RWBY One-Shots

Por Welkin25

55.8K 221 288

Hope you enjoy my RWBY One-Shots :) Incl. Ruby, Yang, Nora, Weiss Más

You'll be mine: Yandere Yang
"Together" Together: Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader
Silent Rose: Ruby Rose X Mute Male Reader
Unforgettable Night: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader (Lemon)
First Kiss: Weiss Schnee X Male Reader (AU)
The Right One: Yang X Male Reader X Ruby

Wolf & The Hunter: Faunus Ruby Rose X Male Reader

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Por Welkin25

"(Y/n)'s POV"

~Emerald Forest~

I was training in the Emerald Forest at night... Fighting grimms. And why do I train here at night time you ask? Well, it's just my personal preference... I also like to sit on tree branches and enjoy the quiet nature around me and the cold breeze

(Y/n): *Finishes a beowolf* 149... Aaand *Turns around and stabs the last one* 150. Hmmm... *Pulls the scroll out* (It's about midnight now...)

I then looked up into the sky and saw that the moon's full tonight, it was beautiful...

(Y/n): Alright, time to head back no-

I then suddenly started to hear some howling, but it was a little different compared to the beowolf howl... The pitch was a little higher and I think a little weaker as well and this caught my attention, so I started to run towards the direction where the howling came from. I ran for a few minutes until I stumbled upon an open area with a small river... I then started to looked around trying to find who or what's howling

(Y/n): *Looks around* (Hmmm... What's that?)

I finally saw something, but I wasn't sure that if it was a human or a beowolf... It was standing on two legs though, so I tried to approach it quietly. When I was just about to get a clear view, I stepped on a twig and it noticed that someone's nearby

(Y/n): (Shoot!)

The figure then looked at me and I noticed that it had a pair of shining silver eyes... Not red like grimms do and some kind of animal ears and a tail... It then started to back off

(Y/n): *Quietly* H-hello

I then see the figure dashing away in a high speed and I tried to run after it, but I already lost my sight of it...

(Y/n): Damn it! *Notices something* Hm?

I walked over to the place where the figure was standing and I noticed some flower petals on the ground and when I picked one up and took a closer look... It was a rose petal

(Y/n): Rose petals? R-Ruby? No, it can't be her... I gotta call Yang *Pulls the scroll out* (Come on, come on... Where's her number?!)

I scrolled through my contact list and I finally found Yang's number "Bimbo"

(Y/n): (Eh, I guess I'm going to change this later) *Calls to Yang*

(Yang): *Over the scroll* Uuhh... Hello?

(Y/n): Yang, it's me (Y/n)

(Yang): *Yawn* Hello (Y/n) and why are you calling me now? It's almost 12 O' clock...

(Y/n): Sorry for waking you up, but is Ruby there? I need to talk to her

(Yang): Wait a sec... *Puts the scroll further away from her* Ruby... Ruby... (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah?

(Yang): She's not answering... She's sleeping right now. Do you want me to wake her up?

(Y/n): No-no! Don't wake her up... I'll talk to her tomorrow then, thanks Yang *Hangs up*


"???'s POV"

(???): *Pant* *Pant* That was a close one... I hope he didn't see me. Should've gone to the deeper parts of this forest...

"(Y/n)'s POV"

While I was walking back to Beacon, I'm just wondering that was it Ruby or not... No, it can't be her, because she's not a faunus and I didn't even see the face or clothing, but I did saw the rose petals and the shining silver eyes... Haha, maybe it was just a special beowolf of some kind that was coincidentally standing on top of some rose petals... I must be tired to start thinking all this

--Time Skip--

~(Y/n)'s team's dorm~

(Y/n): *Opens the door* (Looks like everyone's sleeping now...)

(Luke): Dude! Where were you?!

(Y/n): AAAHH!

(Luke): Sorry for scaring you (Y/n)...

(Y/n): *Quietly* Can you keep your voice down?! I don't want to wake Hector and Yasmine up...

(A/N): So yeah, Luke and Yasmine were the teammates I gave to the reader in my Ruby X Male Reader story :D If you still remembered them, I'm going to give you a cookie ;) And of course, Hector's reader's friend in my every story =P

(Luke): *Quietly* Yeah, so where were you?

(Y/n): I was training at the Emerald Forest like I usually do you dunce...


(Y/n): *Covers Luke's mouth* I told you to keep your voice down, didn't I?

(Luke): *Nods*

(Y/n): *Moves the hand away* I'll go take a shower now... Goodnight *Walks to the bathroom*

(Luke): (Huh, is it just me or does he sound like Weiss lately?) *Walks over to the bed and lays down*

"Normal POV"

--Time Skip--

(Y/n): *Opens the eyes slowly* Mmm...

(Hector): GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!

(Y/n): AAH! *Falls off the bed* What the hell's your problem?!

(Hector): Just wanted to wake our leader up from the bed of course! *Smiles*

(Yasmine): I bet he hit his head yesterday or something (Y/n)...

