With Love (Cameron Dallas Fan...

By Fanfiction1Simulator

138 0 3

"How could I be so lucky to have you?" "You're not the lucky one, I am." That sentence drove me wild. He lov... More

Chapter 1- Coffe Shop
Chapter 2- Magcon and Movies
Chapter 3- Swimming
Chapter 5- Dinner Date
Chapter 6- Cheater

Chapter 4- Magcon Truth Or Dare

18 0 0
By Fanfiction1Simulator

Sunday, June 18th, 2016

Nash's POV

She- she kissed me!  It was on the cheek but it was still a kiss, right?

I feel like the happiest person on Earth right now!

Cameron was staring at me in shock.

"She kissed you?  She k-kissed you!" He tried to sound happy but I could tell he wasn't.

"Hey guys its almost time to do the event!  We need to get ready!" Matt yelled while running down the hall.

Everyone started following him to the rooms.

After we all got ready we headed to the large room we would have the Magcon event at.

Should I text Valerie and ask her to come?  No, she just left.  But I want her to!

Me: hey want to come to the macaroni event?
Val😍: what?
Me: M.A.G.C.O.N.
Val😍: I still don't understand
Me: just search Magcon

~Five minutes later~

Val😍: sure I'll come!
Me: yay!!!!!
Val😍: be there in 5
Me: c u here! 😘

Crap why did I send that emoji?!  She didn't reply after that.

Soon the event started and Mahogany was announcing our names.

"Please welcome, Matt Espinosa!" The crowd cheered,"Shawn Mendes!  Cameron Dallas!  Jack Gilinsky!"

One by one we piled out onto the stage waiting for whatever comes next.

"So first we are going to play Extreme Truth Or Dare!" Cameron read off of a list on the stage.

"So who wants to dare me?!" Matt yelled and jumped onto the table.

The crowd of girls started screaming really loudly.  Matt picked a red haired girl with green eyes.

A person from backstage handed her a microphone.

"Hi!  What's your name gorgeous?" Matt asked her.

She started fangirling before she finally spoke.

"My names Catrina!  Ok Matt I dare you to tell me what your phone number is!"  Matt walked over to the table and wrote something down on a piece of paper and gave it to the girl.

She squealed and handed the microphone back to the stage worker.

"Ok.  My turn!" Shawn joins in.

"How about..... ah you over there with the light blue hat!" Shawn pointed to a girl and when she lifted her head up, I saw Valerie.

"Oh, hey Valerie!  What are you doing here?" He asked her.

The stage dude came back out and handed her a mic.

"Uh, Nash invited me to the Magcon event?"

Some girls in the back started laughing.  "Fake!" One of them yelled.

The boys all looked at me.  "What?" I said.

"Anyway, Shawn Truth or Dare?" Valerie asked.


"I dare you to go on a date with me tonight."

His eyes almost bulged out of his head.  A couple of girls said "Awwwww!" and "So cute!"

She was standing there waiting for his answer when he finally said.  "Yes.  I will go on a date with you tonight!"

Valerie's POV

He actually said yes!  Yes I know I kind of flirted with Nash, but some friends do that right?  Right?!

Anyway, I planned something at Olive Garden for me and Shawn to do.  My Uncle is the owner there and he didn't mind when I asked him if we could have a free romantic meal.

What?  I'm cheap! Move on!

The stage guy took the microphone back and I continued to watch the show.

Soon enough, we could talk to any of the boys and I went right up into Shawn's.

The line was loooooooong.

A few girls ahead of me were glaring at me and whispering to eachother.

The blonde one on purpose yell whispered.  "SLUT!"

Three other girls laughed with her.  Soon enough, it was their turn to talk to Shawn.

When they took a picture, I saw Shawn's smile was fake.  

'He doesn't even like them' I thought to myself and laughed.

When it was my turn I said," Ohmygod!  It's- it's thee Shawn Mendes!"

He laughed at my horrible humour.  "Hi it's nice to meet you, random person I don't know!" We laughed.

"So where are we going for our date my lady?" He asked in a posh voice.

"To the Olive Garden at the time the sun sets my good man!" I mimicked.

"I shall be there!" He waved good bye as it was my time to leave.

"Ta ta now!" I waved back.

Boy we sure are odd.


Hey guys! 

Guess what?  I got my school chromebook yesterday!

I was too tired to update but at least I did today right?


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