Save Me

By cummccann

206K 8.2K 7.1K

completed: 6/20/17 COVER BY THE AMAZING: blushingbieber More

a 150 foot drop
a third grade teacher
a favor
a little bit of patience
a full-time job
a little laugh
a special man
a mistake
a lovely evening
a possibility
a little hard to deal with
a reassuring smile
a tall blonde girl
a normal day
a strange feeling
a different way
a little baby
a way to find her
a bowl of ice cream
a hospital visit
a look of anger
a goodbye

a really good kisser

10.5K 388 430
By cummccann

I woke up not wanting to move. I opened my eyes and saw Justin's chest in front of me. His arm was around me holding me close to him. I kissed him to his neck, all the way up to his jaw and to the side of his mouth.

He giggled as he woke up.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said.

"Morning," he mumbled.

I smiled as I ran my hands through his hair. "How was your sleep?" I asked.

"G-great!" He answered.

"I'm glad, ready to go eat?" I asked.

He nodded. I pulled away from his arms as I sat up, standing up from the bed. He rolled until his face was in the pillow. I laid back down next to him wrapping my leg around him.

"We need to get up bubs," I said.

"R-really?" He mumbled into the pillow.

"Yes," I said.

"N-no," he groaned.

I leaned forward before placing my hands at his sides and tickling him. He instantly turned and started laughing. I climbed on top of him tickling him more until he said stop.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me. His hands fell at my sides holding me still as I straddled him. I bent forward placing my lips on his.

"Come on cutie pie," I said getting off and pulling him with me.

We walked into the kitchen where I made him breakfast before we crashed on the couch watching a movie. He picked lion king so I became ready to drown us in my tears. That's what usually happened anyways.

Justin said he didn't like that part so we skipped it and saved ourselves from drowning the place. I still felt my eyes water at just the thought of it.

"Wh-why are X-xavier a-and you g-getting married?" He suddenly asked.

I had no idea what to answer. I came up with a bullshit answer and answered, "Because we've known each other for a long time and we love each other."

"Oh," he said.

I looked at him watching as he stared at the tv screen attentively. He rested his head on my shoulder before reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers together. I closed my eyes resting my head over his.

When the movie was over we practiced communication and pronunciation. Justin was pronouncing things better and it was becoming easier for him to answer.

"D-did I do good?" He asked.

"You did great," I said giving him a high five.

"Kisses?" He asked as he puckered his lips. I leaned forward placing my lips on his and giving him a few small pecks. He giggled before saying, "m-more."

"More?" I asked.

He quickly nodded, rocking back and forth in excitement before I leaned forward again this time giving him a long passionate kiss. He was getting the gist of kissing. His lips moved faster against mine and he wasn't scared to kiss back.

After we pulled away he said, "I-I wanna kiss you a-all the t-time."

"Yeah?" I asked bitting my lip as I still sat close to him.

He nodded giving me another kiss. I smiled before giggling and kissing his cheek.

"You're so cute," I said.

"Th-th-thank you," he said blushing.

"Wanna play a game?" I asked.

He quickly nodded scooting even closer to me. I taught him how to play uno with the set of uno cards he's never used. He got the hang of it really quickly and soon he beat me of course, I went easy on him but he still won.

"Yay I-I won!" He said.

"Good job Jay," I said putting my cards down and leaning agaisnt my arm as I came in closer pressing my lips agaisnt his.

It seemed like all we ever wanted to do was make out. I know it wasn't right for so many reasons but it felt so good. It felt like this was meant to be, like I was meant to be with him no matter what. He made me happy and I made him happy. Nothing else mattered. As long as he was with me, all my problems disappeared.

My hand met the back of his neck before running up into his hair and softly twirling it around my fingers. I deepened the kiss and slowly opened my mouth. He followed what I did letting me slowly meet his tongue with mine. He shifted forward, likening the feeling of it. I smiled to myself feeling my insides flutter and my heart beat faster. It's like I was a teenager all over again with my first boyfriend.

