
By ShinDeeAlberto

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This is a story of a young teenager boy name Thirdy who wanted to make an avenge of his father, who was kille... More

Chapter 2: The Strong "Pirate" of the New Generation
Chapter 3: Flesh and Blood
Chapter 4: Mayor of Manila
Chapter 5: Blue Warrior
Chapter 6: Leader
Chapter 7: Through The Arrows
Chapter 8: For Her Dream
Chapter 9: Threat
Chapter 11: Evidence

Chapter 10: A Matter of Fate

57 4 5
By ShinDeeAlberto

               "Robert was shot by a shotgun through his chest, and he's lying down on a stretcher to the hospital with his wife, kids, and his niece, Tricia..."

                When, they are heading closer to the Operating Room, the doctor said to them, "Just stay right here, ma'ams. We'll do our best for him. I'll be back later for the results."

                "Ok, doc.", said Tricia and begging... "Please, save my uncle.!"

                Then, the doctor and his medical staff brought Robert, who was lying down on a stretcher, through their Operating Room and then, they have start their operation.

                 While Tricia together with Uncle Robert's family are in the waiting room..

                 "Don't worry Auntie, Uncle will get well very soon.", said Tricia.

                 "Yeah...I hope so...", said Robert's wife while crying a bit.

                  "Mama! Papa will come home right???", said their young son while crying.

                  "Yes, my dear. He'll be coming home very soon. Let's just have faith in Him..."

                   Several hours later, the doctor came out from the O.R. for the results. And then he said to Tricia,  "I have some good news and bad news...which one of these two you first to hear...?"

                  "Uhhhhmm...the good news first, Doc.", answered Tricia.

                  "Well, the good news is, we removed the bullet from his chest successfully."

                  Then they look relieved with that good news in just a few seconds..

                  "And then how about the bad news???"

                  "We need a blood donor for him, he's almost out of blood because of that damage from his chest. He's a type AB+. It's the blood type that only the few ones that are only have here in the country. Otherwise, he'll be die soon."

                  "What????", Tricia shocked. Then she asked to his Auntie, "What blood type do you have Auntie??"

                  "I have a blood type O, dear."

                  "What??? Crap! What should we do???", but suddenly, Tricia found out the way to find her donor to his Uncle's blood.

                   Meanwhile, on the house of Mayor Racimo, Kaira was gave her a big slap to her face from his dad.

                   "You stupid brat! How dare you lie to me like this??", shouted the Mayor.

                   But Kaira remained silent a bit then cries.

                   "Why are you crying?? You didn't answer my question yet??"

                   "Why, Dad??? Tricia is a good friend to me! Why would you cut our relationship off because of your stupid ambition?"

                   "Damn you, being the champion of the Archery is not a STUPID! I'd exerted my efforts for you and that competition.!"

                   "Then, I'd rather remove my application in the competition. I don't need to join that stuff anymore."

                    And with her statement, Mayor Racimo took off his belt from his pants to strike it off to his daughter, "You bastardddd.....!!!!"

                    But suddenly, Kaira's cellphone rings out loud. They remained silent for just a seconds, then she answered it, "Hello..."

                    "Sis, my uncle is on a critical condition. He was shot to his chest and he was almost out of blood.", said Tricia on the cellphone.

                     "What did you say?!?!??"

                     "My uncle needs a blood donor for that. He needs a type AB."

                     "Don't worry sis, I'm a type AB. I'll go right there soon."

                     "Really?? Thanks a lot sis!"

                      "You're welcome", then she press the button from their cellphone to end their call. "Dad, I'm going now!"

                      "What?? I haven't finished with you yet!!", the Mayor still yelling at his daughter. But Kaira just walked away from her room with her bow and arrow and then she said, "Sorry Dad, there's no doubt that I'm an irresponsible daughter. It's all because of YOU! Bye!" Then, she rans out through the living room.

                      "Damn you!!", then the Mayor rans out too, and chasing his daughter.

                      When Kaira is about to go outside the door, the Mayor's bodyguards are standing in her way.

                     "Hey Ma'am, where do you think you're going??", said one of the Mayor's bodyguards and he's coming to grab her back to her room.

                      "Get out of my way!", said Kaira while she's starting to use her bow and arrow to shoot them. And yes, it shoot them through their chests respectively.



                     After she gave her shot to all of those bodyguards, she escaped from their house successfully and ride on a taxi which is going straight to the hospital.

                     On the other hand, Mayor Racimo was shocked on what he was just saw..

                    "What the......"?!?!?!, said the Mayor.

                    "M...may...orr..., s-she's...t-toug...gghh...", said one of his bodyguards and then he's just collapsed.

                     "That bastard....Grrrrrrrrrr...!!!!!"

                     After that, the Mayor ride on his car to follow his daughter quickly.

                    Back to the hospital, Tricia walked around the waiting room and worried about the time that how long it may take for the arrival of her friend Kaira.

                    "Dear, how is it? Will she come very soon??", her Auntie asked.

                    "Yeah, just a few minutes Auntie.", replied Tricia.

                     Then suddenly, her cellphone rings out loud and it was her Mommy Angel. And then, she answered it quickly.

                      "Are you ok sweetie? How was it?? Is there a blood donor for your uncle, according to your group message??", asked Angel.

