
By TheMilotic

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A bullied adolescent wrecks havoc on a small town after being pushed too far at his senior prom and it change... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

56 1 0
By TheMilotic

                                                   Scott P.O.V.

"How did this happen?" i asked the professor.

"Magneto seems to have found a way to shield himself from Cerebro. That's the reason for the original malfunction. As for Alix, Cerebro is meant strictly for telepaths. He has a different type of psychic ability." He explained.

"How would Magneto know how to do that?"

"Because he helped me build it." He admitted.

"Well is Alix gonna be okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Alix White is the only Class 5 mutant i've ever encountered with potential practically limitless. He will get through this." He wheeled himself closer to Alix. "The real question is, is this the Alix White we all know? Or the Phoenix, furiously struggling to be free?"

"He's gonna remember everything right?"

"Yes, there is no amnesiac effect on Cerebro, at least not one that I am aware of. I am still trying to find the cause for your memory loss but I haven't had much luck. I'm sorry I know you still have questions. I will try my best to  get around to it as soon as I can." He wheeled towards the door. "If you'll excuse me, I have some matters to take care of." He said as he exited the room.

I looked over at Alix as he laid there unmoving, his head underneath the plastic covering with fitted wires monitoring his brain activity. I brushed a piece of his hair out of his face with my finger. As soon as my finger touched his skin his hand grabbed a hold of my arm with lightning fast reflexes, his eyes still closed. The plastic covering raised on its own and his arm unstrapped. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to face me.

"Hello, Scott." He whispered faintly with a smile.

"Hey," I smiled back. "How are you feeling, are you okay?" I spoke gently.

"Yes." He turned his head to face the ceiling again. "More than okay." He said in a quiet, serene tone. He sat up and looked me in the eyes sensually. "Kiss me." He whispered. I didn't say anything but I didn't lose eye contact either. I could see a difference in his eyes. Not the color, but the way he was looking at me. He leaned in closer. "It's okay." His whisper became fainter each time. "Its okay." He leaned closer. I leaned in and the small kiss quickly escalated. Alix grabbed both sides of my face became aggressively passionate while making out with me and when I went to pull away he held my face in place and continued to forcibly kiss me.

At first i reciprocated his actions until remembering the professors warning. "Alix." I tried to interrupt but he wouldn't stop. "Alix, stop."

"Why?" His tone coming out almost as a hiss.

"This isn't you." I said.

"Yes." He said as he pulled me closer. "It is me." He kissed me again and tried to stick his tongue in my mouth. I wasn't used to Alix being so aggressive. He pulled me on top of him and we kept kissing. His fingernails made gashes in my arm that instantly healed, it hurt but I liked it. I knew this wasn't Alix from there.

"Wait a second." I said as I got up to try to catch my breath.

"No." He let out angrily with a more noticeable hiss. My belt unstrapped itself and flung against the wall on the opposite side of the room at extreme speed. I got off of him and held his face in my hands.

"Alix stop I know this isn't you. Just take it easy okay? The professor said you might be...different." Just as I said that I saw a look in Alix's eyes I hadn't seen before. I took a small step back.

"He would know wouldn't he?" He said with an inexpressive tone and his eyes glazed, stripped of all emotion. "What? You think he's not in your head too? Look at you Scott, he's tamed you." He whispered coldly.

"He said he looked inside your mind and that you have something else inside of you. An alter ego that's stored in your subconscious." I said to him as he looked around confused.

"Wh-where am I?" He asked paranoid in a more familiar tone.

"Alix, you're in the professor's lab." I explained with his face held gently in the grip of my hands. "Do you know the name of this alter ego he's talking about?"

"Oh god." He whispered as he closed his eyes. The screws in the machine next to him began to unscrew quickly. "Phoenix." He whispered so low I almost couldn't hear.

"Alix stay with me." I said as I continued to hold his face to soothe him.

"No." He whispered with his eyes shut tightly, telekinetically wrecking the room.

"Focus Alix, focus."

"Kill me." He looked at me with tears streaming down his face. He was aware of his inability to control his emotions which was the scope of his power.

"What?" I asked him squinting my eyes with disbelief.

"Kill me before I kill someone else." The doors to the medicine cabinets began to open and close rapidly and the machine next to us violently shook. "Please."

"No Alix stop, don't say that." 

"Kill me." He looked at me with anger instead of sadness. The medicine cabinets shattered and the machine next to us toppled over and broke into pieces. 

"Alix it's okay the professor can help, he can fix it." I stared at him unable to grant his wish.

"I don't wanna fix it." He hissed with a distorted voice and completely dilated eyes. I saw my reflection in the darkness of his black eyes for a second until I was hurled high against the wall and fell to the floor. Alix stood up and everything close to him got pushed aside. As he made his way to the large metal door it bent in half and flew far down the hall.

A few moments later the professor wheeled in. He paused for a moment. "I warned you, Scott." He said sternly. He closed his eyes. "He's trying to block my thoughts. He's so strong."

"How come he couldn't do this before?"

"I told you I sealed away his more advanced powers. Being connected to Cerebro must have shattered those psychic barriers I created as it accessed his subconscious. I knew I should have rebuilt them when I had the chance." He wheeled towards the window. "And now the beast is loose."

Magneto P.O.V.

