Life with the Anderson's

By ayex__

55.2K 1K 145

Autumn Clark is not your typical teenage girl. She's in foster care and is forced to live with this family th... More

First day of everything
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
7. You dont know me
8. Push me i dare you
What the hell
chapter 10
11: Did That Just Happen
12: The Truth
13: him!
14: Tonight it goes down
15: addiction
16: rehab
17: kidknapped?
18: All things bad.
19: escaped
20: the devil inside
21: The new beginning
22: coming back
23: Stay with me
24: all suprises
25: fights
26: living or dieing?
Perfect ending?

Chapter 2

5.2K 94 18
By ayex__

After we gave the principal our stories.

They called down one of the guys that live in the house I'm staying at.

The one that came down was....Brandon.

Brandon: so you are the one who best the queen bitches ass

Me: yeah

Brandon: I thought it was Caleb or something

Me:why would it be Caleb

Brandon: he didn't tell you

Me: nope

Brandon: it's better if he told you himself

Me: you and all the other guys are so confusing

Then Brandon walked in the principals office.

Brandon was in there for a long time.

I heard them yelling back and forth to each other. When they we yelling at each other I heard my name slip up a couple times.

Then after all the yelling Brandon left.

Me: hey Brandon what was the yelling about

Brandon: nothing

Me: then why did my name come up a lot in your yelling match

Brandon just walked away

After Brandon walked away. the principal told me to go and that I want in trouble but Clarisse yu stay.

I thought that was weird because usually I always get in trouble. This time I didn't.





The school day went by rather fast.

When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

Caleb: hey little A

Me: really is that necessary

Caleb: I think it is

Me: ok whatever

Caleb: the guys want to know if you want a ride home today

Me: nah I rather walk

Caleb: oh good

Me: excuse me

Caleb: I said oh good and the guys will be upset to find that you don't want to ride with them

Me: why is that

Caleb: because they well seek to like you I don't understand why though because you have been living with us for what 2-3 days

Me: well I'll see you later.

Then I walked away. And started to walk home.

When I got up to the house I saw that the guys car was in the driveway and I didn't really feel like going to the house yet. So I decided to walk some more. When I started to walk I put my headphones in.

While I was walking I got a call from Liam.

I ignored it.

Then I got a call from Brandon. I ignored that too.

Then I got a text from Brandon saying that we needed to talk.

I responded with; just say it now

Brandon; in person

Me; your gonna be waiting a long time then

Brandon: where are you

When he sent that I didn't respond back.

Then I got a call from Caleb... I ignored that call.

Then I ended up at some park.

I decided to sit on the swing.

While I was swinging I felt a tear come down my face. At first I didn't know why I was crying. But then I gave it some thought and I knew exactly why I was crying. I was crying because of what happened at one of my previous foster cares. I tired so hard to forgot but I just kept coming back. All of the bad memories came back.

As I was thinking about that I heard someone behind me.... It was Liam.

Liam: Autumn?

Me:(takes out headphones) yeah

Liam: why are you all the way out here

Me: reasons

Liam: did you get my calls

Me: yes

Liam: then why didn't you answer

Me: I just wanted to think and be away from people

Liam: oh ok and have you been crying

Me: no (then a tear came down my face)

Liam: what's wrong

Me: nothing I'm fine

Liam: really it's ok you can tell me

Me: no I can't it's personal

Liam: oh ok do you want a ride back home

Me: sure

Then I got in the car and we started to head towards the house

Amy: where was she....I'm gonna call...

Liam: no stop...she was just at the park ok

Amy: ok

Then I headed up stairs and went to my room. I layed on my bed and the memories came back and I starts to cry again.

While I was crying I heard a knock on my door.

I wipes the tears away but they kept coming so I wipes my tears away a second time.

I opened the door. As I opened the door another tear ran down my face.

It was Brandon at the door.

Brandon: Autumn I need to talk to you

Me: go ahead

Brandon: why are you crying

Me: I'm fine.. Why do you need to talk to me

Brandon: well I wanted to um... Explain why you didn't get in trouble today.

Me: ummmm ok

Brandon: I was trying to convince the principal to not get you in trouble and this next part you are probably gonna get mad at....

Me: why would I be mad

Brandon: I said you were in foster care and I made something up about you getting abused by a previous foster care.

Me: really

Brandon: are you mad

Me: no now can you go

Brandon: yeah

When he left I closed my door. And then I headed over to my window and opened it and sat in the roof.

