Long to feel wanted and neede...

By bananas_n_mangoes

161K 3.5K 2.4K

Lauren Jauregui was the girl with a sad past and a wealthy lifestyle. But she felt empty and lived with no pu... More

The connection, comfort and cuddles
Pizza, bananas and secrets
Dead end corner surprises
Kittens & monkeys & bears. Oh my
Cuddles are the best medicine
Watch where youre going
Freak accident and nightmares
Being a girl can be tough
When mother nature calls, answer.
Tea party and coffe beans
You'll be in my heart
Happy cannot fathom how I feel
DJ's birthday surprise
Surpise kisses and more surpises?
Official(ly) present(ing) cake
Not an Update

Nerf wars and sinking ships

7.8K 168 147
By bananas_n_mangoes

Lauren's POV

Well things have been pretty calm ever since Camie's near accident. Although it must have really freaked her because she's been acting younger than usual, especially when she's tired. I'm not complaining though. I love it.

Ally and Normani have been over a few times, I really enjoy their company. Normani is such a cute little diva, and Ally is such an angel. The girls have started calling her "Aunty awwy" and they get along so well with Normani, especially DJ. She's taken a real liking to the little diva.

I am so glad and grateful I have Ally now. I've had to ask her to baby sit the girls when I've been called into work to deal with problems my managers can't solve. And honestly she's the only one I'd trust with my angels (at times).

Speaking of work, it is doing so well. Our margins are rising and the demand for our products are out the roof. I try and do everything I think my parents would do. I hope I'm doing them proud. I know if they were here they'd be so happy for me, and they would love Camila and Dinah. I wish they could have met them.

Speaking of Camila and Dinah, where are those two. I look up from my book and listen out for laughter or movement. But nothing. Just dead silence.

"Hmmm" I get up and walk in to the princess room. Nope not In here. I check the cinema room, but all I'm greeted by is pitch darkness. Today's Thursday, so usually they're out of little space. No particular reason, they just always seem to be big most Thursday's. But even if they were out of their little head space, didn't mean I worried any less.

I make my way towards the dining room "Camz? Dinah?" My voice reverberates and echoes around the empty kitchen. Hmmm they must be downstairs I thought. I go to the fridge to get a juice box. Carefully sticking the straw into the cardboard container, I sip the sugary contents. Walking to the stairs, I catch sight of something sparkly on the table.

I walk up and find a letter with my name written in glitter 'Lauren'. I eye the paper parchment with curiosity. I put my juice box down, tearing open the envelope. My eyes scan the words and a huge smile spreads across my face.

Good morning Lauren
You're probably wandering where we are, don't fret we are okay. But if you're not fast enough, you won't be. Me and Dinah are hiding around the house, we are armed with nerf guns and ammo and have trusty armour on. You have exactly 5 minutes (yes were timing) after reading this to get ready before we come and get you. You're armour and supplies are in the living room. Remember once you're shot you're out. The winner gets bragging rights :P May the odds be ever in your favour.

Camila and Dinah

P.s were out of bananas- Camila <3

I laugh of course Camila would sign off with something about bananas.

"Tick Tok Lauser, your 5 minutes starts now" I hear Dinah's voice echo. I quickly rush into the living room. I see the nerf gun and ammunition sitting next to a cowboy hat? Haha this must be my 'trusty' armour. I quickly put the hat on and load my gun. I release a breath as I hear Camila's voice boom from downstairs

"Times up. Let the games begin" was all that was said. Western music started blasting through the interconnecting speakers around the house. "Ha, oh this is gonna be good" I say as I cock the plastic contraption. "Bring it on"

I creep around the corner, making sure I stay out of view of the mirrors. Dinah's voice sounded like it came from the first floor. This is intense I thought as I descended the stairs, the tempo of the music increases. I get to the bottom of the stairs, when I hear doors closing and footsteps

"This is so easy" I hide behind the wall and wait for the moment until....

"Gotcha" I tell turning around the corner, but meeting emptiness.

"Hehe, nice try Lauser" I hear Dinah laugh.

Dammit these rooms are huge. I hear Dinah's laugh echo as I search through the rooms "can't get me Laur" she teasingly sniggered. Unbeknownst to her I see a pattern in her footsteps and position. She sounds like she's three rooms away.

I leave the room and quietly tip toe into another room 6 rooms away from the one I was in. 'She should be walking through this door any minute' . I wait for what seemed like 4 minutes and just as I suspected I see Dinah walk through, her back turned towards me. 'Gotcha Dinah'

"I've been expecting you" I smirk, Dinah stops, her body tenses as she slowly turns around with her hands up.

