The Graveyard Girl

By BatKitty0427

816 45 20

A girl who was exploring the world with her dearest friend suddenly run into some trouble and things take a t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chaper Four
Chapter Five
Chapted Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Three

80 1 0
By BatKitty0427

I get in the shower after laughing off Robyns childish attitude. God she's so cute. The rain was so cold, but it was so pretty. I think I like Ireland so far.
I wash my hair with warm water and get out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. I get the hair dryer from the wall and dry my hair. It's so feels great after the cold rain.
I step out of the bathroom in only a towel and Robyn is asleep sprawled out on the mattress.
"Wonderful." I whisper to myself. I hold my towel up with one hand and search through the luggage with the other. This'll do. One of Robyns oversize bandshirts. She gets them is large even though she's a medium because she likes when she feels small. I throw it on over my bra and underwear.
"Move over ya lump." I push Robyns brown hair off my half of the bed and shove her a little so she moves over.
I curl up next to her and steal the blanket since she decides to hog it all, like always.
After a few minutes of playing with her hair I realize we haven't eaten dinner. The ride tired us both out. To make up for it I'll go out and get breakfast tomorrow.
I fall asleep with one arm around Robyn.


I wake up to the smell of dew. As I'm stretching I look out the window and realize its raining again. Great. I pull on some jeans and leave the T-shirt on from last night. Checking the clock, I grab my keys and wallet. She won't be awake for another couple hours so I won't have to worry about a note. Here we go.
As I walk through the lobby the receptionist woman smiles at me and I wave to her. I walk out the door and get into the car. With my hands on the steering wheel I sit up straight and stare infront of me for a moment. The image of Robyn sleeping on the mattress takes over my vision. She's so beautiful...I snap back to reality when the radio blasts in my ear.Oh yes. Breakfast.


"Can I have a bacon wrap and a coffee, black."
"Is that all?"
"That'll be 5.32 and your next window."
"Thank you."
I pull up to the window and wait. I never understood why Robyn took her coffee black. It has such a bitter taste. I realize the window has been opened awhile and there's a man standing there watching me.
"Oh. I'm sorry." I hand him a five and a one.
"It's quite alright, it is a Monday after all." He laughs to himself as he hands me my change, "I'll be right back with your food."
I push my long hair out of my face and behind my ear. It always made it difficult to see, especially since it's so dark.
The man returns and hands me a bag and a coffee.
"Thank you and have a nice day."
"You too."
Placing the coffee in the cup holder of the van, I drive away. As I'm driving back to the hotel I keep glancing at the cup of coffee. I wonder what it taste like. I pick up the cup and take a small sip.
"GROSS!" I spit it all over the passenger seat. How can she drink that? It's kind of lonely without her sitting next to me making all her nerd observations. She's such a dork but she's so cute.
I park the car and take the elevator upstairs. It's then I realized I forgot to take a room key, so I knock.
" it?" An all too familiar voice answers my knock sleepily.
"Room service" I reply in the weirdest voice I can.
"Oh..okay." I hear a click and the door opens. She's in pajama pants and one of her oversized t shirts. Her brown hair that usually goes down to her armpit now is at her shoulders, all knotted up. Her brown eyes look at me like they're in a daze. I realize she's looking at me oddly now. Oh shit, was I staring?
"Uh...breakfast!" I hold up the cup and bag and smile.
"Get in here you loser." She grabs my arm and slowly pulls me inside, it's obvious that I woke her up.
"I got you a coffee."
"Thanks." She lays back in bed.
"Oh come on we have so much to look at, were somewhere new get off your butt and lets explore!" Using more enthusiasm on the word 'explore'
"You use that word too often for my liking."
"Come! On!" I yank her by her legs and pull her off the bed, "We're going out." I take an outfit I picked out for her, her coffee, and her wrap and hand them to her, "Lets go."

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