Letters To My Mate

By epicdust

208K 8.1K 1K

Rachel Ann Walker is broken. After her mother died in a tragic car crash on her 7th birthday, nothing was the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Bonus/Extra Chapter
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

7.1K 292 169
By epicdust

THIRTY (Ethan's POV)

After waking up in a bed belonging to the pack hospital, I felt very confused as I didn't have any memory of what had happened to me. The last thing that I remember is packing up our few belongings at our station and then that was it. Everything after that is black.
My parents frantically called for a doctor who rushed in, checking all the machines around me before filling me in on what had happened as well as any injuries I had suffered. He soon left, promising that I could leave if I too made a promise to rest and not cause any strain on my injuries.
My parents hugged me - I had to warn my mother to stop squeezing me so tightly multiple times - and spoke about all that I had missed while I was unconscious. I asked about my lovely mate Rachel and if she had been told what happened, to which my parents happily answered by telling me about how Rachel was at my bedside as much as she possibly could have been and how she wouldn't let go of my hand or leave the seat next to me, even to go to the toilet or to eat, unless it was absolutely necessary. My mother even gave me a warning (that was totally unnecessary) that "Rachel is such a good girl and she's perfect for you; don't do anything to mess it up." That was a promise I would happily keep - I never wanted to mess it up. Ever.
I hated that Rachel had to see me like this... that she had to go through so much and I couldn't be there to hug her back or clasp her had in mine. I wish I could have recovered sooner so that we didn't have to unofficially meet while one of us was lying in a hospital bed, unconscious

I had learnt it was her graduation today, and I remembered her mentioning in a letter that she would be doing a speech in front of the entire school. I knew she was terrified of public speaking and so I had to be there for her - I couldn't miss this. After signing the endless amount of release forms, I collected my belongings before rushing to the school, ignoring the pain that moving around too much and too quickly caused. As I reached the school building I saw a full car park but no people and so I figured that I was late. I really hope I'm not too late.
As I walked in through the reception area and into the big hall, I saw her stood in the centre of the stage. My heart felt like it had stopped beating and my wolf was howling inside, happy to finally see his mate. She was so beautiful, and she was speaking so confidently to the crowd as if she truly believed what she was saying.
She hadn't noticed me yet but I didn't want to interrupt her speech by moving to a seat so I stayed at the door, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed against my chest and a proud grin on my face. That's my girl.
It didn't take long for her to notice me. Her eyes were scanning the crowd, as if something inside was telling her that I was here. She soon found my gaze and we locked eyes - if the feeling I had before wasn't already amazing, the one I had now had increased sevenfold. It was as if all of the cliché romance books and movies had come true, as it was almost like there were fireworks between us and the rest of the room seemed to blur away.
Logan would probably slap me if he heard my thoughts right now.
I didn't take my eyes off of her as I walked over to where my family were sat. I sat on the empty seat at the end of the row of chairs and recognised the woman I was sat next to as Rach's teacher, Robyn. I very briefly glanced over to them, saying a quick hello before turning and giving Rachel my full attention again. I never wanted her to leave my sight; I didn't want anything to happen to her at any point - I'm here to protect her now.
Rachel seemed to zone back into the real world and started speaking once more, continuing with her speech. She, somehow, seemed to be talking with more confidence now. It was as if her whole world had just lit up. As if she had finally found the missing piece of her puzzle. She probably didn't realise it yet, but she was the missing piece of mine, too.
"But I already know the person that will be there with me – the person who will help me find the right path and the person who will be a huge part of that path.
I never believed in the whole 'love at first sight'. How could you see one person for the first time and instantly feel the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, feel the sparks when you touch and the connection when your eyes meet? When you're away from that person they're still the only thing you can think of – they take over your mind. I guess you should hate them for that as it can distract you from important things... like school. But you cannot help but love them with every fibre of your being and with your mind, body and soul"
I was completely in awe by her and her words. She wasn't even looking at her cards anymore but was instead gazing into my eyes, speaking from her heart. I knew that she didn't need to write a whole speech beforehand - she was both clever and brave enough to say what she felt without it, but she needed reminding of that as she didn't have as much confidence in herself as she should do. She's the best person I've ever met and I wish she knew just how amazing she is. I wholeheartedly agreed with what she was saying - I felt the exact same things too. I wanted her to continue speaking for the whole day as I fell in love with her voice, but I also selfishly wanted her to stop talking as soon as possible so that I could take her away and have her all to myself.

"Thank you."
As soon as she ended her speech, I jumped onto my feet and clapped as hard and loud as I could. I whistled and cheered also, ignoring the disapproving looks of the human school staff.
While I was lost in Rachel's beauty, I felt my mother reach over and push me forward. After glaring and muttering a complaint about how she should be gentle with her injured son, I ran as fast as I could towards the front of the room and up the stairs of the stage. Pushing through the curtain, I rushed towards Rachel and spun her around to face me before connecting our lips together.
In that moment, she was everything I wanted and everything I needed. After months and months with only a photo and the letters we exchanged, I could finally be close to her – I could finally hold her and let her know that I love her.

