Sollux Captor x Pet Reader (D...

By SmellyCorpse

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Hello, this a petstuck story (Homestuck combined with pets) but this time instead of the homestuck character... More

Chapter One - Meeting
Chapter 2 - The Mall
Chapter 3 - Meeting another Troll
Chapter 4 - Amusement Park
Chapter 5 - A Incident
Chapter 6 - A party
A/N - Thank you.
Chapter 7 - Summer Time
Chapter 9 - Video game madness
Chapter 10 - Jealousy
Chapter 11 Lemon
A/N- Updating/Ideas.
Chapter 12- Nuisance
Chapter- 13 Halloween
Chapter 14 - Arguments

Chapter 8 - Seperation

1.1K 36 19
By SmellyCorpse

Warning in this chapter some may be triggered by a certain almost raped scene and I'm just warning you so when you come across it you won't say "OMG -TRIGGERED-" hah..anyway please enjoy the chapter and please try and give me suggestions for this story, a lot of my friends want me to make a lemon/smut for this story but, I don't know I need to see If it's okay with you guys. Enjoy!

(Sollux's Pov)

I woke up and quickly sat up causing (Y/n) to fall off my chest and onto the floor. I look down at her and picked her up from the floor. "Thorry, didn't mean to jolt up like that" (Y/n) simply nodded and nuzzled my cheek. I decided we should go walk around town for a bit and window shop since it's hot in the house and nothing to do here. (Y/n) got dressed and so did. (Y/n) and I walked around town for bit looking at some clothes or things we wanted through the window until (Y/n) stopped at a certain window filled with sweets. She had her face squished against the window with her paw like hands placed on the window. She was drooling over.. (y/n's favorite sweet)? I lightly tugged on (Y/n) tail to come on but she wouldn't budge. I covered my mouth trying to hold in my laughter while everyone in the shop was staring at her drool over (y/n's favorite sweet). "(Y/n), how about I buy that for you, thoundth good?" She quickly ran into the store and I looked at the window only to see her drool on the window. I chuckled and follow (Y/n) into the store, she wouldn't stop bouncing around and keep calm. I order the sweet (Y/n) was drooling over and paid for the sweet. We walked out of the store and (Y/n) wouldn't stop staring at the box I was holding. I looked at her a bit awkwardly and turned away from her. She then grabbed my leg causing me to stop suddenly, I tried to shake her off but she had a good grip on my leg. "(Y/n), I'll give you the damn thing later not right now".  She then let go and followed behind me while we walked around the town again. I few minutes later we came across a huge coward of Trolls and Aprellians. A few Trolls and Aprellians were holding up a sign saying "APRELLIANS AND TROLLS WILL UNITE" while others had the total opposite. Suddenly the crowd grew bigger engulfing (Y/n) and I into this riot. I held up the box of sweets so I wouldn't drop it or get squished from all the shoving. I then looked down and realized (Y/n) was no where near me and I started to panic. I used my psionics to atleast shove some Trolls away from me and manage to not bump into the Aprellians. But it was no use, I was really freaking out right now. I can't lose (Y/n) not after what we been through and all the times we had together, 'Oh no, am I flushed for (Y/n), fuck!' I thought to myself. I yelled out (Y/n's) name but was not given a response.

(Reader's Pov)

I heard my name begin called but I couldn't find Sollux anywhere, I was really worried and I wanted to find Sollux now. I tried calling out Sollux's name but the riot was too loud for my voice to reach him. Suddenly a Troll accidentally stepped on my tail and I yelped from the pain holding my tail. 'I think my tail is broken, it hurts too move it' I thought to myself. I tried to avoided everyone from bumping into to me or causing anymore injuries but I just couldn't find Sollux. After maybe an hour or two of begin stuck in this riot, it finally died down. I looked around my surroundings and noticed I wasn't where Sollux and I got separated. I was on the verge of tears, I lost Sollux and now I don't even know where I'm at. It was almost night time and It worried me because I vulnerable without Sollux at night. My ears flattened and I walked down the side walk as the streets grew quiet. This reminded me of when I was all alone before Sollux found me it made me sad. I walked down the side walk notice a few stores were closing and people getting ready for the night. Night time finally set in and the street lights came on. I then came across a group of Aprellians that were hanging out on the street. They didn't look to friendly so I tried staying away from them. "Hey Missy, what's a young thing like you doing out in the night?" His voice was raspy and I just backed up slightly from the male. "Nothing, just going to hang with my friend" I said trying to walk away. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and I looked at the male only to try to yank my arm from his grip. "You seem lost, maybe you should stick was us". "N-No thank you", suddenly his "friends" grabbed my arms and I started to struggle to run away. "You're much cuter then the other gals, I might have fun with this one" He said while pulling up my shirt. "NO" I yelled out and screamed to the top of my lungs while wiggling and struggling from these guys, tears fell down my face. I was scared and didn't want this at all, 'I hope Sollux is near by and will come find me' I thought to myself, I tried kicking the guy away but he grabbed my legs so I wouldn't struggle "Stop struggling Missy, I'll be gentle I promise". My eyes widen from his words and I continued to struggle and scream out for Sollux.

(Sollux's Pov)

I heard a loud "No" and also followed by a loud scream, I ran as fast as I can towards the sound. 'That must be (Y/n) she needs my help' I thought to myself as I ran faster. I finally stopped at a group of Aprellians trying to take (Y/n's) clothes off, I was so pissed off. "HEY!" I used my psionics to pick up the Aprellians and throw them away from (Y/n). I ran up to (Y/n) and picked her up from the ground, she was a sobbing mess and It broke my heart to see her like this. After running for a while we finally made it to my hive, I set (Y/n) onto the couch and checked her for any injuries. I noticed her tail was a bit bruised up and swollen. "What the- I going to fuck them up for thith!" I hissed trying to keep my cool. "N-No they didn't injure my tail, please don't go back and hurt them" she said weakly. Sometimes (Y/n) was too nice and innocent she nearly got forced into pailing by unknown Aprellians like, come on. "(Y/n), you almotht got forcefully pailed and you want me to not go fuck them up?" She nodded and motioned her finger for me to come to the couch. I sat on the couch and examined her tail before getting up to get a first aid kit. I wrapped medical gauze around her wounded tail and petted her lightly. "I wath worried about you, I thought I lotht you" she blushed from the sudden choice of words and buried herself into my chest and I hugged her tightly. "Let'th go get you into thome clotheth thince your'th are kinda..ripped up oh and the thweetth you wanted ith in the kitchen for when you want to eat it". She nodded and I walked to our room with her in my hands and set her down onto the bed. I gave her the clothing and I turned around while she changed. She got done changing and I hopped onto my husktop to pester Karkat.

twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]


TA: (Y/n) almo2t got forced iinto paiiliing.

TA: And 2he doe2n't want me too go fuck up tho2e Aprelliian2 that triied to, you know..


TA: Yeah one had a 2car on hii2 left cheek and hii2 fur wa2 greyii2h wiith a hiint of black probably 2moke2 2iince he had a ciigar iin hii2 mouth, the other two looked liike twiin2, whiite fur wiith an black 2triipe down theiir back wiith 2piiked haiir on theiir head2.


TA: Thank2 KK, ii owe you one.


twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]

I closed my husktop and got up from my chair only to see (Y/n) has fallen asleep already I rubbed my eyes slightly, and took off my shirt and pants only to be in my boxers and laid down on the bed putting (Y/n) on my chest. I petted behind (Y/n) ears and she purred slightly and she shifted on my chest, I smiled at this and got comfortable. "Fluthed for you" I whispered before closing my eyes and going to sleep for the next day.

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