Time Changes Everything

By QuickPuckabray

34.2K 452 36

Troy Bolton, the golden boy of East High, and Gabriella Montez, the most popular girl at West High, both get... More

The Last Day
What Happened To You?
Lava Springs
Troy's Signature
Winning For the First Time
Grilled Cheese
You Killed Him
Hate When He's Right
Just Trying To Help
Saved From A Date
Deserve A Medal
Fast And Hard
Staff Baseball Game
In Denial
Because It's You
I Hate You
Food Fight
Yoga Sessions
You Ruin Everything
Getting Caught
Shocking Answer
Stupid Mistake
Falling Apart
Only If You Came With
The Reason
Was He Good?
Our Room
Not Yet
Deadly Fights
Hating Hospitals
Losing A Bet
Worth It
Moving On

Coming Home

688 12 0
By QuickPuckabray

Gabriella feels the coolness of the pool as she pulls herself up and out of the water. She had just gotten done with swimming lessons for the younger members and now she was about to go back to watching the water. She grabs a white towel that was sitting on the edge of one of the lawn chairs and wipes her face off. It was Tuesday, and she only had to work until four today because she was going to be with Troy when his parents came home at six tonight. She was excited to see the Boltons, since she hadn't for a month and as much as Troy denied it, she knew he was excited to see them too.

She begins to walk over to where her life guard chair was when she suddenly hears a voice from behind her. "BRIE!" Gabriella turns around to see that Sharpay was sitting on a beach chair in her bright white swimsuit and sunglasses. Gabriella smiles and walks over, only to see that London, Tiffany, Victoria and Hailey were all sitting with her. London, Tiffany and Victoria all had their eyes narrowed as she walks while Hailey had a smile on and waved. Although she knew that Hailey had hooked up with Troy once or twice this summer, she was pretty sure she liked Bradin instead. Which might be good for Bradin, if he ever got over Gabriella.

"Hey Shar. Hey guys." She says to everyone else who continue to glare at her except for Hailey. "What's up?"

"You heard about the party tonight right?" Sharpay asks while taking off her white sunglasses and fixing her hair a bit. "It's supposed to be huge."

Gabriella gives her a small smile and shakes her head. "I can't... Troy's parents are coming home and we're going out to dinner. Then we're just hanging out." She says honestly and watches as Sharpay smiles.

"You two are adorable." She says and Gabriella rolls her eyes. It was funny how in the beginning of the year, she was all of her and Bradin. But now she and Troy were dating, everyone seemed to be rooting for them. Sure, a couple people at East and West, especially the girls, were pissed about them dating. But hell, she wasn't going to give him up for anything, not ever.

"Thanks." She says and looks to the side to see that London was staring at her disgustedly. Whatever, it didn't matter to her. She knew London was the one who hooked up with Troy the most this summer, which would be why she was so pissed at Gabriella. "Look, I got to get back to work." She says. "But I'll talk to you later?"

Sharpay nods slowly. "Yea, sounds good. Bye Brie!" She exclaims and Gabriella smiles and walks away.

It was funny, now that she thought about it. If she never had gotten the job at Lava Springs, she and Troy probably wouldn't be together right now. Actually, they'd probably still hate each other. But she was more then happy that they both did get the job, even though at first she hated it. She remembers almost gagged when she saw Troy in the kitchen the very first day. He eyes glance down to the white scar that was sitting on her thigh. So much had changed since then.

She makes her way up to her lifeguard chair and sits down. But almost as soon as she does, she hears a voice from behind her. "You're gonna love me."

Gabriella turns around to see John standing behind her with a smile on his face. Gabriella mirrors him and stands up. "Why am I gonna love you?"

He walks towards her more, still smiling. "Because... I'm taking your shift."

Gabriella's mouth practically drops. "You're what?"

His smile grows larger as he walks to her more. "I'm taking your shift. I heard that you're taking off early, so I figured I could let you off earlier. Plus, I need more money." He says with a gleam in his eyes that Gabriella knew meant he was up to something.

"Um... thanks!" She exclaims and he smiles. "So what's the money for?"

John forms a sheepish grin on his face while he shrugs. "I don't know." He lies and Gabriella gives him a look.

"Don't lie to me." She says and John sighs again

"Well... you never know what will happen in college..." He says with a smirk. "Party on the beach with my girlfriend maybe?"

Gabriella smiles. "You mean spring break." She says and watches as John nods.

"I'm hoping I can book reservations for some nice hotel in Cancun." He exclaims and Gabriella smiles. She was so happy that both he and Cassie had found each other. They were amazing together and she loved both of them.

"Ok... well, have fun saving people." She says and gives him a small wave.

