Work Of Art | Milijah {editin...

By sailrmercury

13.6K 1.3K 330

He may make art, but he was also a work of art. More



570 68 22
By sailrmercury

Two days has passed and Michael and Elijah have not talked, but Michael has been listening. You read right, listening. Every time he passed by the young boy's apartment, he would hear him and Jacob talking. Like today for instance, the older man was getting his mail and he overheard the two.

"Your body is so beautiful..." Jacob's voice seductively complimented.

"It has to be, for you right?" The young boy giggled.

"Of course."

The older man found himself crumpling the papers in his hand and his heart full of jealousy. I should be the one in there saying stuff like that to him. He thought and went back to his apartment. Little did he know what was actually going on in there.

"I hope you get this one right Jake." The young boy said, while posing.

"If your ass wasn't so fat, we wouldn't have to worry about this." He said applying more paint to the canvas.

"Well, if you weren't complimenting my body 24/7 we would've been done by now." The boy rolled his eyes.

"If you weren't my masterpiece, I would've fucked you by now." He chuckled.

The young boy felt his cheeks become warm, and he filled with embarrassment. "Oh shut up."

The two were doing portraits. Jacob wanted to do a naked portrait of the young boy, because he admired his body with a passion. The boy was stubborn at first, but he gave in eventually. Michael did cross the young boy's mind once or twice, but Jacob always made him lose focus of his thoughts.

"I'm finished." He backed away from the painting. "Finally."

The young boy put on a robe and looked at the painting. A smile grew on his face and he hugged Jacob.

"You make me look so beautiful." He smiled.

"Nah, I'm just painting the art the original way it is." He smiled and looked in his eyes. "Beautiful."

"You don't mean it." He didn't break eye contact, as if he was hypnotized.

"How much you wanna bet?" Jacob put his lips softly against the young boy's, who didn't hesitate to kiss back.

As the kiss soon got deeper, they slowly backed up until they were against the wall. Jacob's hands snuck into Elijah's robe, before he could start. The boy stopped him and pulled away.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked him.

"You don't think we're going too fast? And...what about Michael?" He questioned, unsure about the current situation he was in.

"And? What about him? Once he gets what he wants, you won't hear from him again." Jacob affirmed. "I won't do that to you, someone as beautiful and talented as you don't deserve to be broken."

"But... I'm not sure about it."

"You'll be sure when I'm finished with you." He kissed against the young boy's neck and began to stroke him slowly making the boy whimper.


He shushed the boy and removed the robe from his body. He turned him around and help him against the wall. Jacob spread his cheeks and stuck his tongue slowly into the young boy's hole. He moaned softly as Jacob gripped onto his ass.

Suddenly, the door bust open.

"Elijah, I—"

The two quickly jumped away from each other and Elijah covered himself.


The older man completely ignored the young boy and grabbed his friend by the neck, pinning him to the wall.

"Give me five reasons, why I shouldn't beat your ass." He retorted.

"Michael don't hurt him! We were just" The young boy struggled to come up with a lie.

"Don't lie to me." He tightened his grip around his friend's neck. "I know what I saw."

"Okay, we were about to have sex! But, that gives you no right to hurt him!" Elijah yelled and put back on his robe.

The older man dropped his friend. "You're mines! And he knows you're mines and I marked you as my territory!"

"Michael, I'm not yours... I barely even know you enough for you to claim me." He mumbled.

The older man felt disrespected on several levels because he uses the same excuse every single time, but "He can fuck you, but you barely even know me? Are you s— Forget it. Why should I fight for someone when there's damn near 8 billion people in this world?"

The older man walked out of the apartment slamming the door. He meant what he said, but he knew there probably isn't anyone like him out of that 8 billion.

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