Death Consumes Us

By theironloofah13

1.3K 27 11

Ania Barons, closet lesbian and a very violet girl, has been in love with the school's most beautiful girl, K... More

Makes Me Wanna Punch Somebody In The Throat
The Asylum

Death Consumes Us

679 8 2
By theironloofah13

Hey everyone it's Nani. This is my first story on Wattpad and in general :) I'll probably do multiple P.O.Vs but tell me what you think. 

I do NOT own any pictures on profile including covers. All credit given to the artists who produced them. You are awesome.

Panda out.

"Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns."

Bryant H. McGill


"Ya'll better hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your wife. And hide your husband cause they're rapin' everybody out here." (Bed Intruder song)

I woke up with a snap and threw my star shaped alarm clock across the room where it shattered into little pieces. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. 

"OH MY GOD. It's only Tuesday. Crap, I thought it was freaking Thursday." Ania (ah-nee-ah) Barons whispered to the darkness.

 Sleepily, I got out of bed and trudged my way to the bathroom where I took a nice long shower and scrubbed my body with coconut body wash. Wrapping myself with a towel I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself in the mirror. I was about 5'3 tanned skin, because I am Puerto Rican, with brown eyes and and blood red hair that reaches to the middle of my back like a cape. I'm not gonna lie, I am a little on the thicker side with hidden curves but I don't mind. I'd rather eat then starve any day. 

I stepped out of the bathroom clothed in a t-shirt that had a picture of the Justice League on the front and some dark jeans with black tennis shoes. Putting on my crescent-shaped crystal necklace, I went to the kitchen grabbed an apple and headed out to my black jeep I call Christie, leaving my parents sleeping in the house. Jamming to some Disney songs, I made my way to school.


"Oh My Stars, when will this torture end." I said to my friend Annette. She looked at me and laughed.

"In two more years we'll graduate from high school, then we have to go to college so we're still screwed." she said.

"Well there goes my sanity." I grinned at her. Annette is a very sexy girl. She has curves in all the right places and is very sweet and veeeeeeery blunt.....and just a tad bit crazy.  She's from the Bronx, she doesn't take shit. Her quote not mine.

We walked down the hall to her locker. As she rummaged through the unreturned papers and missing assignments, I observed the people walking, when my eyes landed on Katherine. Now Katherine....... she's something else. She's beautiful, sexy, and DAMN rolled into one single being. She's about 5'3, almond-shaped emerald eyes that pierce through your soul, and curly chestnut colored hair that cascaded down all the way to the curve of back. With her D-cup breasts, and a perfectly shaped butt, she is the definition of temptation. I stared at her with hunger, then quickly looked away when she glanced in my direction. If you're wondering, yes I'm a lesbian, but i haven't exactly come out the closet, so to speak. The only people who know I'm gay are my parents and my cousins.

"You still crushing on her Anee?" (ah-nee) Annette asked glancing at me.

I sighed, "yes." 

"You know it's a lost cause, right?"


"Well damn," she sighed. "Let's go home Romeo. Or would it be Juliet? Eff this, it's hurting my head. Let's just go get some damn food, I'm hungry."

Walking to the car, I glanced to the side and noticed a hooded figure standing at the end of the parking lot, watching me. I turned away then glanced back and noticed he was gone.

Hopefully I'm just imagining things.


With our tummies full of nachos from Taco Bell, I drove Annette to her house.

"Bye sweet thang, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"Ha-ha whatever. Have a good night sweetheart."

Driving down the street, my mind kept  wondering back to Katherine. My sweet Katherine. No, not mine. One day maybe. No! She's not even gay! Is she? Stop thinking about it Anee, you'll just screw yourself over.

As rain started to pelt down the window, my mind kept replaying hopeful thoughts over and over in my brain. When suddenly I saw a familiar figure walking on the side of the road. Slowing down the car and rolling down the window, my heart almost stopped beating when I saw who it was.

"Katherine. Are you ok? What are you doing in the rain?" I asked curiously.

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