An accident, but no mistake...

By PrincessPonies

420K 10.3K 578

Becoming pregnant with a guy who was soon to become leader of a gang, Lauren goes through more than a young t... More

Chapter One- Edited.
Chapter Two- Edited.
Chapter Four- Edited.
Chapter Five- Edited.
Chapter Six- Edited
(20) Extension to chapter 19
Sorry, no more sequel!

Chapter Three- Edited.

21.2K 549 28
By PrincessPonies

Lauren woke up the next morning by a knock on the door. The night before she had been plagued with thoughts of Sebastian and had hardly slept, so when someone came knocking on her door at an ungodly hour in the morning, she was not happy.

She didn't care if her hair resembled a birds nest, nor did she care that she was in her pyjama's, all she cared about was letting the person behind all the constant knocking getting a piece of her mind.

''HANG ON I'M COMING!'' She shouted when they knocked for what seemed the twentieth time.

Stomping down the stairs and too the front door, she didn't care to look through the peep hole to see who it was, she just grabbed the handle, angrily unlocked the door and swung it open.

''WHAT D-'' She started shouting but when she saw just who was behind the door her glare turned into wide eyes and all the colour drained out of her face. 

She had no idea how he found her but she didn't care, all she cared about was that he was stod on her doorstep right then and there.

''H-How?'' She meekly whispered, frozen to the spot as she stared at the guy before her.

The man in front of her had inherited their fathers light brown hair whilst Lauren inherited their mothers dirty blonde, but together they both seemed to have entirely different eye colour compared to their parents. Both John and Sandra had brown and green eyes whilst Lauren and Liam had a sparkling, sky blue that could reel you in when they wanted to.

''Good behaviour.'' Was all he said and Lauren broke out of her frozen state, leaped foward into her brothers waiting arms with a strangled cry and wrapped her own around his neck tightly.

Her brother, Liam, felt his air supply cut off but he didn't care. He hadn't been able to hug his sister for five years and he wasn't going to stop it now.

''I-I've missed you s-so much!'' Lauren wept into his shoulder. She had, whenever she could, visited him whilst he was in jail but it wasn't enough.

'I've missed you too, Lauren.'' Liam mumbled back and hugged her tighter for a little while longer. ''Um, can we take this inside? I look like an escaped convict right now.

Lauren pulled back from the hug and it was then she realised he was in his bright orange jumpsuit still, she had no idea how she missed it but then again she was just too shocked from having found her brother on her doorstep.

''Sure.'' Lauren's face broke out in a huge smile and Liam was glad his little sister was happy, whenever she visited she was always in a sombre mood. He had never really seen her smile properly since he had been taken away and he didn't blame her, he too felt like he could finally smile properly now he was reunited with his sister.

''When did you get out?'' Lauren asked as she shut the door after Liam. 

''Yesterday, actually. It took me a day to find where you lived, I went to the old house but it was up for sale so I had to try my chances elsewhere.'' Liam replied and followed her to the kitchen where Lauren prepared to make hot chocolates. ''By the way, where are those bastards we call parents?''

Lauren froze midway to switch the kettle on. Did she tell her brother what really happened and possible get in trouble? Or did she make up something that wasn't too far from the truth? She had never lied to her brother and she didn't really want to start now. But that mans threat was just too deeply engraved into her mind, he looked like he could do some real damage.

''They died. Just a couple months ago actually, I thought you would have heard?'' Lauren asked, wondering why he wasn't informed whilst he was in jail. She hadn't visited him for the last two months as she was extremely busy and Liam understood that, he just didn't know why she was extremely busy though.

''They tell me jack shit in there, Lauren. So, give me details.'' Liam muttered. He didn't particularly care they were dead, that meant there was two less thieving assholes who didn't deserve a place on this planet. 

''Not much to it really.'' Lauren hoped her voice was steady, she knew Liam could read her like a book and she turned around to switch the kettle on and make the hot chocolates so he didn't decipher that she was leaving bits, or a lot of bits, out of the story. ''Someone broke in, killed our parents and that was it.'' 

