Death Consumes Us

By theironloofah13

1.3K 27 11

Ania Barons, closet lesbian and a very violet girl, has been in love with the school's most beautiful girl, K... More

Death Consumes Us
Makes Me Wanna Punch Somebody In The Throat
The Asylum


226 10 6
By theironloofah13

A little insight in the mind of Katherine:) 

I was thinking of putting in more details and emotions of the characters. So it ca kind of help you get a better grasp of who they are. Enjoy.

Eternally yours,



Katherine's P.O.V.- Do you ever have the feeling that something important was going to happen. That everything would change. I woke up this morning tense as if something was waiting to attack at any second.

After laying in bed for a few minutes I got up, showered, then got dressed in a green summer dress that reached my thighs and showed just enough of cleavage, and my white heels that had white swirls on the side.Leaving my hair curled down, I walked down stairs and sat down eating my favorite cereal, Fruity Pebbles. Yum. Putting the dishes in the sink, I looked at the clock. 7:05. Oh flapjacks!!! I'm only have five minutes. Sprinting to my ride, I got in, heard my engine roar, and drove my way to school. (speeding of course) With two minutes to spare. I jumped out the car and headed towards class right on time. Which happened to be chemistry. Fun.



Right on time. Getting out of my desk, I go to turn in my work to the teacher, Ms.Randall. Flashing her a smile, I head to my locker. Jocks passed by glancing at my butt, girls gave me glares. Even the teachers drooled when I passed. But I didn't want them to watch me, just her.

Ania Barons. She is beyond beautiful with her curvy body. Her luscious red lips that just tempted me to touch. Her shiny red hair that seemed to glow as it streamed down her body. And her eyes. Those dark brown eyes that taunted me as if pushing me to uncover her secrets. I wanted her, No. I needed her to be mine. I needed to possess her completely. To show every one she was mine and mine alone. But no one knows I'm gay, not even my family. I guess I just never got around to telling them. 

Walking down the hallway, my thoughts were consumed by Ania. Her lips. Her body. Her breasts. Her eyes. And right when I looked up there she was, staring tight back at me. Our eyes connected for a second then she looked away quickly. Swallowing my hurt, I continued to stare at her while she talked to her friend, Annette I think, and as she walked away swaying her beautiful hips. My thoughts were so overwhelmed with her that I didn't notice that the hall was empty. Shaking my head at my own stupidity, I headed my way to my car. Flinging the exit doors open I noticed something else. My car was missing. Fuck. 

I looked up towards the heavens. Clouds were swelling and the sky was darkening. I looked at my cellphone. Dead.

"Wow this can't get any worse"

Apparently I spoke too soon because it started to rain. I sighed, then started my way home.

It wasn't five minutes later when I heard a car roll up beside me and a voice that made my body shiver in delight erupted in the air.

"Katherine. Are you okay? What are you doing in the rain?" I heard her sweet voice ask curiously. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I just stared at her. 

"What are you doing out here?" I asked aggressively. I didn't mean for it to come out that way, it just rolled off my tongue.

"It's nice to see you too. I'm having a swell day thank you for asking." she asked sarcastically with her little eyebrows raised.  Well she's feisty. I love it.

"I didn't --" she cut me off. 

"Yeah, I know you didn't. Don't worry about it." she smiled at me. "Do you want a ride? Unless you want to continue walking in the rain but there seems to be a storm coming." she casually mentioned, looking up at the heavens. Then turned to grin at me. If she knew how much wanted her, would she still smile at me?

"Yes, that'll be wonderful."

I jumped in the passenger side of the car and mumbled a sorry when I soaked the floor with my wet clothes.

"It's no problem sweetheart." she said and flashed me one of those grins that send tingles through my body. She called me sweetheart. It may have been a friendly nickname but it sent my body trembling with delight, and my heart to soar. Trying to hide the blush clinging to my cheeks I turned away. Then Ania tried to turn on the car but it shut down. Weird. 

"Shit. Stay in the car I'll fix it." she said to me.

"Wait, do you need any help?" I asked. 

"No, don't worry. I have an older brother who had somewhat of an obsession with cars." she winked at me with her cute little half smile.

Hopping out the car she wet to the hood and popped it open. And I just sat in the passenger seat watching her. She is so cute when she's frustrated. She tends to knit her eyebrows together and rub her neck. 

Suddenly she froze and her head snapped to the direction of the woods. Closing the hood she pops the trunk open and stands next to the passenger side door with a baseball bat in her hands, waiting.

I opened the door wondering what was wrong. I was about to ask when she said

"Hey Kat, do you happen to have a cellphone?" she asked.

"Who says you can call me Kat?" I asked cheekily, even though the nickname made my legs feel like jelly and my heart to quicken like a little rabbit.

"Are you complaining sugar?" She questioned staring straight in my eyes. Her eyes were filled with amusement and something else. They glittered in the dimmed air, shining, taunting.

"......Well no...."

"Then sweetheart, do you happen to have a phone on you?" she asked again. My body heated up again at her words.How she does that to me I don't know.

"Dead." I whispered in question.

"Jeez. This really sucks." I murmured softly.

"What about you, do you have a phone?" I asked curiously. Maybe I could call her if I got the courage to ask.

"Never owned one. Didn't really need it til now." She turned and grinned at me. I was about to comment but didn't get a chance when a soft snap caught our attention. 

Ania pulled me behind her. Apparently she didn't know I had about five black belts in martial arts, and I knew how to wield a weapon. But I didn't have the heart to say anything. She felt so good close to my body. As if were perfectly shaped for each other.

Suddenly a hooded figure appeared along wih others beside them. Walking towards us they stopped when we were almost toe-to-toe.

"Why are you following us?" Ania asked quietly.

His emotionless eyes stared at ours. "You two have been chosen." His low husky voice answered.

"For what?" Ania asked quietly.

"Greatness." My eyebrows squeezed together in question.

Then two of his friends pulled out syringes and plunged it into our necks. My body slowed down and my mind darkened. The last thought that whirled in my mind was Ania. And the fact that I was gonna punch that asshole in the face.

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