Really Roc (roc royal love st...

By stacy_august

16.5K 401 61

Your a 16 year old cheerleader girl. You have a really bad crush on this 17 year old boy named Chresanto aka... More

1st Day Back
Did He Really?
Authors Note
Are You SERIOUS!!!!
Apologies and Drama
Too Bad, So Sad
Love Again??
The Twins
Long Time No See
Authors note
Its a girly miracle
Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!
Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August
3 years later
Love is Love
Tyrese Caracamo
Who did it?
Im sorry
Special Announcement

Yn would you......?

475 15 1
By stacy_august

Yn P.O.V.
I got home from work around 9:30. I ate some cereal and took a shower, checked on the kids, then went to bed. I heard like 20 minutes after I heard the front door shut. I didn't hear anybody aka Chres say anything or come upstairs. I wrapped my black silk robe around me and grabbed the pocket knife and baseball bat from out the closet and went downstairs quietly. I heard something in the kitchen fall. I peeked in and didn't see anybody as I turned back around Chres was standing right there. I jumped and he chuckled and grabbed my waist and kissed me.

Yn: you scared me
Chres: I know
Yn: why are you home so late, you left the kids in the house by theirselves
Chres: I had practice, then I went to the grocery store and then I stopped by Craig house and played on his NBA season 18 game on his xbox with Cai and Craig then I came here and I thought you were sleep so I came in quiet and put the food in the fridge
Yn: ok well go take a shower, and if you ain't eat yet, make you something cause I ate cereal and then come to bed
Chres: ight

                                                                 *the next day*

Chres P.O.V.
I woke up to a sleeping yn with her head on my chest. I moved her off me slowly and got up, did my hygiene, took a shower and dressed in blue and white camouflage pants with a plain white tee with my blue Jordan 5s. I went outside to the front porch and called the Kay jewelry store and ordered something. I had got in my black Range Rover and went to the bank and took out some money. Then I went over to Kay and got my purchase for $12,562.83, I payed and went home. Yn was in the kitchen with Kaitlin cooking breakfast. I went in the kitchen sat down and put Kaitlin on my lap.

Yn P.O.V.
I was in the kitchen with Kaitlin making breakfast when I heard the front door open and shut. Then in came Chresanto. He sat down and put Kaitlin on his lap.

Chres: morning my babies
Kaitlin: good morning daddy
Yn: morning babe, where you been?
Chres: stopped by the bank then went to the store
Yn: if you went to the store where is the stuff you bought
Chres: they ain't have the item I wanted *i lied*
Chres: why you wake them up for?
Yn: they was already up
Chres: awe...aye babe I wanna take y'all out with me to this place with me and the guys
Yn: ok when?
Chres: well in a few but after that I have the whole day planned out
Yn: ok
   The twins came down.
Twins: good morning
Yn: morning here eat some food, ok Chres what's the plan?
Chres:  ok so first I wanna get Damarion, then I plan on taking y'all to the place with the guys, then to the movies, after that we gon get lunch, I wanna take the kids to the Xtreme trampolines place, when we leave there we gon go to the Go Karts place downtown, after that we gon go to Disney land for the rest of the night to see the fireworks and check into a hotel for the night till tomorrow
Yn: ok sounds fun
Kennedy: umm..about The hotel...Lyn, Kate, and I will be sharing right?
Yn: yea I guess so and Mari, Chres and I in the other
Chres: yea go pack your things for two nights and swimsuits and let's hit the road
Yn: two nights?
Chres: just in case
Kaitlin: we're going to DISNEY LAND!!!!
       Everyone laughed at Kaitlin's expression

                                                         *at lunch,red lobster*

Kennalyn: I'm stuffed
Kennedy: same here
Yn: I think we all are
Kaitlin: mommy I have to use the bathroom
Yn: Kennedy please take her
Kennalyn: no mom I'll take her cause I have to use it too
Yn: ok, Mari you need to use it too
Damarion: no ma
Yn: ok

                                                                   *disney land*

Chres P.O.V.
We was at Disney Land and everybody, when I say everybody I mean the twins, Kaitlin, Damarion, yn, and I were enjoying every second of it, we just finished dinner at The Bonjour Diner. It's a fancy French restaurant. We were now watching the fireworks start. Here's my cue. I took yn by the hands looked her in the eyes. All eyes were on us instead of the fireworks now.

Chres: from since we started school in kindergarten, I had my eyes on you
Yn: *smiles*
Chres: and that day in high school when we made it official and I broke your virginity and made a mistake after that
Yn: *looks in Chres eyes*
Twins and Damarion: *video records on their phones*
Chres: I know I made a few mistakes but I'm not perfect and neither are you but to me you are 100% perfect👌🏾, together we made three beautiful daughters and even though Damarion isn't your child, you treat him like he is and I love that about you.
Yn: *smiles*
Chres: Yn in high school you made me the happiest boy in high school
Kaitlin: *gets on Damarion back*
Chres: so *gets down on one knee and takes out the Kay jewelry box and opens it* Yn yln
Yn: omg Roc *tears stream down face*
Chres: would you not make me the happiest boy high school but instead would you make me the Luckiest Man on the face of the earth and be my wife?
Yn: roc.......YESS!!!!
Everybody at Disney land: *cheers and applause*
Twins, Kaitlin, and Damarion: YAYYY!!!!!

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