(Hector): Hey!

(Yasmine): Well hello there Hector!

(Hector): You wanna go blondie?!

(Luke): Guys... Guys... Calm do-

(H, Y): I AM CALM!

(Luke): *Takes a step back* Please continue

While Hector and Yasmine were arguing about... Whatever's their problem, (Y/n) stood up from the bed and got dressed up into his normal clothes and walked out of the room


(Y/n): *Sigh* (Why do I have such good teammates?)


(Luke): Guys, our leader's gone

(Yasmine): *Sigh* Let him be... It's Sunday now anyways...

(Hector): Yeah, he needs his own time as well!

--Back to (Y/n)--

"(Y/n)'s POV"


My eyes are barely open right now... I'm still tired as hell

(Y/n): *Yawn* (What should I d-)

I suddenly bumped into someone and when I opened my eyes I saw Ruby on the floor

(Y/n): S-sorry Ruby, I didn't see you *Offers a hand*

(Ruby): N-no problem (Y/n)... *Grabs the hand* I didn't see you either

I then pulled Ruby up and she started to pat the dust off from her skirt

(Y/n): Are you okay?

(Ruby): Huh? Y-yeah! I'm okay *Smiles*

(Y/n): Glad to hear then... Well, I gotta go now... Catch ya later Rubes

(Ruby): Later (Y/n)

We then started walking to different directions and when I walked about few meters, I suddenly remembered something... It was about yesterday's thing, so I immediately stopped and turned around

(Y/n): Ruby, wait!

(Ruby): *Stops and turns around* Yes (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Where were you last night?

(Ruby): *Nervously* U-umm... I-I was sleeping in my dorm *Tries to smile*

(Y/n): Hmmm...

(Ruby): S-something wrong (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Nothing! Where are you going now?

(Ruby): *Looks down* T-to the library

(Y/n): Oh, I see... You're going there to study?

(Ruby): Y-yeah...

(Y/n): Haha, alright *Smiles* Good luck then *Walks away*

(Ruby): (I-I wish I could tell him the truth... B-but I just can't...) *Sighs and walks away*

(Y/n): *While walking* (She's hiding something from me and I need to find it out)

I started to follow Ruby quietly and occasionally phasing through walls or staying inside an object while using my semblance... She walked in front of the library, but she just continued walking and not going into the library

(Y/n): (Hmmm... So she's not going to the library after all...) *Keeps following*

While I was following Ruby, I noticed that she tried to ignore her friends and even her own sister Yang. After a while of following she started to walk towards the Emerald Forest

(Y/n): (Hm? Why's she going to the Emerald Forest? Training?)

"Normal POV"

--Time Skip--

~Emerald Forest~

So, (Y/n) has followed Ruby all the way from Beacon to the Emerald Forest... And Ruby hasn't even noticed (Y/n) yet. She finally stopped in the woods and looked around to see if someone's following her

(Ruby): *Looks around* (No one...) *Sighs in relief*

Little did she know, (Y/n)'s was on a tree and looking at her...

(Y/n): *Sitting on a branch* (Hmmm... What is she doing? Just going to stand there?)

Ruby's just standing in one place not moving and it got (Y/n) confused...

(Y/n): *Blinks a few times* (W-what the hell?)

"(Y/n)'s POV"

I don't know that should I be scared or what kind of reaction I should have right now, but I just saw Ruby growing a freaking pair of wolf ears and a tail!

(Y/n): *Rubs the eyes* (Am I seeing thing- Yup, she has a pair of wolf ears and a tail... Alright)

Looks like I've been having a crush onto a faunus for a year, but she's actually a pretty special one... She could make her faunus parts appear and disappear

(Y/n): (What's she going to do now?)

Ruby just stood there for a few minutes not moving at all... And finally, she started to howl. The howling was the exact same one like the one I heard yesterday... Pretty high pitched and sounded a little weak

(Y/n): (Come on Ruby, you can do it!)

For some reasons, I started to cheer for her and hoping that she could finish the howling, but unfortunately... Her lungs couldn't take it anymore, so she started coughing and stopped the howling

(Ruby): *Cough* *Cough* (I still can't complete my howling... It sounds so weak) *Moves her wolf ears around*

(Y/n): *Stands up from the branch* (Guess I'll just go and say h-)

Just when I stood up from the branch and wanted to jump down, there was something slippery on the branch and I stepped right onto it, so I fell off from the branch and went face first onto the ground...


"Normal POV"

Ruby heard something smash onto the ground behind her so she immediately turned around and saw (Y/n) lying face first on the ground... And his right leg even twitched a few times.

(Y/n): *In pain* Aaargh... My face *Gets up*

(Ruby): *Gasp*

Ruby then hid her faunus parts under her hood and the cloak while avoiding eye contact with (Y/n)

(Y/n): *Starts walking towards Ruby* Ruby?

(Ruby): G-go away!

(Y/n): Is there something wrong? Why do you want me to go away?

(Ruby): I-I don't want to let you see me like this!