Lauren didn't add on the fact that the big guy had threatened her and was part of a gang, that wouldn't have gone down well with Liam, he would have most likely hunted this guy down if Lauren told him the truth and the fact that she was threatened. She knew that Liam would not fair well against that man and his men.

''Oh.'' Liam muttered, and smiled when he saw Lauren bring a hot chocolate over and place it in front of him.

It was a tradition of theirs. They would make a hot chocolate each and sit in either bedroom for hours just talking, it could have been about anything or everything. When Lauren was bullied at school Liam comforted her and taught her how to defend herself. When she was beaten by her parents he would bring her into his room and sit with her, even if it took hours, he would sit with her and calm her down.

''So.'' Liam continued on, taking a sip out of his drink and sighing in pleasure. It had been too long since he had anything but foul tasting tap water.''How did you get this fancy house?''

Lauren's house was indeed quite fancy. With two huge bedrooms upstairs, one with an en suite and the other with a good sized bathroom next to it, and then downstairs the long, wide garden and spacious kitchen as well as living room and dining room was quite remarkable for an eighteen year old who grew up with little to no money.

''I inherited a lot of money.'' Was all Lauren said. She wanted to tell him how her parents had been killed for stealing an immense amount of cash three times, but she couldn't, the mans threat still heavily plagued her mind.

''Ah.'' Liam looked like he had figured something out and Lauren wanted to ask him why he seemed to know why she had inherited a lot of money but she didn't. ''Always steeling from the gang those bastards were.''

Lauren knew Liam hadn't meant for her to hear his mutter so she stayed silent again, but the curiosity in her grew. Gang? He knew about the gang? How?

Her mind was reeling with ideas of how he knew but she couldn't come up with a plausible explanation, so she tried to forget about it.

''So, what are you doing now you're out?'' Lauren asked curiously when she wondered about his plans for now and the future.

''Well I'm not sure if I'm honest.'' Liam sighed, he had an idea of what he could do but he'd rather not go down that route again. ''I suppose I could use the money that should be left in my bank to rent a room out at the hotel and then get a flat or something.''

Lauren stared at him aghast. Had he really just said he was going to rent out a room at a hotel? 

''No you're not.'' Lauren immediately replied sternly.

''Well what else am I going to do Lauren?'' Liam asked with a raised eyebrow and a sombre face, now he had been in jail he was going to find it hard from now on in the real world when the money in his bank runs out. He had a way, one that was set in stone, but he'd rather stay as far away from that as possible if he could. Though he'd be extrememly lucky if it went his way.

''Stay here.'' She blurted, and finished off her hot chocolate. Lauren could see that Liam was immediately going to protest so she carried on. ''I have a spare room upstairs and downstairs, well, the downstairs is a dining room but it will still work.''

''Are-Are you sure? That's a lot to ask for.'' Liam was surprised at his sisters kindness and felt his chest swell with gratitude, he had the best sister anyone could ask for. Just because she was his sister, didn't mean she had to be kind.

''Yup. As long as you can put up with a pregnant woman for 7 months and then a baby.'' Lauren grinned at him and it only grew wider when Liam's draw dropped and his eyes popped out of his head.

It was a few minutes before Liam could even think straight and the first thing he did when he gained control of his body again was look down to Lauren's flat stomach before looking at her face to see if she was serious. He kept doing that for a few more minutes until he felt like he could actually gain control of his speech.

''Y-You're pregnant?'' He muttered, his eyes still wide and jaw threatening to drop again when she nodded with a sincere smile.

''Two months.'' Lauren confirmed. 

''You got pregnant the same time mum and dad died?'' Liam's voice was amazed and he was shocked at the timing. 

''Yes.'' Lauren sighed and carried on with her story. ''It was the night they died actually. They were killed in the early hours of the morning and I got took in for questioning all day. I did what you do and drank away everything and ended up with a man... You- um- you obviously know what happened from there.''

