His Beastly Finale

By DeactivatedAcct

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Zackary was someone who no one wanted to touch, to even acknowledge. He was dead while alive. Damien, his mat... More

Intermission: "Hero"
Chapter One: "First Meeting"
Intermission: "Approach"
Chapter Two: "Interest"
Chapter Three: "Solving Conflict"
Intermission: Alone
Chapter Four: "Misplaced Passion"
Chapter Five: "Sudden Leap"
Chapter Six: "Apology"
Intermission: "Red Silk"
Chapter Seven: "Realization"
Chapter Nine: "Grief"
Chapter Ten: "Deceit"
Chapter Eleven: "Revelations"

Chapter Eight: "Uncertainty"

358 4 10
By DeactivatedAcct

Chapter Eight:


"Cum sa strecurat teamă în inima me ...Cum a dragostea ta ma făcut frică mai mult ...?"

 “How had fear crept into my heart...How has your love made me fear more...?

                                                                                                                             December 31st, 1745

(1 Month Later…)

There was silence between the two lovers. But love was all that kept them together, but it was barely hanging on at this point. It wasn’t because of Damien’s newfound abilities. No, because of an opinion, a whore’s opinion.

Oh no, after Zackary’s explanations and how to adapt, Damien had grew to like being furry and all fours. He especially loved running after his lover, knowing there was a good chance of catching him than he ever had as a regular human. He loved the feeling of exhilaration and he loved how being so close to earth made him feel alive.

He even got to have more time with Zackary, while in his wulfen form, the older teen had a hard time controlling any desire he had and Damien thanked every god that was so.

But no, the problem lay with what had happened because of Damien’s blood and the wulfen now running through his bloodstream.

At first, it was small things that both did well to hide. Like Damien’s recent cravings for semi-raw meat and being outside. Then it was his growth, and how his slender build seemed to gain more curve and a bit of a bump over his stomach. Damien blamed the meat, and said he would go outside more to rid himself of it.

This did nothing to help rid him of the now slight bulge over his belly. He could hide it, sure, but that would mean he couldn’t be as close to people as he normally would have. Whores were suspecting he had bruises or broken ribs because they had seen gauze. One whore, the one who had distracted a small mob for him before Zackary, had dared to confront him in the street.

 Damien had been furious and had chewed her out so bad, she had begun to cry.

When he was finished, Zackary had luckily come looking for him and had to immediately drag the redhead away, as the smaller wulfen had tried to strike the whore when she had snapped at how she found Zackary hideous because of his loner tendencies and how he had stolen what should have been rightfully hers.

The whore had come to the older wulfen’s house and apologized but Zackary had heard enough of her earlier words to know she wasn’t sorry. She had left and just as the older teen shut the door, Damien had awoke and demanded who had been at the door.

This thus brings us to the here and now.

“It was her, wasn’t it?” the redhead demanded, the older didn’t even flinch at the ice in his hyacinth eyes slowly turning gold or how the venom in his voice had seemed to drop the room’s temperature by several degrees.

Zackary didn’t answer; instead he walked away from the door and towards his own bedroom. He was standing in his doorway while Damien continued to remain in the den, waiting though his anger was flaring and the air in the room was getting heavier and heavier, almost suffocating Loren. The young wulfen slowly crept upstairs to his room, olive eyes fearful of the situation and not wanting to receive any back slash from the redhead’s anger.

Damien’s fists were clenched at his sides, as a single tear escaped each of his eyes and his teeth bit down on his lip. The smaller wulfen heard the sound of feet shuffling on the floor and he spun to see Zackary about to exit the back door of the house since he would have to walk through the heavy room and around Damien to get out the front.

“I’m going out for a walk,” was all the wulfen said and then Damien felt his eyes widen in shock as he realized his lover had just left him too brew instead of answering him. He was being ignored, he realized as he held his belly.

It was with tears raining down his face that he cried, hiding his face as he cursed every person but himself and his lover. Pain exploded in his lower half and chest but he attributed it to heart ache and the pain of rejection.

Eyes wide, he bit down on his lip so he wouldn’t scream, but instead he fell over and his head met the coffee table with a loud crack. The noise had startled Loren, who had been waiting for a chance to sneak out. When he saw the smaller wulfen, he immediately panicked, rushing to find Zackary.

He didn’t know what to do, he realized as tears escaped his eyes. Only a child, he didn’t know what to do! He didn’t know how to help!

But outside, Zackary was roaming the woods of London, still in humane form, as he took in the sights as something whose instincts didn’t necessarily dictate their life and their reactions. He sighed, his breath a frigid white puff. He watched it fade away as he wondered where he had gone wrong.

When he had gone to work on his father’s last day? When he had gone shopping with his mother? When he tripped the redhead? Was it when he had kissed Damien? Or his first with Damien, maybe biting him and changing him into a wulfen, was that it? When he hadn’t tried to save Ellie?

Where had he gone wrong…?

All had been going right. All had felt right—then it had gone to Hell.

He narrowed his eyes as he leant back into the tree, trying to think of where he had made that great error.

But little did he know that his greatest error had been leaving Damien all alone with a very young and inexperienced wulfen at home…said wulfen was now screaming for him to follow him, saying it was an emergency. The wulfens rushed home…where the Damien, the poor small wulfen was now bleeding out.

He had bitten through his very lip, but he had managed to drag himself to Zackary’s room and climb on the bed. He had stopped there; he didn’t know what else to do.

He was taking in lung after lungful of air but it never seemed enough. He was in tremendous pain and just as he thought he was going to give up, he heard it.

It was Zackary’s mother.

“You’re nothing but trash,” she said and raised the knife, grey eyes livid and teary. Damien’s eyes widened but he knew he couldn’t do a thing to save or protect himself. The pain had drained him of all of his energy. He couldn’t have fought back against the knife if he tried.

The knife came down at the same time Zackary burst in through the front door…

The wulfen will never forget the sound if his lover’s scream… 

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