"Oh, I will. See ya Brie!" He says with a wave and Gabriella walks down towards the Lava Springs building. She walks around the side so she avoids walking through the dinning room where people were probably still having lunch and opens the door to the fucking room. Thankfully, no one was in there so she strides across it and then opens the door to the room with the piano. She then goes into her and Troy's room and smiles as she could almost still see the imprint of their bodies in front of the fireplace. Her eyes linger on it for a moment longer before she pushes the kitchen door open to see that everyone was running around like crazy. She looks up at the clock to discover that it was one PM, so that meant they were in the middle of the lunch rush.

Her eyes scan the room to find that Taylor was sitting in the corner, eating her own lunch. Gabriella feels a grin grow on her cheeks as she sits down next to her best friend since freshman year. "Hey Brie!" Taylor greets her and Gabriella smiles brightly back.

"Hey Tay." She greets her back.

"Look at what a loser my boyfriend is." She exclaims and Gabriella turns and looks to see Chad sprinting back into the kitchen with sweat gleaming on his forehead. Both girls giggle as he runs out again with another plate in his hands, looking like an idiot.

"Oh Chad." Gabriella responds as her stomach flips while her own boyfriend comes strolling in with a confused look on his face.

"Anyone wanna tell me why Chad's acting stupid?" He yells and Zeke turns around from where he was cooking and laughs. "Well, more stupid then normal?"

"Cuz he broke a plate and one of the members stepped on it with bare feet. He's defiantly getting a strike." Zeke explains and Troy rolls his eyes. Gabriella giggles as the piercing blue eyes finally land on hers and he looks at her curiously.

"Why the hell aren't you working?" He asks while he struts over to where she was sitting.

"Cuz John was nice and gave me the rest of the day off." She says as he stands over her. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

Troy rolls his eyes again. "No shit but it'd be nice if you'd help me out?" He begs and Gabriella shakes her head.

"No I'll let you do the dirty work." Troy glares at her again and he shakes his head.

"You suck Gabi." He says and Gabriella shakes her head.

"I love you too!" She calls out flirting and Troy goes back to work.

Troy sits down on the couch in his family room and plays with his hands nervously. His parents were coming home today, which he was really happy for, even though he wouldn't admit it to anyone else. He suddenly feels another presence sit down next to him and he flashes his bright white teeth at Gabriella who was smiling back at him.

"So..." She says while drawing an invisible circle with her finger on his bicep. "You excited to see them?" She asks and Troy nods.

"Yea... I guess. But now you can't sleep over." He says the last part quietly since both of them knew Gabriella's mom was in the kitchen.

Gabriella smiles her flirtatious smile back at him. "We'll just have to work something out." She says and kisses his shoulder, even though he was wearing a blue polo. He wraps an arm around her shoulder and kisses her forehead.

"I like the way you think." He says and she smiles up at him.

"Good." She responds and leans her head into his chest. "So you know what I was thinking before?"

Troy cocks an eyebrow down at her. "I have no idea."

She smiles and snuggles into his chest further. "You wanna go to a movie tonight? We haven't done that since..." She trails off for a moment. "Since like... freshman year."

Troy chuckles a little then shakes his head. "I know. It had to have been when Chad was dating Carrie and you were dating Bradin and Taylor liked Peter and Sharpay was dating... some guy and Chad dragged me along, so I brought Rachael freshman year." He says and shakes his head. "The most awkward night of my life."

Gabriella giggles. "I think that was the first time Bradin and I actually went out on a date." Troy shifts uncomfortably next to her, not wanting to talk about her and Bradin. "Remember how we got into that huge fight?"

Troy rolls his eyes. "When didn't we get into a huge fight?" He says and Gabriella giggles again.

"No... I remember. You were sitting next to Chad, who was on the other side of Peter and I was next to Taylor. You were practically making out with Rachael and I got jealous, so then I left the theater, saying I needed to go get popcorn." She explains and then it suddenly clicks with Troy.

"Oh yea!" He exclaims and shakes his head. "I followed you out cuz I hadn't talked to you all night and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything, so I told you you were going to get fat from eating all that popcorn."

Gabriella giggles again. "Yea and I got all pissed off cuz that's when I wanted to buy this homecoming dress that was a size smaller then I was." She explains. "So I dumped the popcorn on you."

Troy laughs at how stupid they were before and shakes his head. "For the record? You're not fat." He exclaims and kisses her forehead.

She giggles and rolls her eyes. "Thanks Troy." She says and Troy kisses her forehead again. Suddenly, the door opens and Troy's eyes look up as his mouth forms a huge smile. His mother and his father walk into the family room with huge smiles on their faces.

"We're home!" His mom exclaims and Troy and Gabriella both jump up at the same time. Mrs. Montez walks in from the kitchen as Mrs. Bolton runs over and engulfs her son in a hug. "My baby!"

Troy feels a blush erupt onto his cheeks as Gabriella giggles. "Hey mom." He says and smiles as she brings him around and kisses him. "How was it?" He asks even though he had talked to her on the phone basically every week.

