An accident, but no mistake...

By PrincessPonies

420K 10.3K 578

Becoming pregnant with a guy who was soon to become leader of a gang, Lauren goes through more than a young t... More

Chapter Two- Edited.
Chapter Three- Edited.
Chapter Four- Edited.
Chapter Five- Edited.
Chapter Six- Edited
(20) Extension to chapter 19
Sorry, no more sequel!

Chapter One- Edited.

45.8K 715 18
By PrincessPonies

So this was originally being edited, but I've decided I'm just going to re-write the whole thing. I'm embarrassed to say I wrote this, even if it was a couple years
ago, and I'm going to write the whole thing again. It's already started to be edited from before, but I didn't like how I wrote that either. It won't be for a few months, probably more as I have work and I'm quite busy, but I'm determined to finish the re-write.
It's going to replace the chapters already up, and I'll say when it's going to happen.

But for now just ignore the crappiness of the book if you read it, I was like 15 when I did it and decided to post it later on.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you don't like this story, or you like this story, I have another book thats up on here, it's restricted and pretty gruesome, not your happy love story either. If you could check that out then I would apreciate it loads. Thanks! It's called Killing For Your Love, and the title says it all really, only it's not a happy ending, I guess.

''You're pregnant.''

Those were the words that changed Lauren's life. She didn't know if having a baby was going to be a good or bad turning point in her life, but she knew one thing for sure, and that was that she wasn't going to be one of them mothers who left their children and neglected them.

Just like her mum did.

Well, it wasn't just her mum, it was her dad too. Ever since she could remember, her parents have never been there, not for her or her older brother Liam.

And due to their carelessness, Liam was in prison. Because of them, she had never lived the proper childhood she should have. She and her brother were forced to grow up early, provide for themselves and fight to stay alive. It wasn't a lavish lifestyle they lived, her and Liam, but they didn't care. As long as they stayed together they were fine. And it was fine, until Liam got put away.

She squeezed her eyes shut in silent pain, she missed her brother dearly and just the thought of him being locked up where he didn't deserve to be caused her a huge amount of pain and guilt. Lauren didn't even want to think about it, the pain was unwelcome and she had bigger things to worry about at the moment, she couldn't deal with the thought of her brother's absence.

''Are you Ok, Lauren?'' The nurse asked in concern, and it was only then Lauren realised she was still sat in the nurses room on the bed. She felt a stinging sensation in the palm of her hands and she looked down to realize her hands were now scrunched up into tight fists, and when she opened up to show her palms, they had four crescent size marks lined with blood indenting them.

She quickly hid her palms from the nurses sight and breathed in a very welcome lung full of air.

''Fine, j-just this is unexpected is all.'' She sighed, and the nurse nodded before going on about pregnancy. Lauren knew she should have listened, considering she didn't know a thing about being pregnant, but she couldn't.

Just thinking about the father made her internally wince.

Lauren was two months pregnant, and two months ago was when her parents died. Being there when they died made Lauren a suspect and she had enough of the police drilling her with questions that she needed to relax, so she went to get drunk.

And drunk she got.

She had gotten so drunk that she had left the bar with a man, one who she couldn't even remember, and she had slept with him.

Now Lauren wasn't a a girl who slept around, nor was she someone who went and got drunk then left with men she didn't even know. In fact, Lauren was a virgin. She had woken up the next morning with only recollections of the night previous, before she hightailed it out of the expensive, lavish hotel. Feeling cheap and dirty she rushed home before she then had a ton of pressure put on her with her parent's death. The night she had with that one stranger forgotten, unhelpful, but certainly one experience she would not leave behind.

She remembered the sensations the strangers hands left on her, his naked skin against hers, but she couldn't remember him. Who he was, or what he even looked like was a distant memory that she was trying hard to remember.

''The name's Sebastian. You better remember that, you'll be screaming it out later.''

Sebastian, that was it. But, there were hundreds of Sebastian's that were walking around the place so she wouldn't be able to find out who it was purely based on that fact, and she couldn't remember anymore so her effort was futile.

''Lauren.'' A voice called and she left her thoughts behind and focused on the owner of that voice, the nurse. She smiled at Lauren in understanding and held a packet full of paper to the confused teen. ''I know it's hard for you and you're adjusting to the news, so here's a packet of information about what I just said as I know you didn't hear me.''

