First Encounters [Multi-Fando...

By thatpunkmaximoff

130K 3.1K 204

It's common knowledge that when born, no matter if your future soulmate has been born or not, you're born wit... More

Allison | Clint & Natasha
Darcy & Scott
Skye & Derek
Melissa & Phil
Thor & Kira
Lydia & Damon
Lydia & Klaus
Natasha & Elijah
Sheriff Stilinski & Tony & Claudia Stilinski
Clint & Scott
Malia & Enzo
Stiles & Skye
Allison & Stefan
Bonnie & Isaac
Skye & Damon
Wanda & Liam
Stiles & Steve & Bucky
Steve & Scott
Stiles & Thor
Lydia & Bucky
Steve & Skye
Natasha & Lydia
Stiles & Darcy
Allison & Bucky
Wanda & Matt
Derek & Darcy
Rebekah & Bucky
Lydia & Steve
Stiles & Caroline

Allison & Jeremy

3.7K 98 0
By thatpunkmaximoff

Boots thumping along the school hallway, Allison's hands hold tight to a binder held low in front of her hips as she heads towards her destination. Class has yet to start and she's meeting Lydia at her locker since the redhead had texted earlier that morning to do so. Said redhead is easily spotted, Lydia pursing her lips in thought before diving back into her locker and then slipping her spiral notebooks into her bag of wonders.

"You rang?" Allison drawls out, sidling up next to her best friend and pressing her back against the lockers.

Lydia rolls her eyes, grinning a second later. "Have you heard about the fresh meat? Some kid from Virginia, I believe."

"I literally drove up like two minutes ago and came straight here," Allison scoffs. "So no, I haven't heard."

"Word is that he's pretty cute," she waggles her eyebrows. "Apparently he went missing a while back and his sister thought he'd died. So in her grief, the weirdo burned down their family home. He turned up like a month later, but he and his sister couldn't work out their differences, so he came here with a family friend who now works at the hospital."

Allison blinks rather owlishly at the information that Lydia's just given her, her brain processing everything seconds later. "It's not even eight in the morning yet. How do you know all of this?"

"His temporary guardian befriended Melissa McCall, Melissa told Scott, Scott told Stiles and Stiles told me."

"Your soulmate is a gossip queen," Allison grins. "And speaking of which, where is he?" she asks, eyeing the hallway behind Lydia.

"He's picking up Scott and Kira, and then they're bringing in some breakfast."

"Mmm, I hope Stiles remembers my usual."

"Duh. I swear, if he weren't attached to my hip, he'd be attached to yours." Allison snorts, nodding along a second later because she knew that was true. When Allison had found out what her family business was, Stiles was the one who helped her research everything. Lydia and Scott were there in the background to support her when she struggled to come to terms with it all, but it was Stiles who did all the work and who was most intrigued by the Hunter's lifestyle. "So anyway," Lydia sighs, shutting her locker, turning around and pressing her back to the lockers as well. "Mystery new guy's name is Jeremy Gilbert and as I said before, he's a looker."

Sighing, Allison shakes her head fondly and then pushes her hair behind her ears again when the short tresses fall free. "I'll believe that when I see it."

Lydia smiles as she and Allison meet each others gazes, laughing even as Lydia's gaze averts to something behind Allison. Her laugh fades off, her easy going smile turning into something far more pleasing that shouldn't be legal this early in the morning. "Oh yeah.. he's definitely a looker. Far more your type than mine, but I still don't mind looking."

"What are you even-"

Allison turns her head to see what Lydia's staring at, her words cutting off when she sees what caught her friend's attention. He's about six feet tall and lightly tanned. Strands of dark tousled hair flops gently against his forehead as he walks, and his smile lights up his face which practically makes Allison melt on the spot. A blue plaid shirt is left open atop a graphic tee and faded dark-washed jeans fit snug to his hips. He's holding onto the one strap of his backpack that's slung over his shoulder, his other hand holding onto a piece of paper that Allison guesses is his class schedule.

"Oh. Wow."

"Told you." Lydia snorts, eyeing the newbie up and down as he walks closer. "He's good looking, but I still think he's more your type." Allison giggles and nods, silently agreeing which only sets off Lydia into a fit of giggles of her own. Even as he's right in front of them, Lydia can't keep her mouth shut. "Ooh, bonus. Good looks and a perky ass."

Allison snorts hard, her hands bringing up the binder to cover her mouth. Her gaze follows the newbie's ass as he walks though when Allison chances a glance up, she finds that he's staring right at her. Her smile drops and her snickers cease, her eyes widening as the guy has the audacity to wink at her. Her sharp intake of breath makes Lydia snort in amusement at being caught, the redhead biting her bottom lip to keep from bursting out in laughter. As the new guy disappears down the hall, Lydia finally loses it and lets loose the laughter she tried so hard to contain.