''Please say you know who the guy is?'' Liam mumbled appalled, he could not believe Lauren had gone and done something like this.

''I-I know his name, if that helps?'' Lauren hoped her smile was sheepish for she knew who the man was, but she had no desire to say for her brother would have a heart attack. Liam's flat expression made Lauren sigh internally with relief, what would her brother do when he finds out she was pregnant with a guy who was going to be leader of a gang? She didn't know how much longer she could keep it a secret.

 ''A name? Lauren how the hell are you going to cope being a single mother when you're in college? Wait, you're still in college right?'' Liam asked, his face hopeless and distraught for his sister.

''I will be able to finish my course before it's are born, if not I can do it online anyway, I don't actually need to go to the college for it if I have a computer here.'' Lauren reassured him, smiling when he just shook his head with a roll of his eyes. They talked for a little longer about the topic of the baby and how  Lauren had been until he heard her stomach rumble in hunger.

''Fancy going out for breakfast? I could eat about ten greasy fry ups right now and I'm sure you could to.'' He nodded down to her stomach, indicating that now she was pregnant she was going to be eating a lot.

''Sure, I'll go get ready. Uh what about you're clothes?'' Lauren had no idea if he was planning on going out in an orange jumpsuit, she hoped not considering he'd probably have someone phone the police about an escaped convict.

''I'll have to buy some when we go out, fucking assholes at the prison wouldn't give me any spares and my old clothes didn't fit. They was like a crop top and a pair of shorts on me now.'' Lauren had to stifle a laugh. Liam was a twig compared to what he was like now.

''Are they even allowed to do that?''

''No.'' Liam scowled, folding his arms over his chest childishly and pouted. Lauren just chuckled and ran upstairs to get ready.

As she jumped in the shower, she thought of how good it was going to be now that she finally had her brother back. No more feeling lonely and having no one to talk to. Granted, she was used to it for she had never had any real friends and her parents weren't exactly ones you could talk to, not when they spoke with their fists.

As Lauren washed the last of the conditioner out of her hair, she heard the a loud knock on her door. She pondered over the thought of whether she should quickly wrap her dressing gown around her and run down there but then she heard Liam get it, so she quickly hopped out the bath and dried herself off. 

As she was pulled on a pair of shorts and a vest top, Lauren briefly heard her brother and someone talk like they were old friends. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she heard a familiar voice and she pulled her wet hair up into a loose bun before making her way downstairs quietly. Because the bottom of the stairs couldn't be seen from the door, Lauren stayed where she was and listened to the conversation.

''So, when did you get out?'' The deep, smooth voice of the visitor asked Liam and she froze. No wonder the voice sounded so familiar!

It was Sebastian.

Her heart pounded in her chest when she realised she wasn't ready to face him, or face telling Liam that he was her baby's father. She peeked round the corner and looked at the two standing there together, both relaxed and smiling, although Liam's had a little edge to it. Lauren suddenly found herself wishing she put on something a little decent and maybe dried her hair, Sebastian was looking extremely handsome, even if he was wearing just a plain white shirt and a pair of dark navy blue jeans.

''Yesterday actually, but I just got here this morning. And you wouldn't have known, none of you would yet, so something tells me you're not here for me.'' Liam asked, his tone lowering dangerously. Lauren gulped when Liam was catching on to something and she knew it was now or later, and later meant Liam would be even more angry and less likely to forgive her.

''No I'm not. But about that, you'll have to come back. You know that right?'' Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow when Liam swore. Lauren wondered where he'd have to go back, she had no idea what was going on.

''I can't man, I've just got out and I need to look after my sister. She's pregnant and the fathers an asshole so I'm not letting her be on her own.'' Lauren frowned when Liam mentioned the father was an asshole, she hadn't said the father was an asshole, sure she said that he probably wasn't going to be there for her, but that was it. Then again, Liam wasn't too happy about her being pregnant, so whoever knocked her up was going to be an asshole to him.