                     "Yes, Mom! My friend Kaira will be the donor and I hope she'll arrive here very soon."

                     "That's nice. Anyway, I'll come to the hospital tomorrow morning, ok? Be careful dear, I'll have my prayers for Robert. Bye sweetie."

                      "Thanks Mom, Bye and take care."

                       Several minutes has passed, Kaira has just came in to the hospital quickly. And with that, Tricia and her Auntie got happily relieved ..

                      "Sis!", said Tricia.

                      "Sis! Did I came in time??", asked Kaira.

                      "Yeah, sis! Let's wait here when the doctor will come out from that room."


                      And just in time, the doctor came out from the room where Robert is still unconscious and waiting for the donor, then he saw Tricia along with Kaira on her side.

                      "Is she the donor?", the doctor asked.

                      "Yes, doc."

                      "Well then, I'll get her in for the tranfusion. You stay here, I'll be back later."

                       "Thanks, doc", then to Kaira, "Goodluck sis!"

                       "Yeah! Thanks sis."

                   After that, the doctor went back to the room together with Kaira to start the blood transfusion process to save Robert's life. After several minutes, the doctor came out for the transfusion result and he said, "The transfusion was successful, your uncle will come back to his consciousness in just a few hours.

                    And with that doctor's statement, Tricia and her Auntie's family are really happy.

                    "Thank you very much, doc!", said Tricia while nodding her head.

                    "Thank you so much, doc! I'm really worried about my husband..", said Robert's wife while nodding her head and holding the doctor's hand.

                     "Anyway doc, where's my friend??", asked Tricia.

                    "She's in the room. You can join her inside. Excuse me, everyone. I have more patients to take care of."

                     "Thanks again, doc! Bye!"

                     On the patient's room, Kaira stares on Robert who was still unconscious after that blood transfusion. And then, Tricia and her Auntie's family are just came inside.

                      "Thank you so much, Sis!", said Tricia.

                      "It's my pleasure, Sis. We're friends after all.", said Kaira.

                      "Thank you so much, dear. Thanks for your blood, it saved my husband's life", said Robert's wife to Kaira while giving her a big hug.

                      "It's ok, Ma'am. It's my friend's favor so no need to worry about it."

                      "Thank you again, dear."

                     After that, Robert's family stay on a side and staring at him, waiting for the time when Robert will come back to his consciousness. Meanwhile....

                     "Hey, Sis. Can we chat outside?", said Kaira to Tricia.

                      "Oh, sure!", replied Tricia. And then to her Auntie, "Auntie, we'll go outside. Just stay here and take care of Uncle Robert."

                     "Sure dear, no worries", replied Robert's wife.

                     When Tricia and Kaira are on the waiting room....

                      "What??? Your father again???", Tricia shocked.

                      "Yeah. He use his belt on his pants and he almost strike me off. But good thing that you'd called me on my cellphone. I didn't know that you had a group message earlier, I'd just realized it after the call because my cellphone is on the silent mode for the message except the alert call.", said Kaira.

                      " was a nice timing for me, huh? That's why you bring out your archery equipments. Anyway, with your father's behavior, and he's the Mayor, then, I need to go to the police station to complain about it."

                      "W..What???, Sis!" 

                       "E..eehh?? But, why?? Your father battered you silly, right??"

                      "I...I mean, you don't have to do that, Sis. I don't think that the police will LISTEN YOUR COMPLAINS."

                      "W...What do you mean????!?!"

                      Meanwhile, there's a guy jumps on a rooftop from the highest branch of the tree. He rans fast, like he's escaping something. That guy was a sniper who was able to hit through Robert's chest instead of hitting Tricia using a shotgun. And then when he rans through the edge of the rooftop, and jumped up to the another rooftop, a mystery man has just suddenly appears on the edge of the rooftop.

                      "W....what the...?!?!", the sniper shocked.

                      "How shameful, you're a police!", said the mystery man. He's wearing a long black cloak, black shades and has a mustache.

                      "W...what??? did you know that I'm a police??"

                      "Who knows??? It's a matter of fate! Nfufufufu..!!"

                       "Damn you! Out of my way!!", then the sniper was about to get his shotgun to shoot the mystery man's head. But then, the mystery man strikes back first with his powerful punch towards the sniper's stomach.

                       "Nnngggrrr...hhhh....", then the sniper almost lay down on the rooftop because of that powerful punch from that man.

                      "Why did you chose to do this thing??", asked the mystery man.

                       "I did this for my boss, and for the money!"

                       "Really?? Who's your boss then??"

                      "You think that I'll answer it to your question so easily??"

                    Back to Mayor Racimo which was he's still driving on the way to find her daughter and get her back to his house....

                     "Stupid brat! You think she can escape from me! Hahahaha!!", said the Mayor.

                     But suddenly, a police car blocking on his way...

                     "W...what the...?!?!", then he went outside from his car and said, "Is there anything wrong???"

                     Four policemen went outside including of them is the Chief of the Philippine National Police, Christopher Posadas Jr., a.k.a "Ginger Boy".

                     "Mayor Racimo of Quezon City, you are under arrest!", said Ginger Boy.

                     "What did you say?!?!?!?!", shocked the Mayor.

                    "Why did Ginger Boy and his gang arrested the Mayor of Quezon City??? What actions from the Mayor made him arrested??"

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