''Thank you for understanding.'' Lauren replied sincerely whilst smiling sheepishly, taking the packet out of the nurse's hand and getting up off the bed.

''The scans in there for you as well, there's a note too with the next appointment and how far along you are as well, just for a reminder.'' The nurse smiled and held out the door for Lauren.

''Thank you, see you next time.'' Lauren smiled politely back and left the doctor's office.

Many thoughts invaded Lauren's mind whilst she walked along the path to wherever her feet would take her. With everything that had just gone on in her life, a baby now wasn't exactly the best timing. She still had college to think about, but her job wouldn't be much of a problem as she had inherited money from her parent's death, and considering stealing money was the cause of her parent's death, there was a lot of it.

''I've already warned you, Jonathon.'' A man growled out to her father. Lauren was hidden behind a wall and could see everything perfectly, especially without being seen either. A man was stood with his back facing her, and in front of him was her father and mother, Jonathon and Sandra. Another two men were also present, one was guarding the front door and the other stood by the windows.

''P-Please. It wasn't me!'' Jonathon tried to plead his case, but even Lauren could tell that was a big fat lie. She had no idea what her parents had done to cause this man and his fella's to barge into her house, but when she heard the front door break open she knew it wasn't good, especially at two in the morning.

''Oh no, of course not. The recordings must have been mistaken then, I'm sorry.'' The man's tone was sarcastic and Lauren wanted to laugh for some reason, her father's face after that was quite the sight and from what she gathered, he must have not known there was any cameras.

''B-Bu- I-I can e-explain!'' Jonathon had started sweating and he was shaking slightly, Lauren felt a sense of satisfaction knowing her father wasn't all that tough and for once was on the receiving end. But his reaction was also something she had never seen before, and she was extremely curious to know who this man was that could cause fear in her father and mothers eyes.

''No. No Johnathon, you can't.'' The man just simply replied back and nodded to the man behind the window and door.

Both men went over to her parents and grabbed one of them each, her father started shaking even more and his expression was one akin to dread and recognition. He knew what was going on, but the same couldn't be said for Lauren or her mother, who was silent during the whole ordeal with a look of panic on her face.

''W-What are you doing?!'' She shouted, thrashing and clawing at the man who held her in a tight grip. ''Let me go!''

''It was you too Sandra, did you really think I was going to let you go? You're the one who started it all.'' The man growled back and stalked over to Lauren's whimpering and screaming mother, he brought his hand back and swiped it harshly across Sandra's face. Lauren winced as a sharp 'crack' similar to a sound of a whip being cracked echoed around the room and she had to hold in a gasp. That sounded extremely painful. ''It's your fault that John over there is in trouble.''

All Lauren's mother did was look at her husband with guilt and then bow her head lowly in shame. Lauren wondered what they had done, and it was as if someone had heard her question because the man answered her.

''Stealing money from the gang for the third time just does not do it.''' He simply tutted at her parents and ripped the shoulder off her mother's shirt, Sandra just stood frozen in fear, his actions now letting on what was going to happen and she could not move. ''And for that, you will be punished.''

The man brought the knife up he had in his hands that Lauren had only just noticed, and he sliced it across her mother's shoulder. Sandra cried out in pain and Lauren wanted to scoff at her, so she could give out pain and love every minute of it yet she couldn't receive it, not even a cut across the back?

''You bastard that's my last mark!'' She screamed at him and Lauren wondered if the neighbours would hear them, but then she suddenly realised what neighbours when they were in the middle of nowhere.

Last mark? Lauren could only watch on, confused but entranced at what this man was doing. He radiated power and the way he held himself up and bossed the two men around suggested he was important, but Lauren had no clue why. He had said something about a gang earlier, but why would her parents get involved in a gang?

''That's the whole point hunny.'' The man sneered and then walked over to her father, doing the same to his shoulder but he didn't cry out, his face just wavered from the blank expression but that was it. ''Now, what happens when you lose your three marks?''

Lauren watched in shock as he pulled a gun from the waistband of his jeans, she hadn't noticed it because it was hidden under his coat, but when she did, she froze.

Her mother started thrashing around in the man's hold, trying to break free, but her efforts were useless, there was no way she was getting away now. The powerful man nodded at the two captors and they instantly let go, letting Lauren's mother fall to the floor, her father just stood there though, realising his fate and accepting it.

