Chapters Of Our Love - Inazum...

By Infinite_Galaxy03

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As you all know, this is, in fact, another Inazuma Eleven X Reader! This book contains different love stories... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Truth{Shuu X Reader}
Chapter 2: Amemiya Taiyou X Reader {Memories Never Fade}
Chapter 3: Hiroto Kiyama X Reader (young & adult) {I Need You}
Chapter 4: Afuro Terumi/Aphrodi X Reader {A Fangirl's Dream}
Chapter 5: Dylan Keith X Reader {Long Distance Relationship}
Chapter 6: Kidou Yuuto X Reader {Forbidden Love?}
Chapter 7: Fideo Ardena X Reader {I. T. A. L. Y.}
Chapter 8: Saryuu Evans X Hoshi Wakana (OC) {Dandelions}
πŸ”΄ #2 Author's Note & New Requesting Page

Chapter 9: Suzuno Fuusuke X Ishijima Emiko (OC) {'I Miss You'}

1.8K 32 12
By Infinite_Galaxy03

Jinu: Hey, I'm back. I apologize for the long, long delay.

Requested by: RekkaNoKen Enjoy!!


"'I Miss You'"

[Third Person's PoV]:

Ishijima Emiko. A sweet girl with a sweet smile. A smile that was mostly adored by people. Especially to her one and only best friend, Suzuno Fuusuke. Suzuno has always been her best friendー Childhood friends, in fact. And every time she gives him her sweet smile, she finds him smiling back as well. And that smile makes Emiko forget about what happened to her in the past; how her parents rejected her because of her appearance. They both grew in the same orphanage together. They both have the same friends but it's just the both of them who shared a really tight bond.

They shared everything together. From both of their deepest secrets to their deepest desires. They were there for each other during each one's ups and downs, and no one ever left one's side. Emiko always kept on being Suzuno's positive energy and he remained as her big teddy bear.

Now, why does it look like, from the way I write it, that this happened in the past? Why, yes. It was all in the past.

They both did share everything together, but things already changed. After a few years, a news came that all of the orphans will use a certain stone that will give them extraordinary power in soccer. And she saw all of them accepting their father's offer. Emiko was puzzled at that time, but the only thing she can think of was Suzuno. She tried to change his mind about accepting it, but nothing happened. She grew hopeless, and ran away from the orphanage. 

 And it just so happened that Emiko heard from the news that there's been some rampage going on in Raimon. As the reporter said, the one who's causing the rampage claim to be aliens. But as the footage got clearer, there, she saw him. The man that she was not expecting to see. He had an expression like she had never seen before. A wide smirk plastered on his face as his eyes showed how much he wanted to hurt the opposing team. Emiko's knees began to tremble as she fell hopelessly on the ground.


It has been three years now.

Emiko is currently studying on a well-known university in Inazuma Town. She became more famous each month because of her extraordinary intelligence and her unbeatable skills in sports. She also became well-known because of her trademark, which is her different eye colors. However, by being famous, something was at stake. From the cheeky child she once was she became the cold, mean, and sadistic girl.

It has been three years since the incident where Emiko saw Suzuno rampaging like crazy. She didn't bother talking or finding him. She just continued on with her life. But it didn't change the fact that she misses him.

"Emiko!!" It's currently dismissal. Nagumo, who became her classmate and best friend, called up on her.

"What?" She turned to look at him.

"Hey, are you free tonight?" He asked, walking next to her.

"Why? You're asking me out?" She mockingly asked with a smirk on her face. In response, Nagumo clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at her.

"As if. I'd rather ask an old lady out than you." He scoffed. 

"Alright, alright. Sheesh, you're burning again." Emiko chuckled lightly. Nagumo sighed and continued talking.

"Well, anyways, we've been invited to a party tonight." He informed her as he pulled out his phone containing the invitation. Emiko nonchalantly looked at the invitation, looking for the sender. However, she can only see the place and time of the party.

"Wait a sec... That place. It's in front of our—" She was cut off by Nagumo sighing.

"Yeah, it is. Brings back some memories, eh?" He stared at nothing in particular, seemed to be thinking about something deep. "Anyways, will you come with me?" He added.

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be there." She nonchalantly replied.

After a few hours, Emiko got ready for the so-called party. She found herself walking in a familiar road. Her footsteps became vague, walking slowly as memories played like a movie inside her head. She reached the place, filled with chatters and laughters of strangers. Her eyes wandered on the opposite building. A worn out yet standing building— Sun Garden Orphanage. More and more memories flown inside her head; memories of her childhood, of the orphanage, and most importantly, her memories of Suzuno. She shrugged the thought and entered the small resto. And there she saw the whole gang: Nagumo, Reina, Hiroto, and more. Emiko was greeted by shock faces and cheery smiles.

"Oh my god, Emiko?! Is that you?!" Reina exclaimed. Nagumo huffed and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"Indeed! This is our one and only Ishijima Emiko." He introduced her proudly.

"Wait, are you guys dating?" Hiroto smiled after taking a sip on his drink.

"Ye—" Nagumo got cut off when Emiko shoved his hand away.

"Hell no." She nonchalantly denied, as she put her hands inside her pockets, sighing. Nagumo clicked his tongue in annoyance as they both took a seat side by side.

Emiko's eyes wandered around the room. All her friends in the orphanage were there. Except for one; a very special one, to her, at least. She shrugged the thought off, knowing that it is impossible to meet him again in a place like this. It's too good to be true.

"Emiko, you've gotten cold lately! What's up? You used to be bubbly when we're still young." Reina asked in worry.

"Nothing really. I guess I just got accustomed with it." She replied nonchalantly as she took a sip from her drink.