"Shut up," Allison hisses. "Oh my god, Lydia, he heard you. He heard you comment on his butt and then he winked at me!"

"Who winked at you?" Stiles appears out of nowhere.

Allison jumps at his voice, glaring at Stiles when he looks amused and then punches his shoulder in retaliation. "No one. Don't worry about it."

"The new guy winked at her," Lydia fills him in. "He totally has the hots for our little Allison here."

"Oh, Jeremy? You met him already? Seems like a cool kid." Lydia smiles at Stiles as Allison continues to scowl, the redhead leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"We didn't officially meet him, but he seems like he has a good head on his shoulders."

Allison huffs but doesn't say anything, her gaze then falling on the brown paper bag in Stiles' hand and completely ignoring the tray of drinks in the other. "Breakfast? I might forgive you if you brought-"

"Sausage and egg biscuit with an orange juice? Yeah, Al, I remembered."

"Well in that case, I'm sorry for punching you. Now feed me."


Stiles had accepted Allison's half ass apology, he chuckling as her eyes lit up the moment the smell of her breakfast hit her senses. Lydia had taken Allison's binder and dropped it into her bag of wonders, she chuckling as her best friend flashed her soulmate a dazzling smile the moment she unwrapped her treat and took a bite of it. As she groaned in delight, Stiles held out her orange juice and after taking it, Allison let herself be happily led to their first class of the day.

Once settled in their Chemistry class, Allison happily ate her biscuit as Lydia picked at a muffin. Stiles sat at the lab table in front of them, half turned so he could concentrate on his own food in front of him while also being able to look at his soulmate behind him. Just as Allison swallows down the last bite, the new kid Jeremy strides in through the class door. She freezes with the straw of her orange juice halfway to her mouth and when Lydia catches on to what Allison's staring at, Lydia starts cooing at her friend in teasing.

Stiles practically beams when he sees Allison panic- her posture tensing even further when their teacher points out the spare seat next to Stiles.

"Oh god.." Allison groans quietly.

Lydia snorts and Stiles can't help but laugh at his friend's misfortune. Jeremy smiles and nods at the teacher, and as he makes his way towards his seat, he spots Allison and Lydia. His smile grows even more and to make herself seem casual, Allison starts sipping her drink through the straw.

"Hey, man," they hear him say, Jeremy greeting Stiles with a nod seeing as Stiles' hands are occupied with food. Before he takes his seat though, Jeremy's gaze meets Allison's, her stomach clenching in anticipation as his eyes dance with mirth. "Looks like you can stare at my perky ass all class period now."

Both Allison and Stiles choke on their drink and food as Jeremy casually takes a seat on his stool, Lydia cackling a split second later. Stiles joins in with the laughter as soon as he clears his airway, but Allison is still very shell shocked. She doesn't look pissed so Jeremy takes that as a win, he facing the front as Stiles and Lydia continue to laugh.

Stomach in knots, Allison can't help but stare at the back of the new guy's head. Her friends continue to laugh, but when it feels like her heart isn't going to explode, she elbows Lydia until her laughs cut off.

"What?" Allison turns to face Lydia, eyes wide and face slightly pale. "Al? What's wrong?" she murmurs, her amusement fading fast.

Allison fidgets on her stool, eyes darting between Jeremy's back and Lydia's concerned face. After a moment's hesitation, Allison's hands clench the fabric of her deep red skater skirt and hesitantly pulls it up until the words on her inner thigh are visible to Lydia's gaze. The redhead takes a moment to read the cramped handwriting, eyes going wide another moment later when she realizes the significance of the words and her head snaps up to meet Allison's now shocked gaze.

Lydia gapes, her lips quickly curving into that of a smirk as she lets her gaze slide towards Jeremy. When Allison follows her friend's gaze, her head snaps back to her friend with a stern glare. "Don't."

"Why not?"

"Lydia," she breathes in warning.

"You'll thank me when you start popping out adorable little babies."

"Lydia, do-"

"Hi, Jeremy, is it?" the redhead calls out brightly, completely ignoring Allison's sudden groan of embarrassment as the guy in question turns around. "I'm Lydia. Just thought that I'd be the first to welcome you to our little town."

"Uh, yeah, thanks." He grins.

"No problem. That's Stiles, the boyfriend and soulmate," she continues on as Stiles preens, "and this is Allison," she nods towards the blushing huntress.

Allison's eyes are wider than normal, cheeks tinted pink as her lips press tightly together and the faintest of dimples making themselves known. Jeremy's grin turns into a smirk as his gaze lingers on Allison and there's just something about his smirk that slightly infuriates her. She quickly gathers herself, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as the silence continues to linger.

