Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me โœ“

By LonimiMeseko

8.1M 238K 233K

"So this was all just a game to you . . .this whole time, you pretended to like me in order to humiliate me i... More

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me
[ 1 ] So much for eating those tacos
[ 2 ] I am not the one to blame
[ 3 ] I should've known better
[ 4 ] Expectations vs. Reality
[ 5 ] This is going to be a long senior year
[ 6 ] So not how I had pictured my swagger walk
[ 7 ] You could cut our tension with a knife
[ 8 ] Operation sneak out of the house is on the roll
[ 9 ] Thank God I wore a black dress to the party
[ 10 ] Girlfight?
[ 11 ] One big soap opera coming to life
[ 12 ] Running away is what I usually do best
[ 13 ] I am doomed
[ 14 ] Unfinished Business
[ 15 ] The Sidam Touch
[ 16 ] You can't talk some sense into a senseless person
[ 17 ] Drunken words are sober thoughts
[ 18 ] Double-crossed Part One
[ 19 ] Double-crossed Part Two
[ 20 ] Mom of the year? I think not
[ 21 ] Halloween Night
[ 22 ] War has been declared
[ 23 ] I'll pick you up at six
[ 24 ] After 200 years . . . it was about time
[ 25 ] Birds of a feather flock together
[ 26 ] Revelations
[ 27 ] A B A P
[ 29 ] Monday, you're going to profess your undying love for me?
[ 30 ] Safe? The irony
[ 31 ] I'll officially walk out of your life
[ 32 ] New Year's Eve
[ 33 ] The Camp Trip - Part One
[ 34 ] The Camp Trip - Part Two
[ 35 ] Trouble in Paradise
[ 36 ] Boys vs. Girls
[ 37 ] Leave it to you guys to make me the third wheel
[ 38 ] The End
[ 39 ] DEAN - 1st Bonus Chapter
[ 40 ] ANTHONY - 2nd Bonus Chapter

[ 28 ] I n t e r m i s s i o n

150K 5.2K 4.7K
By LonimiMeseko

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T W E N T Y   E I G H T

This has to be a figment of my imagination.

Just yesterday, he had no qualms of letting me know how he felt about me and now he's telling a different version.

I pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream.

Dean's eyebrows slightly furrow for a moment before a spasm of amusement contorts his face.

"Did you just try to pinch yourself?" he asks while simpering, a sight I haven't quite gotten used to.

"Yesterday, you said something entirely different." I dismiss his question and try to act coolly but it's hard to focus when his gaze freezes me in place.

How we're still standing so close to each other is beyond me.

"I always say a lot of shit I don't mean," he summons a neutral look as he shrugs in nonchalance. "Comes with the package." I watch him stroll over to his bed.

With his back turned to me, he sits down to remove his shoes. As minutes pass, I'm having a hard time coping with his behaviour. He's acting completely calm despite the turn of events.

Does he seriously expect me to forget all about his confession?

This is so typical of him to do when things get too intense for him.

"Spit it out!"

Perplexed, I blink twice. "Spit what out?"

He finally rotates and glances my way. "You've awfully been silent and you're definitely not the quiet type. So I assume you have a lot on your mind."

"You're acting like the talk we just had never happened." I express.

A grumble escapes his throat and he runs a hand through his hair.

After a bit, he rolls over to sit on the left side of his bed.

"You're always so uptight," he remarks while holding my gaze, "learn to loosen up every once in a while."

My expression hardens. His calm attitude is not doing anything to help the case.

"I just have a hard time believing you." I say, rather pointedly. "I mean if you claim to care, you've been doing a shitty job at showing it."

Dean diverges his gaze to the floor and doesn't say a word. He slowly takes his suit off and unfastens the buttons on the sleeve of his shirt. Before I know what's happening, he removes the only piece of clothing that covers up his chest.

Strained, I avoid looking at him when I can feel my face flush. How can he just get shirtless when I'm in the room?

