Re-Defining Me

بواسطة AnisaOliviaa

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Kaitlin Lopez has grown up since the last time we saw her, and let's say she's a lot different to when she wa... المزيد

Bonus Chapter - 41


70 6 4
بواسطة AnisaOliviaa

The weekend passed by quickly. It was Monday morning and I was not physically nor mentally prepared. I practically rolled out of bed and crawled into the bathroom attached to my room. I had a shower and and got dressed into this:

I zipped up my combat boots and adjusted my beanie that was covering my wavy waist length hair. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and leave my room, slamming the door behind me, waking up my Mom across the hallway from my room.

"Really Kaitlin?!" Mom yelled from her room and I smiled.

"The pleasures all mine," I replied, smirking. I made my way downstairs, and saw Kaiden eating cereal.

"Annoying Mom early in the morning again?" He asked, not looking up from his phone.

"You betcha," I smiled to myself, stroking Pippa's head. I gave her some dog food and then led her into the living, where Chresanto was sleep on the sofa. Pippa attacked Chres with kisses, licking all over his face. He woke up, screaming.

I was on the floor, laughing my head off. Chres shot me a death glare, before leaving the room. Probably going to take a shower...

"Good girl!" I praise Pippa. She trots back into the kitchen to finish her food. Kaiden gives me a high-5 as we walk out the house after saying goodbye to Mom and Chres.

I turn into the student car park at school. Everyone is looking at my car in awe when they notice I'm driving it. I drive past Cathy's parking space. I smirk to myself and reverse into her spot. I put the hand brake on and turn off the engine. I take my key out and get out my car.

"What are you playing at FREAK?!" Cathy screamed. I shoved past her and locked my car.

"Just enjoying my new spot, thankyou so much Cathy," I mimicked her voice, getting under her skin. She threw a little temper tantrum as I walked off.

"You little rebel!" Jason smirked at me, fist bumping me. Logan appears on my right side, showing me pictures from...

I was taking shots, smoking cigarettes... and DANCING ON DANNY?!

"Where did you get these Logan?" I asked, my eyes widen at the sight of these.

"Instagram..." He trailed off. I started to hyperventilate. I was panicking. Guys walking past were eyeing me, like I was their prey. Some girls smiled at me and others threw glares.

"Logan, Cathy is going to see these and come for me! Danny is her boyfriend!" I explain to Logan and Jason.

"Well tell that to the founder of @seniorsparty_ on Instagram. That's where all the pictures are," Logan told me, showing me the account on his phone.

I received so many wolf whistles on my way to class this morning it was unbelievable. I strolled into my lesson incredibly late. My teacher handed me a detention slip as I took my seat. I sat there, thinking about the pictures. What if Kaiden sees them or worse, Mom and Chres?!

I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. I get a pass and leave the school building. I take a cigarette and press it in between my lips. I light it and inhale the goodness. I take a long walk to the park and find the oak tree James was under Saturday morning last week.

"You're back," I voice spoke from behind me. My heart nearly jumped out of place as I turned around and saw James smiling at me.

"Yes I am, I told you I was a rebel," I smirked at him, lying down next to him.
He wraps an arm around my shoulders, making me feel safe.

"What brings you here babygirl?" James asked, turning to look at me.

"I need to save myself from the guys at my school who saw these pictures of me that leaked online," I sigh, looking back into his eyes.

"Oh you mean these pictures?" James smirked at me, showing a picture of... his dog?!

"Don't scare me like that James! I nearly had a heart attack!" I say, taking deep breaths to calm down. James just lies there laughing is head off.

"You should of seen your face! Priceless!" He laughs some more. I smile at him and playfully hit him in the arm.

"Do you just spend all your time here? Under this tree?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"I do go home for dinner and to take a shower and to go to bed, I'm under this tree from three o'clock in the morning to nine at night," James tells me and in shocked.

"Why so early? I'm still asleep at three in the morning!" I smile at the thought of being in my warm bed, Pippa at the end, covering my feet. And then there's James, out in the park under neath this tree.

"I can smoke my cigarettes without getting dirty looks from adults when it's daytime." James smirks at me and agree. Adults can be very judgemental when it comes to kids who look like me and act like me.

"Smart thinking, why did you drop out of school?" I asked him, turning on my side to face him. He does the same and pecks my nose.

"Wasn't for me, it took me my last year to figure it out. I didn't want to become a doctor like my dad or a solicitor like my mom, I wanna be James the guy that can look after my kids properly in the future, and buy my wife a diamond ring for her just because I can," James tells me, smiling. His future wife is gonna be so lucky to have him.

"I'm not going college. My mom has tried everything in her power to change my mind, but I wanna be far away from education as possible when I leave high school," I say. Mom brought me a cake with said College? on it. She's so desperate.

"Smart choice, that's why I dropped out of school and didn't look back," James smiled. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that first period was over and second was in five minutes. I'll go back to school at lunch.

"Everything okay?" James asked me. I nodded my head yes.

"Just seeing what the time was. You don't mind if I stay with you till twelve?" I asked him.

"Stay as long as you want, I still need to teach you the skills of an ultimate rebel," He smirks and I laugh and playfully roll my eyes.

"Okay so what do I do to become the ultimate rebel?" I questioned James.

"Step one, you got to get under you're teachers skin. Really get on their nerves. Say irrelevant stuff in the middle of the lesson about how they dress or how they look." James tells me. I pretend to yawn.

"Already a pro at that baby boo," I smile at him. He smiles back then puts on a thinking face. It's so adorable.

"Do you have a arch enemy at school?" He asked me and I sit up for this one.

"Cathy Jones, and the whole cheer team,"  I sigh. "I don't talk to them, but they start something they can't back up. And Cathy is the worst! Her little perfect ombré hair and perfect make up and perfect this and perfect that!" I ramble on. The thought of Cathy makes my blood boil.

"So this Cathy girl, you hate her, right? Use that to your advantage! Start a fight with her, end this war and win," James suggests and I smile.

"When we were eight, she started on me and I won, this would just be the cherry on top of the cake!" I smile happily. My phone buzzes in my pocket and it's a text from Jason telling me that he's behind the school building with Logan. It must be lunchtime at school already.

"I have to go, I've been missing for three hours," I say and James rolls his eyes.

"You really are a rebel," He scoffs, and I stand to my feet. I grab my bag and walk off. I stick my middle finger up at him and I hear him laugh. I make my way back to school and find my friends right where they said they were.

"Where were you? We heard you left first period and didn't show up to lessons," Jason says. I take a seat and steal a few of Logan's fries.

"I am going to fight Cathy," I smile proudly. Jason chokes on his drink and Logan laughs.

"Are you not on report? Skiving morning lessons is gonna get you in trouble, and your mom will murder you!" Jason chuckles.

"Maybe rethink this fight, it's just gonna get you expelled," Logan adds and I look at them both in disbelief.

"I thought my best friends would have my back for this plan! What's going on in your heads?" I said in shock.

"Nothing! If you wanna do this, fine, I have an idea that might help with your plan," Jason speaks up and I smile.

Cathy might as well sleep with two eyes open...

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