I slept with my professor

By soulpleasing

123K 1.5K 410

I pushed myself up against the wall trying to find to an exit before things got out of hand, only to realize... More

That thing before you actually read the story ^_^
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Coming Back!!

Chapter 6

9.9K 136 42
By soulpleasing

I can't believe that I'm officially back on Wattpad again. So let me tell you how I'm back, well how I got a laptop (not a Mac Book) but a chrome book. My brother brought one home from school so I bought it from him and now I am back yay. Hopefully by the end of the year Ill have enough for a mac book. I hope you enjoy this next chapter


It was going on Nine in the morning when I woke up to a loud bang. I groan as I get up to see what it was and it was hang over Maria. I was still upset that she high key ditched me for her boyfriend when it was suppose to be our night but I didn't her know that. 

I watch her put an ice pack on her head and lay down on the couch. She looked like hell. Serves her right for ditching me. 

"Would you like anything?" I ask 

"Can you please get me something for this headache, it's killing me" she cried 

"Okay, I'll be right back" I smile 

I go to our bathroom and grab a few Advil's (strong) and get her glass of water. After I was done with that I go to my room and lay back down. As I was laying down I realized that Maria didn't notice the hickey.  I quickly get up and put some make up on it. The ice slowly made it fade but you can still tell it was there. 

I go back in my room and finally decide to get the sleep I deserve. 


I finally awake not feeling tired anymore. I looked at my phone and it was almost six o'clock. I didn't know what to do. I went to go check up on Maria and she was fast asleep. I looked around and the apartment was a mess so I decided to quietly clean up. 

Once I was done. I realize I was extremely hungry.  I didn't feel like cooking anything so I put on some decent clothes and went to go get takeout.

The air was finally cooling down, I spot an Italian restaurant and headed there.  It smells so good as I step in. I was seated at a table near the window even though I wanted to be sat outside, but I took what I got.

I order my food and suddenly began to feel lonely because I was sitting by myself.  I sighed and call the waitress over.

"Can I please have my food to go?" I smile 

"Yes, of course, if you don't mind me asking is there anything wrong?" she smiled and rubbed my hand.

"No, no everything is okay I just don't really like eating alone" I reassured her.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. All week there has been mainly couples coming here and I get a little sad sometimes" she looks the other way.

"I'm surprised you're not taken, you're so beautiful" I say and she really was she had a beautiful figure nice face and curly hair, and beautiful brown skin it glowed any man would lust over. 

"Awe, thank you. I'm just an average girl around here and I don't mind it at sometimes but sometimes I began to think I'm an alien" she laughs.

"Oh trust me, if you were an alien I would want to be one too" I chuckle.

"But you're gorgeous I'm sure you have guys flying over to you" 

"Haha, I do but not the right ones. We should hangout sometime, you seem really cool to talk to and hang around" I write my cell phone number down.

"I would love too, I don't have a lot of friends and the friends I do have are always busy and so am I." she takes the napkin and put it in her pocket 

"Yeah, I feel you there" I start to remember how Maria ditched me for her boyfriend. 

"Well let me get your food wrapped up so you can be on your way" she smiles.

"Thank you so much" I leave a tip and wait by the door.

She comes out of the kitchen and hands me my wrapped up food.

"I was really nice meeting you, I can't wait to hang out with you" she says 

"I can't wait either, by the way what's your name?"

"It's Ashley" she smiles

"Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Bianca. Well I have to go. I want to get a good walk in before its too late"

"Nice to meet you too, enjoy your walk talk to you soon"  She walks back and starts working again and I wave as I began to walk.

The sun was finally setting and it looks like a trix yogurt cup mixed together.  I wanted to visit Jessica but I'm pretty sure she's off or not on break. I'll bother her another day. I wanted to go to the pool so bad. 

I make a U turn back around to the private pool and walk in. It felt like heaven. This air was gods sent. No one was the desk but there were people walking around so I decided to walk back up where I hid at last time without getting caught. 

I go inside and to my surprise no one was there. I shut the door and lock it. The water looks so beautiful how could you not want to jump in. I was hesitant at first but I wanted to swim so badly. 

I took my clothes off and grabbed one of the towels from out of the towel cabinet.  I put my foot in the water to test the temperature  it was freezing cold but that's just what I needed. 

I jump in and screamed it was more cold than I thought. I laughed at myself and splashed around. I was free and it felt so good. I go under the water and I wanted to stay here forever. 

