For The Second Time {Tony Per...

By preciadont

549K 15K 4.7K

“Hi, welcome to Pauli’s Guitar Shop. I’m Emilia. How can I--” I paused, dropping my pen on the counter. It wa... More



18K 500 104
By preciadont

{Song for this chapter; I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket - Pierce The Veil}

• Emilia's pov •

I picked up 'Someone Like You' by Sarah Dessen off of my dresser, and headed out of the house. Grabbing my glasses off of the living room table, I slipped on my brown leather jacket. My combat boots were a little hard to pull over my dark blue jeans, but I ended up getting them over some how. They were just such a challenge to get on lately.

"Come back soon! Dinner will be done in an hour!" Mom yelled before I shut the front door that had delicate glass windows, and dark wood around them.

I sighed, putting my glasses onto my face and clutching my book further into my jacket. The sun was still in the sky, shining bright. I was starting to sweat with my jacket on, actually. But I shrugged it off, figuring I'd take it off later. My boot's buckle would make a jingle every time it made contact with the side walk. I made a mental note to fasten them tighter when I got home.

An old couple was walking rather slowly in front of me, probably in the same direction, too. They were most likely on their way to North Wood Park. I - on the other hand - was going to sit alone and read, but they were probably going to talk or even be silent but still know they are right beside each other.

I watched as they'd swing their arms back and forth as they walked side by side. It bothered me that that could have been me and Tony now. Only, younger. Something made me think that they were together for a long time, and I wanted to know how long. The old couple turned a corner, obviously not going to North Wood Park because it's actually just up the street.

Sighing, I started to watch the clouds and how they'd separate, leaving a little bit of white fluff left behind. Kind of like a broken heart. Someone breaks it, separating it into several pieces, leaving a couple behind. Just like the clouds.

The 'North Wood Park' sign started to come into view, it's white background and black, bold letters sticking out. Oh, god I haven't seen that in a while. It felt good to see something good about the past for once.

I walked through the entrance and saw several benches filled with people. Silent people. That's one of the best things about this park. It's always silent. Well, except for the stupid crows in the morning. They always ruin it. The second thing I noticed was the breath-taking trees. They haven't changed much. Still full of branches and they still looked green and healthy.

Taking a seat on an empty bench right in front of the trees, I pulled out my book. I started on the first page, and started a new book all over again. I pushed my glasses further up my nose, beginning the first word.

"Excuse me, miss," a boy said quietly, noticing I was reading a book.

I looked up at the boy and studied his face like I studied the clouds. Quiet, yet fast. And again, for the second time, Tony was standing in front of me. My throat started to get completely dry again and I couldn't speak. Kind of like when I saw him at the shop. "Y-yes?" I asked finally, my voice high and shaky.

I stared at the green grass that was as healthy as the trees, waiting for his reply. "Is this seat taken?" He sounded. . .weird. Kind of different then I remember. Way different. Or maybe I just forgot his voice. Either one, I shouldn't be worrying about right now. I should be worrying about the fact that he's right in front of me, right now.

Should I let him sit down? What if he remembers me? He might just think I'm a fan. Again. But maybe he won't do any of that. Words can't explain how much I hope he doesn't do any of that. May as well, I mean, he doesn't care about me anymore, anyways.

I shook my head. "No," I said, looking up from the grass and going back to my book. Only, I couldn't concentrate with the thought of Tony sitting next to me. It was like he knew where I was twenty four seven, so he'd follow me. First, we meet at the shop. Second, we meet where we first met; North Wood Park. I'm scared to see where we'll meet again - if we even do.

But then it hit me. People who don't want to see each other again, usually don't see each other again. And with my beliefs, it gave me a bit of a hint that Tony did care. Or else he wouldn't be here, staring off into the distance with that same look he had the first time we met.

"So, you like Sarah Dessen? One of my old friends use to read her books all the time," Tony said. I didn't dare to turn my head. I knew he'd recognize me the second I'd look at him. It was just too frightening to even think about.

That 'old friend' of his must have been someone who he actually thought about. Maybe he got a new girlfriend, maybe he didn't. All I know about Tony now, is that he's probably moved on. I - on the other hand - can't. It's just too painful to even think about.

I nodded, still staring at my book, blushing like mad. "Uh, yeah. Her writing just really connects with my life, I guess," I said, taking my right hand and covering up my cheek. It must have been as bright as a tomato, considering that this was the first conversation that we've had in years. And he didn't even know it.

"Grow some balls," my mind said. It sounded a hell of a lot like Mandy, too. But it couldn't be. Could it? "You heard me! Look at him. Now." I rolled my eyes at my mind. I think I'm going nuts.

"Think about it, Emilia. This is a second chance. A sign. Let him get it right this time," my mind said again. It really was Mandy. She always had a way of persuading people to do things and this was one of those times. Only, I can't do it. He'll remember. I know he will. "Give him a second chance without him even knowing. See if he's really changed."

I sighed but mentally nodded, closing my book and setting it on my left. I turned back to Tony, holding out my hand. "I'm Emilia," I said, my eyes examining every inch of his face. Not a sign that he recognized me was on his face. Just a little bit of a smile.

"Tony." He shook my hand for a couple seconds, until I pulled back from his calloused hands. "Do you live around here?"

And for the second time, I was prepared to give him a chance. The last chance.

Author's Note;

Okay it sucks, I know. I wrote this at like 2am and was extremely tired, but hope you enjoyed it (:

Feedback & votes are fun yaya. Next chapter soon, I promise c:

Don't be a fool, wrap your tool <3333


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