Bad Boys And I

By jessthelemon

79 4 0

Kristen has just started University at WSU, when she meets her new roommate Jessica. Her world is thrown ups... More

[A Fresh Start - 01]
[03 - Damon's P.O.V]


21 1 0
By jessthelemon

The next day flies by, Elena and I had fun in Psychology and architecture with  Jess was great, we have a lot in common, I also know that Elena is Damon's girlfriend now.
Do I tell her about what happened at the party? I don't want to be a snitch but she's my friend and I'm sure she'd do the same for me. Right?

My media lesson went really well, the teacher, Mr.Branson was impressed with my knowledge, the boy that kissed me at the party, jace? Jeremy? I can't remember- he's in my class, he doesn't remember me, thank god.

The only bad thing that happened today was my last class, history. Damon takes that class, all he did was stare at me the entire time just to make me feel uncomfortable, it didn't work. He thinks he's Mr.know-it-all, although I'm not sure how he remembers all those things about 1864, it's really odd yet impressive at the same time. I never really noticed how smart he was until then, probably because I've only met him twice, and he was drunk both times.

Nicholas and I have been texting back and fourth all day too, I told him all about Jess and elena and also mentioned him coming to visit to go on a double date with Stefan and Jessica, he didn't seem too keen on the idea but I know he will agree to please me. He's been weird with me these past two days, I'm sure he just misses me.

Jess reminds me that it's Friday today and there's another party at Stefan's frat house, to my surprise my mother has already deposited four-hundred dollars into my account, it's a lot, I know; she just wants me to be happy and settle in here.

"We need to go shopping, come on! Let's go to the mall" Jess demands, before I even say yes she grabs my hand and pulls me to her car, then drives to the mall. She tells me that they have a Victoria's Secret here and that we should go and look, that's what friends do right? Buy underwear together?
It's five in the evening so Jess and I decide to eat at Taco Bell for dinner, my favourite restaurant, hers too.

"Where would you like to shop first?" Jess asks, I'm not really sure what shops are here, I mention Versace and Gucci and she practically screams with excitement, she says Elena doesn't like them brands and never gets the chance to look in there, she seems really glad that they're two of my favourite stores on the planet.

"Half and half?" I suggest when the waitress hands us our bill, it's not that expensive and I wouldn't expect Jessica to pay it all.
"Yeah of course, if you don't mind" she agrees
We pay and leave, then head to Gucci first. I need a new bag to carry my books in, Jess buys three more outfits and pushes me to buy a pretty revealing black dress with mesh sleeves. I do like it but my chest is smaller than hers, will I be able to pull it off?
I buy the dress anyway, I can't look that bad in it. Once Jess and I finish in Gucci we both run into Versace which was across from Gucci funnily enough. I found a black satchel bag which is perfect for all my books, it's a bit pricey but it's a necessity, for my books.

"Are you ready to go? I only want to buy this top, I've walked past it so many times already" she laughs and heads towards the cashier.

"Let's head home?" Jess suggests, I agree, these bags are heavy I don't think my hands can hold on anymore.

As soon as we get back to the dorm, Stefan is waiting outside.

"Hey, where have you guys been? You look drained" Stefan comments and chuckles.
"Kris and I went to the mall, girl things you know" Stefan nods and kisses Jess' forehead.

I miss Nicholas.
*hey babe, I'll be coming to visit tomorrow, I can't stand not being with you X* my phone screen reads.

"Jess! Nicholas is coming to visit tomorrow!"
"Nicholas?" Stefan questions, looking at Jess.
"Her boyfriend" Jess answers "we can go on a double date, yeah?"
"Definitely! You'll love Nicholas he's-"

"The King... Has arrived!!"
It's Damon, he's drunk out of his mind. Is he ever with Elena?

"Damon fuck off, no one wants you here" Stefan states, his voice turning from soft to stern in seconds.

What has Damon done for them to hate him so much? Apart from acting like a narcissistic asshole.

"Woah brother, don't get your panties in a twist" Damon spits back. I can smell the whiskey from where I'm standing. However, my mouth let's out a giggle when Damon says 'panties', Stefan looks at me like he's saying 'don't encourage him'
I look down at the floor and hold in my laughter. Damon is funny when he's drunk, but more annoying than anything else.
"I actually came here to speak with Kristen, about history. Mind your own business pretty boy" Damon garbles.

What? Why? Doesn't he have other people to talk to about that?

"I'll be fine, I can handle him" I reassure Jessica and Stefan and close my dorm door behind me, Damon stands in front of me putting his hand on the wall to secure his balance.

"That was a lie, about the history thing" Damon admits, why would he lie?

"Okay.. What do you want then?"

"You like me, I can tell" he states, what? Where could he possibly get that from?
"You have a girlfriend? Elena? Remember? Of course you don't, you have a different girls tongue down your throat every night!" I shout, I'm sure Stefan and Jessica heard me but neither of them opened the door beside me.

"What? Of course I know who my girlfriend is, she's never around and she's not a party girl. Like you" oh god, he's so drunk I can practically taste the whiskey that's lurking in his breath.