I come up and swim to the end of the pool. It was so big. As I come up from the water security was right there and I froze in shock.

"What are you doing in here you're not suppose to be in here!" one of security guards yell.

"And why not, its not like its a private pool or anything" I lied as I was grabbing my towel. I didn't mind showing my body simply because they were woman now if it were men It would have been another story.

"Well in case you didn't know this is a private pool, now I'm either going to call the police or I will take you up to the owner and he will deal with you. which one do you want?"

"Sh*t" I whisper to myself

"I think I'd rather the police deal with me"  I say

"Too bad you're going to the owner, now put your clothes back on" 

"Fine!" I say loudly.

 I changed right in front of them with not a care in the damn world. Once I was done one of the security guards took me up on the elevator. It went all the way up to 10. 

"Why does a pool place need 10 floors?" I ask her

"Because it's also a spa" she says

"Well damn if I would have known that I would have gotten a massage instead of the pool"

"You shouldn't even be in the first place" she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever you say grouch" I laugh

She acts as if she didn't hear me.

We got up to the tenth floor and she dragged me along down the hall way to his office.  She knocks on his door.

"Come in" he shouts and I take a deep breath waiting for this to be over.

She walks in and I walk right next to her showing some pride that I had left. I wasn't letting this ass know I was nervous.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he smirks at me then looks up at the security guard.

"She was swimming naked in one of your private pools" she says firmly.

"Thank you, you may go now I'll handle it from here" he sits back in chair and she leaves but not without pinching my arm

"Ow, you stupid bi*ch" I almost grabbed her but Mr. Rodriquez slammed the door and slammed me against it. 

"You know you really look good wet?" he touches my hair  and sits back into his seat.

Man how did he get up so fast.

"Sit" he says 

I grab a chair and sit far away as I possibly could. 

"Come closer or I'll do it myself " he looks at me intently.

"I'm good" I look back at him angrily. 

"You really do test my patience" he gets up and sit in front of his desk and looks at me.

"You sneaked into my pool naked and think you're going to get away, further more you sass me everyday as if I won't drop your grade like night fall. What am I going to do with you Ms. Wescott?"

I roll my eyes.

"Well for starters I was hot and I wanted to take a swim, your pool is nicer and clean. Second you're the one who started it by saying "No I'm not a model blah blah" you cocky son of bi*ch"

He grabs my mouth hard, it felt like I were going to pop 

"Let go of my mouth" I tried pulling from him without him hurting my mouth even more.

"I'm literally so tired of you talking to me any way you fu*king please. 

He lifts my body up with his other hand and sits me on the desk.

"You really need to be taught as lesson, after this maybe you'll shut the fu*ck up"

"What are you going to do to me?"  I say nervously.

He walks around his desk still holding me to the desk, he grabbed something but I didn't know what it was.  He came back around and it was tape.  My eyes got bigger and I thought was he going to rape me?

I tried getting out of his grip but he held me even stronger. 

"You really think you're going to get out of this?"

"Yes now let me go, get off of me why do you have tape?"

He laughs with excitement as he pulls apart the tape. He puts it on my mouth. 

"You're not going to resist me this time. You're so lucky I can't do what I want with you right now. One because this is a public place and secondly people might think I'm hurting you if you scream" He walks over to his curtains and closes them its dark and everyone was going home

"mmmmm let meee go" I try to say but it came out in tape gibberish 

The next thing I know he goes to one of this pictures hanging on the wall and it wasn't just a picture it was a cabinet.  He grabs a pair of hand cuffs and looks at me smiling. 

I'm going to die I say to myself. Hes going to kill me. 

He grabs my body and lays me on the couch, then he hand cuffs my hand to table next it. 

This should be illegal.

"I'll be back in five minutes stay comfortable" 

I looked around and I tried to find a way out these cuffs but it was no way out. I was wet cold and hungry. 

A few minutes later he came back. He shut the door quietly.  He had a bag of some things in it but I couldn't make out what was in it.

"Since you love this pool so much you're going to work here on the days you have no class and when you only have one class in the day" he eyes was smiling.

I couldn't even speak because there was flacking tape on my mouth, oh if I didn't have tape on my mouth I would curse the living sh*t out of him right now. 

"Oh and you're not going home tonight" he sat at the end of his desk.

My eyes watered. I want to go home I want to eat I want a shower. 

I kept wiggling the cuffs and all he did was laugh.

"Don't worry princess you'll get out of those once I'm ready for you to come off" he walked over to me and grabbed my shirt. His hands started to travel from my shirt to my sweatpants. I want to kick him in the balls. Oh why must he be an attractive ass hole.  