He gives a whole new meaning to the word 'nonchalant'.

From my peripheral vision, I can see him get into a standing position.

"I know I mostly treat you like a punching bag," he mutters, "and I can understand if it's hard to believe me but I did mean every word."

I can barely focus with him being shirtless and all.

Clearing my throat, I build up the courage to glance his way. "Can you please put a shirt on?"

He stares down at his bare chest before returning his eyes to me with furrowed brows.

"Why should I do that?"

The room suddenly feels hot and I try to wipe my face clean of any emotion.

"Because. . ."

I can barely hold myself together when he crosses his arms.

Get your shit together, it's not like you've never seen a shirtless guy before.

"Because. . ." he echoes, his voice laced with puzzlement.

For a moment, I forget about what I was going to say before I snap out of my trance.

"Forget it." I turn around and head straight for the door.

"Wait." I stop abruptly upon the sound of his voice and rotate.

Perplexed, I watch him stride toward his desk before grabbing my purse.

I slap my forehead repeatedly while keeping my eyes shut.

Stupid much? I unconsciously left it on his desk and if it weren't for him, I would have forgotten it there.

It's not until my eyes open that I realize he's standing so close to me.

"You forgot this." Dean gestures at my bag before giving it to me.

"Thanks." I say, more like whisper once the strap is secured on my shoulder. His eyes stare into my own and I feel like the air has been snatched from my lungs.

As much as I try not to anchor my attention on him, I miserably fail.

Gosh his eyes. . .are truly breathtaking. They're the kind of green that distracts you from everything around.

Behind those eyes are hidden mysteries that one can't possibly begin to uncover. Gazing into them takes me back to the first day we met, reminding me of how innocent I thought they used to be.

But by now, I've learned that looks can be deceiving.

Knowing I'm not on the right state of mind, I still choose to take backward steps and what do I get?

Things don't end well for me when my heel bone collides into an item on the floor, causing me to loose balance.

In a quick motion, I feel his arm encircle my waist before he braces my weight with his, preventing me from falling.

I briefly leer at the laptop charger that almost caused me to fall but end up forgetting everything once I come to acknowledge our proximity.

The closeness is unbearable and if I don't leave now, I won't be able to control what happens next.

"Did you also lie about not liking me?" I don't know what possesses me to say those words but it slips.

We measure each other's gaze and I can't seem to decode that unreadable look of his.

I brace myself for what he's about to say but all my emotions diminishes once we hear a knock on the door. After I'm brought back to my senses, I break away from his hold.

Breathless, I stare at him in a nervous state while he looks a bit infuriated.

Gosh, what if it's that girl he was talking to earlier?

What the hell was I thinking when I came to his room?

Dean sighs and mutters incoherent words under his breath before heading over to open the door.

"Dude, not cool." Even if Dean's blocking my view of the person standing in front of him, I'm instantly able to identify Anthony's voice. "We were supposed to be at Zeph's beach party like about an hour ago. What the fuck are you slowing us down for?"

"You can already go with Lina," Dean indicates, "I'll change and join you there in 15."

Silence reigns for a bit before Antony speaks. "Is a girl in there?"

My heart races when Dean doesn't respond. Anthony quickly maneuvers his way into the room before he can be stopped.

"I knew it. What else could you possibly be doing other than—"

His eyes widen upon taking the sight of me. A look of incredulity dominates his features. "What the fuck?"

Feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, I can't bring myself to say anything.

Anthony darts a glance from me to Dean and points a finger towards me. "Now this, I did not expect."

I attempt to make a beeline for the door but Anthony maneuvers his way in front of me.

His eyes blaze with mischief. "What could you two possibly be doing alone in a room together?"

"She was looking for the bathroom," Dean begins as he glances my way, "found her way here by accident and the rest is history."

Anthony snickers. "Oh did she now?"

"Yeah but too bad I don't buy it."

My eyes narrow at Dean. "It's the truth."