(Y/n)'s now standing right in front of Ruby who's trying to hide herself from him by hiding under her hood and the cloak, but (Y/n) could still see her tail sticking out from her cloak and see her wolf ears that are under the hood...

(Y/n): *Sigh* You do know that I can still see them, right?

Ruby then curled up her tail so (Y/n) wouldn't see it, but that didn't help at all... (Y/n) then put his right hand onto her left shoulder and she let out a little gasp

(Y/n): Ruby, please don't hide it from me... I won't tell anyone *Smiles*

(Ruby): R-really?

(Y/n): You can count on me!

Ruby then moved her hood away and turned around to look at (Y/n)... He immediately saw that Ruby was very nervous and she was blushing a little

(Y/n): Ruby, why did you try to hide your faunus parts from me?

(Ruby): *Looks down* I-I was just afraid that if you knew that I was a faunus, you wouldn't be my friend anymore...

(Y/n): What are you talking about? Of course I'm still going to be your friend! By having a few extra body parts doesn't make me hate you or anything *Pats on Ruby's head and smiles*

(Ruby): *Looks up* Really?

(Y/n) saw that Ruby's a little happier now, because he could see her wagging her tail

(Y/n): Yeah! In fact, you look pretty beautiful with those ears and the tail

(Ruby): *Blushes* T-thanks (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Come on, let's go and sit over there *Starts walking towards a big tree*

(Ruby): A-alright *Follows (Y/n)*

"(Y/n)'s POV"

We walked over to a big tree and sat down beside it...

(Y/n): *Sits down* So Ruby...

(Ruby): Y-yes?

(Y/n): Why were you at here, in the Emerald Forest yesterday? Especially when it was night time

(Ruby): *Looks down* I-I almost sneak out every night to here to practice my howling...

(Y/n): Practice your howling?

(Ruby): Yeah...

(Y/n): (Huh, so that's why she's struggling a little) I see...

(Ruby): *Looks at (Y/n)* What do you mean?

(Y/n): U-umm... I can totally understand why you come out here! *Laughs nervously*

(Ruby): Right... My howling was so embarrassing... I'm still not ready I guess

(Y/n): I-it wasn't that bad Ruby!

(Ruby): How do you know? Are you a wolf?

(Y/n): Eehh... You got me *Raises both hands up and laughs nervously*

(Ruby): *Sighs and looks up into the sky*

(Y/n): What is it Rubes?

(Ruby): It's hard being like this...

(Y/n): What are you talking about?

(Ruby): I mean... It's pretty annoying that I can make my wolf parts appear and disappear...

(Y/n): Why? That's just perfect when you can do that!

(Ruby): Yeah, I know... But sometimes, my wolf parts accidentally pops out when I'm in class and I when I start to panic, I can't let them go away...

(Y/n): Oh, well umm... Does anyone else know that you're a faunus?

(Ruby): Well, only Yang and you know about this now...

(Y/n): Oh, okay...

I then looked at Ruby and saw her moving her wolf ears and they looked so adorable... I wanted to pet them so bad, so I reached for them with my right hand and started petting them. Ruby then looked at me and I just smiled to her

(Y/n): *While petting* They're so soft...

(Ruby): *Blushes* T-thank you

Ruby then suddenly pinned me onto the ground

(Y/n): W-what's wrong Ru- Mmpfh?!

Ruby smashed her lips against mines and started kissing me passionately... Her lips were very soft and smooth. I then started kissing her back and deepened the kiss... I felt her cupping my cheeks, so I put both of my hands around her waist... We parted our lips after a few minutes and stared at each other with a burning hot face

(Y/n): *Pant* R-Ruby? (I can't believe my crush just kissed me!)

(Ruby): *Pant* *Pant* I-I love you (Y/n)

"Normal POV"

(Y/n) then reached for her ears again and started scratching them...

(Y/n): I love you too my little wolfy *Smiles* By the way, do you want to try your howling again?

(Ruby): I-I'm not sure...

(Y/n): Come on, I know you can do it this time... I believe in you *Smiles*

(Ruby): O-okay then...

Ruby then sat up, cleared her throat and stayed quiet for a moment...

(Y/n): *While watching Ruby* (You can do it...)

Ruby suddenly opened her eyes and started howling

(Y/n): (Whoah!)

Looks like this time, Ruby's howling was much better than the previous ones and the howl lasted much longer than before... After a while, Ruby stopped howling

(Ruby): *Inhale and exhale* How was it?

(Y/n): It was perfect! You made it 'til the end *Smiles*

(Ruby): *Starts wagging her tail* Thanks *Smiles back*

(Y/n): *Stands up* Let's head back to Beacon now shall we?

(Ruby): *Makes the wolf parts disappear* Alright *Stands up as well*

"(Y/n)'s POV"

I then offered my hand to Ruby and she happily grabbed my hand and we started walking back to Beacon. I gotta say that Ruby's much cuter when she has those faunus parts on her. Hmmm... I wonder when that one, particular season's going to start *Wink*

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