"Any last words" I say as I aim the nerf gun at her legs.

"Ahhhh gotta Dinah" she responds a she starts running. I laugh and chase after her "come back here you coward"

I chase her down to the ground floor and corner her in the kitchen. "Hasta la vista baby" I say in my best terminator accent, before shooting her in the leg.

"Haha, okay I lose I lose" she puffs out "man you can run lauser. I gotta go back and find my right lung" I chuckle, running my hand through my hair.

She's puffing, trying to catch her breath. She looks at me with a smirk on her face. The most mischievous grin appears on her face

"What?" I say, confused as to why she's smiling. That's when I see on the the reflection on the refrigerator, Camila trying to sneak up on me. She pulls the trigger, I lean to the right as the bullet just misses me, nearly hitting Dinah in the face.

"Hoiiii... You're suppose to hit her not me" Dinah yelps and clutched her chest. I chuckle at her dramatic reaction and turn around to face Camila. At this moment me and her are in a stand off, and coincidentally "the good the bad and the ugly" is blasting through the speakers.

She looks somewhat nervous, I smirk. "Any last words camz?" I say, cocking the nerf gun. She pouts and gives me the biggest puppy dog eyes

"No shoot wowo" she said as she juts out her lip, pouting even more. My motherly instincts kick in, I lower my nerf gun. "Awe cami...

*pew pew*

I look down and see two plastic bullets land on my feet 'did she just- did she just shoot me' I look back up and see look at her. She's no longer pouting though, a smirk now adorns her face

She lifts the nerf gun to her lips, and pretends to blow the smoke off the gun barrel "you lose Lo"

I'm gob smacked, speechless even "but you- you- you tricked me!" I say. By now Dinah and Camila are laughing at me "that's not fair!"

"All's fair in love and war Lo" Camila winked "I can't believe you fell for that"

I pout. "Yeah, had I known I would have done that too" Dinah snorts out, still laughing.

"Hmm, Cheater" I exclaim. I poke my tongue out. "Awe, you're cute Lo" Camila says. My cheeks immediately turn a crimson red at her remark

Dinah notices "awe, Lauser's blushing" she giggles. Camila gives me a soft smile and grabs my hand "awe, you're cute Lo" this girl is going to be the death of me

"Whatever, come on. All this running got me starving" I say retrieving my phone out of my pocket. "Ahem" I look at Camila who's face is flushed, she's looking down at our hands- our still connected hands.

"Sorry camz" I squeak, letting go of her hand. She smiled and stared at me. I stare at her, her chocolate eyes sparkle. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate but her eyes are my favourite type.

"Soooo... What's for lunch?" Dinah says, breaking us of our staring moment. She smirks at me and Camila

"Uhh pizza?" Since when did it get so hot in here "any requests?"

"Oh and those little bread sticks with.."

*ding dong*

The door bell rang "I'll get it" Camila yells running down the hall. The sound of her footsteps fading with each step

"She feels the same way you know" I look up at Dinah who's leaning on the counter. I get butterflies in my stomach "I don't know what you're talking about Dinah"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Lauser. Why don't you ask her?" My throat goes dry. seriously is there a heat pump on or something.

"What if she says no, I-I don't want to make things awkward between us. I can't lose her, and I don't want to ruin anything"

"What are you ruining?" Camila asked, walking back into the kitchen with Ally and Normani following her.

"Uhhh... Ahhhh" I stutter

"Ruin the pizza, she wants to put spinach on it" Dinah replies. I send her a thankful smile.

"Ew Laur. Do you even have tastebuds" Normani sniggers. "No, I think she missed out on that in the gene pool" Camila retorts. Both girls giggling

Oh leave her alone. Hey Laur, are we just in time for lunch? " Ally asked. "Yeah we were just about to order and catch up on orange is the new black" I reply

"Yasss nichorello" Dinah and Normani preach

"nah vauseman is where it's at" Ally and Camila argue

I giggle as they start arguing about whose ship is better. Honestly both ships have their ups and downs.

"Guys, guys. Come on, like just Alex. Alex is where it's at. I mean like Laura Prepon. Hot damn!" I exclaim, Causing all 4 girls to giggle.

"Oh please Lo, she's basically your twin" Dinah answers. Well I can't argue with that. "Come on let's order so we can watch the show" I chuckle as I tap in our orders.

Camila's POV

'I heart you'
'What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?'

