*NEW EDITION*Dark & Dangerous...

By AlaynaGlover

331 16 5

As I pulled out the book, I heard leaves crunch to my left. I stopped dead in my tracks as a slight tingle of... More

*NEW EDITION*Dark & Dangerous Howls (Book 1 in the D&D Trilogy)
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

91 7 2
By AlaynaGlover

We all have a secret, it's just that some are far more dangerous than others.


I growled lowly once again at the irritating blonde in front of me. I was beginning to grow tired of our arguing and shifted my position on the black leather couch. "No," I stated to him. He smiled at me, nodding his head. "Yes," he countered. I glared at him once again and stood my ground. "No." I growled. "Yes," he chuckled. And the cycle continued once again.

A loud growl could be heard from the kitchen behind us. "Will both of you knock it off?! You're giving me a headache." My tall, dark haired, hot tempered, and eldest brother walked in. "Tyler," I growled, "Why do I have to go to school with you guys? I've been perfectly fine being home-schooled! Plus the school year is almost over! There's only a few more weeks left." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Look, you're going to the same school as us. No if, ands, or buts. There have been more rouge attacks lately and I don't want there to be one with you all alone. Got it?" 

I sighed, but reluctantly nodded.

Derek, the irritating blonde, smiled in victory and smirked at me. "Told you so." He sighed. I growled at him, making my threat clear, before getting up and walking towards the front door. I reluctantly grabbed my red hood that I've had since I was little. I sighed and looked back over at my two older brothers.

A small smile played on my lips as I saw them slightly bickering. I rolled my eyes and stifled a laugh as Derek growled at Tyler for touching his bowl of cereal. They could be such children at times. "Bye guys!" I bellowed as I stepped through the front door. Just before the door closed, I heard my two brothers yell back a goodbye.

I stepped into the cool morning air and took in a deep breath. I looked around and smiled at my forest. We lived about five miles away from any road and I enjoyed being surrounded by nature. It was where I belonged. 

I took in one more deep breath before walking around to the side of the house. I continued into a dark shed and I smiled from ear to ear when I saw my black Aprilia RSV 1000 with candy-apple red lining leaning against the stone wall. I walked over and grabbed it's handles, pulling it out to the front. I pulled my keys out of my pocket, put them into the ignition, put my black helmet and sunglasses on, and started the motorcycle up. With a heavy sigh, the engined roared to life, and I began to make my way to my new school.

I pulled into the parking space and turned off the motorcycle. I pulled off my helmet, shaking my golden brown locks as they fell all the way to my waist. I climbed off my bike and laid my helmet of the handles. So, this is the famous school, Amoris High. I thought as I turned towards the three storied school, it's crisp white walls giving me a bad vibe. 

I tried to think positively, I mean my friends will be here, my brothers will be as well- although I'm not sure if that's a good thing. I really did try to look on the bright side as I walked towards the front of the school, but I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed a certain red head sitting under a looming tree. His hair just brushed the top of his neck as he laid his head back on the tree's trunk, giving me a full view of his full lips that were mouthing the words to a song, due to an ear bud in his ear, and his high cheekbones. His tan skin glowed under the sunlight and gave me a full view of his long eyelashes that covered his eyes.

A growl began to surface as my emerald green eyes narrowed at him. Oh, I knew of Castiel Blood, alright. He was a lowlife, selfish, annoying ass that I'd would love to use as a punching bag. Memories of him bullying me as a child came flooding through my mind. The growl that I had been trying to swallow made it's way out, and I quickly pulled my hood up as his eyes popped open. I walked as fast as I could to the front doors.

I could feel his intense stare on the back of my head as I pushed open the doors. 

Students filled the long hallways. Friends hugging, enemies bickering, and lovers kissing were everywhere. I tried to ignore the majority of them as I pulled my hood up even higher. A vibration in my back pocket pulled me from my thoughts. I pulled out my phone and read a text from Derek.

Don't forget to visit the student body president for your registration form and other junk. Tyler wanted me to remind you. By the way, we won't be there today. We have to go do some 'official business', as Tyler put it. Yeah.... Anyway good luck and try not to kill anyone! Byeeee!

