Avengers Imagines (COMPLETED)

By VioletVixie

137K 1.9K 218

I will do some imagines, I will take requests, and I do Hulk/Bruce, Ironman/Tony, Winter Solider/Bucky, Capta... More

Guide To Readers Insert (x reader)
Loki Imagine
Captian America Imagine
Pietro Imagine
Johnny Storm Imagine (part one)
Johnny Storm Imagine (part two)
Tony Imagine
Bucky Imagine
Vision Imagine
Loki Imagine (part 2)
Winter Solider Imagine
Loki and Thor Imagine
Pietro Imagine
Spiderman Imagine
Steve Imagine
Sam Imagine
Steve Christmas
Loki Christmas

Steve Imagine

25.7K 163 39
By VioletVixie

I woke up, light poured in through the windows. I stretched and let out a sigh. Where was I? The room was stark white. The walls were bare, and as I got up to check the closet I realized there were no clothes in there. I ran through my head what I already knew. My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I'm 20 years old, I live or er-umm... I guess lived in (Y/C) (Y/P/S/R/T) (Y/C). I don't remember my family, if I even have one. I don't know if I should go look around or stay in here. I go to the window and look around. Now I have determined I'm in New York City. Suddenly it hits me I have to go... to the bathroom. I've only figured out that the two slide doors are for the closet, so I have four unknown doors, that could possibly all lead to my death. I go to the one closest to the closet. I open it to find the bathroom. I shut the door find the lock, lock the door, then go to the washroom. As I'm finishing up in the washroom I go to wash my hands, I rinse them under cold water. I look up and in the mirror. I finally know what I look like. I have (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair. My eyes are (Y/E/C) and I'm kind of (Y/S/C). I look, okay, I'm nothing too extraordinary. I walk back into my room, well there is nothing to do, I guess I'll look behind these other doors, I go to the one across the room, I open it. It leads to another room just like this one, but the walls had a few photos on them, of some strange people. It was pretty naked but not as scarce as mine. I closed the door and tried the other one on the other side, it was again another room like mine the walls were covered with pictures, the one that stood out especially was of one boy with bleach blonde hair. I stepped back into my room. I was about to look behind the last door when it opened its self. A man stepped in. Dressed in all black and had blondish brown hair and brown eyes. He introduced himself.
"Hawkeye, but you can call me Barton." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook it wearily. I better drill him with questions, but I must be stealth about it.

"So, um..." I cut myself off, I haven't spoken yet today, I'm surprised by what my own voice sounds like. I clear my throat and continue again. "Hawkeye, as you call yourself, where am I?" He responds quickly, without hesitation.

"Stark Tower of course."

"Okay, what am I doing here?" I have to ask, I'm just no good at being in direct. Plus I remember hearing about Stark Tower, it's a very important place for some very important people, if I remember correctly.

"You're here because of your ability, remember, oh wait, obviously you don't."

"What, ability are you talking about exactly?" I question. Until it all comes back to me. The invisibility. My powers from birth, the ones I hide most of my life, were found out by thee Tony Stark, he brought me to Stark Tower, and introduced me to Director Fury. I'm now part of the Avengers! How could I have forgotten oh yeah, Clinton took me down to the training room, so I could calm down because I was so excited and we started to fight. He took me down in one punch! I passed out and here I must've woken up.

"So are you excited to meet the team (Y/N/N)?" He slung an arm over my shoulder as we walked out the door.

"Oh, sure of course I am!" I nodded my head happily. Until I stopped in my tracks, face face going bright red. "Barton?" I mumbled.

"Yes?" He looked at me puzzled.

"I, um, I'm not exactly presentable, seeing as I'm in a hospital gown and my hair has not been brushed in 2 days, and I'm pretty sure I have morning breath." He looked down at me as if he just realized and murmured something about how Natasha said something about proper clothes, morning breath, proper hygiene and the troubles of a being girl.

