say that's wassup to some shit I really don't like and it was good she was going to Miami since she always wanted to but that nigga part ain good. I really do like and love her but my mind is just not right for all that so imma make sure nobody have her but me.....

           Rica Rica: anyways why you wasn't responding...what was your purpose of not even going to class why did you even come back to school like that?

         Me: I missed you but I didn't actually wanna come to school but it was that or ride in a hotbox and I got my phone took by Barnes Jones sorry man foreal.

  She left me on seen so I guess that was it beside its 12 at night I know she's tired. I was bouta lay down when butta said Rica wanted me on the phone and I knew this would be a long convo about me doing stupid shit and I don't know how to fix it.

     " bruh what the fuck I just say? I said sorry damn and I can't help I was feeling out of place today I needed something and you wasn't even at school to talk to but why do I have to explain myself to someone that's about to give up on me" I said and I watched butta mouth drop and he walked out the room shaking his head. I mean why should I even explain if she giving up on me? This why I do what I do no girl is willing to even stick when I'm going through it.

   " really? I'm giving up on you now after all we been through? Dycarai I never would give up on you even if you was dangling from a bridge and I was given 1 million dollars to let go...and by this time if that's not clear to you I'll just have to take the hint you don't want me here goodnight kid" she hung up on me and I felt a weird ass feeling. I never heard anybody in my life ever say something like that and I didn't know what to do.

    " soooooo y'all good or what" butta said sitting beside me and I just shook my head I really didn't know what to say real shit I just layed back and stared at the ceiling.

      Next morning

" carai let's go" I heard khalaya say as we walked toward her second block and I had a lot on my mind.

" nah you go head man I got other shit to do" I said walking to my Spanish class. I just didn't feel like myself man I got my work and walked home. When I got home my aunt was leaving the drive way with my grandma in the car.

    " why you home so early?" My aunt asked as my grandma said something I couldn't hear.

    "Headache" I said and she looked at me with the look your mom give when she know you lying but she didn't keep asking questions she just told me where my phone was and left.
I walked in the house and picked up my phone it was turned off so I cut it on. I was just stuck in my own world right now but somebody else was here. I walked in the bathroom and this bitch had to be real delusional sitting on my toilet crying with a pregnancy test.

   "HOW THE FUCK YOU GET IN HERE?" I yelled loud as hell and she junped.

   "Carai we having a baby"


   Me: I seen him this morning leaving breakfast he looked sad...

    Minck😊👭💪 man he never should've said what he said to me he really tried me.

    Me: man smh but if I see him I'll tell you...why you not here anyway?

    Minck😊👭💪: got home late asf and ain really had no sleep since ion know when, but I'll be there for dance and ion know if I'm coming tomorrow or not bc we might have to shop....

I was just shaking my head that's basically 15 missed days and the limit is 10 she already had almost 4 in each class...but I guess she got this.

    Minck😊👭💪 biiiittch I'm omw up by the school now 🔫

I tried calling and calling her but she ain answer so I just went back to my class work one of us gotta be here.


I was at home texting my best friend when dycarai called me saying Briana was in his bathroom with some bull shit. I was debating on telling khalaya or not because ion think she knows about this so I did.

      Me: you at school?

      Lãyà baby: yeah wassup?

     Me: uhm meet me at carai grandma house asap bitch no drama and don't make it hot

I knew her ass was gon fuck all this up so I just put on some old jays, some sweats and a cropped tee. I got to his house quicker than I ever did. The door was locked so I knocked hard as hell and I heard a gunshot. My heart dropped and khalaya came running.

   "What the hell is going on?" She asked breathing hard

   " girl its a lot but ion know who shot carai or Briana but somehow we gotta get in"

Together we kicked the door down and of course the gun was laying on the floor but nobody was laying down we heard tussling and found them fighting in the room. I grabbed carai and she grabbed Brianna. This nigga strong as hell man.

   "Bitch you gotta chill before I whoop ya ass calm the fuck down both y'all" I said out of breath and carai sat down with his head in his hands shaking the room was quiet.

I was sitting in the room with khalaya, Briana, and marica and my head was spinning. I'm bout to get fucked up because Rica can't stand neither one of em and that gun was gone, khalaya ass taking navy courses so I know she can shoot sum, and Briana she aims to kill.

   " well three of us in this room know this situation, two know why they was alone in here, and one knows why she was crying." Rica said breaking the silence looking at me.

   " man chill out khalaya I never meant for any of this to happen but me and Briana used to fuck with each other and she's delusional she thinks there still is a future and she really doesn't like you, me and Rica you already know about us , and this pregnancy shit ion know why she brought that to me the only girl I been fucking is Rica" I said standing up to keep the situation balanced.

  " hold up bitch you mean to tell me I'm sitting in this room with a lying ass fake acting ass mother fucker...I whole live gave you my attention yesterday at school and you lie like this, I knew you looked familiar and then you ooooh" Rica said hopping on Briana and she was whooping her ass. I tried my best to pull her off ha but I couldn't so khalaya helped. Rica left the room.

   " I can't even look at y'all right now, you should've told me from the beginning...and you you're just a sick lame wack ass bitch" Khalaya said spitting in Briana face. I hope this girl ain really pregnant.

   After Rica left, Khalaya left and Briana just sat looking at me all pathetically. This was all her fault.

    " carai I'm " she said and I cut her off.

    "Bruh you don't mean that shit so don't even say it, you need to apologize to laya not me, you owe Rica an apology too, and me yeah don't even worry about me nomo" I said opening the door letting her out."
Now I'm left to explain a broken door, mirror, tv, and a bullet hole. With females it don't take long to destroy shit I just attempted to fix this before my aunt came.

       Rica Rica: I gotchu 💯😒 never say I left your side for shit

      Me: ...huh

I was really confused until I seen two men coming in my driveway with a door, mirror, tv, and a small container. I didn't know who they were and they didn't say anything just fixed the door, wall, and replaced the mirror and TV. I wanted to tell em the tv didn't work in the first place but its fine. I caught on to Ricas message when I seen one of the men's name tag it said Steele so I assumed they was family. Ion think there is any girl in the universe like her. I grinned.

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