He shoots me a look of disbelief. "I find it hard to believe you."

"Whatever, I'd better head home." Anthony doesn't attempt to stop me this time when I stroll my way out through the door.

It's not until I'm one step away from exiting the room that I hear Anthony's voice in the background.

"Think hard and well about what I said earlier Emery. For your sake, I hope you know that I was right."

Without a backward glance, I exit the room.

Anthony is right about everything. Hell, he's always been right. I don't know what it is that I'm feeling right now. . .but the one thing that I can't keep doing is be avoidant of my feelings and pretend like nothing's going on.

Noel and I probably rushed into dating and I need to be honest about it with him. Despite the fact that he's not a hundred percent honest in the relationship, he deserves to know where my head's at.

I owe him that.

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The next day, I stick to the plan and decide to have a talk with Noel around lunch period.

He wasn't around throughout the first two periods and when I texted him about it, he only responded with a 'doesn't matter, I'll be there at lunch' text. And that was the end of the conversation.

While most of Roosevelt students hustle and bustle through the halls, I shuffle my way through the crowd before spotting him next to his locker.

He's in the company of a few football and basket players including Zephyr and Lance. My eyes narrow at the sight of those idiots.

Despite the annoyance of seeing them, I gather all my courage and approach the group by the time the hall's almost empty.

"Noel, can I talk to you in private?" Upon hearing my voice, he swivels around to take in the sight of me. While some of his friends whistle, Noel simply frowns.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, unable to pinpoint the reason behind his reaction.

Zephyr and Lance glower as they stare at me before the former briefly pats Noel in the back.

"Good luck with this one men." I don't acknowledge them when they withdraw along with the other athletes.

"I need to tell you something about last night." I start off nervously.

He folds his arms across his chest. "Good, so do I."

His voice is laced with a patronizing tone, which causes me to stare at him in a moment of puzzlement. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Actually yes." he begins while throwing me a look of disapproval. "You can start off by explaining to me what the hell you were doing at Dean's place last night."

My eyes blaze with incredulity. "Wait, you're upset because of that? That's why you responded so coldly to my text message earlier?"

Noel wears a blank expression. "Just answer the question."

"Fine. I went there but it's not what you think." 

"Okay, were you going to tell me about it then?" he queries in a relaxed tone.

"I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal." I justify, almost defensively. "Besides, it's not like I had a choice."

He stares at me in a moment of confusion before realization dawns on him. "When your dad called last night, he was at Dean's wasn't he?"

I nod my head.

His mouth turns grim. "You should've just told me about it Emery. I mean you're always talking about trust but you're the first person to act untrustworthy.

"I had to hear it from my friends instead of you and you know how I feel about Dean. It completely puts me off that you didn't tell me."

"I didn't think it was that important," my eyes cross with exasperation, "especially after the fight we had last night. I was so mad at you that I didn't think to tell you about it."

I pause to stare fixedly at him before continuing. "Which brings me back to what I wanted to talk to you about." He studies me with piercing scrutiny. "I feel like we may have rushed into things when we started dating."

Noel doesn't say anything for a moment and I watch as dissatisfaction plows his brows. "This is about last night isn't it?"

"It's not just about—"

He intercepts. "No, this is about the fact that I wasn't up for discussing with you about Quentin last night."

I purse my lips. "Part of my decision isn't just about that discussion."

"Decision?" he queries with incredulity. "So you've already concluded this relationship and I don't have a say in it?"

"Can you at least hear me out?" I plead.

With an irritated visage, he chuckles bitterly. "Hear you out? This has to be a joke."

"Then what should I do, uh?" I query in desperation. "I'm supposed to pretend like nothing happened and make things worse by not saying anything about it? If a relationship isn't initially based on trust, then it's doomed from the start."

His lips thin in a hard line. "Fine Emery, you want to know the reason why I brushed it off last night? I didn't want to explain what Quentin meant because I knew that once you found out the truth, you wouldn't look at me the same way."