"Why don't we stop and get you some clothes I'm sure Nat has something you could wear. He turned to a door that was not so coincidentally beside mine, but it struck me again! The first room I walked into other than the bathroom must've been Natasha's room! He opened the door, and walked to the closet. He pulled out a pair of blue jeans, a grey and white stripped sweat shirt, a brown jacket, and a pair of black Chucks. My eyes widen. I cannot wear that. A) have you seen that girl she has the figure of a goddess B) I can't wear someone else's clothes without their permission! He handed them to me.
"You can change in Nat's bathroom." I looked at wearily. "You can either wear those or go in there butt naked." He crossed his arms, while eyeing me sternly.

"I'm not going to be butt naked!" He ran his tongue over his teeth.

"Well, if you stay in that, as far as Tony is concerned you might as well be." I glared at him, but stomped into the washroom. I changed. I looked in the mirror one last time before I exited. Let's just say it was baggy in a lot of places that on Natasha it would not be. I stepped out hair brushed, deodorant on, and teeth brushed. I used some extra toiletries that Natasha kept under the sink.

"Do you feel like you're ready now?" Hawkeye, er, um, Barton asked me.

"Sort of," I bit my lip. He quirked an eyebrow at me I corrected myself. "Yeah, let's go meet the Avengers." We left the room then continued down the hallway.

~Time Skip through a bunch of other hallways and elevators to the living room~

"Here we are." Barton guided me into the living room where all the Avengers were.

"This is our newest team mate, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" he introduced me. I walked in and blushed. I hate when people stare at me. I wished I could hide and that's just what I did. Gasps chorused through out the room. I made myself invisible.

"See what I tell you!" Barton exclaimed. Tony stood up.

"So this is the pretty lady who has been taking up residence in my house." He waved his arms in the air looking like a manic trying to feel for me. I knew about Tony Stark's reputation. I hide behind Barton.

"(Y/N) it's okay, you can come out, Tony won't bother you." Natasha claimed as she stepped on Tony's foot. He sucked in a breath.

"You will regret that." Tony spit through clenched teeth at Natasha. I made myself visible again. All the Avengers, with exception of Tony who grimaced in pain, smiled at me. I looked around at each team member as they hug, hand shake, or nod to me. One man catches my eye. He simply nods hello, I nod back in response. He is so handsome. I'm giddy inside but I try not to show it.

"Why don't you sit and chat with the team, get to know everyone, you are going to be in close quarters with them from now on!" Hawkeye smiled as he patted me on the back, I must seem like a child to them, I worried.

"Come sit!" A now chipper Tony called. I walked to him and sat down in the empty spot he patted.

"So, (Y/N) do you have a super hero name picked out?" He leered.

"Well, um, no."

"Well, we must get you one!" Tony proclaimed.

"Tony, give her a moment!" Wanda or Scarlet Witch scolded Tony. "You're going to frighten her and she will not want to speak to us again!"

"Yeah, let her be Stark!" Natasha waved a stern finger at him. "Ask her what she would like to do first maybe she doesn't care or want to work on her image right away, like you! Perhaps she just wants to talk!"

"Fine!" He huffed. "Would you like to do some cool super hero stuff or hang out with these stiffs!"

"Um, I'd like to stay here I you don't mind." I say shyly.

"Fine with me, but I am outta here, Banner, Hawkeyes, Capsicle, Thor, Vision care to join me!" They all nodded. I was left alone with Wanda and Natasha. I gave a small wave to Wanda, she just laughed. Natasha walked up to me and just like Barton slung an arm over my shoulder.

"Why don't we start with finding you some of your own clothes." She said with a sly smile, I blushed in response.

~Time skip grueling hours of shopping with the girls, then back two Stark Towers for a movie~

"Whoa, I've never had really close girlfriends before, this is actually quite fun!" I tell Wanda. She nods.

"Me too it feels good to relax." She sighs. "So would like a tour of the tower?" She asks. Now that I think about it all I've really seen are some hallways and mine and the girls bedrooms.

