Have a Nice Day

By CupcakeQueen24

243 19 13

Meep has never had a good attitude towards.....well, anything. Of course, it was hard being a powerful sorcer... More

Having Fun While on the Run
Juvenile's Life of Crime
Father's Opinion Doesn't Really Matter
Yes Father?
Emerald City is the Best
Love Potion is the Way to Go
When a Great Plan Goes Terribly Wrong
Nice to See You
What is Happening to ME???
Amnesia's Worst Quality
Mirror Mirror in the Moonlight
Comfy Place for a Nap
Three Days of Torture
Hypnotism is the Way to Go
Have a Taste of Your Own Medicine
A Bad End to a Bad Day
Can't I Try a Little Harder?
Fiddling Around in Chemistry Class
A Slap in the Face
Alone Time Doesn't Last Long
Dreaming of Nightmare's Past (Part one)
Dreaming of Nightmare's Past (Part Two)
Waking Up......The Hardest Thing I'll Ever Have to Do.
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Pick Up Troubles
Someone's Gotta Be on My Side Sometimes
When Shields Go Up, the Truth Comes Out
The Wrong Spell
Having Fun While on the Run
The Worst Rodeo I've Ever Been On
The Aftermath
The Endings are the Best Part

The Down Sides of the Up Side

3 0 0
By CupcakeQueen24

The weekend went by like a breeze. I hardly found myself without a smile on my face. I never knew how cool it was to have someone by your side everyday. Well, I guess I did know how cool it was, since Hona, Feather, and Crimson all stuck to me like glue. But I never knew what it felt like with a guy.

Sadly, the weekend breezed by too fast. The next thing I know, it's Monday again. My alarm went off and I jumped up, my hair flying into my face. I huffed an exhausted breath and put my hand on my forehead, resting it on my thigh. I let the alarm run a little while longer, before I finally got tired of it and slammed the top of the alarm so it shut off. 

I covered my eyes from the blinding light from my window, and set my elbows on my knees.

My phone buzzed on my nightstand. I reached over and picked it up. I smiled when I saw who it was.

Don't worry, be Happy! Don't let anything get you down today.

It was Jace. My smile grew wider and I swung my legs over the side of my bed.


About an hour and a half later, I was on my motorcycle, riding to school with my carrier's bag around my shoulder and a helmet on my straightened hair. I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in my spot. Jace was standing in the grass next to my parking spot.

"Nice ride, Hot Shot." Jace laughed as I flipped my hair out of my face when I took off the helmet.

"Why thank you, Cool Bro." I laughed back and threw myself off of the bike. I hopped over the curb and pecked Jace on the cheek. "Let's go."

"Alright." Jace shouted. I laughed and took his hand, pulling him to the school. 

I was still laughing when I bumped into someone behind me. 

"Oh, sorry!" I giggled, looking over my shoulder. I took a double take.

Hona was standing with her arms crossed, with Feather and Crimson behind her. I turned around fully so I was standing next to Jace.

"Hey." I said casually even though I was nervous about what would happen.

"Hey." Hona huffed.

I walked Jace and I past them without another word, but apparently Hona had other plans.

"Hey, Mephistopheles!" Crimson called. I winced and stopped. "Don't have too much fun with your new boyfriend today. It could ruin your reputation."

There it was. The first bombshell. I knew it had to come at some point.

My face turned red as I continued walking with Jace in tow. I swear I pulled him through half the school before he stopped me.

"Okay, two things." He said, turning me to look at him.

"What's up, babe?" I said bouncily so I could sound like it didn't bother me that Crimson commented. It did.

"What did I text you today?" Jace asked. When I didn't reply, he answered for me. "Don't let them get to you. They're just as mixed up as you and I were on this. They're probably not used to seeing you with a guy.

"Well, you are my first boyfriend." I admitted. "But still, I knew they would do this. I made them promise to keep me evil, but I guess they didn't do such a good job."

"No, they didn't. And I'm glad they didn't." Jace said, but before I could give him my best evil stare, he continued talking. "Meep, if they hadn't, I wouldn't have known you as much as I do. Imagine what would happen if you blew me off the day we met."

"I don't think I want to." I laughed, even though the lump in my throat returned. I swallowed hard. "What was the second thing?"

