The Outsiders:Johnny and Char...

By hungryhungryRussian

602 7 8

Charlotte is an orphan. then she gets adopted but during the ride to her new home,a tragedy occurs. NO LONGER... More

The Outsiders:Johnny and Charlottes Story
A gift and a rumble
Another Rumble
Back 'home'
Nothing Gold can stay

running away

85 0 1
By hungryhungryRussian


I was running away from every thing I ever knew and loved. My mind wandered to the recent events. Charlotte being stabbed in the legs and almost drowned, Charlotte telling the secret that we shared and her being kiddnaped and me killing Bob the soc. Now I have to leave her behind. It breaks my heart in two, but I can't turn myself , I  will get the electric chair if I go back before the case is closed. Then what will happen? Will the gang miss me? Will my  parents miss me?Probably not. A train whistles in the distance. I am going to ride it to the old church. I gave Charlotte a clue to find me if she needs me. The train started to slow as it turned. Now was my chance! It was now or never! I jumped on.


I heard voices. This time I knew who they were. Darry Soda Pony Two-Bit Dally and Steve. I panicked when I couldn't hear Johnny. I sat up right away. "Where's Johnny?" Ponyboy looked away as he answered. "He ran away because he is wanted for murdering Bob. Randy turned him in.  Randy himself is in jail for kidnaping  and three other girls. They are going to kill Johnny if they find them, but we have a plan.You are  going to be a big part of it, it wont work without you Charlotte." I listened as Two-Bit explained. "We know where Johnny is. He is in ana abanded church. Dally will take him away, and you will hide somewhere in the church. Dont worry but we will have to set the church on fire." I start yelling. "DALLAS WINSTON THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN PERSUADE ME TO HAVE A NEAR DEATH EXPIERIENCE AGAIN!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?! NEVER NEVER EVER!!!!" Then I start to hit him, because I am positive it was him who thought up of it. Then someone has pulled me away from the now bleeding Dally and is wrapping me in blankets. I stop fighting when ice cold water gets splashed in my face. Breathing heavily I look up."Golly Pony they've brainwashed you to!" Pony gave me a good shake on the shoulders. "Charlotte this is the only way we can save Johnnycake, ya hear?" Shaking I nod.  

The next day I am rideing Darrys car in the dark to where Johnny is. Nothing the gang can do will calm me down. I am shaking even though its hot. The plan is for Johnny to come back from wherever Dally takes him to see the church on fire. I will be screaming inside of it and because they say Johnny loves me, he will rescue me. Then he will turn into a hero for rescueing me even though he could have died and they will hopefully not send him to jail for being a hero. I am pulled from my thoughts by Pony pushing a box of matches in my hands. This is it.



So. Can anyone guess what will happen?


Sorry for not updating.


The gang is here! They tell me to come and eat with them and I do, because I am sick of baloney. We go to Dairy Queen and stuff ourselves. Then I notice something. "Guys where is Charlotte?!" Pony answers. "She's running an errand. Hey its safe to come home Johnnycake, Bob was going to the chair anyway. To much crime, the bad crimes." I nodd quickly. "Lets stop by the church, I borrowed 'Gone with the wind' and itsin there." We all pile in the car and we drive so fast, I almost puke. After I recovered, I look up to see the church in flames!!! Dally slows down to turn and I take that as an oppertunity to jump out.Thats when I heard a very familiar scream. CHARLOTTE!!!!! I take off running.


The smoke and  fire was horrible! I screamed when I saw 4 little kids in the corner, bawling their eyes out. The same time I throw one out the window, The door crashes open. "Johnny! Help me get these kids out!" I start coughing uncontrollably. Johnny was just dropping the last kid out the window when I saw it. The roof is starting to come down!!!!!! One log is going to crush Johnny! I do the only thing I can think of. I run and push Johnny out of the way, taking the log to my back. The last thing I hear was Johnny screaming for me, and someone pulling me out of the church. One last thig I thought was: Gone with the wind is now gone with the fire. Then , darkness.


Some things wrong, Johnny was pulling something from under a flaming log. The gang acts at the same time. Darry lifts the log by the non flaming end , and the rest of the gang pulls Charlotte out. Darry put her on the ground and rolls her in the grass to put out the flames on her back. Oh god her face is white as snow! An ambulance comes and they let the whole gang ride with Charlotte. The docters flip her over on her back,cut away her shirt and start treating her. I catch a glimpse of Charlotte and I almost retch. Her back looks like fried bacon. What have we done?


The docters are coming into the waiting room with  grim looks on their faces. "Look kids, she might not make it, but the odds of her surviving are 60/40, still not so hot. Her back is broken so she will be crippled if she recovers. Does she have any family? " The Curtis's stand up. "Doc, any chances of her not being a cripple?" Darry asks. The main docter thinks for a second, then nods. "Tiny, but yes. It will take a while of physical therapy, if she recovers." They excuse themselves and a pretty nurse tells us that visiting hours are over. We walk out, only to run right into the socs. "Hey is the kid ok?" Randy asks. "We heard what happend, and we came right quick to see if we could do anything." I reply. "Unless you have a magic wand that can heal a broken back and cripple-ness, probably not. But thanks" Randy nods and then says, "Meet me at the fountain tommorow at noon. I have a gift. " I nod and then cuss. "SHIT WE FORGOT THE CAR!!!!!" The gang then seems to have a cussing contest and 2 passing old ladies nearly faint. The socs smile. The tallest one tosses Darry the keys and points at the parking lot. "That car aint half bad Curtis."

At Pony's house, we all just sulked. Mickey came on and no one paid any attention. Two-Bit stood up, turned the TVoff and said the smartest words for a week. "Lets do a rumble with the blasted soc's, payback for Charlotte." We all agreed and sent a Shepard gang kid over with the message. The rumble was scheduled for 10:00 PM tomorrow. PonyBoy and I go out to smoke and look at the stars. "Hey Johnnycake, what do you think Randy's gonna give us at noon?" I answer . "Probably something to put us to shame. Dont worry, we'll put em to shame at the rumble. Got a match?" Pony lit his ciggarete and handed me the match. I hope it was to dark for him to see silent tears falling down my face.

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