~Tour time skip until the kitchen~

"This is the kitchen." Natasha points. I look around. Just as we are about to move on the to the next room Wanda states she has to go to the washroom. As she's leaving Friday requests that Natasha meet Hawkeye in the training room. So I pull up a seat at the island. Quietly I sit drinking some water. I change from visible to invisible, to entertain my short attention span. I stop when I hear someone coming, maybe it's Wanda. It was not Wanda. It was the Captain. I gulp. I got butterflies in my stomach as he sits in the seat beside me. Obviously I'm still invisible, or he would have said hi, I hope. I turn visible again and he jumps.

"Whoa! Sorry." I mumble. "I hadn't meant to scare you."

"No need to apologize ma'am." He clears his throat. We sit in silence for a moment. "So, where are the girls, I thought they were supposed to be showing you around?"

"Oh, they were but Natasha's presence was requested by Barton in the training room and Wanda needed to use the bathroom, which now that I think about it was actually quite a long time ago?" I rambled. The Captain just laughed.

"She probably is with the Vision, doing a little more than holding hand...s" He suddenly stopped short and blushed realizing what he had just said. "Sorry," he grumbled. "Just don't tell Wanda or she'll turn my brains to mush, if she finds out what I said." I did the 'my lips are sealed' zipping motion with my hand. He chuckled again.

"(Y/N), would like me to show you around the rest of the tower?"

"Oh, um I'd love for you to, but I think I've pretty much seen everything, Captain." I bit my lip disappointed at my lost opportunity.

"Well, please call me Steve and I don't know many places in New York just yet but I do know a great café and park right near each other if you'd like to go?" His face now bright red mirroring mine.

"I'd love to Cap- I mean Steve, I don't think my tour guides will be showing up anytime soon if they're doing what you say they're doing." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

~Time skip to the end of the walk in the park~

"Wow Steve thank you so much, I had more fun today than I thought I would!" I smiled at him he looked over at me, in the dark and I realized just how much more amazing he looked in moon light. Dress in a grey shirt and a black jacket, a ghost of a smile crossing his lips as he looked at me. I was more impressed though by his personality, he was very kind and down to earth for someone who is in the history books as the worlds first Avenger. When we reached the tower and entered the living room again to go our separate ways the team was sitting watching a movie. They all looked up as we entered. Steve blushed and I felt my face heat up too.

"Steve, you go out by yourself tonight?" Bruce questioned. Steve looked around confused until he realized, I had gone invisible. He smirked.

"Something like that." Natasha knew better.

"(Y/N) come out now, I know it's you." She singsonged. I cringed. I was visible again. No one was surprised this time.

"Well, good night everybody." I said quickly, trying to get out of what I knew would turn into an awkward situation. Suddenly a very drunk Tony waltzed in.

"Oh, (Y/N) you're back! You know I was just thinking about what your super hero name could be! Are you ready for this it will- um blow your mind! Okay ready!" I nodded. "Mrs. Capsicle!" Steve and I were now both a shade of deep crimson. "Stevie and (Y/N/N) (or (Y/N) with an ie or y added to the end) sitting in a tree-" Natasha quickly got up and started ushering Tony out of the room. That didn't stop him from calling down the hallway, "You guys would make the cutest babie- hey wait, I am Ironman!" He went off topic thankfully but that didn't stop the rest of the Avengers from snickering.

"Well, I'm off to bed." I said forcefully.

"Me too." Steve agreed. I shouldn't have been so stupid,

"Well, use protection you two love birds!" Oh my goodness! We just met each other today! I can't believe Barton would do this to me, actually scratch that I can. Steve clenched his jaw.

"Sleep well, (Y/N)." Steve bid me good night gently. Pretending as if nothing happened.

"You too, Steve." I replied sweetly.

"Yes, good night Stevie. Good night (Y/N/N) (or (Y/N) with an ie or y added to the end)." Barton shouted as we headed to our rooms. Goodness today was crazy but hey it isn't everyday you become best friends with the Avengers and go on an almost, kinda, sorta, maybe date with The Captain America or should I say Steve Rogers. I sigh. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?

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