I rolled my eyes at his child like behavior and texted him back a quick thanks and no promises. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked towards a school map I saw hanging on a nearby wall that was surrounded by other students. I tried to get as close as I could and just barley managed to see where the council room was before being shoved out of the way. I resisted a growl and to punch the kid before making my way to the council room.

I sighed in relief when I saw a door that read 'Council' on it. I gave a light knock and entered when I heard a deep voice say, "Come in." I stepped through the door and spotted a mess of sun kissed blonde hair in a white buttoned up shirt and navy blue slacks putting something the the filing cabinets across the room. He slid the cabinets closed and turned to face me. His golden eyes stared at my emerald green ones. He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth and approached me.

"Hi," he reached a hand out, "I'm Nathaniel, the Student Body President." I reached my hand out and shook his. "Rose," I smiled. We pulled our hands apart. "I'm here for my registration forms? It should be under the name of Torquent."

"Oh! Your Tyler and Derek's little sister!" He smiled down at me, his perfect white teeth shining. "Hopefully, you won't have Tyler's temper." He chuckled as he turned around and walked towards the cabinets. "He's almost as bad as-" He mumbled, but chuckled before he finished his sentence. 

"As who?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. Nathaniel pulled out a file and turned towards me.

"Oh, no one special." He once again smiled at me before looking through the file quickly. "And it seems all you need for your registration form, is a photo I.D. You can get that taken care of at the front office." He closed the file and put it back in the cabinet. "I can you show you there if you'd like." He offered.

I thought about it for a second, before nodding. "Sure, I'd like that." I smiled up at him as he approached me.  He walked to the door and opened it for me. "Ladies first," he smiled. I chuckled and walked out the door.

As we walked down the halls, Nathaniel, who insisted on me calling him Nate, showed me where the most important things are. Like my classes, which he handed me my schedule, the cafeteria, the auditorium, and even the restrooms. I laughed a little when he showed me the last one. But throughout the whole tour, girls kept shooting me not so nice glances. And each and every time, I glared at them. I refused for them to think they were stronger than me. I smirked when they ran off, but there was this one blonde and her posse who didn't get it through their head that I wasn't someone to mess with because they glared right back. I had to hold my wolf back from go putting them in their place.

Nate seemed oblivious to the whole thing and smiled the whole time. Damn, he had one hell of a smile, that's for sure. Though, his smile did fall slightly when we reached the front office. "Well, looks like we're here," I sighed. "Thanks for showing me around, it makes me feel a little bit  better to know the place a little more." 

He looked down at me and sighed, opening the door. "No problem. It was a pleasure meeting you, Rose. And if you need anything, and I do mean anything, just come visit the council room. I'm normally holed up in there." He chuckled.

I smiled at him as I felt my cheeks slightly warm. I quickly leaned in and gave him a hug, before quickly walking into the office. I heard the door close quietly behind me as my eyes found a redhead standing behind a counter. She spotted me and smiled. I smiled back and walked to the counter.

"Hi, I'm here for my photo I.D. I need it for my-" "Registration forms?" She interrupted me mid sentence. I nodded. "Well," she walked around and came out from behind the counter, "follow me and we can get that taken care of." The redhead smiled back at me as she led me to a small room to the left. As we walked in, I saw the room was completely bare, except for a white sheet hanging from the ceiling on a wall and across from it was a camera.

"Just go stand in front of that sheet and smile." She instructed as she walked behind the camera. I did as she told me and walked towards the hanging sheet. "Could you take your hood off, please?" I sighed, but reluctantly obeyed. I pulled my hood down, letting my brown locks free. "By the way, my name's Iris." She smiled at me. "Rose," I smiled back. 

"It's nice to meet you, Rose. Now, smile!" I smiled for the camera and a bright light blinded me for  second, but it soon died down. As soon as it was gone, though, I heard a door slam close in the office. Both I and Iris turned our head towards the noise. 

"Great, he's back." I heard Iris mumbled sarcastically. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, but realized when a delicious smell hit me. It smelt like a mix of wood and mint.

