Professor Layton and the Memo...

By EffervescentElixir

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Set after 'The Lost Future'/'Unwound Future', 'Professor Layton and the Memories Of A Time Gone By' explores... More

Prologue: The Lost Future
1. A Mystery To Solve
2. The Thirst For Adventure
3. Next Stop... Dropstone!
4. The Quiet Village
5. Midnight Shadows
6. Trouble In Town
7. A Diverging Path
8. A Puzzle Among Others
9. Pieces Of A Puzzle
11. Lost Soul
12. The Investigation Begins
13: Moonlight Madness
14. Faith and Mysteries
15. Heartbreaker
16. Turning Point
17. Traps And Rescues
18. I am Undying
19. The End

10. Move On The Castle

593 17 25
By EffervescentElixir

Examining him more closely, Hershel sighed when he saw that it was not indeed, Luke. It was Clive. It took a second for the effect to sink in before he realised how much of a problem that really was.

"How can you be here...?"

Flora gulped, recalling the time where Clive had revealed himself and then kidnapped her.

"I understand what you may be thinking, but I swear I have only come here with the intention of helping you. As I have said, I intend to atone for my crimes."

"A likely story!' Dimitri exclaimed, stepping forward in anger.

"Yeah!" Flora agreed. "How can we believe you?"

"Now, now!" Hershel interrupted. "You cannot forget that it was his frustration, the grief from losing his parents that drove him to do what he did. He truly regrets what he has done."

"What the Professor says is true!" Clive said, placing a thumb against his chest. "I've come here to help you with your investigation!"

Flora remained silent, and Dimitri gritted his teeth, soon calming down as he trusted Hershel's judgement.

"Alright..." he grumbled, adjusting his hat on his head in irritation.

"Now, Clive," Hershel warned, eyes narrowing as he studied the unlikely guest. "I must ask how it is that you are here. Should you not still be in-"

"Well, you see," Clive laughed, a little uncertainty creeping into his voice. "I was uh, released only the... other day. A... psychologist came and said that I was better. Yes, much better. I was showing no signs of ill will - and whatnot. That's when I knew I could start my redemption process!" he exclaimed, standing a little taller. "I did a little sleuthing - I had become quite good at that after becoming a... reporter - and I found out that you were solving some mystery in Folsense. I got a ticket on the Molentary Express and soon enough I found you here."

"You were on the Molentary Express?" Hershel said, not swayed by his story in the slightest. "How is this so? We saw everyone in the train, plus there was ample time for you to have approached us. For example, when Dimitri and I held the train for Flora."

"That was very kind of you!" Flora stated, her cheeks going red.

"Well," Clive chuckled, guilt clear for all to see. Still he persisted. "what I mean is that I took the train from last time. The one before you!"

"That would mean you had been here for precisely two weeks, however, you clearly stated that you were released the other day."

Clive started to shift on the spot and then he sighed.

"Okay, I'll tell you the real reason. It's-"


The group spun once more as another familiar figure approached them. Inspector Chelmey. Following close behind was the portly constable Barton.

"Inspector Chelmey," Hershel called, taking a step in front of Clive. "it is good to see you again. What brings you to Folsense?"

"You should know why, Layton!"

"How so?"

"It's the boy, Clive. He escaped from his ward. No one knows how he did it. I've already yelled half the idiots there to death, but that get you nowhere fast." Sighing, he rests his hands on his hips. "Look, all we know is, someone from the outside got him out. He had a motorbike waiting. We tracked him to the countryside of all places. The lad was clever, sticking to side roads, even managing to give us the slip a few times."

Hershel's fears were proved true, and he was glad to know Clive had used Hershel's cover to find a hiding spot. He had no idea of Clive's true intentions, but he wanted to give the young man a chance to explain himself. If he proved to be trouble, well, Chelmey wouldn't be far behind.

"I'm afraid we have not seen him, Inspector, but we'll be sure to contact you if we do."

Flora and Dimitri frowned, looking to him with narrowed eyes. He flashed them a look - a simple one, that told them clearly of his intentions. They remained quiet then.

"I somehow doubt that..." Chelmey muttered, scratching at his chin. "But as I can't see him here now, I'll have to let you off. For now! I'll be sure to keep a close eye on you! You're a crafty fellow, Layton. A good one, but one surrounded in mysteries has got to be hiding a few of his own."

"Perhaps you are right, Inspector." Hershel grinned. "Do tell me if you find him. I'd like to have a word with him." Raising his voice, he cast his eyes about, noticing a tuft of hair sticking out from atop a nearby hedge. He raised his voice, making sure to emphasise his last few words. "If he is seeking me out, it must be for a very good reason."