His hands traveled back up my shirt and he slowly started to unbutton. I wasn't ready for this not yet especially not with my professor aka prick of a man. 

I lost my train of thought but then quickly felt his lips on my chest.  He started to kiss my chest all the way down to my stomach. It felt so good but I couldn't let him do this. 

The tape was coming off due to my smartness. I was told that when you lick the the tape it doesn't stay sticky anymore. I finally got the tape to off enough to let me speak 

"Let me go, I'm not ready. Why are you doing this?" 

"I already told why bella" he kept giving me kisses on my chest 

I stayed silent as if it wasn't effecting me. I wasn't going to let him win not tonight tomorrow and next month. 

"Wait, wait what the fu*k do you mean I'm working here every day? No the hell I'm not you must think I'm going to actually do it" 

"See that's where you're wrong, you are unless you want to fail my class and have me call the police for coming in here for sneaking into my pool?" 3

"This is crazy, you're crazy why can't you find someone else? I don't even like you." I yell 

He covered my mouth. 

"Listen here bella, you can yell all you want but just know that it's just us here and no one can hear you." he starts to kiss my neck and I closed my eyes shut I wasn't giving him the satisfaction by letting him know I was so turned on.

He bite my neck harder than he did before and I could feel that spot throbbing 

"Can you please just let me go, I'll be a good student and I won't come back" I whined 

"Too late." he pushes my legs back and comes in between them. I'm about to be in some deep mess if I don't stop

I let out a moan, he pushed himself up against me. 

"You know you want me, you're just too stubborn to admit it"

I laugh. "I don't! Now let me go my arms hurt" 

The next thing I know is he kissed me. Hard. It was so intoxicating. I became dizzy. I wanted him to stop but I wanted him to keep going. No man has ever kissed me like this before. I wanted to sink this all in but couldn't. 

I pulled back from the kiss as hard as I could and I hit my head on the side of the couch and I yelled.

"Ouch, that's it get off me, take these cuffs off me and take me home" 

He chuckled and took off the cuffs. I rubbed my sore wrists.

"Like I said you're not going home. You're coming home with me and I'm not asking"

"You're so funny, I wouldn't go home with you even if it was the last house on earth" 

He sighed stood there amused.

"You really don't know who I am" 

I got up and walked to the door not caring anymore 

"I don't give a rats who you are! You are my teacher and that's how it will remain." 

I grabbed the door and walked out. As I was walking I hear foot steps following me

He tugged my hair and pulled me up against him.

"You little shit,  get the f*ck off of hair I will literally stab your ass" I was pissed off now he shouldn't have touched my hair.

With all my might I pushed him up against the wall and his grip looses so I make a run for it. I forgot I was on the tenth floor.  I ran and ran until I was out of breath there was so many rooms. I finally reach the door to the stair case and I ran down those steps so fast. 

"Why did this have to have so many damn floors?" I yell.  

I finally reached the first floor and tried to exit the building but it was locked. I kept pushing the door and the alarms went off. I'm screwed.  

"Going somewhere Bianca?" he stood over me and turned off the alarm. 

"Yes I was leaving, now let me out" 

"No!" he yells

He was testing me.

I start to hit him hard and fast I didn't stop and the only thing he did was laugh.

"You're so hot when you're mad" 

I literally lost it and I slapped him with all the strength I had left in my body.

He wasn't laughing anymore 

"Not laughing anymore now are you?" He didn't say anything. 

I walked around him (shouldn't have done that)  trying to find my way out but the next thing I know I was on the floor.  He pinned me on the floor not letting me go.

"See I lost my patience with you a while ago and you really fucked yourself over this time" 

He pulled my shirt off this time ripping it and I heard all the little buttons scatter all over the floor.  I tried to push him off of me but it was like pushing a two hundred pound weight off. He wrapped him hand firmly around my neck and started kissing me roughly. 

I didn't care anymore it felt too good to let him stop now. 

I was out of breath, I was even more dizzy from the last time. 

He didn't let me go and I didn't want him to only for the moment.

This chapter is the longest I've ever written on this book and I am so proud of myself it took me two days to actually write this because I was lazy. I had starting writing this on Monday (Intro only) then I gave up my thoughts were everywhere. I hope that this isn't all over the place.  In the next chapter you'll find out what happens next so stay tune. I'm officially back so no more waiting. Sorry if there any grammar errors. 

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