Sebastian stared wide eyed at Liam and started choking on air, his face a perfect picture of someone realising they've fucked up badly.

''Y-You're sister?'' Sebastian managed to choke out and Liam looked at him strangely. ''Oh shit.''

''What?'' Liam asked, not in the mood to play games.

''You've just called your best mate an asshole, you know that?'' There was no point beating around the bush, Sebastian might as well have just said it and get it over with.

Liam was silent as he tried to work out what was going on, and when he did he was mad. Extremely mad. Lauren just stood there though, for she was frozen with shock at one word. Best mate. Sebastian was Liam's best mate.

''You fucking prick!'' He yelled, lunging forward and sending a fist into Sebastian's face.

Sebastian knew it was coming, and being who he was he could have stopped it considering he was a lot stronger that Liam. But, he knew he deserved it. He had fucked up by getting a girl pregnant, but it had now been made even worse by the fact that he had gotten his best mate's sister pregnant.

''Liam stop. I know I deserve it but I can't let you keep on hitting me.'' Sebastian spoke, dodging one of Liam's punches that was sent his way. 

''I don't give a fuck who you are, best mate, boss, or not! Do you realise you've fucked up her life?''

Lauren couldn't take it anymore, she knew Liam was angry and he had every right to be, but he didn't have the right to say Sebastian's fucked Lauren's life up, because he hasn't. She was thankful she was pregnant, it would be a nice, new start for her and she welcomed it with open arms.

''STOP!'' She shouted over Liam's growls of rage and both boys looked over at Lauren, surprised that she had shouted so loudly and unexpectedly.

''Liam, I understand why you're angry and I respect that. But you shouldn't blame Sebastian for anything, especially not fucking my life up. I'm glad I'm pregnant. So thanks Sebastian. For... Um-Getting me pregnant.'' Lauren blushed deeply when she realised that was one of the most ridiculous things she had ever said and it suddenly became awkward. Liam had no idea what to say and nor did Lauren. 

Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort but he also felt amused at the situation, he couldn't believe she was thanking him for something like that. It was odd, but for some reason he found it kind of cute, especially the blush on her cheeks.

''U-Uh, no problem?'' He replied, not sure if he should have said anything, especially when a moment later Liam turned around enraged and ready to punch him again.

''Liam stop!'' Lauren scowled when he realised he was going to punch Sebastian again, and stepped forward from near the stairs until she was a couple metres away form them. ''So, Sebastian, I take it you didn't come here for my brother- which by the way I want someone to explain whatever ti is between you two- so what did you come here for?''

Sebastian glanced at Liam and then back at Lauren, wondering if now really was the best time to do what he went there for. But, he knew it needed to be gotten over and done with as soon as possible, it was for the best.

''Well, aren't we supposed to talk or something? About you being pregnant... with my baby...'' He trailed off unsure, wondering if he should have left it a little longer and thought over what he should have actually said. He had no idea what to do in a situation like this. He felt like a young, awkward school boy all over again.

''Stop. Just stop.'' Liam shook his head in disgust, seeing Sebastian- someone who was supposed to never be nervous, always be confident- act like a nervous little boy for the first time was weird, and frankly, making Liam uncomfortable as well as no doubt Sebastian was. ''I'm going to get some breakfast, this is just- just plain weird. If you do anything, and I mean anything to my little sister you are going to get it. Best mate or not, more important than me or not. I. Will. Hurt. You.'' 

Sebastian grew amused at Liam's behaviour, even though he was still uncomfortable in the situation he had put himself in. 

''And We-'' Liam carried on, pointing between himself and Sebastian with a low voice. ''Will talk later.'' 

With that, Liam walked out leaving a very understood Sebastian. What Liam wanted to talk about wasn't for in front of Lauren, not when there was likely going to be some shouting, a few swear words and a couple punches thrown.

''So, you wanted to talk?''

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