We exchanged so many emotions through just that one kiss. He was showing me his comfort around me and how he trusted me to kiss him, and I was showing him how much I cared for him, how much I've been wanting to kiss those pink lips of his.

I felt his hand on my cheek, his thumb slowly running over it.

I was running out of breath; even though the kiss was slow, he was breathtaking. I slowly pulled away with my chest rising up and down rapidly. His lips were a pinkish red color and his hair was now a mess. As he opened his eyes he smiled slowly licking his lower lip and taking it in his mouth.

"You sure you've never had a girlfriend before? You're a really good kisser," I pointed out.

"I-i'm s-sure," he said.

"I'm going to make us lunch," I said getting up and waking to the kitchen. As I was pulling out ingredients to make us sandwiches Justin came into the kitchen standing at the island softly shifting his weight from one leg to the other.

"D-D-D-does th-this m-mean... Ummm, th-that you are my g-g-gir-girl-girlfriend?" He stuttered. I could tell the stuttering was him being nervous about asking.

I technically couldn't be his girlfriend. Well for reasons that are pretty obvious. But I did want to be his girlfriend more than anything. Now I know is is completely wrong and I'm just getting myself deeper in the shit hole but, who cares?

"Hmm do you want me to be your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Umm, y-yes p-please," he said.


Awww. I laughed at his cuteness overload I wanted to just eat him up.

"Okay then, this does mean that I'm your girlfriend, but remember, we can't kiss in front of anyone and no one can know that I'm your girlfriend, relationships are something private okay?"

(Okay somebody give this advice to the real Justin because I think when my girl sel told him, it went in through one ear and out the other. But 🐸☕️)

"Okay!" He agreed.

"Now, would you like ham or pb&j?"

"Pb&j," he answered.

"Come here," I said.

He walked over to me and I moved to the side so he could stand in front of the bread.

"Okay, wash your hands first," I said. He did as I told him and then waited for my next instructions. "Take four pieces bread and lay them out in front of you."

He laid the bread out and then I handed him a buttering knife.

"Now on two of the pieces add the jelly," I said opening the jar for him.

"O-okay," he said dipping the knife in the jelly. He slowly took it out before placing it onto the bread. He rocked back and forth as he slowly spread the jelly on it moving onto the next piece and repeating the same process.

I washed the knife for him then handed it to him again so he could do the peanut butter.

"Look at you, making us sandwiches. I'm so proud of you babe," I said kissing his cheek.

He giggled as he clapped. I was he the knife after he was done and then he put the sandwiches together handing me one.

"Thank you," I said.

I took a bite from it slowly feeling the strawberry jam awaken my tastebuds. "It's really good."

"Th-thank you," he said biting into his.

We sat down with a cup of juice to finish our lunch. After lunch we turned the tv on to whatever movie was on.

Justin rested agaisnt the couch on the floor. Once I had cleaned up the kitchen I sat next to him pulling his arm up and snuggling up next to him before placing his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest taking in his natural sent mixed with the fruity smell of his shampoo and body wash. I softly placed a kiss on his neck as he rubbed my arm. I tried keeping my eyes open as we watched Madagascar but soon my eyes shut closed and I fell asleep to the soft rhythm of Justin's chest rising as he took a deep breath in and let it out.

Okay so I've become really busy and haven't had a chance to make the autism awareness page but as soon as I get time I'll make it.

Quick question:

I had planned to make this book one hundred percent PG but I got a little carried away so I was wondering if you guys were okay with it not being completely PG?

Like do you think it's okay? Or is it just wrong because he's uninformed? At first, I felt like any sexual act was sort of taking advantage of him you know? Because he doesn't know about any of that stuff but with the way I wrote the more sexual scenes, (where Camila explained everything before it actually happened) it wasn't like that at all. I felt like there was a strong connection between them and he voluntarily gave in anyways you know?

Idk tell me what you guys think.

Plus what's one of my books without any sex?

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