"Oh, right." Jace said. "Who's Mephistopheles?"

I laughed, the lump disappearing.

"What? What? Was it something I said?" Jace said, looking around like he was getting accused of something.

"Jace, Mephistopheles is me!" I laughed. "It's my real name."

"What? You mean that Meep isn't your real name?" Jace laughed. I giggled and shook my head, biting my lip. "Who are you?"

"Jace!" I shushed him. But I couldn't help it. My voice wavered with a giggle as I got up on my toes to kiss Jace on the lips. He put his hands on my face and kissed me back just as much.


All day. Literally. All. Day.

That's how long Hona, Feather, and Crimson tormented me. I had first period with Crimson. My first period is Art. I sat a good three seats away from Crimson in another isle of the desks, so I didn't see her coming.

We were painting on out canvases. The assignment was to paint a scene in our lives where we were happy, just like last week were we did sad, mad, scared and more emotions. Just as I was taking my last few strokes, something bumped into my shoulder. Green paint splattered all over my canvas, in my face, and in my lap. Uh. Green. I gasped as I wiped the paint from my eyes and looked over to see Crimson looking back with a bottle of green paint.

"Oh, Meep, I'm so sorry!" She said. I could tell that she wasn't. 

"Oh, no, it's okay!" I said, standing up. The stupid curse made me clean up the paint that splattered on the floor.

"It was a freak accident!" Crimson cried. "I just hope....oh, nope! It's not machine-washable!"

I looked down at my favorite pair of red jeans. They were ruined, as well as my assignment. 

"I'll just get a new pair of jeans." I said. 

In second period, Hona was with me in History. We didn't speak to each other at all. In fact, I didn't even come in contact with her, but that's just the problem. Hona was my only friend in that class, and now I could see her pointing and laughing at me with other people. She was spreading rumors like wildfire. I buried my face in my history book so I could hide the shame and embarrassment displayed on my face. It was like the day after I came back from being suspended, but it was much worse with Hona sending out new comments around school that wiould be sure to stick with me until the end of high school. And even worse, my jeans were still stained with green paint.

My third class I had alone, but Lunch was way worse. I couldn't sit at my table anymore, and there would be absolutely no other tables that would allow me to sit with them after all the rumors spread abroad. I ended up sitting in the library with my lunch tray in front of me. I didn't feel like eating much, but I couldn't pass up blueberry pie. Probably the only good thing today, you know, besides me.

The next two classes I had by myself, thank goodness. But the last class, I had with Feather and Jace. I decided to sit next to Jace, so that Feather couldn't do too much damage without Jace stepping in. That's where I was wrong.

In the middle of class when we were supposed to review our notes for the test the next day, Feather came over to us and leaned on the lab station, right in Jace's notes.

"Hey guys!" Feather said a little too quirkily. "What'cha doin?'"

"We're studying like we're supposed to." I said.

"Right, right. I just couldn't help but come over and ask a question."

"Which is?" Jace asked kindly.

"Would either of you mind if I did this?" Feather asked.

Suddenly she grabbed the back of Jace's head and pulled him close. Their lips pressed together awkwardly, but Feather didn't let go.

"Feather!" I screamed, pulling both of them apart. Jace looked about as shocked as I was. He wiped his mouth.

"Would the answer be A: Not at all! B: Maybe a little. Or C: Absolutely!" Feather laughed.

"Go!" I yelled at her and she went back to her lab station with Willow. "Omg, I'm so sorry!" I told Jace.

"I guess I should have seen that coming." Jace laughed, picking up his pencil.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, if she wanted to embarrass you, she would have ruined something of yours or started rumors around school. She just wanted to make you feel uncomfortable." Jace said. 

"Oh my gosh." I muttered.


"They're using the RRU method!" I whispered to him.

"What's that?"

"It stands for Rumor, Ruin, Uncomfy. That was our go-to method to target someone. Now the target is me." I explained. I put my hands in my face.

"Well, now you know how to dodge it." Jace said.

"Really?" I asked him annoyingly. He smiled and I playfully slapped him on the chest.

I laughed and returned to my notes, but I glanced over at Feather and caught her glaring at me. I looked at her, and she turned away, angry. 

Trust me, it was not over between me and them.

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