Mate! My wolf yelped in joy. My eyes grew wide and I knew the were becoming a brighter shade of my natural eye color. Go to him! Please! My wolf yelped as she tried to take over, but I suppressed her down, though I was very eager to meet him as well. 

Iris walked past me and into the office. As she opened the door, I caught a glimpse of bright red hair and a motorcycle jacket. My heart broke a little when I realized who it was. I quickly put my hood back on and kept my gaze down. Not a second later, I felt his gaze fall upon me.

"I'm here because?" He asked sarcastically at Iris. His deep, husky voice sounded like music to my ears, though I know it could make any girl melt. "You're here because you're in trouble," Iris explained as if she was talking to a three year-old. I heard him growl lightly and I had to hold onto the wall because of how weak I became in the knees.

Though, something inside of me just couldn't resist the urge to push his buttons. "What else is new," I mumbled sarcastically. "I suggest you stay out of this," I heard him growl lowly at me. 

I chuckled. "You honestly don't remember me?" I sighed. "What a shame. maybe if I do this, you will." I quickly took off my hood and my emerald green eyes met his stormy grey ones. Suddenly, everything faded to darkness and it was just us. His eyes darkened to an almost complete black and I knew mine were quickly becoming a bright green. My canines were elongating as my wolf was taking over. Just as I was about to lose complete control, I managed to break eye contact.

Suddenly everything came back into view. I wasn't surrounded by darkness anymore, but back in the office. My gaze was focused on the ground as I tried to calm my wolf down. It was hard to resist the bond between us and not go over there to mark him. Just the thought made my wolf excited. I pushed her down to the back of my mind. I sighed and and just walked to Iris, who seemed to be holding my photo I.D, grabbed it, said thanks, and walked out. 

I could feel him follow me a few steps, but stop. I continued to walk through the crowded halls, shoving people out of the way as I made my way towards the front doors. I pushed the doors open and walked across the courtyard. I could see the trees across the street and I almost sighed in relief. I quickly ran across the street and I looked down and cursed under my breath. My nails were elongating into claws and my hair began to thicken. I could feel my canines pierce my lips. I needed to make it to the woods because if I didn't, everyone here would see a sixteen year old girl turn into a bear sized, brown wolf.

I finally broke through the tree line, and as soon as I did, I quickly threw off all of my clothes and shifted. I felt my bones break and then bond back into a different place, one more suitable for my new form. The shift was quick and painless, though the first was the most painful. I remembered the very first time I shifted, on my sixteenth birthday. That was a very beautiful, yet nightmarish night. 

My senses were heightened, so much so, that I could see the small little ants hidden between the blades of grass, I could hear the little rabbit running away from me, and I could even smell the cool day air. I sighed and picked up my clothes in my jaw. I turned and ran deeper into the forest.

Running seemed like the only way to calm my wolf down. I ran for what felt like hours, but I knew it was only a few minutes. I didn't know exactly where I was going, so I just let my wolf's sense of direction lead me. 

I slowed down to a walk and growled at myself when I realized where I was. I was standing between mine and the Blood's territory. I growled in desire and anger for him. I was so angry. Why him? Why did my mate have to be my pack's rival enemy?! Let alone be their alpha! I dropped the clothes from my mouth and shifted back, then quickly changing back into my clothes.

My emotions were everywhere and it was very hard to tell the difference between my wolf's emotions and mine. She kept urging me to turn around and jump into our mate's arms, but I couldn't do that because he was the enemy.  I growled in frustration and clawed at the nearest tree. I looked at it and saw the three claw marks that I engraved into the tree. I hated feeling so conflicted with myself. I was beginning to feel mentally drained, but physically I felt like I could take down an entire army. I sat down for a minute and ran my hands through my hair. Unwelcome tears dripped down my face and I sighed in confusion. I didn't know what to do.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and began to gather myself up. I stood up and wiped the stray tears away with my thumb. I kept telling myself that everything would be alright and work itself out. With my head held up high, I took in a deep breath, pushed my emotions away for awhile, and slowly began my walk towards Sweet Amoris High.

I just hoped I wouldn't run into Castiel the rest of the day.

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