Assassins Stick Together

By AssassinBunJay

12.7K 288 26

What would happen if Charles Lee had a daughter with an Assassin? Connie Juno Lee, the daughter of a Templar... More

The Very Beginning
Chosen to Split
New Life
Missing You
Welcome To The Brotherhood
Golden Eyes and Smugglers
Hey, Its Tea Time
The Nightmare
Johnson Is Dead, But What Of Pitcairn?
Lexington And Concord
Birthday Wishes and Flying Limbs
Pitcairn Is Dead, But Not By Who You Think
I'm Too Young For Prison
He's Your Son!
Saving Him Only To Kill Him
Beautiful Night Turned Bad
All Out Of Forgivness
Thoughts Of Love
Screaming Helps
Fill To Me The Parting Glass
Threats and Drinks
I Always Wanted To Do That
Rest In Peace
Give Me Lee
When The Time Is Right
We Will Kill Charles Lee
So Close
Konnoronhkwa, Rake:ni
The End?
Do Not Touch
Mother Knows Best
I Tried To Save Her
Sky World Journey
Fear My Name
Finally In Prison
Give Me Rouge
One Could Dream
By Sea? By Sea!
Set Sail!
Goodbye My Sweet
Ice Blue
You Don't Understand
All Around Me Are Familiar Faces
She's Alive and I Trust Her
At Last
I Promised, Didn't I?
A Pirate's Daughter

Tea Talk

166 4 0
By AssassinBunJay

The soldiers have fallen, our small group making it to Lexington quickly after. When we had entered the town, the first think we saw was Washington. He was upon a brown horse, the scepter Ziio was talking about in his hand.

"Ratonhnhake:ton, the scepter. It has the apple upon it." I pointed.

My mother stayed out of sight, hiding deep within the bushes behind us.

Washington took notice of us. "There she is. The savage that tried to steal this, the source and symbol to my power!" He held up his scepter. "She and the dirty pirate! Gaze upon it. For it will be the last object you will ever see. I've come here to destroy both you and your sad village, for none like you will be allowed to live!"

Ziio was about to take a step forward, but Connor stopped her. "Commander Washington, why are you doing this? After all we accomplished? Take hold of your senses!"

"Connor." I pushed him back a bit. "That is not Commander Washington anymore."

Washington chuckled at Connor's words. "Another delusional savage. I had never had such a firm grip on my senses! Now, bend your knee at your monarch, and make penitence in your last moments before you are blasted to your dread reward. Corporal, take care of them."

With that, soldiers started to race for us from all directions. My mother had jumped out at one of them, killing three soldiers in her wake.

"Connie, what are you waiting for, an invitation?" My mother smiled, laughing gently as she pulled out her sword, swinging it down upon a soldier's musket.

I nodded, racing toward her. She bent down, allowing me to roll over her back, drawing my sword in the process, and slicing a soldier's head wide open.

"I don't remember the last time I had such sharp blades." I chuckled, watching as Ziio and Connor killed the men trying to light fuses.

Eventually, the battle was won. We grouped together shortly after, Ziio shaking her head in shame.

"He tried to destroy the entire town. It is all my fault." She stated.

I placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"I do not understand. Washington knows us." Connor gestured to me and him. "He is a man of reason, if nothing else. But that was not the man we once called friend."

"Are you confused? When would you have ever met that monster?" Ziio turned to her son.

"I met him. I..." He trailed off. "Mother, this is all wrong. Washington, the violence, all of it!"

Ziio paused a moment, looking up and down her son quickly. "We must get back and warn the people in the village before the Mad King spreads his destruction there."

Connor paused for a moment, looking to me. "Come with me."

"She can't. We are leaving to save other cities soon. We have no time for delay." My mother spoke, taking hold of my arm.

"Mother, I can't dare part with him again. He is my partner. Assassins must stick together, am I wrong?" I held her hands tightly in mine.

She looked at me for a moment, eyes shimmering brightly. "You have your father's eyes." She smiled, kissing my head. "I will be awaiting for you north of this positon. Come find me when you are ready. If you don't, I would hope you stay with this one. We will met again, my dear. I love you." My mother embraced me tightly before Connor pulled me on the horse he mounted.

"I will find you!" I called to my mother as we rode off.

We rode through the destruction, passing the many innocent people that were killed or close to death. I held onto Connor tightly, shaking my head.

"We rode here... Remember?" I asked him. "You had to share a horse with Paul Revere. He tumbled off the horse."

"I remember." Connor nodded, a slight chuckle vibrating through him.

We rode toward the village, Ziio telling us a shorter way, but there was an ambush. Soldiers scrambled around us, one of them pulling me off by my leg.

