Welcome Back (Kevedd Fan fic)

By HazilJune

24.6K 869 225


2. Catching Up
3. New Kid?
4. Unlikely Confession

Welcome Back (Kevedd Fan fic)

11.8K 285 29
By HazilJune

Chapter One
Ever since the kids of the cul-de-sac had reached high school, they spent little to no time outside.  Today was no exception.  However their parents refused to let them just sit around on their phones and do nothing, so the lazy teenagers decided to sneak into Kevin's house and watch television together.  None of them were really invested in whatever was working its way across the screen, though, because they were too into guessing what kind of family was moving into Double D's old place.  "I hope it's some hot chick, God knows we need more girls around here." Kevin sighed, watching the movers work their way through the front door with large boxes.  There was no sign of the family yet.

"Wow, thanks Kevin." Nazz laughed, rolling her eyes.  Kevin smirked and pushed her playfully.  "You're still hot, Nazz," he pressed, "You're just dating Eddy, so it ruins your credibility."  Nazz gasped and pretended to be hurt by his words, but it was clear by her smile that it didn't bother her at all.  Sure, they had dated once before, but it was mostly because everyone had expected them to.  "Well I hope it's a handsome dude." she smiled, eyes still looking out the window.  Now it was her boyfriends time to speak, "Why do you need a handsome jerk if you got eye candy right here?"

This time everyone rolled their eyes.  But to make Eddy feel better, Nazz pecked his cheek, making him grumble to himself.  "Hey, look!  A car's coming!" Sara jumped.  The others suddenly gained a lot of energy and they all pressed their noses against the living room window, watching as a flashy silver sports car pulled up along the curb.  "Cool, they're rich!" Eddy said greedily, earning him a knock on the head.  Nobody cared much about the fancy car, they cared about who was in the car.  Every since Edd had left, nobody else moved into the neighborhood.  Who would want to move to a town like Peach Creek?  It was small and boring.

Answering their anxious wishes, a tall male stepped out of the silver car and looked around, eyes full of spark.  Both Nazz and Sara gasped and squealed.  The male was no older than eighteen and was extremely handsome.  His thick, black hair fell into his bright blue eyes and his body was tall and fit.  And when he smiled, he revealed a cute gap between his two front teeth.  His appearance made Eddy perk up and tap his tall friend Ed's shoulder.  He gestured to the new guy and Ed felt the same sense of familiarity.  They had met this person before.  And it seemed that nobody else seemed to remember.

The dark teen rounded his way around the car and thrusted open one of the back seats.  He reached in with both arms and pulled out a little girl no older than five years old.  "She's so cute!" Sara squeaked.  And cute she was.  Her hair was equally as dark and her eyes just as bright.  How long had it been since a child ran along the cul-de-sac?  "He has such a cute little sister." Nazz said dreamily.  The males in the room and scoffed.  How could they easily be outshined by some new guy?  "I don't think he's much." Kevin hissed.

The guys were about to walk back to the couch when Eddy caught sight of the guy reaching into the car again, this time pulling out a black piece of cloth.  Now this really caught his attention.  He pushed past everyone, grabbing their attention, and stormed outside.  Curious, the others followed him.  "Eddy, what are you doing?" Nazz whispered in his ear.  He held up a hand to get everyone to be quiet and watched the new guy carefully.  Finally the guy brought the cloth to his head and pulled it on.  It was a beanie as black as his hair, the only thing making it stand out; two bold white stripes.

"Double D?" Eddy shouted, walking across the street.  The boy turned around and caught sight of his old friend.  He placed his sister down carefully and told her to go pick out her room.  She laughed happily and run inside, past the moving men.  Her brother watched her disappear before turning back to the group of teenagers coming towards him.  "Pleasure to see you all again!" he smiled, showing more of his gap.  Everyone stopped in place.  The beanie, the house, the too formal use of language.  It was Double D!  "You moved back?" Nazz asked, looking surprised.
"Yes.  My parents were transferred back."
"You changed so much!"
"As did you, Nazz."

He smiled again, but with a charming smile.  Kevin went stiff behind the group.  This wasn't the dork he had made fun of when they were kids.  He was different.  "I was hoping to see all of you again.  I'm quite glad to be back, though I never thought I would come back to this neighborhood." he said with a voice deeper than anyone had remembered.  Eddy took a step forward and threw his arm over his old buddy.  "You've gotten taller, Double D." he winked.  Edd rolled his blue eyes, "And you still seem to be the same height that you were five years ago."  His words made everyone, including Eddy, laugh.  Since when had he gotten a sense of humor.  

"I would very much enjoy catching up with you all, but I'm afraid I need to start unpacking." Edd sighed, "My parents will never have the time and I promised Jamie I'd set up her room today."  He shut the car door and pulled out keys from his pocket.  With a press of a button the car made a noise saying it was locked.  "Jamie?" Ed, still as tall as ever, asked.  Edd nodded and put the keys back into his front pocket.  "My little sister's name.  I believe you saw the lovely child run into the house?"  They all looked back to the house just in time to see the little girl tug on the blinds and wave happily at her brother.  He smiled before attempting to wave the group goodbye.

"Wait!" Kevin shouted.  Edd's hand was only half way up when he noticed the red head.  He had forgotten his old bully.  It was odd seeing him friends with everyone now, including Eddy and Ed.  "Yes, Kevin?" he questioned, tilting his head.  Kevin pulled nervously at his collar and swallowed the lump in his throat.  "We could still catch up, y'know.  I'm sure we could help you unpack."  What was into him?
"R-really?" Edd's voice was full of nothing but disbelief.
Nazz jumped in, "Yeah!  You can't do it all by yourself!"
"C'mon, Double D, you know you missed us." Eddy grinned.

Edd rubbed the back of his neck nervously but agreed.  It would certainly be nice to have some help setting up the house.  They were right, he couldn't do it by himself.  "Alright then!  I'll accept your kind offer."  Everyone cheered before running into his house.  They were pretty excited bunch.  It was nice to be back, Edd would admit.  "Welcome back, Double D." Kevin smiled, patting the black haired boys shoulder.

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