My eyes narrow. "What are you talking about?"

He shifts his gaze to the floor, exhaling deeply. "Quentin used to go to school here about two years ago. He used to be part of the basketball team. . .Even if I wasn't in their team, we always hanged in the same clique. . .Dean, Quentin, Zephyr, Lance, Luke and I. . ."

A rush of apprehensiveness travels through my body as I wait for him to continue, like my life depends on it.

His gaze finally meets mine. "One time during lunch period, the boys started teasing Dean about this infatuation he had of you back when you guys just started becoming friends. Dean of course, denied these allegations and claimed that he wasn't fond of you.

"They didn't choose to believe him and continued to tease him about it. At first, I teased him about it because at the time, I didn't really know who you were. It got to a point where Dean got so infuriated and he wanted to prove to everyone that he didn't care about you. So, they all came up with this plan. . ."

"Pretend to date me and eventually humiliate me at your party in front of the entire school." I spit out in disdain as a belligerent look clouds my features. "So you knew all about his plan to humiliate me and failed to tell me about it?"

He summons a beseeching expression. "Emery, I didn't know about the plan until late that night at my party. I found out about it later . . . I swear. Please, you have to believe me."

I don't even have a name to describe the number of emotions I'm feeling right at this particular moment, except for pure disgust.

Why is this something I'm just learning now? He should've told me about it right from the get-go.

If he claims to not have known anything about the plan until the night it got executed, then why couldn't he warn me beforehand when we met each other for the first time at his basement?

A lot of things don't add up considering how everything about the scene of my humiliation was linked to his party that night.

Why would they have kept him in the dark when they all knew Dean planned to humiliate me at Noel's house?

Noel swiftly encloses his hand around my wrist. "Emery. . .you have every right to be upset —"

I wrench my arm out of his grasp, my eyes blazing with fury. "Don't touch me!"

He stares at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry, I hid it from you. This is the reason why I didn't want to talk about it last night because I knew you'd get upset."

"So keeping it from me was the only option?" I demand, my voice laced with rage. "You're a hypocrite Noel. Earlier, you stated that I wasn't trustworthy because I didn't tell you about going to Dean's whereas you were just as I guilty, if not worst."

"This happened years ago, please don't hold it against me."

My reaction is plain disbelief. "Are you serious? Never mind, don't answer that question. Why didn't you warn me about Dean's plan that night?"

He rubs his nape. "I was immature at the time and I really regret everything. If I could go back in time—"

I raise a hand to shush him. "That's bullshit and you know it. You know what, I am so over this conversation." I don't give him a chance to respond before I swivel around and make a dash for the cafeteria entrance.

He calls my name multiple times but I tune him out and continue to move forward.

So it took meeting Quentin and confronting Noel about my suspicions for him to come clean about everything?

My emotions are on fritz as his words replay over and over in my head.

I didn't know about the plan until late that night at my party.

After hearing that Luke was involved in the plan to humiliate me, I cogitate back to the day when Dean received a phone call from someone when we were sat at the bleachers two years ago.

It was the day before Noel's party and I even remember asking Dean whom he was talking to and he responded dismissively by saying it was Lu—

I gasp when it hits me.

Oh god...Luke was one of the people who compelled Dean to humiliate me and I was too stupid to realize that sooner.

Did Aaliyah know about this? He probably must've kept it from her this whole time.

My whole mind is a whole bundle of mess.

But could Noel be telling the entire truth about that night? I mean, if he kept it from me for the longest of time then one can only imagine what other secrets he's been hiding.

I can't seem to shake off the fact that Dean didn't say anything about it as well. If he claims to care about me, he would've told me.

You always paint me out to be the bad guy but if you weren't so determined to portray me as one, you'd see what's right in front of you.

Were his exact words after Noel and him got into a fight in front of the entire school.

Even if he threw subliminal messages about Noel . . .why couldn't he tell me right from the on set?