Slumping rather casually in her seat, Allison then leans forward so her elbows are settled on the table and her chin settles atop her fists. Letting herself be calm and cool, a lazy smirk of her own turns the corner of her lips upward and she can see Stiles suddenly perk up in interest at her sudden change. "So you're the reason perky ass is written on my thigh."

The look of Jeremy's face is absolutely priceless, both Stiles and Lydia cackling, and then glaring at any people they attract as the newly introduced soulmates stare each other down. Jeremy's gaze turns from shocked to something far more heated for a classroom and his gaze drops down as if he could see through the table to Allison's thigh. As Allison fidgets once more, Jeremy finally laughs and beams. "At least your words aren't practically sitting on your ass." She quirks an eyebrow and Jeremy gives her his back once more though he's still peering over his shoulder as he does so. His hands tug down the waist band of his jeans and briefs, and then pull up his shirts so Allison can see her words sitting right at the curving start of said perky ass.

"Well.. at least they're sitting above it and not on it."

Jeremy snorts and turns around once more, leaning towards Allison's table with many questions dancing in his eyes. "So is this a good thing.. or a bad thing? Meeting your soulmate at a young age can be tricky thing." Simultaneous throats being cleared catch his attention, Jeremy finding both Lydia and Stiles staring at him with amused expressions. "Well, in most cases."

Allison smiles at him, shoulders shrugging as some of her nervous tension drains as she watches Lydia and Stiles get along with Jeremy. "It can be a good thing, but it all depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On you," she answers vaguely. "On how much you can handle the weird and unusual."

Snorting, Jeremy rubs the back of his neck rather sheepishly. "Weird and unusual, huh? I can- I can deal," he admits with a knowing grin.

"Really?" Lydia leans forward, a glint in her eyes. "So if I say we know a couple of werewolves, you wouldn't be weirded out?"

Jeremy tenses, gaze solely on Lydia. His grin falters, but after a quick, deep sigh, he shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first wolf I met."

Lydia's own amusement falters, Jeremy's gaze sliding towards Allison who looks wary all of a sudden. But instead of Allison saying something, it's Stiles who leans forward to harshly whisper, "You've met wolves before?! Where did you say you were from again?"

"I- I didn't, but I'm from Mystic Falls," Jeremy frowns. He doesn't know if they're messing with him because he's never met someone whose talked about the supernatural so easily and openly, but by their expressions he figures they're being serious. "Do you guys have vampires here? Please tell me you don't. They're such assholes."

"They're real?!" Stiles yelps, but at Lydia's panicked expression, Jeremy hushes him immediately and tries his best not to laugh.

"Yeah. My sister, her boyfriend, the boyfriend's brother and my sister's best friend.. all vampires." Jeremy gulps, taking in everyone's expressions and hoping this doesn't bite him in the ass. "I- I was a hunter once- an old school hunter who couldn't lay eyes on a vampire without feeling the urge to kill it. Needless to say, there was a bunch of problems, but eventually I was killed. After my resurrection and with my family home gone, I came here with a family friend. I needed a new start."

"He's telling the truth," Allison breathes in awe. When they all look towards her, her eyes are filled with unshed tears. "M-my mark. It's faded twice now, but always came back. You've died twice, haven't you?"

"I have," he admits. "Once was by accident. The Sheriff's bullet was meant for a vampire, but it hit me and my sister's other best friend- who's a witch, by the way- brought me back minutes later. The second time I died, it was-"

"It was for months," Allison sniffles. "A few months ago, my mark faded again and it only recently came back."

"Alli," Lydia frowns sympathetically. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Tears finally roll down her cheeks, the huntress being quick to wipe them away and force a smile as she chances a glance at her friend. "We had other problems to deal with, Lyds. I didn't want to burden anyone by crying about my soulmate's death- a soulmate I hadn't even met yet."

"But I'm here now," Jeremy murmurs, reaching forward and catching another tear. "So stop your crying, put on a genuine smile and come kiss me." Allison suddenly snorts, chuckling briefly as she finally looks back to him. He shrugs nonchalantly and leans back with a smirk. "I would kiss you, but she," he nods towards Lydia, "looks like she'd kick my ass. I would rather not piss off any of your friends so soon."

Allison chuckles some more, eyes sparkling with amusement now. Before she can decide to stand, however, the bell rings- signifying the start of class. "Looks like you're gonna have to wait for that kiss."

Jeremy can only nod in acknowledgement and wink as the teacher starts talking, he letting Stiles turn him around with a hand on his shoulder as the pale teen laughs and welcomes him to the pack.

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