"I picked something up, an electromagnetic force. Its a mutant, Class 5, stronger than anything I've ever felt. Even stronger than you." Rushed out Sirena, one of my brotherhood members with exceptional echolocation capabilities. 

"Take me to them." I ordered.


We arrived at the location that Charles and I originally located Alix at as he was a young child. From my memory it seemed to be Alix's old house with much of the structure in pieces but still standing. The professor and his former students were at the house as well. "What are you doing here?" Scott asked me.

"Same as the professor, visiting an old friend." I replied as i walked towards the house.

"He needs help, Alix is not well." Charles said making his way to the door.

"Funny, you sound just like his mother." I pulled one of my brothers aside. "Nobody gets inside." He nodded his head in agreement.

When we stepped into the house a large portion of the ceiling was missing and debris and broken wood scattered along the floors. Objects were floating around the house, the water cooler was bubbling, picture frames rattled on the walls. When we reached Alix, dressers and other furniture hovering around him fell to the floor. 

"Alix." Said the professor calmly.

"I knew you'd come." He responded as he was sitting in a chair.

"I've come to bring you home."

"I have no home." He said with resentment.

"Yes you do, you have a home and a family." He answered.

"You know he thinks your power is too great for you to control." I butted in.

"Eric." He tried to stop me.

"So you wanna control me?" he asked.

"He does." I assured him.

"No, I want to help you." Charles replied.

"Help me? What's wrong with me?"

"Absolutely nothing." I retorted.

"Eric stop it." Charles looked over at me.

"No Charles, you've always tried holding him back but not this time."

"For your own good, Alix." He said as the lamp behind Alix slammed against the wall and broke.

"Stay out of my head." Alix hissed out as the doors inside began to slam. The small fence outside shut.

"That's it i'm going in." said Scott from outside.

"The professor said he'd handle it." Storm said stopping him. The white haired mutant with the ability to manipulate the weather was one of Charles' greater threats. 

"Alix look at me. I can help you. Look at me Alix." Charles begged the boy across from us. 

"If i were you i'd listen to him Charles." I warned "I think he wants to give you the cure." I added facing back to Alix.

"Stay out of my head." Alix repeated threateningly, shaking.

"Eric I said stop it that's not what this is about!" Charles yelled out.

"I'm afraid your little mind games aren't going to work on him anymore."

"You're a danger to everyone around you but I can help you." Charles pleaded. "Look what happened Alix, you killed your mother because you couldn't control your power." Tears formed in Alix's eyes.

"NO STOP IT!" Alix screamed creating a telekinetic shock wave. The windows shattered behind him and the shards hit me as I was pushed into the counter by the kitchen sink. Charles' wheelchair was pushed back several feet.

"Alright." Scott said as he walked towards the inside unable to watch any longer. He fought with Juggernaut, my super-strength apprentice who was guarding the outside of the house. Storm helped Scott until they were able to enter.

The couch flew up high above us along with other broken furniture from the previous catastrophe of the house.

"Alix, let me in." Charles begged as his face was being blown with extreme pressure. Alix's eyes slowly dilated until they were entirely black. His power was growing rapidly by the second. Everything began to fly around in a tornado-like movement circling around him.

Scott finally made his way into the house, I could smell his adamantium. He relentlessly tried to pull himself to Alix. Charles was lifted out of his wheelchair and held into the air. Alix slowly rose from the chair to his feet and his power intensified. The pressure pinned me against the counter. I had no choice but to squint my eyes in attempt to prevent them from tearing up.

The house structure lifted off of it's foundation and gravity was reversed, squishing everything except for Charles and Alix against the ceiling. Alix stayed firmly on the ground with his hands stretched out releasing his telekinetic energy in his building rage. He cocked his head to the side and smirked sadistically knowing he couldn't be defeated.

The kinetic wind was so immense that Charles' skin began to peel off. Everything that was flying around was now grinding down to almost nothing. The pipes in the sink busted and flooded the area, the water immediately floated up to the ceiling. Charles was disintegrating by the second.

Scott desperately tried to make his way into the room, pulling his way up from the sides of the walls and along the ceiling with his claws. He reached the hallway door, barely opening it and was able to see into the room. Alix raised his arms in a curve forming what appeared to be wings and time seemed to slow. The walls collapsed as he raised his arms higher, releasing massive amounts of kinetic energy from his body. His tinted gingery blonde hair glistened in the sunlight and flew up from the wind. Like fire it waved around like it was alive. He resembled a true monster.

"No Alix!" I screamed out. "NO!" The Phoenix was in full control of Alix's body and powers, ignoring my plea.

Charles made eye contact with the beast's pitch black eyes. "Don't let it control you." He attempted one last time as Alix's face was developing a blackish tint to it along exposed veins and around his eyes. Just as Charles struggled to face me he gestured a faint smile as what appeared to be a form of goodbye. Charles' flesh was torn apart and he shattered into tiny fragments with no trace of his body.

"Charles!" I yelled out trying to make my way up. The house crashed back into the ground and fell apart completely, free of the psychic storm. Dust particles were scattered through the air and Alix sat there on the floor, unaware of what happened. He looked around at the disaster he had just unleashed through his normal blue eyes. Stunned at the death of a brother to me despite our opposing views on mutant ethics, I made my way over to Alix.

"My dear," I held an arm over him and helped him up with my free hand. Come with me." I walked him out of the demolished house.

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