I feel like my head's about to explode with these unanswered questions running through my head.

Before I can step into the cafeteria, the message alert of my phone abruptly halts me in my tracks.

I shove my hand into my pocket and retrieve the phone before activating it.

There's a message on the screen from Aaliyah that says;

Meet me at the courtyard asap. I would've called but my battery's about to die.

PS: You can't trust Noel.

Peeved, I insert my phone into my pocket.

Stacey must've told Aaliyah the things I just found out about Noel and that's probably what she wants to tell me now. If whatever Noel said about Luke was true, then I need to warn her about him immediately.

I tune out the voices of students in the cafeteria as I drown my head in my thoughts.

It's not until I spot Natalie's approaching figure that I snap out of my trance.

"There you are." She sighs in relief upon taking in the sight of me and saunters in my direction. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

By the time she gets rid of the distance between us, a worried look transforms her features upon inspecting me. "Are you okay?"

I feign impartialness. "Yeah, I'm fine."

To her credit, she doesn't look convinced. "You're making it very hard for me to believe you when those tears are in your eyes."

Unshed tears are threatening to fall and I don't realize it until now. Immediately, I raise a hand to wipe my eyes.

"It's nothing," I reassure her, "listen I need to talk to Aaliyah in the courtyard but I'll be back."

Natalie's eyes rake with irritation. "Fine, don't tell me what's going on. But, I'm coming with."

It's not like I had the intentions of keeping her in the dark but I don't choose to tell her right away because even I am having trouble coping with the news myself.

A part of me is relieved that once we get to the courtyard, Aaliyah will eventually tell her all about it. I'm not even in the right state of mind to confide in her.

Once we get to the courtyard, I scan around before spotting Aaliyah who's sat alone on a bench a few feet away.

"Emery. . ." Natalie starts off once realization dawns on her face. "Did Noel do something to you?"

Since she's always quick to figure things out on her own, I didn't even need to tell her anything.

When I don't respond, she clenches her fist in anger. "That jackass. Did he touch you because if he did. . ." I tune her out as soon as I'm able to decipher a familiar figure from a distance.

Upon close inspection, I recognize Quentin's frame. He's accompanied by a couple of his friends from Parkland Academy. Quentin's presence in Roosevelt High can only mean one thing— an altercation with the Red-hawks.

Dean who's sat in a bench with a few guys from his squad (including Anthony and Luke), is the first to spot Quentin in the group and arises before marching over to his target.

The others eventually acknowledge the presence of the BlackLions before they follow suit. Once both group diminish any form of distance separating them, all hell breaks loose.

"Really, another fight? I've lost count of the fights this year." Natalie says with incredulity and I can't agree more.

Apart from Dean and Noel's altercation, there have been several brawls between the school's football team and their rivals this school year.

I watch Dean's body curve into a defensive position and he folds his arms, throwing Quentin a venomous stare. Anthony and Luke stand behind Dean with the same look of disdain in their eyes as they clench their fists.

Quentin wears a smug smile before he tries to intimidate his rivals. Dean doesn't seem frightened the slightest, far from it in fact.

They indulge in a heated argument and I can barely hear what they're saying. The dispute between both captains attracts students' attention as they glance at the scene with curiosity.

I had the intention of reproaching Dean right after Noel's confession. I don't bother to contemplate whether or not it's a good idea to face them under these circumstances because my patience is wearing thin.

It's time to get things off my chest and it's now or never.

"Natalie, tell Aaliyah that I need to handle a few things first before coming to her." I instruct her as I take backwards steps. "And please, warn her to stay the hell away from Luke."

Natalie stares at me in an unadulterated confusion. "For the last time Emery, what the hell is going on?"

My eyes blaze with desperation. "I'll tell you all about it, I promise. But now's not a good time." I don't wait for her response and take my retreat before making a beeline straight to the commotion.

