Look, Listen | Taegi

By jinxnina

128K 8.3K 2.1K

Yoongi is deaf, and Taehyung is blind, but when they're both accepted into a high-status music school as scho... More

Fourteen + tag
Happy birthday Tae~
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six (End)
New Taegi!


5.1K 318 81
By jinxnina

POV: Taehyung
"Can you read it to me, Uncle?"

"Taehyung, the letter is super long, but I can go to the bit where they say whether you got through or not, yeah?" he sighed.

"Okay," I mumbled back.

Uncle was so lazy, sometimes, but I can't blame him; he's a busy man, so he deserves to rest when he can.

"Alright... so, where do I begin?" he murmured, as I heard crumpling paper. He took a deep breath before reading to me. "Ah, okay, so," he seemed to have traced a finger around where he was reading.

"Kim Taehyung, we would like to gladly inform you that you got accepted in Bangtan Music Academy, in Seoul, with second place for the highest number of points!" he exclaimed, giving me a short applause before reading on. "First place went to Min Yoongi, and third was to Jung Hoseok. You will be taken care of well, and we have specialised teachers that will you give you intense training, for the highest-achieving students, you included."

"I'm excited for this, Uncle," I laughed. "It may be a boarding school with non-stop training and work, but I'm pumped about it," I said. "When's the new school year start?"

"Well, it's August now, so in early September... I think the fifth, you'll be outta here by then," he said. "I'm going to be so lonely with you, Tae," he sighed seriously, followed by a little chuckle. "Good luck, yeah?"

"Thanks, Uncle," I smiled. "I'm going to try my hardest for you!" I pointed to where I think he was; that was were his voice was coming from, anyway.

"That's my son," he ruffled my hair. "Or my nephew, more like!" he giggled. "Either way, you're my boy."

"I am, Uncle,"

"That's why you got in, boy, because I'm smart, and you got the smartness from me!"

"You make no sense, Uncle,"

"I know!"

I hope I could find a good friend there, somebody who could love me for who I am, even if I can't see.

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