My Fix

By alexcia131

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High off you.. All rights reserved to Alexcia13ยฉ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures or songs I put... More

A Question.
Knock Knock ๐Ÿšช


4.7K 418 164
By alexcia131


Months later...

"So I told that her that if she wasn't on top or below this body, don't fucking worry about it. Period. " My friend Zella said. She had been going on about her argument with some girl in her social economics class. I was cracking up. It has been months since the date thing and I haven't really spoken to him since. I tried to apologize multiple times, but he just blew me off, so I let it go.

I acknowledged what I did was wrong, but people act like I was just supposed to go cold turkey immediately. It's not that easy at all. I have an ADDICTION. An addiction is not something minuscule or something you could just throw away. It's a dependence and reliance on something and it is often life altering.

Cocaine was there when I had nobody on the streets for almost four years. Giving it up is proving to be the hardest experience of my life. I've been clean for two months straight with no slip ups and I'm so proud of myself. When I have urges I either go to the gym or drown myself in my work. I've also been consistent going to church and putting God at the center of my life. It has helped immensely.

During the passing months, I have been able to get to obtain my highschool diploma and have been accepted into FIU for computer engineering.

I want to revolutionize the science and technological world.

I recently thought of an idea while I was talking to Zella and my phone went dead. I was telling her how I wish I could have some of her battery because her phone was fully charged. That led me to think of creating and app where you could lend a percentage of your battery to another phone by just tapping them against eachother. (My real idea don't steal.)

To lend battery to someone, two people tap their phones together. The person lending the battery will get to choose how much to give and pick the percentage to give. The other person will except and the deed is done.

I shared my idea with everyone and got a great response. Mahogany and Nas loved the idea and wanted to invest in the project, so I've been working on that for about two months now.

I actually met Zella on my way to my computer class and l later learned that we would be sharing a dorm. She's been my main apple snapple ever since.

"She really tried to come for me. Ugh. Can't stand her flat face ass."

"Anywhooo I saw your dude today." She commented smirking. Ever since I told her about the situation, she's been pushing this fake fantasy relationship. I do not like him.

"He's not my dude my goodness. You need to let it go."

"Nah trick. You need to let go and let Amun. See what I did there?" She asked rolling. So stale.

"No, but since you wanna talk about me, when you gon' stop playing and let Bryden get up in them guts?"

"Girl bye. I told him I'm not even going down that road with him because he's a Kappa and a hoe."

"Chile you right. Can't argue there." I laughed. "Let's go get something to eat though. I missed lunch."

She nodded agreeing, and I began gathering the components of my research paper on Microsoft and putting them into my folder.

I grabbed my purse and keys before following Zella out and locking the door.

"So what are we eating?" I questioned stopping at a red light.

"So I was thinking Asian food. The restaurant off Washington Ave." She stated meekly. I knew why.

"You mean Siracha house? The place the basketball players go every Thursday after practice." I side eyed her.

"Yes. I know you don't wanna see him, but Jarani is gonna be there and I haven't seen him since Thursday and I miss his sexy ass."

"Out of all the boys that tried to fuck with you, you talk to a dopeboy? Still don't get that."

"Gir not only is he intelligent and a gentleman, but he is literally so fine. Did I mention he was 6'6? He need to play basketball his damn self. Plus his money is legit now. He owns two gyms and bought his sister that bakery she always wanted.

I told him what my stance on what he did in the beginning and I guess I got through to him. I did nothing but encourage him to better himself.

I can't stand when people say "I can't knock your hustle blah blah" because I'm gon' knock it out the park. Why would I want to be with someone who plans engage in illegal shit all their life when I'm doing the total opposite? I know how dangerous and just plain stupid that stuff is so I wasn't having it and I explained that from jump. I don't understand how women who know their dude is smart and have potential, lets them think that shit is okay. Like no. You're smart. Do better." She rambled truthfully. I nodded in agreeing.

I used to think that shit was cute, but I grew up and realized that it's for the birds. I've witnessed it daily and I wanted no parts in it.

I've seen more people die selling it, than the actual people using; it's crazy.

"Precisely. Well okay. Just because I don't want you nagging me about seeing your boo. I guess when can go."