I fell to the floor with a loud thump, looking to the soldier about to impale his musket in me. I swiftly rolled, unsheathing my hidden blade, and slicing his calf, making the man fall forward, I then stabbed the man in the back with my blade, kneeling next to him. Another came up behind me, swinging an axe my way. I ducked laying my back on the floor, before springing up, taking out my sword and cutting the man's neck.

I now had my two swords out, my hood covering my head once more. I swung my swords at the soldiers, trying to slice them in major nerves and joints, before bringing my sword down to pierce their hearts. Two other native warriors came to join us before the fight was over.

"Mad King George is on a warpath and intends to destroy our village. We need every able body to protect it. Come with us." Ziio said to the two natives.

"We know." The one with a hand print painted on his mouth said. "Oia:ner sent us to collect boughs from the Great Willow. She means for us to defend our people."

"To make the tea?" Ziio questioned. "Has she lost her senses? The tea's pitfalls overshadow its power. You must not do it."

"You have seen what it can do? Is it dangerous?"

"I have seen it. It is worse than dangerous. It is a promise of madness, even death for those lacking the constitution."

"We cannot disobey the clan mother. The other finally spoke.

"Believe me! The tea of the great willow is folly. Come back with us!" Ziio's voice cracked.

Connor and I stood to the side, watching the feud. "What tea?" I asked.

"I don't know." Connor answered.

"We will fulfill the Clan Mother's request. We will collect the boughs. Speak to Oia:ner and if you can convince her, we will burn them." The hand print native said.

"I intend to." Ziio said, walking off.

Connor scurried behind his mother like a lost puppy, I following right behind, my hands resting on the hilt of my cutlasses.

We had found the horses we had rode here on, quickly mounting them before riding.

"What is the Tea of the Great Willow?" Connor asked.

"Something our people never should have discovered. It is the tea brewed of the Great Willow's virgin boughs and consumed by our warriors. It grants certain, strengths, Ratonhnhake:ton. But for every physical boon it gives, it robs a piece of the mind. It must never be made." She explained.

"Did you drink it?"

"Never. But I have seen what happens to those who do. You are the son of a man of violence. It would affect you far more than anyone else. I will not allow you to drink it."

"Can I have some of this 'Great Willow's Virgin Boughs Tea'?" I asked with a chuckle.

"No." Ziio growled.

"Alright, geez. Don't need to snap at me." I shied behind Connor's back.

The assassin chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me, you're 26 years of age and your mother is forbidding you from drinking tea." It was my turn to laugh.

"Thank the maker we are not too late." Ziio let out a breath of relief. "Come Ratonhnhake:ton."

When we arrived at the village, Connor and I got off the horse, preparing to walk inside.

"No. You have to wait out here." Ziio pointed to me.

"Pardon?" I questioned in a rather rude tone.

"Mother, she is just as much a member of our tribe as we are." Connor explained.

"I do not know her! How do I know she isn't corrupted by the Mad King to kill us?" She hissed at her son.

"You're still alive, ain't ya?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

The woman glared at me, letting out a sigh. "We don't have time for this." She then motioned for us to follow her.

I walked in beside Connor, nudging for him to lean down. "I like your mother, Connor."

He shook his head.

When we had entered the village, the Clan Mother was sitting in a circle with a few warriors from the tribe.

"You intend to brew tea from the Great Willow? Have you forgotten the consequence of drinking it? I have not." Ziio rushed around the circle, glaring at the Clan Mother on the opposite side of her.

"No, Kaniehti:io, but when our people face a threat like the Mad King, there are no other paths." Oia:ner stated.

"No other paths? We can fight them as human beings! My son and I have had success just the two of us."

I took in a breath, Connor placing a hand on chest to stop me.

"Imagine the strength of our whole village." Ziio finished.

"How many have these fearless Bluecoat have you brought down at a time? Two? Five? Ten? Thousands will come to destroy us. Thousands you have awoke." Clan Mother pointed her staff at Ziio, thunder bounding above our heads. "Our people's survival depends on the strength of the Great Willow."

"You are as mad as the king." Ziio hissed, glaring at the Clan Mother with daggers in her eyes. "Do what you will, but my son will not drink the tea."

With that, Ziio walked to Connor and I, taking hold of Connor's arm before marching off.

"Then like you, he will die." The old woman spoke to herself.

Her words were like daggers in my heart. I needed to do something.

"Oia:ner." I spoke up, the old woman turning to me. "My name is Kateri. I was brought into another tribe as a young child, having been abandoned in the woods." I tried to explain myself in their native tongue.

The woman was quite surprised.

"If it means anything to you..." I looked back to Connor who had stopped his mother, the man glaring at me and shaking his head. "I will drink the Tea. I have fought off countless soldiers in my time."

The woman judged me for a second, looking me up and down. She then nodded her head.

"I only wish to meet my mother to the north. Once I arrive back, I will drink the tea." I bowed my head, hands clasped in front of me.

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