"It was incredible!" She responds and pulls Troy in for a hug again. "But how's your head honey?"

"It's fine." He responds truthfully and then pulls away from her, seeing his father in the doorway. "Dad." He breathes out and rips himself away from his mother's grip. He walks over and both Bolton men embrace each other.

"Troy!" He says and they pull away from each other. He looks back to see that his mother was hugging Gabriella at the moment and Mrs. Montez was smiling at all of them. "How are you feeling?" His dad asks and Troy shrugs.

"I feel fine." He exclaims and watches as his mother lets go of his girlfriend and hugs her best friend.

"Gabs!" His dad yells and a smile stretches across Gabriella's gorgeous features.

"Jack!" She exclaims and runs over to be pulled into a hug. A smirk grows on Troy's face as they pull apart and his dad smiles down at her. Well, at least he knew his parents approved of his girlfriend. "How was your trip?" She asks and Coach Bolton smiles.

"Amazing. We had a great time." He says and smiles down at her. "You've been making sure Troy stays in line right?"

"Dad!" Troy says with a blush erupting on his cheeks.

"Always." She says as their eyes connect together. He smirks at her as she walks over and laces their fingers together. "I made sure he didn't get into trouble."

Troy rolls his eyes and puts an arm around her waist. He leans to the other side of her head to whisper in her ear. "You're the reason I'd get into trouble." He says and Gabriella's face blushes.

"Look at them!" Troy could hear his mom exclaim as they both look over to see she and Mrs. Montez were both staring at them approvingly. "They're so adorable together." His mom says quietly, probably trying to hide it from them, but was unsuccessful.

"Thanks Mom!" Troy exclaims as Gabriella giggles.

"Well you are." She says and Troy smiles at his girlfriend who was beaming up at him.

"You're right... we are."

Gabriella feels Troy's hand rubbing up and down her thigh underneath the table. They were at dinner now at a nice restaurant at a round table. She had Troy on her right and her mother on her left while Troy and Gabriella were pulled up the furthest they possibly could be, so the tablecloth concealed what their hands were doing to each other under the table. Gabriella takes a sip of water while Mrs. Bolton was talking about what they were doing in Italy.

"So then, of course, we went to the Coliseum, which was really interesting..." Gabriella suddenly drones her out when she feels Troy's hand brush the inside of her jeans lightly, touching her crotch causing a jolting sensation through her body. She turns to look at him to see that his face hadn't changed, and if she couldn't feel his hand there, she wouldn't have even thought he was doing anything.

"What are you doing?" She whispers and Troy finally turns to her and raises his eyebrows.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says but Gabriella then sees his eye wink. She smiles and turns her attention back to Mrs. Bolton, but was finding it difficult since Troy's hand was continuing to rub the inside of her thigh, causing her body to become warm. How could she get horny in front of her mom and her second parents?

"Well, it sounds like you had a great time." Mrs. Montez says and then Gabriella suddenly feels Troy's hand leave her thigh. He grabs a paper napkin and she could see him pull out a pen from under the table and write something down, but the parents couldn't tell.

"We did." Coach Bolton says and then Troy's hand places something on her thigh underneath the table. He then stands up.

"I have to go to the bathroom." He says plainly and then walks away, giving Gabriella a smirk first. She raises her eyebrows and then looks under the table at the note he gave her.

Meet me back by the bathrooms in three minutes

Gabriella feels a smirk grow on her face as she glances at the clock on her cell phone. Troy must have planned this since before they even got to the restaurant. After a long wait, three minutes goes by and Gabriella stands up too. "I have to go to the bathroom too." All of the adults raise their eyebrows.

"Um... ok." Her mom says but Coach Bolton looks up with a knowing look. The women seemed to be oblivious to it, but Coach Bolton knew exactly where she was going.

Gabriella hurries past the other tables and walks in the same direction that Troy did a minute ago. She finally gets to a secluded part where there were two signs between two doors and Troy was leaning up against the wall. He had a smirk on his face as he grabs her hand. His piercing blue eyes dart from one side to the other to check to make sure no one was looking, then he pulls the guy's door open and pushes Gabriella inside.

"Troy!" She says as he locks the door from the inside and starts giggling as he pushes her against the wall and kisses her. Sure, it was disgusting that they were in a guy's bathroom, but both of them wanted each other. His lips leave her as he trails kisses down her neck. "They're gonna know when we don't show up after awhile."

She could feel Troy's lips smirk against her skin. "Not if we tell them we saw someone we knew from West High." He says and trails kisses back up her neck and kisses her again. She sighs and wraps her arms around his neck as he pushes her against the wall more, rubbing their pelvises together.

"You're the hornist guy I've ever met." She says as they take a breath and Troy's tongue attacks her mouth again. The continue to kiss until Troy finally lets go and smiles at her.

"I'll take that as a compliment coming from you." He says and she smiles back at him as their lips connect again.

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