Eyebrows raised, Chelmey opened his mouth to say something, decided against it and shook his head. Turning briskly, he stormed off, barking at Barton to keep up. Barton almost stumbled after him, and he gave a quick wave to the three over his shoulder. Flora waved back.

"If I was worried about certain people searching for me..." Hershel said aloud, to no one in particular, though all those present were aware of his real intention. "Then I would know that it is safe to leave the nest and re-join the flock."

There was a few moments of silence as nothing happened, and then the hedge shook, Clive stumbling out, leaves clicking to his shorts and blazer. The blazer was a darker navy, and the shorts more brown than maroon, but the similarity to Luke's attire was clear and striking.

"Thank... thank you for that, Professor. I feared you would give me away..."

"I would never do that, Luke.'


Hershel frowned and then realised his grave error.

"I do apologise... It is just your appearance. If you were wearing the cap still, I would have more easily mistaken you for Luke from the start."

Dimitri looked at the Professor worriedly. Was the boy still on his mind at all times?

"Well.. You sort of did..." He chuckled lightly.

"I do wonder why you're still dressed like before." Flora stated, gesturing at Clive's clothes.

"Oh... These clothes are a bit different, but I suppose I grew used to the getup, attached even. Like they're a part of me. You could even say it's a reminder of the Professor and his amazing assistant... That reminds me, where is young Luke now?"

Hershel gritted his teeth and stared at the ground. Dimitri stepped forward quickly and smiled weakly.

"Luke has left to live with his father for a little while. It's best if you leave it there..."

"It's a shame... I wanted to show him a few tricks that he would have found useful..."

"Tricks?" Hershel muttered, looking back up once more.

"Oh, yes. I wanted to teach him how to solve puzzles with ease. It would have-"

"I can teach him to do that!" Hershel snapped suddenly. It wasn't quite a yell, but there was an edge to his voice that was foreign and unlike him.

Clive gasped, completely taken aback by this temper, while Flora and Dimitri gave concerned glances and stared at each other worriedly.


The Professor's face seemed to brighten and he pulled his hat down over his forehead further.

"I apologise... I have not been going through an easy time..."

"I won't ask... I can tell that it is something that is best left locked away in your mind. To open that cage is to release a storm of birds that shouldn't be out of their cage. Trust me, I've been going through my own hell."

The Professor seemed to smile, but remained silent, as though not sure whether to respond at all.

"Well..." Dimitri smiled, stepping in between the two. "I think that now we're together, we have something to be doing."

"So... I can come with you?!" Clive's eyes were brimming with eagerness and Dimitri couldn't help but lighten up, seeing such a display of fiery passion.

"Of course. Besides, it will be nice to have an extra helping hand. You can do better out here than locked away in some awful place like that."

"Of course I-"

"But remember this; while we will try and keep you a secret from the Inspector, you must be aware that if caught, there is nothing we can do."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"That means you have to get a disguise!" Flora beamed.

"Why is that such exciting news?" He frowned at her.

"Because I want to pick your clothes!"


"Ooh, this will be such fun!"


They left the Promenade an hour later, Clive finally in attire that he was fond of. It had taken many minutes to convince Flora that he didn't need the garish items that she suggested as they would only serve to make him stick out more!

The costume she had finally agreed on -although she wasn't too happy with it - was simple, yet very familiar to him. He wore red shorts similar to those he wore in the Luke outfit, a grey sweater and an olive cap. It was good to have a hat again, he thought with a smile. While being strikingly similar to his old outfit, it wouldn't attract attention and the cap would throw off the Inspector who would be expecting him to be capless.

"I don't know," Clive murmured, observing himself in the shop window. "It just looks much the same as my old outfit.

"Ah," Flora agreed, a little frustration in her tone. "but now you look more like Luke. If Chelmey does see you, he'll be thrown, mistaking you for Luke!"

Clive's expression was just shy of a scowl.

"That's be a pretty big stretch," he muttered, voicing his doubt. "I'm still pretty tall, and the Inspector's not daft."

"Well you agreed on this outfit, so you can keep your mouth zipped and be a grateful young man!"

"Alright alright," he laughed, holding up his hands in a defensive gesture.

The group made their way back to Clocktower Plaza and stuck to the sides of the buildings to avoid attention. Not that it mattered much in a town that was more akin to a ghost one at this point. Hershel shivered, wondering just where everyone had gone.

"What now then, Professor?!" Clive said enthusiastically.

"You're in good spirits!" Flora laughed.

"Well why not? How many can say that they are working with the Professor Layton?"

Flora giggled once more, but Hershel remained sombre. He was still sour, steeped in miserable thoughts. He had thought he was managing it, but a lifetime of pain and toil was catching up to him. He was slipping, and that wasn't acceptable. Not for the people he loved, and not for himself.