I thought of what Brandon said. It was true I did get abused by a previous foster parent but then that isn't the rest of the story.

Then I heard another knock on my door.

I said come in.

It was Liam.

Me: what's with you guys coming in my room

Liam: I was told to tell you dinners done

Me: thanks but I'm not hungry

Liam: ok

Then he left

After awhile someone else knocked on my door. It was Elliot.

(I was still sitting on the roof)

Elliot: why are you sitting on the roof

Me: the real question is why are you not sitting on the roof

Elliot: touché

Me: so what do you want

Elliot: do all guys have to want something

Me: yes guys like you and your brothers

Elliot: what type are we exactly

Me: players

Elliot: like monopoly players

Me: ha.ha no like guys who play with the girls then break up with them

Elliot: you act like that happened to you

Me: so what do you want

Elliot: I just wanted to get to know you

Me: really

Elliot: kind of but I really just came up here to tell you there is a party tomorrow and you are coming

Me: I um can't

Elliot: yes you can

Me: but me and parties don't mix well

Elliot: you are coming whether you like it or not

Then he left

After a while I got off the roof and took a shower then went to bed.





I woke up at 5 in the morning on a fucking Saturday. Like how early can a person wake up on Saturday.

When I woke up I ate a quick granola bar then headed upstairs to put on my running clothes.

My running clothes consisted of a blue cutout mesh tanktop with black color blocked skinny workout capris (in other words leggings) then I wore a blue/gray nike shoes. My hair was up in a messy bun.

Then I headed downstairs with my phone and headphones.

When I went down stair Elliot was down there.

Elliot: well where are you going this fine morning

Me: on a run

Elliot: can I come

Me: no I like to run by myself sorry

Elliot: ok just be careful

Me: I'll try

Then I headed out the door to start my jog.

I jogged for about 30 minutes then I went back to the house.

When I got back to the house Elliot, Liam, and Brandon were sitting on the couch.

Brandon: where did you go

Me: on a jog

Elliot: yeah I knew she went on a jog

Liam: why didn't you go with

Elliot: because she likes to run alone.

I slyly went up the stairs.

When I got to my room I took a shower and changed.

I changed in to what I was going to wear to the party.

I wore an AC⚡️DC long sleeve black crop top with w red skirt with my combat studded boots. My hair was naturally curly so I kept it natural.

I wore my contacts too.

Then I just listened to my music while I finished up doing how work. Then after I did my homework I worked on writing a song.






Elliot: you ready

Me: yup let's go

Then I grabbed my purse and phone.

We headed out to the car and started to head to the party.

We arrived at the party and headed in.

I honestly don't know how people can even talk

Elliot: you get use to it

Then Elliot took me to the bar.

Elliot: want anything

Me: nah I'm good

Then I saw Peyton and decided to hang with her for awhile.

Then she ditched me..

I decided to wonder around the house for awhile.

I decided to go get a drink.

I got a martini.

I gulped that down quick then I got a beer and gulped that down quick.

Then I got another and another then I got another one then I grabbed my last one off the counter and went up stairs to find the bathroom because there was some douche pucking in the bathroom on the first floor.

I was looking for a bathroom for quite some time.

While I was looking for the bathroom I opened this one door and found Peyton and Elliott making out.

I just looked at them shocked and I got the same response from both of them.

Then I turned around rather upset and tried to find the bathroom because I was pretty sure my beer was coming up.

I luckily found the bathroom soon enough because it turns out beer doesn't suit me too well. I knew that I just needed and escape for tonight and beer seemed to be my best friend.

I got a call from Elliot. I was to busy pucking my brains out to answer.

It hurt to breathe when I pucked so I started to cry. I knew I looked terrible.

I really didn't know what to do because I was pretty sure all of the guys were probably making out with someone.

I became hopeless so I called Liam.

Liam: hello

Me: hey I autum- (then I pucked some more)

Liam: where are you

Me: in the bathroom on the second floor

Liam: ok I'll be right there

Then I heard the line go dead

Not even 5 minutes later the door opened.

Liam grabbed a wash cloth and clean me up.

Then after I was done pucking I cleaned myself up and headed down stairs.

Liam thought it was a good idea to take me home.

But I told Liam before he took me home I had to something.

I was looking all over the place for Elliot.. Then I finally found him and slapped him in the face.

Me: let's go


I hoped you like my book. Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

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