I couldn't stop thinking about Rachel. I was both ecstatic to finally see her, but also worried. After we were happily chatting outside her father came and took her home. I get that, just from that, there was no need to be worried - he's her father, after all. But, it was the way that she tensed and shook my arm off. It was the way he was gripping her arm as they left the school grounds. What was going on?
I couldn't contact Rachel after that, and every minute that went by without her by my side I felt like my soul was slowly fading away. It was insufferable. Now that we are finally together, I don't think that I could ever be away from her.
After no communication for almost three days, I finally gave up. If I wanted to talk to her and be with her I would have to find her.
I ran as quickly as my four paws would allow me before hiding in a bush when I reached my destination. No, I wasn't going to be creepy and watch her from a bush... I had to shift back into human form and the large bushes were the only place that I could shift without being seen. When I was standing on two feet once again, I rushed over to the house that Logan pointed out as Rachel's and knocked loudly on the front door. After a while of waiting there was still no answer - however, I knew that there was someone inside as I could hear movement inside of the house. I knocked on the door emphatically, and didn't stop hitting my fist against the wooden door until it opened moments later to reveal Rachel's father.
"Can I help you?" He grunted rudely, glaring at me as he crossed his arms and stood up tall as if to try and look intimidating.
"Is Rachel in?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible. I didn't want to make a bad impression on Rach's father - even though it seemed as if he already hated me.
"No." He growled.
"Where is she?" I questioned, not believing his lie.
"She's gone grocery shopping." He stated, slamming the door in my face.
Well. What a nice guy.
I stepped backwards, looking up towards the house as if it would give me all the answers I was searching for. Just as I went to leave I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye; I looked up to the second floor and saw a thin white curtain swaying, as if someone had been peering out and quickly hid behind it. Was that Rach? Maybe that's why her father was lying - she didn't want to see me. I couldn't lie; it hurt. Maybe Rachel was scared that this was now real and not just over letters? I didn't know the answers but I decided I would leave her alone and give her some space... I didn't want to scare her away.

When I stepped back into my house my parents and Sebastian were already anxiously waiting for me to arrive, as they, too, were worried about Rachel. I joined them on the bar stools that were situated around the kitchen counter and sighed.
"Her father sent me away - said she wasn't there, but I could tell he was lying." I explained.
"She's probably scared or feeling insecure. It's been a stressful few months for her and she probably just needs time to calm herself down or something." Sebastian guessed, but I could tell from his tone of voice that he didn't quite believe it either and was just trying to comfort everyone.
"It's probably something to do with that father of hers." My mum suggested, shaking her head slowly in disapproval.
"Ive never liked that man." My father grunted, staring at the wall as if he was reliving memories in his mind.
I furrowed my eyebrows at that - what was wrong with him? I know he doesn't come across as the friendliest of men but my parents were acting as if he had committed a crime against them before.
"Why?" Me and Sebastian asked simultaneously, both of us equally as confused.
"When Rachel's mother was alive, they were members of our pack." My dad started the story, before I interrupted him.
"How is that possible? I thought they were human?" I questioned.
"Rachel and her mother are both human, but her father is a wolf. I don't know how he's managed to hide his scent from you, though." He answered.
"I was probably too preoccupied worrying about Rachel both times I met him." I explained, not surprised that Rach took up all of my thoughts and distracted me from everything else. "But will she ever shift? Surely the wolf gene is more dominant than the human one?"
"I would've thought so too, but her father wasn't born into an important role in the pack so it's unlikely she will shift. That's my guess anyway. She would have shifted by now if she was a wolf, also." My mum explained to me. I guess it makes sense. I just wish she was a werewolf too so that she would know that we were mates and wouldn't reject me when she finds out.
"Anyway - after his mate died he couldn't cope with pack life anymore and he chose to become a rogue. However, we allowed him to remain in our territory as long as he did not cause trouble and we could still have his help if needed." My dad continued.
"But that still doesn't explain why you don't like him? Has he done something?" I asked, wanting to find out more about the man my mate was living with.
"He's a very angry man," my father started his answer, "Always has something to say about us and the pack, and never agrees with anything we request of him - which was part of the deal to remain residing here."
"Oh! I remember the night we met him and Rachel for dinner," Seb interjected. "He kept making up excuses as to why he couldn't help us protect a neighbouring pack. And then he tried to threaten us when Rachel went to the toilet."
"That's right. And him and his group of friends are always acting suspicious, so we keep a close eye on him whenever he leaves to go somewhere." My father continued.
"Wait - so you don't trust him and think he's up to something, but you let my mate stay in that house with him?!"
"No! What if he's putting her in danger with whatever this suspicious business is? Whoever he is involved with must know he has a daughter at home who they could easily hurt."
"What if she's hurt right now? Oh god, I-"
"Ethan!" My mother yelled, halting my speech. "Listen to your father."
"Sorry." I muttered, my head down and my gaze on my lap. Never anger a Luna - especially when she's your own mother.
"It's alright." He said, nodding his head slightly in forgiveness, "You must know how much we care about Rachel. She's already a member of the family, and if we knew something was happening to her we would do everything in our power to protect her and make those who harmed her pay for what they've done."
"Thank you. She's so important to me. I don't know what I'd do if she was hurt," I ran my hand through my hair and closed my eyes, trying to calm down my wolf who was angry at the thought of our mate being in pain. "I'm going to keep trying to talk to her - I need to make sure she's safe."
I walked out of the room and out the back door, ready to shift back into my wolf and guard my Ra-Ra.

So, parts of the story have now been explained and everything is ready to fall into place! What do you think of Ethan's thoughts on Rachel, and his family's talk about her father? :)
I'm so excited for the chapters that will be coming soon - so much is going to happen! And a lot of the events are things everyone has been hoping and waiting for forever ;)

I don't know if anyone saw the message I posted on my profile, but this chapter was originally ready for a few weeks ago but where I don't have a working laptop right now I'm using the Google Docs app on my phone - and, of course, it decided to delete all of the work I had done! Luckily I had backed up previous versions but that meant upcoming chapters were all deleted too :( So, sorry for the wait! And get ready for the next chapter! 😊 x

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