"Maybe she misses her teddy bear~" Nagumo snickered mockingly. They all laughed loudly as she punched Nagumo's arm, having an irk mark on her head. And yet, Nagumo kept on laughing.

"Oh your teddy bear~ You were really inseparable before~" Hiroto continually teased her.

"Shut up, you guys. Not funny." Emiko demanded as she crossed her arms in annoyance. They all tried hard to keep themselves from laughing until Reina got out of it.

"Oh by the way, he was the one who sent the invitations. So apparently, this is his plan. But he's still not here though." Reina stated, making her shocked and confused.

"What...? HE sent the invitation..? No, it's impossible!"  She denied inside her head.

"Eh well, overtime, maybe? I hear he's successful in his profession." A boy commented, making her clutch her drink.

"Yeah, I heard that too! It's quite amazing how he got that position so fast!" One of your friends admired.

Because of the shock, Emiko grew silent as she continued gripping the cold drink. She got up from her seat and excused herself. She said she was just going to the bathroom, however, she did not. She quietly escaped and headed for the building in front— Sun Garden Orphanage. She silently walked on the grass, dragging her fingers on the dusty walls of the building. Sudden memories came to her head; memories of her brothers and sisters, memories of playing around, memories of Hitomiko, and memories of Suzuno. With that in mind, Emiko found herself sitting on an old swing where she and Suzuno used to hangout. He used to push the swing, making her go higher and higher. One time, when Emiko fell from the swing, he was the one who patched her up and took care of her wounds with a smile. Those were some memories...

Emiko found yourself smiling. But suddenly, tears rolled down on her cheeks, remembering how much she misses him. The tears kept pouring as she buried her face on the palm of her hands. She has so many questions in her mind, but all she can ask for is...

"Why...?" Emiko asked to no one in particular in between sobs. Her knees fell on the grassy ground while sobbing, not minding if anyone who passes by could hear. She just really miss Suzuno so much...

"Emiko...?" A familiar voice called upon her. Emiko's tears suddenly stopped as the voice echoed around her ear.

"E-Emiko, is that you...?" The owner of the voice asked, worry tainted in his voice. Her eyes wide, she slowly looked up to the direction of the voice.

"S-suzu-chan..." She muttered in utter disbelief, "Suzu-chan..." she added. Suzuno smiled softly at her. 

"Emiko... It's been so long." He said as he walked towards her. Emiko just stared at him, eyes wide, mouth agape, and drops of tears. Suzuno knelt in front of her.

"Emiko..." He gave a heartwarming smile as he tucked the remaining her behind her ear. Emiko found herself slowly wrapping her arms around him as tears continued to flow.

"...Where have you been...?" She asked him in between sobs as Suzuno lightly pecked her cheek.  

"I-I'm... I'm sorry... I should've listened to you back then... I should have just stayed with you. Instead, I didn't... And you ran away... I was so lost when you ran away. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where to go. I ended up hurting people unintentionally. I've been looking for you for quite a while and—" Suzuno was cut off by a pair of hands on his mouth. 

"Just shut up. I don't need your stupid excuses." Emiko smiled and continued to hug him tightly. Suzuno hugged her back, squeezing her softly.

Suzuno then slowly pulled away from her and looked intently at her eyes, "Emiko, I'm so glad to see you again".

"Me too." Emiko smiled dearly and looks at him in the eye as well.

"It's been so long... It's been so long since I last saw your eyes. Your beautiful eyes." Suzuno said as he placed a hand on Emiko's cheek, mesmerized by her eyes. Emiko blushed at his action. They found their selves staring at each other's eyes. It's like the world around them stopped and they fell into each other's spell.  Emiko's eyes glistened more as the brightness of the moon reflected her eyes. For Suzuno, it was the best thing he could ever see.

Suzuno found himself slowly leaning towards Emiko. Emiko blushed, but she was too captivated by Suzuno's eyes that she can't even move. Suzuno leaned closer as their lips connected like metal and magnet. When realization hit him, Suzuno quickly pulled away and blushed deep red at his sudden action.

"I-I'm sorry, Emiko! T-that was—" Suzuno was cut off yet again by another pair of lips. Emiko kissed him passionately as Suzuno wrapped his arms around her. Emiko smiled through the kiss and considered it the most happiest night of her life.


Suzuno and Emiko walked hand in hand towards the resto. They slowly entered and they were greeted by smiling faces. But not until, Nagumo saw their hands together. Nagumo coughed and nudged Reina and Hiroto's arms, signaling that something was up with Suzuno and Emiko. In response, Reina and Hiroto gave the couple a teasing look.

"What?" Suzuno asked in annoyance.

"Oh nothing~ It's just that, your hands seemed to be comfortable with each other~" Hiroto teased them and Emiko blushed at the sudden realization of what's happening.

"So what? Can't me and Emiko be happy?" Suzuno irritatingly replied. "At least I have a love life, Gran," Suzuno added with a satisfied smirk on his face, making the redhead sulk. The whole gang laughed at Suzuno's response. Emiko shyly tugged on Suzuno's sweater.

"You're not so tough when you're with me." Emiko quietly whispered on Suzuno's ear with a smile.

"Well, what can I do? I love you too much to be cold towards you." Suzuno squeezed her hand gently as they both shared a loving smile.

_________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [Word Count: 1960 words]     

Jinu: So that's about it! Their meeting was crappy though. Sorry, senpai! I'll make it up to you! T~T

Naoko: Wait, wait! "At least I have a love life, Gran". What gives, Suzuno?? Hiroto has a love life! And that's— 

Fudou: Who, imouto? *smirks*

Naoko: *blushes* W-well..

Jinu: Alright, alright! Let's cut it here XD Anyways, see you in the next chapter guys!

Up Next:

[Aphrodi X Sayuri Suzuno (OC)]

As requested~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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