As Dean draws his hand back and prepares to throw a punch at Quentin, he slowly drops his hand down upon drinking in the sight of my approaching figure.

In a fast motion, he withdraws from the others to advance my way.

"Emery, you're not supposed to be here." He growls once he's facing me, his eyes glazed with hostility.

I mirror his glance. "Why didn't you tell me that Noel knew about the plan to humiliate me years ago?"

His eyes widen for a short amount of time before he summons an incredulous look. "Wait. . .how did you find out?"

A bitter chuckle escapes my throat. "How I found out isn't important Dean. Just answer the question."

It doesn't even feel like we're being watched since all I can see at this particular moment is red.

A mixture of terror and disbelief dominates his features as Dean runs his hands through his hair. "Did Noel tell you this? But that's impossible. . ."

"Looks like your hands are currently tied Darnell." Quentin comments before snickering with his friends in the background.

"What's going on here?" Anthony's the first to ask among his other friends as he darts a glance from Dean to me.

I ignore his question and maneuver before coming to an abrupt halt in front of Quentin. "And you, God you actually have the nerve to show your face here after everything—"

"Woah, woah, woah there señorita." Quentin raises his hands in a surrendering gesture as he continues to chuckle with his mates. "Pump up your breaks for a second and try to speak slowly so the rest of us can understand you."

With greeted teeth, I throw him a malicious glare before gesturing to Luke's direction. "You and Luke and whoever those two idiots names are, persuaded Dean to humiliate me in front of the entire school a few years back didn't you?"

I expect him to come clean and admit to his wrongdoings but I get the surprise of my life, when he starts to laugh uncontrollably with the rest of the BlackLions crew.

"Wait. . .Luke is this true?" Anthony queries as he throws Luke a menacing glare.

Luke simply shrugs his shoulders callously. "I have no idea what she's talking about."

My nostrils flare. "Right, like you didn't call Dean on the day before Noel's party to humiliate me in front of everyone."

An abrupt puzzled look overtakes his face before he clenches his jaw. "Can someone please get this dog on a leash? She's officially lost her mind."

Once Quentin's slowly recovering from that laughing marathon of his, he says, "Is that what your boyfriend told you? He made it seem like the idea to embarrass you in front of the entire school came from us?"

My eyebrows furrow. "Well that's the truth isn't it?"

Before Quentin can speak—Dean immediately steps forward and pushes me behind him. "Leave her out of this." he warns him in a menacing tone.

"Right because I take orders from you now." His comment causes some of his friends to snicker.

"Dean, step out of my way." I demand.

Dean swiftly rotates his body to face me, his eyes glistening with rage. "You don't want to find out Emery, please just leave."

Quentin interrupts me before I can speak. "There's no need for her to leave, in fact we're just getting started here."

Even if I can't see Quentin's face due to how Dean's blocking the view I have of him, I listen attentively and brace myself for what he's about to say.

"Noel is the one who gave Dean the idea to humiliate you years ago by the way. I along with Luke and the other's knew about it but it's not like it was our idea in the first place."

And that's when the whole world stops making sense.

My shoulders instantly become rigid and the sudden urge to vomit is more prominent then ever. His words hit me hard, almost to the extent where I can feel my knees buckle.

Noel. . .gave Dean the idea?

I can't make sense out of it and I feel like I'm about to pass out. This has to be a lie . . . a big fuckin lie.

"Emery?" and just when I think I'm about to collapse, I regain consciousness as soon as I robotically turn my head to take in the sight of his worried expression.

My blood boils with rage and all I can think about in this moment is how much I want to crucify him right now for all the lies he fed me and made me believe from the get-go.

Silence reigns for the longest time as I'm having trouble understanding why he did the things he did out of spitefulness.

"Looks like you and Anderson have a lot to talk about."

I was fooled once and was always looking to put the blame on Dean.

But now that I've been fooled twice by someone else . . .

I have no one to blame but myself.

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Who saw that coming?

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