College Comes

By shakaaa

57.8K 973 282

Marinette , Alya , Nino , and Adrien are all now In college . Ayla and Nino share a room and Marinette and Ad... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5/ new boy
Chapter 7/ doudble date?
Chapter 8/What!?
Chapter 9/ the chatty one
Chapter 10/ SIN SIN SIN
Chapter 11/ Is it a breakup?
Chapter 11/ dont hurt me again!
Chapter 13/fine
Chapter 14/ im sorry
Chapter 15/ just do it
Chapter 16/ shopping
Chapter 17/ no but yes
Chapter 19/the big day

Chapter 6/ new girl?

3K 49 3
By shakaaa

---Marinette POV---

I woke up to a warm boy next to me. It was Chat but this time he had pjs on and a mask. I smiled and wrapped my leg around him and and laid on his chest.  He was so warm and then all of a sudden I huge headache came to my head. I remembered that I drank a lot but I don't really remember the rest. I raised my head a little to notice Alya and Nino on the air mattress cuddling. There so cute. When I got up the way and saw Chat groan a little and I smiled. He turned to his side facing me and opened his eyes a little. "Good morning sleepy head" I whispered so I won't wake Alya and Nino up. "Mmmmm do you have school today?" He stretched while saying that. "Yeah but I only have my 3 o'clock class and 5 o'clock and it is 8 so I have 7 hours until class" I laid back down. He put his arms around me and snuggled next to me. "Yes! I get 7 hours with my princess." I giggled and cuddled agianist his chest.

Few minutes like 40 I got up to someone ringing the door bells. "Be right back" I fixed my hair into a poky tail and brushed my teeth. When I went to the door it was Marco and another girl she kinda looked like Adrien. "Can I help you" I asked Marco and raised my eyebrow. "This is your new roommate" I was shocked no one told us about a new room mate. She had long blonde hair and darker green eyes. "Um okay hi I am Marinette!" She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Where is my room please" she walked in without permission. Chat walked out with his a hair mess but it looked cute. He realized that Marco was there and a girl. "Princess who is she" he said walking up next to me. She looked at him and bit her lip and sexual and stuff. You she think she is coming up all in here like that and WHERE IS ADRIEN!!!! "Hi I am Adrienne and your are" she flicked his nose. "Chat , Chat Noir the super hero of Paris" he smiled cheesy. "And just so happens to be my boyfriend so sho sho" I pushed her of him. He looked and me and smirk. "Is someone jealous" I rolled my eyes "pfft me jealous no she was just to touchy and stuff any way your room is over there" I pointed my finger to a empty room next to Adrien's. "Thank you and Chat be a dear and grab my things" she walked in her room I looked at Chat and he shrugged and grabbed her things. I can't believe her.

---Chat POV---

I went in her room and placed her bags down. She was so clingy because went I got in her room he immediately hugged me. "Thanks chat your a amazing, wow your eyes are so pretty why don't you just take off the mask" she raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Sorry secret identity bye" I walked out her room Marco left because of classes and Marinette was making her slef breakfast singing "Toxic by Britney Spears." "With a taste of your lips I'm on a run your toxic I slipping under" she sang moving her hips to the song and making eggs. "I am addicted it to you don't you know that your toxic" she was so cute. When the instruments played she spines around Turing of the stove and takes of her grilled cheese. She turns and sees my staring and smiling. "OMG Chat you scared me" she said breathing heavily from dancing. "Sorry princess your just so cute and you sing and dance. I said waking up to her. "I know I am" she was joking I think went up to her and sat her down on the counter and kissed her. We where kissing until we were interrupted by a certain blonde. "Ugh can you get a room" she rolled her eyes. "Can you leave this room" Marinette said obviously annoyed.

----Marinette POV----

I ate my breakfast and woke up Alya and Nino. "Wake up butt heads" I threw a pillow at them and jumped on Alya. "Mariiiiiiiii stop it" she turned. "Wake up wake up" I stared hitting Nino so he would wake up too. "Okay okay we are awake" I got off her "good because we have a double date" Alya did not know I was dating chat so today i would tell her. "Finally got adiren Marinette" I looked away and blushed "nope someone else now get out so I can get ready" pushed them out and got ready.


Another chapter done because I am bored and I want to get chapters done because school is starting next week and I know I won't have a lot of time to update so I am trying to put out at least 2 more chapters today. Any way just to let you know a spoiler is coming
Marco in one of the chapters sneak in to Marinette's room and makes out with her and chat beats the crap out of..... Find out next chapter hehe .

Have any questions or request out then here and I will try to respond to them!➡️

Nathalie out ~👾🔮

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