"Thanks babe. So how do I look?"

"Beautiful as always. What about me?"

"Gorgeous." She smiled.

I returned the smile whippin' into the nearest parking spot. I looked around the lot and saw none of the player's cars so I guess they didn't make it yet.

I decided that when I saw Amun I would try to apologize one more time or forget about it entirely if he didn't choose to hear me out.

We got our table and looked at the menu a bit before ordering.

"I'll have the soba noodles with steak, Japanese Teriyaki sauce, and bok choy with a lemonade." I ordered.

"I'll have the vegetable fried rice with chicken, broccoli, and a glass of red wine." I pouted as she said red wine. My twenty-first birthday was coming up in a few months and I was counting down to the day I could finally order alcohol legally.

She looked over at my pout and giggled. "Sorry babe, I've been craving it."

"It's fine. That's gonna be me in a few months anyway." This was the equivalent of being on a diet and having to get a salad while your friend ordered a juicy burger. Not fun.

We talked a little bit before the boys, along with a few others and sat at their usual table in the back. Not long after they approached our table.

"So wus' good witcha Sarye? I texted you earlier and didn't get a text back." Ario said putting me on the spot. I met Ario in one of my computer science classes and we've been talking, nothing major at all. He likes me, but I'm just not interested.

"I actually just saw your text. I was working on my research paper and I turned my phone off." I explained and I wasn't lying. I get distracted so easily and if I had it on I wouldn't get anything done.

"Oh alright. Don't be a stranger though." I nodded looking at all the eyes on me, except for Amun's who was fiddling with his phone seemingly uninterested in the whole exchange.

After all hellos were said they began to walk away. I took this as my opportunity and grabbed Amun's arm before he could completely walk past me.

He finally glanced away from his phone, looking at his arm and my hand, then my face.

"Uh can I talk to you for a sec?" He reluctantly nodded and we retreated to a near by table and sat down.

"I just want to sincerely apologize for being so hostile toward you. I'm just not used to attention from boys or men. Not good attention anyway and I took it wrong." His eyes just bored into me as if be was asking if that was it or did I have anything else to say.

"Um that's pretty much all I had to say. See you around." I spoke defeated.

"I know where I know you from."

"I keep telling you that you don't kn-."

"May 12, 2007. Does that ring a bell?"

"That was you? Wow.."


"Stop it. Stop hitting me." Sarye yelled. Today was going horrible.

An important family was coming to the house to see all of the children and decide if they wanted to donate to the foster home. Everyone was supposed to be on their best behavior, but that was far from the case today.

Melissa had already cut the braid off of her ponytail for telling Ms. Warner that Melissa had been stealing from her. She was now forced to to wear an afro instead of her mid-back length kinky curls that she loved.

After not having aunt Cass in her life for a while, she had no one pouring into her and telling her she was beautiful. She often relied on outside validation, which is something she got mostly because of the length of her hair. It made her stand out in a way. Especially with the ignorance of others that insinuated just because of her skin tone she couldn't have long tresses.

That was basically the only thing she liked about her self and now that it was gone, she felt like the "fat" dark skin girl that everyone called her. Although it was not true. There was much more to her beauty that she hadn't discovered yet. She just didn't know it.

At this moment was getting jumped by both Melissa and her sister Kayla for tattling as if she hadn't suffered enough.

She felt them being pulled off her and she just layed there with her eyes closed. She hated her life.

"C'mon." She heard and opened her eyes to see a hand being held out to her.

"Thanks." She mumbled as the mystery boy helped her up.

The day went on fairly quick after that. She spent the rest of it with her new friend Amun and never wanted it to end.

It was eight o'clock and Amun had to leave. As they were saying goodbye Sarye burst into tears. He immediately grabbed her hand, pulling her into a corner before anyone noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked her hugging her shoulder.

"It's j-just that you're my only f-friend and you're leaving. I'll be all alone again."

She sobbed.

"I'll see you again I promise. You'll be my bestfriend forever okay?"

"Okay." She smiled. Indulging in his warm embrace.

Flashback over

She got up from the table and hugged him with all she had in her. He stood up returning the hug.

"What is this for?" He chuckled still holding her.

"You were my hero.."

PUB: 8/12/2016


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