He's Just Trouble Afterromeo...

By Brizaalmaraz

13.2K 435 30

Briza was the type of.person.who never broke the rules and never lived on the wild side TC was the bad boy of... More

He's Just Trouble A Afterromeo / Tc Carter Fanfic
Chapter 2-Chestnut haired
Chapter 3-Club
Chapter 4-The Fight
Chapter-5 I wanna go with Vi
Chapter 6 -His Place
Chapter 7 - Anger Issues
Chapter 8- Vi is back
Chapter 9 - TC finds out
Chapter 10-School
Chapter 11-Friends
Chapter 12-The world collides
Chapter 13-His Room
Chapter 14-Devin ??
Chapter 15-Explaining
Chapter 16-Niall shhh??
Chapter 17- Nialler WHYY
Chapter - 18 You dont have a Choice
Chapter 19 - Jayks Nickname
Chapter 20 - Dinner
Chapter 21 - School time
Chapter -22 -before the game
Chapter 23 - She's Gone
Chapter 24 - The boys throw a party
Chapter 25 - Wtf
Chapter 27 - Don't wake me up
Chapter 28 - Story of my life
Chapter 29 - Guess Who's Back
Chapter 30 - Fun Time
Chapter 31 ~ Airport Sadness
Chapter 32 - You deserve this
Chapter 33 - Nahh

Chapter 26 - Just Hold on we're going home

256 5 2
By Brizaalmaraz

Chapter 26

•Tc's P.O.V continued• When we got to devin's we all got off the car. "Well see you later tc." drew said while walking toward Jayk and jaime. "I'm sorry..." drew apologized to her then walked away. "Jaime I'll see you tomorrow." Jayk said while hugging her. Then he let her go and started to walk away. "Let's go." I said while grabbing her wrist. She looked terrified of me. When we were in the car it was silent. Except when she would cry. When we got to my house we both got off the car and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and we entered. She just stood there and stopped crying so much. "Why did you kiss him and leave to Damions?" I asked her. "Why did you kiss that girl?" She spat back. "I asked you first.." I replied through clenched teeth. "I left because I wanted to get away from you!" She yelled. "Now what's your excuse?" She asked. "Don't yell at me." I warned. "Why what are you going to do hit me like you hit Devin and that other guy?" She yelled while tears were streaming down her face. "When are you going to let go of that?" I asked. "I would never hit you.. I already told you that." I replied. She just looked away. "I just want to go home.." she replied. "Too bad." I said and walked away from her. "Come over here." I said from my room. Then she walked in and she looked mad and scared. "I fucking hate you so why do I have to stay here?" She asked through gritted teeth and tears flowing down her face. "You know what. You have to stay here because your mine." I yelled. "Well since I answered your question answer mine.." she said. "What question?" I asked trying to stall. "Why did you kiss her?" She said while looking down. I just stayed silent. "That's the thing. You could kiss any slut you want but I can't even talk to Jason, my friend. You have trust issues but I'm the one who should be wondering what your doing!" She spat while walking out of the room. "Where are you going?" I asked while walking after her. "Home.." she said. "No you aren't. We made a deal." I replied. "Than answer my question.." She said. "I was pissed drunk." I snapped back. "That's why!" I added. "Is it true?" She asked while crying. "Is what true?!" I asked frustrated. "That your little gang kills people?.." She asked. "That's none of your business.." I replied through gritted teeth. She just backed away from me and sat down on the floor crying. I just went back to my room and sat on my bed rethinking everything that just happened. After a little while I couldn't hear her crying anymore. "Damn, she probably left.." I mumbled to myself and walked to the living room. She was just right there asleep in the corner with stray tears on her cheeks. Then I picked her up and took her to my room. I just sat on my bed with her in my arms. She looked so beautiful. Even though most of her make-up was all over her cheeks. I can't believe she would even think I would hurt her. She had tears still on her cheeks. I swiped my thumb across her cheeks and she fisted my shirt in her hand tighter. She was asleep in my arms, the night couldn't be any more perfect. I laid her down and started to undress her. She was just wearing red lace underwear and that wasn't helping me down there. "Man..." I mumbled to myself. Then I put her in one of my black v-necks and tucked her in. Than I took a quick shower to get the blood off of me. When I was finished in the shower I just got in bed with her and pulled her into my bare chest. It felt so good when she was pressed onto me. I didn't go to sleep as fast as I wanted to I just laid there thinking about all the trouble I'm putting her through, and thought about why I was trying so hard to get her to like me. I think I already fell for her. If I told jayk he would understand me but he would also be shocked because I've only had a string of one night stands. But before kynlee came drew was the same way and we were pretty amazed also. But I don't think Devin will ever love again after what happened to him when he was 16.

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