The light from the screen was the onto thing that illuminated the room. After our pizzas we all went to the cinema room, right now we were doing a orange marathon. I look to my left and see Dinah, Normani and Ally cuddled up on the sofa. Awe cute

I slowly look to my right and instantly my heart melts. Lauren is on the other sofa, fully immersed in the show. She scrunches her nose every now and then. Her freckles can be seen decorating her cheeks and nose. Her emerald eyes sparkle as the light reflects off of them.

I stand up and walk towards Lauren "wowo cuddlwes?" I say, I was too nervous to ask her ad Camila. So I pretend to be in my little head space. Just this once I tell myself.

"Awe Camie, come here babygirl" she opens her arms and I immediately go to wrap my arms around her waist. I lay on head on her shoulder and breathe. She always smells so good. Her scent alone brings comfort to me.

We stay cuddled until the other girls got hungry "stupid piper" was all Ally and Normani could say. Lauren and Dinah giggled. God even her laugh is beautiful

"Upsie camie" Lauren says causing my face to heat up. I haven't heard her call me that out of my headspace.

"Sorry Lo am I squashing you?" I unwrap my arms from around her waist and sit up.

She sees my reaction "sorry camz, and no I just really need to pee" she giggled as she stood up and rushed to the bathroom. The butterflies gather and flutter around in my stomach. She's gonna be the death of me

*time skip*

Well today was amazing, then again everyday was amazing with my "family". After dinner we played a few games and then decided to go to bed when Dinah and Normani were struggling to keep their eyes open.

Before meeting Lauren, I had often wondered what I did in my past life to deserve such a horrible life. But now looking back, I think the universe was just testing my strength and abilities. I must have passed because I have the most amazing friends and Lauren.

Lauren. I didn't want to admit it out loud, but she's more than a friend to me. She's special, but I'd never let her know. I don't want to ruin anything. Even if she makes my stomach flutter every time she giggles, or when she makes my heart drop every time she walks into the room.

I turn over in my bed thinking of the emerald beauty, unable to sleep. I wonder if she still awake. I get up from my bed and walk towards her room, passing the princess room that Dinah, Normani and Ally are sleeping in.

Her doors open, I tiptoe up and peak around, I see her sitting up reading a books. She looks up and meets my eyes, she smiles "hey camz, everything okay?"

"Hey Lo, yeah I couldn't sleep so I was just seeing who's awake. You can't sleep either?" Is ask, sitting down on the edge of the bed

She giggles as she puts her book down, butterflies immediately form in my stomach. "No, I can't fall asleep easily nowadays. I think I've grown too accustomed to cuddling and falling asleep with you and DJ in my arms" she says, rubbing her eye

I gulped, was she hinting at something. Do you think she wants to I thought for a moment. I glance at the alarm clock 12:43am. I look back at her and give a soft smile, releasing a shaky breath

"Do-do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" I asked, nervous as I've never slept with her out of my headspace. I don't even know if she want to sleep with me out of my headspace.

"If you don't mind camz, otherwise I was just gonna read my book until I passed out"

"Ok. Yeah I don't mind. Honestly it might help me sleep too". She smiled "come on then" she drew back the blankets and patted the spot right next to her. I crawl in and take my position in the crook of her neck. Her arm snake around my waist and pulls me closer to her, tightening her grip.

She turns the lamp off and a minutes pass. Her breathing evens out and soft snores fill my ears. Wow she must have been really tired. I look up at her, the upward curve of her lips ever so present on her sleeping face. She looks so peaceful

I kiss her cheek and cuddle back into her "goodnight Lo. I love you" I whisper as I close my eyes and listen to the sound of her heartbeat lull me to sleep.

A/N Alo! I don't know but this just popped into my head. What do you guys think so far? I like to hear feedback and suggestions. Especially for things you want to see happen. I love little writing challenges. Like should we have a jealous Lauren? Or they go to a restaurant for dinner and Lauren starts cutting Dinah and Camila's food into little pieces totally forgetting they're not in headspace? 😂 I swear that's something she would do. Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. And I hope you had a marvellous day today! I know life can be tough, but don't give up! And remember you are loved and appreciated by someone! Sometimes they just won't tell you that enough.

If you're reading this, just comment what country you're from? I live in New Zealand (no it's not Australia or part of Australia) it's a little country south east of Australia and totally different haha! 😊I love meeting new people, I need friends! 😭 and cuddles! I really want cuddles 😭
Well that's enough from me 😊for now 😉

P.s sorry for any typos I don't proofread even though I should.
Kia ora!

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