''Stand up, Sandra!''

She instantly stood, the power behind the man's words made her whole body shake even more and she struggled to stay on her feet.

''Any last words? - No? Ok.'' Lauren gasped as the man brought his gun up, and before she even had time to register what had happened, her parents were on the floor with bullet holes through their chests, right where their hearts were. ''Let's go.''

All three instantly started to exit the house, and Lauren wondered why they didn't ransack it or search for any more people, a witness, as surely they would have known John and Sandra had a daughter?

But Lauren's question was answered when she looked up to the retreating figures.

Before the man shut the door behind them, he looked up straight towards Lauren and brought his hand up towards his face. Placing one finger over his lips and then pointing towards her, he then made a motion of his finger going across his throat. A signal that  made Lauren froze in dread.

She understood his message loud and clear.

Don't talk about what just happened, otherwise you're dead.

And she didn't. Lauren has never said a word about the day her parents died and it caused her to become a suspect. Police thought with the large amount of money in their banks that Lauren killed them for that, but then it was obvious with the door being broken in and the marks on their back that it wasn't, it was gang activity. The marks that he had crossed out on their back were how many lives they had left basically, or three chances you could say, get all three crossed out and it was the end for you. Also, the bullet in the heart... That was a sign of betraying the gang.

She had called the police after she had stared at their bodies for some time. Her body was flooding with different emotions, but none were anywhere near remorse or guilt for watching them die and doing nothing about it. She didn't know what to think, but there was a small part of her that felt relief that she wouldn't have to cower in the presence of the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally.

Lauren still wondered to this day what they were doing being part of a gang, but then she realised, she didn't care. It's not like she wanted her parents to die, but she couldn't really care less what fate they had met, they weren't parents to her.

Giggling children broke Lauren out of her thoughts and she blinked before looking around her, the surroundings show her that she was in the park. Kids were running across the field of grass, either playing football or tag, and some were on the playground. All were laughing and having fun, something Lauren was instantly jealous off, she never had a childhood like that.

She was going to make sure her child got it though, without a doubt.

Lauren found a vacant bench and sat down, instantly pulling the packet the nurse gave her out of her bag and retrieving the scan. She gazed at the scan with a small smile on her face, different thoughts racing through her mind. One stuck out though.

How could this baby ever be a bad turning point in her life?

She didn't know how she could have thought that earlier, of course it's going to be a good turning point. With everything bad that's gone on in her life, she could finally have something good to look forward to.

''Is that your baby?'' A voice came out of nowhere and startled Lauren, making her jump and look up to the owner of the voice with wide eyes. ''Sorry to scare you dear, how silly of me.''

An old lady with a kind smile sat down next to Lauren, making her dog that was next to her sit down at her feet.

''Yes it is, I just found out today actually.'' Lauren replied back with a smile, seeing no reason to not talk to the lady.

''That's lovely. I can still remember when I first found out with my children, the feelings were just amazing.'' The old lady sighed wistfully and smiled. ''So, how far along are you? It looks like a little jelly bean.''

Lauren laughed with the lady and looked back down at the scan, realising it did in fact look like a little jelly bean. Her jelly bean, she thought and beamed back up at the lady.

''I'm just two months.''

''Oh not too far along then. When you start getting a bump and they start kicking, that's the best I think.'' Lauren imagined herself with a bump and the baby kicking, it was just making her negative thoughts about being a mother disappear all the more quicker.

''I bet, I can't wait to get a bump. I'm so excited.'' A huge smile was on Lauren's face and no one could take it off, the lady smiled along with her, but when her dog started barking she frowned down at the small animal.

''Rupert shut up... That's good to hear, teen mothers these days just get pregnant for the heck of it, and they don't embrace motherhood like they should. Babies being born just because the parents like the idea of a small child- they don't stay small long, I'll tell you that.'' She laughed, and Lauren laughed along with her.

The dog kept barking and started to pull on the lead, so she old lady bid her goodbye and left, leaving Lauren feeling better about herself somehow. She felt like she could do this, her earlier worries about being pregnant gone, she would now only think about the positive bits.

She put the scan and packet back in her back and then left herself.

Once she arrived home, she threw on some pajamas and jumped straight into bed. Even thought it wasn't even the evening yet she was exhausted, the news, the walk home, everything just mixing together making her more tired than ever.

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