This Is My Life


457 2 0


This Is My Life
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 2 pt 2
Chap 4

Chap 3

39 1 0

*flash back ends*

(You walked up to Monica's house and before you knocks on the door she opens it with a glass of margarita in her hand.)

 Monica: Wassap mi amigo sexy culo bien *smiles*

You: *giggles* Hey girl *walks in*

Monica: *closes door behind you* I thought I was going to see you tonight at the club *sips on her margarita*

You: I know but I'd just have to get away from him.

Monica: You talkin' bout Chres ole culo puta *takes another sip and shakes her head*

You: You already know it girl, I'm ready to leave his sorry ass though.

Monica: You should've did that centries ago, shit, you want some of this margarita *walks to the kitchen*

You: Hell Yeah I need me a drink *walks into the kitchen* And you got some Ciroc so I can spice mine up a little

Monica: Yep in the globe cabinet over that *pouring your drink*

You: *looks in there and get the Red Berry Ciroc (your favorite)*

Monica: *gives you your drink*

You: Thanks *opens up the bottle and down pour it*

Monica: Now hold up now hoe that is my last bottle of red berry now slow down *giggles*

You: *looks at her and laughs* My bad tonto azada, I'll buy you another bottle *drinks your margarita*

Monica: *sits down on the couch and pats on the cushoin that's next to her* Now Yn come and sit and tell me what's going on.

You: I don't really want to talk about it *sips your drink* 

Monica: *rolls her eyes* Come now chica you doing the most.

You: I told you already I'm just irritated by him that's all. *drinks the rest of it down*

Monica: *gives you the bullshit look* Merch it.

(Author's Note: Merch = Its a Chicago slang it mean to have some evidence or to vouch it on somebody to explain an event or action.)

You: On me *holding your right hand up* 

Monica: Mhm.

You: Well let's get off me and let's get on you *gives her devious smile* I seen you last Friday, pulling all of those numbers.

Monica: *snickers* Child boo. I threw those numbers away.

You: Girl you're-*gco*

Monica: But, I kept one of em' though.

You: Oh shit tell me the shits bitch.

Monica: Its really nothing to it I gave him a lap dance and he was feeling me and I was feeling him, also he gave me a big ass tip for a one lap dance $720, he asked me could he come over my house after I got done with my job. I turned him down but he still gave me his number and I gave him mine and that's it.

You: Oh shit, my bae pulling these niggas.*laughs*

Monica: *laughs* You're crazy.

You: But, you need to be careful and make sure you don't pull a nigga like Chres.

Monica: Yes that is true.

You:*sighs* He really did fucked up my life, but don't get me wrong though its my fault too. But I love him and he me though that's all what matters.

(Monica looks at the clock and see that y'all got 4 hours until y'all gotta go to work at 1:00am.)

Monica: Aye chica Imma get some sleep before we go to work *sets alarm to 12:00am) 

You: Yea me too *stretches across the couch and closes eyes*

Monica: Ok Imma wake us up at 12 igght.

You: Igght.

Monica: *turns off the front room light and goes into her room*

(10 minutes later)

(You get a text from Chres saying,"Where the fuck are you", you didn't even reply you just feel right to sleep.)


(Chres busses through the door and snatches you by your hair and thow you on the ground.)

Chres: Bitch I know you got  my text *yanks you by your  hair* I know you did *smacks you*

You: *gets up and punches  him and the face and causes him to fall*

Monica: *runs out the room* WTF IS GOING ON OUT HERE!


Chres: *gets up with a bruised eye, and pulls out a gun*

You: *pushing on Monica* MONICA RUN INTO THE ROOM!

Chres: *shoots*



Monica: Yn wake up! *shaking you*

You: *breathing hard and sweating* 

Monica: You igght chica? 

You: Yea *feels heart beating fast*

Monica: Well its 12:20 go get ready so we can leave *puts on earring*

You: Igght.

(30 minutes later)

(In the dressing room)

Monica: Why were you shaking like in your sleep?

You: Nothing just was dreaming.

Monica: But you was shaking though.

You:*gets a little irriated* I said I was igght now could we please get off that subject.

Monica: Lookie her chica don't get mad at me because you ova here having nightmare and living in one. I'm just trying to be concern since no one else isn't *gets up and walks up stairs* Ignorante nina culo va a encajarse a presion fuera de mí, a la mierda eso! 

 (Intercom: "Alright ladies its time to get going and make that Mula, remember to have the fellas to sit back while y'all making that ass clap." After that was said you got up and admired your body in the mirror and the owner came out and told you that you got 3 minutes to be on stage, with that being fixed your bra and your heels. You walked up stairs to the stage and you took deep breaths and got ready.)

MC: Alright gentlemen *peeks out of sun glasses* I see there are a few women in here too.

All the women: WOOO!! *claps*

MC: *laughs* Without further or do I bring out one of the sexiest females up in here and best believe when she get done she will have all of us druling, here come Ms. Prettiee Kittiee!

*Everyone cheering* 

(You fixed your hat and took a deep breath and you gave the signal for the music to come on. "Say My Name" by Qwote came on and the curtains opened.)

"Ima have you in these sheets, face down, your back boy, hello...Ima love you up in these sheets, when they here my name Qwote echooo"

(You walked up to the pole and immediatly climb up on and flipped off.)

*Everyone throwing money and cheering*

(As the song since it kind of a fast beat you was swaying and rolling your hips to the beat.)

 man #1: Yeah, baby move them hips now I wanna see you take something off *throw two hundreds*

(After you seen them hundreds you unzipped your dress and threw it at him in the audience and that made everyone drive crazy. You climb up on the pole laid back, spread your legs open and went down to a split moving your butt cheeks to the beat.)

"Say my name baby I'm gon fuck you like you've never been fucked what's my name... baby say my name, say my name... baby I'm gon fuck you like you've never been fucked before...oh oh"

(You walked off the stage steps where he was at and spread your legs open and sat on his lap started twirling your hips and flapping your booty on his lap. Then you took off your hat and put it on his head, he started laughing and cheering. You got up and started circuling around him say naughty things in his ear. You sat back on his lap and slipped in three hundred dollar bills into your thong. So you got up and took of your bra and put your boobies in face while still dancing. He was getting turnt on so bad that he tried to you but you then got up off of him and playfully muffed him and said "Uh-uh no touchy touchy feely feely".)

(You got back up on stage and did a couple of little moves and the song was over and collected all of your money and did your job for the rest of the night.)

(After you finished shift, you was saying your goodnights to everyone and you headed your way to the parking lot where your car was at then the man from the strip club was waiting on your car for with your hat on.)

Man #1: Hey sexy *bites his lips*

You: Hey,aren't you the man that I danced on tonight?

Man #1: *smirks* Yes I'am how did you know

You: Well you're still wearing my hat

Man #1: *takes it off* Here you go I was waiting on you to give it to you.

You: Thanks. *get into the car*

Man #1: *comes to door* Wait, uh what's your name,beside Prettie Kittiee

You: Yn

Man #1: Well Yn here goes my number 

You: Sorry but I got a man

Man #1: *Looks surprised* And he doesn't care about you working here exposing your body

You: No I met him here

Man #1: Well that's a shocker, but still here take it *gives it to you*

You: *takes it *

Man #1: Call me *winks*

(Thirty minutes later you arrived  at your house, you walked in your house kicked off your heels walked upstairs to your room and that's when the drama started.)

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