"Well first, I believe we must inform Clive on everything that has happened and most importantly what the mystery is!"

Clive listened with great interest as Flora told him of the mystery of the Legulus, making it sound more mysterious than it probably was. Then, she filled him in with the events of the past few hours, not skipping out on any juicy detail, exaggerating most of it.

"...and after I had to solve fifty puzzles in a row, I finally got the evidence I needed. With that, I ran as fast as I could back to the Professor, who had beat a puzzling woman in a game of wits. She had tried to out-puzzle the Professor, but no one can do that!"

Hershel couldn't help but find himself smiling. He never thought that Flora would have this effect through the retelling of the story. She had brought joy throughout the day just when he needed it most. She was an invaluable friend and the best daughter he could have asked for. She was the Luke he couldn't have, he realised. He loved her as a daughter, of course, but as a partner in crime, she was quite the companion and that was what he needed more than anything now. Perhaps having Clive along has helped that...

He snapped out of his daze and listened as Flora finished the story with a big bang.

"And now we have to search the pipes for dangerous gases that could potentially kill us unless we have the proper equipment... Come to think of it, there were some good hazard suits in that clothes stall... Anyway, now we must solve the riddle quick before the anger turns to bloodlust!"

"That is... quite the tale!" Clive laughed.

"Very... accurate." Dimitri agreed. He was feeling quite unsure about his part. She had said that he had to do a cook-off with the best chef in the world to get his hint. She said that his food was so good that the chef fell down in tears and gave the hint away instantly. He just wasn't sure whether to be happy with this exaggeration, or content that she was trying to make his story sound more interesting than it really was.

"So," Clive grinned, turning to the Professor. "it looks like you have yourself quite the mystery!"

"A mystery you seem to have some knowledge of, no less."

 Clive frowned but then remembered what he had said at the very beginning.

"Oh yes. On my way in town, - after escaping Chelmey- I overheard some people talking. People in suits." Hershel and the others glanced at each other, certain that these people were the Legentis. "They had heard that there was a non-toxic gas leaking through drain pipes."

"That is good to hear!" Flora sighed. She didn't want to face deadly gases.

"And that is all they said?" Hershel inquired.

"No... There was something else, but it hardly seemed important."

"Perhaps it is very important to us!" Dimitri yelled, gritting his teeth.

"Very well, but I don't think you own a castle..."

"What is this about the castle?" Hershel said, a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Well they were talking about making a move on some castle. I assume they mean to buy it. It does look incomplete... or at least, from what I can see of the outline from here."

Hershel glanced to the west, past the forest where the castle towered over everything. From here it did not look too dissimilar to the last time he had visited Folsense.

"A move on the castle?!" He asked, needing to be certain before he could jump to any conclusions.

"Yes. They said that there were heading there as soon as they could."

Hershel quickly turned to the others and they all gulped.

"We have to get there straight away!"

"Why?" Clive demanded. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because people we care about are in danger, and it is the duty of every gentleman to protect their friends from certain harm."

"That's a good enough reason for me!"

"Then we must get there immediately!" Dimitri stated worriedly. "Before it's too late!"


The group had only made it past the watchtower to the entrance to the woods when they saw what was wrong immediately.

Two men in suits blocked the gate and along each path, guards were scattered to ensure no one came in or out of the forest.

"What do we do, Professor?" Flora whispered, tugging at the Professor's sleeve.

The group were standing behind the watchtower, taking quick looks around the corner to survey the scene.

"It seems that the Legentis somehow know that the Legulus is in the castle... but how?"

"It would appear as if there is a traitor..." Clive murmured.

"But who?" Flora demanded. "Who even knows about the Legulus' location other than those at the castle?"

"No one..." Dimitri muttered. "It must be someone from within."

"Well, it wasn't us!"

"Of course not...It could be Katia."

"No." Hershel said plainly.

"Can you be certain of that, Professor?"

"I am very certain. Katia is one of the gentlest souls I have encountered. There is not a shred of indecency on her. Someone in that castle is to be held accountable, but not Katia!"

"Very well, how about Oliver then?"

"He would seem most likely seeing as we know very little of him; however, he does not appear to have any connection..."

"What about Anton?"

"It can't be!" Hershel protested.

"And why not? He-"

"Called these men to steal the item from his own home when he could have simply given it to them!"  Clive stated.

"It would not make sense," Hershel answered simply. "He could have disposed of the Legulus without ever alerting any others as they were unaware of its existence!"

"Then who?!" Dimitri stated angrily.

"You are forgetting the person who is most suspicious, who we know has been performing strange activities and certainly fits the bill perfectly."

"You mean..."

"Mr Anderson!" Flora gasped.


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