"I'm certainly not a party girl, I don't drink and I'm not fun at all, is that all you have to say to me? Because I'd like to get back to my friends who aren't always drunk, you need to sober up so we can actually form a decent conversation" before I let him reply, I open my dorm door and slam it behind me.
How could he say that about Elena!? She's probably never around because she works her butt off in classes and actually wants a life for herself! He's so infuriating!

"Are you okay?" Jess asks and puts her hand on my shoulder
"I'm fine, Damon just pisses me off" I gasp at my cussing and place my palm over my mouth.
"Wow, I've never heard you cuss before! It suits you" Jessica says, giggling. Stefan is standing with his arms folded against his torso, what's his problem?

"That's my brother for you, always pissing people off" he smiles, his moods are giving me whiplash. I wonder if Jess can see it too?

"Come on! The party is in an hour and you aren't even ready!" Jess announces, I hurry to my closet and pick out the dress I brought today, it fits well and it's actually more comfy than I realised. My hair is still okay from this morning, I spray hairspray just to keep it in place for longer. I underline my eye with black eyeliner like I did for the party yesterday, I'd say I look good tonight, better than last night at least.

Quickly, I grab my jacket from my bed then Jess, Stefan and I drive to the frat house once again. Hopefully tonight will be better, Abby better not cross me again or I think Jess might kill her.
Not that I would complain, Abby is a bitch from the first impression I got of her. Her bright red, long curly hair and her piercings all over her face don't intimidate me at all, although she seems to think they do.

Stefan is really popular here, as the three of us walk in he high fives the group of boys standing by the door, they chant his name as he walks through, does he play soccer? They all look like they'd be jocks or involved in some sort of sport.

"Heyyy! Kristen right?" The boy from my media, Jeremy?
"Hey? Jeremy right?" I questioned.
"John actually" he corrects me

I knew it was John!

"Sorry, I'm not good with names" I chuckle and he smiles "it's fine, you're new I don't expect you to remember my name" he's so understanding, and now that I think about it he kind of looks like someone Jessica and Stefan would like, I wonder if they're friends?

"How do you know Stefan?" I ask, he frowns at me mentioning his name.
"Stefan? No, I'm friends with his brother. Damon"

Of course he is, I was beginning to think he was worthy of my friendship but if he's anything like Damon I do not want to know.

"Oh okay, what do you study? Apart from media of course" John asks, he's not good at holding conversations, saying that, neither am I.
"Architecture, history and psychology, what about you?" He seems impressed by me taking architecture, is it not normal for a girl to be taking that class around here?
"Business, soccer and English" he replies, exactly what I thought he would take, especially soccer.

As the night goes on, Jeremey-John I mean tells me about Damon and Stefan, I leant that Damon tried to sleep with Jessica at one of these parties last year and they've hated each other ever since.

That's weird, why is Elena still with Damon after all the stuff he's done with other girls including her best friend.
Does she even know? I'm sure If Elena knew she would never even look at Damon, I can't imagine she would be stupid enough to stay with him if she knew what he's been up to around here.

"Are you ready to get going kris? Stefan said he'd drive us back, Elena isn't here tonight so we can't stay as late as we did last time"
"I'm going to stay here with John, he said he can drive me back later" Jessica looks at me, confused as hell.
"Okay? See you later then" she hugs me goodbye and leaves with Stefan.

"You alright?" A voice from behind me says, I recognise it from anywhere.


"What do you want Damon?" I turn around, he looks.. Different. His clothes aren't covered in vomit and his voice is clear, clearer than I've ever heard it before.

"You got what you wanted, I'm sober and Elena and I broke up"

What?! I didn't ask for that! What's wrong with him?

"Are you serious? Damon I asked you to be sober, not to break up with Elena, although I think she's too good for you anyway" I admit to him, he immediately looks hurt, his eyes are a deep blue, more blue than they normally are. Is he.. Crying?

For Christs sake. Is he serious?

"Damon, why are you crying?" I say as I walk him to the closest sofa, everyone is either in the kitchen or distracted with beer and other alcohol.

"It's true, everything you said is true, I'm a mess Kristen, she is too good for me, I don't deserve to be loved"

Is words make my eyes water, no one should ever feel like that. Even Damon. He's an asshole but everyone deserves love.
"Come here" I tell him, opening my arms for him to hug me.
"What the fuck are you doing? I don't want your pity" he snaps, immediately standing up from the couch and walking away from me, how can he just turn on me like that?
His brother is the same, what's up with them?

"John??" I call out, looking for his blue shirt in the crowds of people.

Great, Damon is back.

"I'm sorry, for.. Being rude" what? Why does he care if he's rude to me?

"I need a ride, can you find John for me?" I ask him, he frowns at me.

"John? Why him? I'll take you back, I haven't been drinking" I'm surprised by his offer, but accept it anyway, I'm not wasting my night looking for John.

The car ride with Damon was..intense, however we managed to make small talk, he told me what music he liked, nostalgia was one band he mentioned, which was interesting to know.

"I should get going, this is your dorm right?" He queries.

"Don't act like you don't know, you've been here a lot lately" I call him out, it is weird how he's always coming around here since I moved in.
"Well. Bye then, you're welcome for the ride"
"Oh yeah, thanks damon" I smile, his face doesn't react.

Typical Damon.

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