Chapter 13/fine

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Adrien woke up and Marinette was gone. He was worried and got up. She never leaves where is she.

Marinette came out the bathroom and into the room. She had a towel around her and her hair was wet. He looked at the door and went to her.

"Why did you shower?" Adrien raised his eyebrow. She giggled and kissed him "I am taking Justin out to see the town" she looked three her closet.

Adrien was already annoyed with this boy and he is going to hang out with Marinette alone!

"Are you sure? If you don't go we can have the day together" he tried to make her stay by pulling her to him and wrapping her in his arms. "Oh kitty I am sure" she looked at the clock "but I got 30 minutes. Is that enough?" He smirked at her "that is purr-fert." They started to kiss. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair. He held her by the waist. She only had a towel on. He tugged at it but when it was about to come off the door bell rang. "Sorry Adrien but I have to go" he rolled his eyes "fine"

She got dressed in a regular t-shirt and jeans. She put on mascara and lipgloss. She went out her room.

Adrien was sitting on the couch still in his pjs and messy hair wait hung tv.

She jumped next to him on he couch. "Where is Justin?"

"Bathroom" he keep watching his show.

"Are you okay?" She raised and eyebrow. "Are you sure you don't like him" he looked at her. There was so much worry in his eyes he did not want to loose his princess. "Adrien I love you" she smiled at him she could not help it and smiled back at her.

"No funny business I want you home at 9 sharp" he said firmly but joking.

She laughed "yes sir" she put her hand like a soldier and saluted him. He laughed at his girlfriend and how cute she was.

She cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He put his arm around her waist.

Justin's walked out the bathroom "uh ready to go Mari" he said nervously because I mean they were just kissing.

She stopped kissing him "oh yeah let's go" she stood up from the couch and grabbed her purse. "Bye Adrien" she kissed his cheek and went off with Adrien.

"So where do you want to go first" she asked looking around while they walked on the side walk.

"Marinette?" He asked she looked up at him. "What's up Justin?"

Adrien was sitting on the couch he looked saw she left her phone. "She should still be in the entrance" he grabbed her phone and went down.

"What happened between us?" He asked Turing his whole body towards her. "Justin we broke up because I moved okay?"

"Marinette I-I still love you I never stopped I thought about you everyday" he gripped her.

"Justin I am sorry I love someone else he stole my heart" she looked down.

He toke his finger and lifted her chin and kissed her. Marinette tried to get out his grip. He was to strong his eyes where closed hers was wide open.

Adrien reached the floor and when he her and Justin he dropped his phone. Witch made Justin stop. "I knew it I knew I knew you still love me Marinette!" Justin hugged her she broke the hug.

"No I don't love you. Why would you do that" she looked at Adrien "Adrien please"

He frowned "I knew it he knew it too" he pressed the button to the elevator "Adrien wait" she ran up to him"

"No stop Marinette. There is so much problems with us I don't think we are ment to be. I am sorry Marinette I took your heart and did nothing to it. I wasted your time" he went in the elevator.

"Adrien please listen to me" she teared up "sorry marry we are done it is for the best" the elevator closed. She stared to cry she turned to Justin "it's okay baby now it is me and you" she stormed to him "ITS WAS NEVER YOU AND ME" she punched him in the nose with all her might.

She lost the one she loved and ares for. Because a jerk messed it up. "I hate you!"


Sorry for sad chapter next one is all cute and stuff. I stared a new book I read it please.

Have any comment or request? Put them here and I will try my best to respond! ➡️

Nathalie out ~✨😛

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