His Favorite Toy

By That_Teen_Writer

25.1K 263 11

"I'll play with you even when you break, because you're my favorite toy." More

His Favorite Toy
1|How He Enters
2|How I Caught Him
3|How He Notices Me
4|How I Was Warned
5|How He Took Me
6|How I'm His Favorite
8|How He's Mine
9|How I'm His
10|How He Hits
11|How I'm Left
12|How He Arrives
13|How I Wonder
14|How He Played Me
15|How I'm Without Him
16|How I'm Forever His
His Broken Toy
1|How We Move On
2|How We Live Now
3|How We Talk

7|How He Changes

1.1K 11 0
By That_Teen_Writer

"Did you see what was in the bag?" Reina asked in wonderment. I sighed and dug my spoon into my pudding. "No, I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't."

Reina, Philip, and I had all opted to sit outside since it was to cold inside today. When Vincent and I came to school together everyone's eyes were of course on us in pure shock. I'd hated having all the attention on me and even when we both went our separate ways everyone still seemed to be pointing and looking at me.

In class I'd told Reina everything that happened yesterday and of course she thought naughty thoughts at first before I'd told her about the mysterious bag Vincent acquired. Since she couldn't question me in class she was now getting her chance to at lunch.

She shook her head. "I don't like that he took you to some abandoned warehouse and got a bag full of whatever. What if something happened to you, Priscilla?! You gotta start being smarter about your choices and not so stupid!"

Astonishment filled my features. Reina rarely yelled or got mad at me so this was very rare to witness. Just as I was about to protest Phillip interrupted me. I thought he'd defend
me or at least help but I was completely wrong. "Reina's right Priscilla. You're smarter than this. Who knows what could've happened to you!"

I scoffed in disbelief. Of course he'd side with his girlfriend. They both didn't need to gang up on me though! "You two are being ridiculous! Vincent wouldn't have let anything happen to me."

It was Reina's turn to scoff. "You trust him to keep you safe?"

At her words I'd fell silent as I didn't know how to respond. Did I trust Vincent to keep me safe? He'd claimed me as his girl in front of the guy and even threatened him when he'd checked me out.

"Look, I'm not saying to stay away from Vincent since it's your choice but if you're gonna hangout with him at least know when to question him about certain things."

Her words pierced me as even though I didn't want to admit it out loud...she was right.

• • •

After school I was about to head home but stopped when I'd seen Vincent in the parking lot leaning against his car. I wasn't surprised to see a cigarette hanging from his lip. It's not like I expected him to quit after yesterday's event.

I contemplated going over but deep down I already knew my decision. Going over I'd crossed my hands against my chest and asked "Where were you today?"

He'd let the cigarette drop from his mouth as he stared at me. I could never hold his stare as his eyes always seemed to be looking into my soul. "It's none of your damn business where I've been."

I'd actually stepped back a bit as I couldn't believe the harshness in his words. He'd never talked to me like this. "I-I was jus-"

"Do me a favor and shut the fuck up, Dollface."

My mouth closed instantly. I don't know what was going on with him but I didn't want to stay and figure it out. For the first time I was actually scared of him and I'd began to see how right Reina and Philip was.

As I'd turned to leave his hand shot out latching onto my arm. Pulling me close he'd use his free hand to open his car door. "Get in."

I looked at him as if he was crazy! Did he really think I was going anywhere with him after what he'd just did?! I'd tugged at my arm trying to get free but that only resulted in him holding me tighter.

"Let go! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

He smirked and leaned down close to my ear. "If I have to put you in myself Dollface were gonna have a problem."

His words struck me to the core. Looking at him I knew he wasn't joking at all. "Okay. I'll get in..."

When I finally got in he'd slammed the door hard making me jump and whimper. Reina's words played in my head but I knew it wasn't the right time to question him. As he drove I couldn't help but be worried and scared.

Where was he taking me?

• • •

We were back at his place. Last night's memories resurfaced and I'd smiled a bit before it vanished. What were we doing here now? Walking into the house I'd wrapped my hands around myself feeling cold all of a sudden. Or maybe just to feel protected from Vincent.

"Come upstairs."

Slowly I followed him upstairs where he'd took a seat on the bed. Just yesterday I was next to him but now I didn't even want to be around him. He was eyeing me so intently I couldn't help but squirm.

"Come here, Dollface."

Slowly I walked over towards him. As I stood in front of him he reached out and pulled me down onto his lap. My eyes went wide in surprise as I wasn't expecting him to do this.

His face was so close but all I could concentrate on was his lips that were close to mine. "Vincent..." I whispered out lowly. That was all it took for him to smash his lips onto mine fiercely. I was so surprised by his action I'd given him the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. It was like I was in heaven with how skillful he was at this.

I'd pulled away needing some air. He didn't though as he'd began leaving a trail of kisses on my neck. A breathe groan left my lips making me wonder what in the hell Vincent was doing to me. Out of nowhere he'd threw me on the bed and was now hovering on me.

Slowly he pressed his hands onto my now exposed hips and bent down to kiss me once again. After a while he began to trail kisses down lower and lower until his hot lips touched my thighs.

Grabbing them he'd stared at me as he placed kisses on them repeatedly. I'd clenched the sheets hard finding it difficult to keep my breathing under control. His eyes always seemed to pierce me to death and have me in a trance.

He'd then smirked and lowered himself so he was right between the most part I'd craved his lips on. But he'd suddenly pulled himself up and instead kissed me on my lips.

When he pulled away he'd said something that shocked me. "Next time...pick up your phone, Dollface."

After that he'd got up and left, leaving me confused as hell and sexual frustrated.

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